Book 1645 Part 31 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol math analysis --> the aTOMic TOM -->
Federal female government ERRORS
are approved by male atomic social science directors
Nigel Lockyer and Pier Oddone approve EARTH attack LOCATIONS ....
Nigeria Deeper Life Evangelical church shootings
over Evanston Illinois (earth) education ERRORS over DR. Robley Evans MIT textbook
,,the Atomic Nucleus
City of Kyiv, attack Donetsk region,
and the COMPUTER EARTH city of
Baltimore ( IBM Basic Assembler language) with
and N by N square matrices of NiXoN
May 21, 2022CNN — The 147th Preakness Stakes is set to run on
Saturday for Satyendra Nath Bose at the Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, Maryland, on what is expected to be the hottest day of the year so far (Faraday electricity) in the geography city....
music agent Frank Zappa ) ZAP the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plantZAP the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant
United States of America (USA)
errors ......
Milwaukec --> double e --> ee --> earth electron language attacks on east Europe
the RUSSIA and the Ukraine
..language regions of the old country
Federal Government double cross of
Margaret Mead and
Margaret Thatcher (IRON LADY) atomic social science orders to
Nigel Lockyer and Pier Oddone
City of Kyiv and the Donetsk region

ZAP the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine
Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ...... social science & tragic signaling EVENTs .... translations by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol human bio-interceptor of Nature's ancient Oscillation / vibration/ quiver language of President John Quiver Adams
... the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and its human social. economic expression systems
Mathematics ..... bl00d bio-math software language named hemat--> hematology
Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ......
post office LINK
to earth geo-math POST island office at
When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it: “Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” Don’t get me wrong. Wisconsin is full of beautiful sights, many of which have taken my breath away. But the Apostle Islands are truly a special case.
Just at the northern tip of Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, is one of the most beautiful scenes in America. There are 21 islands up here, comprising just under 69,000 acres. Beautiful colored rocks jutting out from the water, gorgeous landscape, and lighthouses, will make this a sight you will never forget.
When I found out that the Apostol calculus book was a knowledge Island at Florida State University in Tallahassee
taught by
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University of Alabama.
He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967 .....
and ....
He also worked as a consultant for Nature's math curves ... thus the name / location selection
of Phuket as a night club site ......
female math curve information displays
named after Robert L Plunkett ...his code
Robes and lingerie .... and cotton panties
Pl --> Party/fun language of bio-math functions
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL lab region
to Florida State University
and University of Alabama ...
male students need school subjects ....
major and minor ,,,,,,
The labia majora (singular: labium majus) are two prominent longitudinal cutaneous folds that extend downward and backward from the mons pubis to the perineum. Together with the labia minora they form the labia of the vulva . The labia majora are homologous to the male scrotum. [1] Etymology [ edit]
Mar 1, 2023
The University of Alabama .......labia majora is often referred to as the outer lips of IP address space ......
molecular bio-computer existence of
internal vagina ......
molecular address space
Internal Pussy(IP) address space
Labia minora: The labia minora are skinfolds that are just inside the labia majora ...
and 2 major skinfolds RD sex books / reports .
The four fold hair roots of Playboy publishing ,.....the 1st center fold using 4 pages
In some people, the labia minora extends past the labia majora. Clitoris: The clitoris sits at the top of the vulva, above the urethral opening. A fold of skin called the clitoral hood covers most of the ...

Math professor Dr. Robert L Plunkett ..theory and the math pleasure applications parallel existence at
Phukett Bangla Road Bangkok Thailand
.... earth geography math region ai
Thailand .... math series
.... earth geography math region ai
What to Expect at
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ... › LaplaceTransform
The Laplace transform is an integral transform perhaps second only to the Fourier transform in its utility in solving physical problems.
but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ... › wiki › Z-transform
In mathematics and signal processing, the Z-transform converts a discrete-time signal, which is a sequence of real or complex numbers, into a complex ...
but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...
The Fourier Transform is a tool that breaks a waveform (a function or signal) into an alternate representation, characterized by sine and cosines.
Mar 9, 2022 ... Convolution and the Fourier Transform go hand in hand. The Fourier Transform uses convolution to convert a signal from the time domain into ...
geo-math series of geography street locations with
female bio-math series
of Nature's human bio-computer & pleasure information display devices. COUNT/Measure which Playboy magazine males get extra extra fun and the extra money have the fun & sex parties in Atlanta, Dallas, Southern California ....... to which ..... mathematicians are NOT invited to share the HOT WOMEN
...that represent
2 (two) chief world systems
and the September 11 , 2001
..embers and fire
and HOT WOMEN phases
Battle at the 2 (two) chief world trade center pussy systems › FourierSeries
A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function f(x) in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosines.
Fourier series make use of the orthogonality (or vertical perpendicular metal poles)...
Fourier series make use of the orthogonality (or vertical perpendicular atomic metal poles
and female touch / data transfer)...
EARTH systems...and atomic metal poles of
existence element Fe --> Ferrous atomic /iron/steel metal poles and their ferrous atomic feelings .....
desirable pole locations using metal poles and HOT desirable WOMEN
When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it:
“Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?”

“Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?”
“Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” and the
atomic limestone messages that use the
Planet Earth sphere and Nature's ancient .....
sin wave data/ underground message carrier continuum as outlined by
the Nikola Tesla MODEL of Nature message
Theodore Dreiser year 1900 book ...
Sister Carrie(r) ..on carrier sub-systems › wiki › Carrier-sense_multiple_access
Carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA) is a medium access control (MAC) protocol in which a node verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on ...
verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on ...
verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on ...
4-legged animal bio-computer HORSE pulling a carriage on a street verifies the absence of other traffic
OR a human car driver verifies the absence of other traffic before transmitting on ...
Sister Carrie(r) ...... name/title / using the EARTH language ... created by the Alps Mountains and the Island of England
-> 3rd version of the Earth language of the English alphabet
with the 3RD Earl of Russell OM FRS -->Bertrand Russell and 1910 book
Principia Mathematica(PM)
the deliberate murder of math agent .... with United States government (USA) approval
....with USA killing instructions sent into RUSSIA ....VIA algebra subset technology to manipulate the RUSSIA people thought database
Pál Maléter (4 September 1917 - 16 June 1958) was the military leader of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution . Maléter was born to Hungarian parents in Eperjes, a city in Sáros County, in the northern part of Historical Hungary, today Prešov, Slovakia.
Computer Earth region
Eperjes, a city in Sáros -->
IBM system 370 OS/JCL with JES
JES is the component of the operating system that provides supplementary job management, data management, and task management functions such as scheduling, control of job flow, and the reading and writing of input and output streams on auxiliary storage devices, concurrently with job execution. z/OS manages
Your JCL as described is called a job, in this case formed by two sequential steps, the compilation and execution. The steps in a job are always executed sequentially. The job must be submitted to JES to be executed. To make your task easier, z/OS provides a set of procedures in a data set called SYS1.PROCLIB.
The steps in a job are always executed sequentially.
He (base 16 hexadecimal human bio-computer) was executed, along with Imre Nagy and others, in a
Computer EARTH systems
oxygen atomic mass 16 and
Base 16 site --> Budapest prison on 16 June 1958
on charges of attempting to overthrow the Hungarian People's Republic. His first wife and three children went to the U.S. in the wake of the uprising, and his second wife remained in Hungary --> signal processing code --> to gary Indiana USA
and the
Mesabi ore from the Earth atomic iron, magnetic, and gravity center core --> the atomic iron ore processing ......
iron & steel companies by
Gary/ near the Chicago south side
Bottom right.....Gary --> array
Illinois earth--> Land of Lincoln (horizontal Lines/ rows & vertical columns)
and the Gravity grammar thoughts and its interaction with iron atomic mass --> G
at Gary ....
is an absolute Frame of Reference
by... land and Botany trees of Alaska, Greenland, Norway with
North Pole / ice --> 4-legged white polar bear animals
while the Magnetic NORTH Pole may flip to Argentina/ South Africa geography region ...
South Pole of black & white
Nature's bio-computer Penguins -->
existential data processing ....
Nature's ancient
name servers in the format of Penguins -->
Emperor penguinss
and the quiver, vibration, sine wave , oscillation, and quantum wave mechanics, and equivalence methods ......
energy and communication continuum with message carrier waves ......
carry data and instruction packages/
carry photon information packages ....
The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 100 cm in length and weighing from 22 to 45 kg.
The emperor penguin ... quiver ....the shiver BODY thoughts and feelings of living in the cold ice weather of the South Pole .... the shiver generate quiver message waves
VIA bio-radio, gravity, magnetic etc ..transmitted -->TO -->
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwidth
of North Europe climate region ...winter snow & ice season / winter TIME receives quiver/shiver GLOBAL message waves per Nikola Tesla wireless MODEL ...
as North EuropeaN human bio-electron, bio-sensor THOUGHT circuits
and NEuroNs evolve .... thus the
Emperor Penquins ...
quiver sine waves
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwidth
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwidth
small letters
....letter d pointing UP vector
....letter g the inverse of d
small letter g pointing down
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwigth
giving human interceptor agent
with atomic proton --> pro --> protein
---> proper noun / name
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwigth
Mar 22, 2023
Ludwig van Beethoven, (baptized December 17, 1770, Bonn, archbishopric of Cologne [Germany perfume city]—died March 26, 1827, Vienna, Austria),
German composer, the predominant musical figure in the transitional period between the Classical and Romantic eras ...that is love/romance of my ass
Emperor Penquins ...
quiver sine waves
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwidth
LINK of the Penquins ....quiver/vibration continuum
Logical Unit (LU) of Bandwigth -->
Ludwig van Beethoven with black liquid ink| &quill pen (writing instrument used by Beethoven as his
arm/hand muscle quiver...writingwithin the earth latitude-longitude coordinatesystem ......
as his arm/hand writing black ink words in long-hand quiver styleand white cellulose paper ...
within the Sun-Earth Botany TREE of KNOWLEDGE...
Sartre existence continuum of colors & shapes FRAME of Reference of the black - white Emperor penquinsand penquin language --> into Germanic language
as his arm/hand writing black ink words in long-hand ... Penquin Black inK pen......
Long-hand quiver style and white cellulose paper ...
Ludwig van Beethoven with black liquid ink| &quill pen --> Penquins of the Emperor species ....The emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica.
The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 100 cm (39 in) in length and weighing from 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lb).
Feathers of the head and back are black and sharply delineated
from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.
Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat.
Ludwig van Beethoven
translator of the Emperor Penquin existence language
INTO music ..title
of string theory physics ...application using of piano strings
Mar 11, 2013 ... Beethoven - 5th Piano Concerto 'Emperor' (Zimerman, Bernstein, Wiener Philharmoniker
for Oscar Meyer wieners/hot dogs
and the music oscillation continuum
to the human mouth/chin ..up/down oscillations while eating a
Oscar Meyer hot dog with detective molecules)
· Music · I.
Allegro (the leg of a Negro) · II. Adagio un poco mosso (Live).
The Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat major (apartment E in a apartment house (rents flats /rooms/apartment )
atomic clay brick apartment building in Chicago with FLATS for rent
with cellulose lumber strings of wood .. Flat floor of adult legs walking ,,,the lumber floor as a piano keyboard)
Op. 73, known as the Emperor Concerto in English-speaking countries, is a concerto composed by Ludwig van Beethoven for piano and orchestra. Beethoven composed the concerto in 1809 under salary in Vienna, and he dedicated it to Archduke Rudolf, who was his patron, friend, and pupil. Its public premiere was on 28 November 1811 in Leipzig, with Friedrich Schneider as the soloist and Johann Philipp Christian Schulz conducting the Gewandhaus Orchestra.
Beethoven, usually the soloist, could not perform the organic chemistry molecular music ....due to declining hearing.
T.W. Graham Solomons did his undergraduate work at the Citadel and received his doctorate in organic chemistry in 1959 from Duke University where he worked with C.K. Bradsher. Following this he was a Sloan Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Rochester where he worked with V. Boekelheide.
The work's military aspects and symbolism characterize its heroic style. Beethoven used novel approaches with the piece, such as beginning the solo entrance without orchestral introduction, lengthening the concerto, and
creating a new
INTERNET Protocol(IP) ....
relationship between piano, orchestra and the
Emperor Penquins --> Name servers.
Feathers of the head and back are black and sharply delineated
Feathers --> translated into
black and sharp music symbols
Like all penguins, the Emperor Penquin is flightless, with a streamlined body
until Emperor Penquin extension and extrapolation agent ..Beethoven
the Emperor Penquin is flightless ..flight in written music and harmonic sound wave music,
with a streamlined body -->
with a streamlined body -->
with a streamlined body -->
and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat.
parallel symbol shapes
wings stiffened and flattened into flippers
wings stiffened and flattened into flippers
Black & White Penquin and its music for weddings ...
played for the
human male in black & white TUXEDO entering his penquin phase
Earth language of quantum wave mechanics/quivers/ etc
and its symbols/graphic arts letters of
Niels Bohr, Paul Dirac, Erwin Schrodinger, Marx Born and others
The standing vertical male and his testicles /balls in the bedroomwith his horizontal hard penis
as a harmonic oscillator while having quantum sex with wife/ girl-friend lying horizontal on her back in bed ...
by the edge of the bed ..
with her legs up in the air as antenna .............
in bio-radio broadcast modes ..transmit and/or receive
..SYMBOLS and LINK to connect
Piano Concerto No. 5 (Beethoven)
SYMBOL & CONCEPT living atomic, gravity field, magnetic field ..... language MACHINE
evolution of black & whitePenquins to 4-legged Holstein milk dairy cows ...
milk protein THOUHT molecules
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cows ...
milk protein THOUHT molecules
Female milk cow TAIL --> create retail store industry for 2-legged human women
without physical biology tails ..... to go retail shopping and to be re-tailed inside their brain with a symbolic tail
thus their MIND returns to its primordial protein state and STATE OF MIND ..... of a cow eating green grass in summer
--> parallel female eats green lettuce grass leaves as a salad .....
salad with salad dressing ESTABLISHES
a molecular address space inside the human bio-computer body
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cows ...
milk protein THOUHT molecules
... Mr. Male and Black & White dress code .....identifier cloths
Both wives and their Fe = Female Ferrous /blood iron atom .... vector space powers subsequently remarried.
Both wives and their Fe = Female Ferrous /blood iron atom .... EARTH gravity and magnetic thought fields ...and vector space powers subsequently remarried.
Both wives and their Fe = Female Ferrous /blood iron atom .... vector space powers subsequently remarried.
remarried agent Senator William atomic mass Proxmire ....
the gap between iron-54 isotope and iron-56 isotope .......
Fe = Ferrous iron atomic Female women ....
Wives --> Wisconsin Vector space
Journey to the Center of the Earth (French: Voyage au centre de la Terre, also translated under the titles A Journey to the Centre of the Earth and A Journey to the Interior of the Earth) is an 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne.
Edward William Proxmire (November 11, 1915 – December 15, 2005) was an American politician. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as a United States Senator ...
In 1946, Proxmire married Elsie Stillman Rockefeller,
Proxmire received an uncontested divorce
in 1955 --> 55 --> iron atomic mass 55.85 message
In 1956, his blood IRON-56 Fe (feelings) caused Proxmire
to marry Ellen Imogene Hodges Sawall, .....
thus the bio-proximity switch DEMO
(via EARTH LAB specimen
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron
Fe = Females) .... of iron numbers ... year 55 and 56.
Hungary --> gary Indiana
1956 uprising of iron-56 software
When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it:
“Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?”
Sister Carrie(r) ...... name/title / using the EARTH language ...
letter code equation
S -->system book on society
is --> information systems per IBM, Hewlett Packard and others
GeeksforGeeks › carrier-sense-multiple-access-csma
Mar 20, 2023 ... Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD):. In this method, a station monitors the medium after it sends a frame to ...
Carrier Sense
Carrier Sense
Carrier Sense
Sister Carrie(r) Sense codes of
Wisconsin human bio-sensors
COMPUTER EARTH system 370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM with Batch processing and
Customer Information Control System (CICS) with
Chicago Dolton-line ..... code olt --> an on-line transaction processing region
NEXT to the
State of Indiana nano-second processing speed
...atomic and mathematical-physics geography land .....
with data processing ABILTIES region
Nature's SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE......
the language & message continuum of mathematics, algebra, calculus with English nouns, proper nouns, and verbs
cotton thought molecules of clothes .....
C.P Snow name equation --> explains cotton panties ..snow white ...white cotton fabric
vice-president Joe Biden
(leader for vice --> prostitution/ illegal drugs/ illegal poker games / etc) explains
that President Joe Biden --> name equation
Joe --> Job order entry for male penis
Biden --> Bid price to access the female vagina entrance
Bid and asked prices
...need a spread .....
Virginia Tech
English department teaches the students on depart leg / female BODY languages
...create legal systems thoughts for the
penis head dictionary (PhD law degree ..title)
President Joe Biden --> Bid price to access the vagina hole ... entrance
... entrance
... entrance
... entrance --> hypnotized male
Nature's SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE......
the language & message continuum of mathematics, algebra, calculus with English nouns, proper nouns, and verbs
THE ergodic, large scale systems VIEW
of molecule behavior and flowcharts ....
and the atomic, molecular creation of humans
Beef protein thought molecules
..PROTEIN MACHINES (PM) described by Russell & Whitehead in year 1905 .. and year 1905
Albert Einstein ..... name equation & code letters
Alfalfa Hay --> beef carcass--> route --> beef thoughts
in proteins -->
beef carcass--> route --> beef carcass
muscle into music format and
displayed by Mama Cass and her carcass body -->
and the year 1905
optical nerve / black ink and white paper FORMAT
preferred by black & white Holstein milk dairy cows
and Holstein meat/beef steers molecular bio-computers
Albert Einstein ..... name equation & code letters
Alfalfa Hay --> beef carcass--> route --> beef thoughts
in proteins -->

get routed into the food system become Proteins einstein carcass
per atomic meat
Argonne National Laboratory (.gov) › contact-us
Main humanoid beef carcass campus.
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Lemont stockyards ..... Chicago Illinois
View of female bio-chemistry professor
and their proteins ---> Einstein as a piece of meat for
bed-room service ...vice-president Joe Biden explains Archie Bunker television show and MEAT-HEAD code for male penis/cock

Albert Einstein ..... name equation & code letters
Alfalfa Hay --> beef carcass--> route --> beef thoughts
in proteins -->

get routed into the food system
--> into the mouth/ his tongue as a pier
FermilAB humanoid zoo .....
BAT region of the Lewis Carroll inverse world ...
at Batavia/ Chicago
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditoriums have drawn millions of curiosity seekers around the world since the opening of our first permanent Odditorium in historic St. Augustine, Florida back in 1950. Inside an Odditorium
The FermiLAB parallel Odditorium is unique in its architecture and in its collection of oddities
and their presentation
----> the standing central oddity ...
black clotehs ..white hair with
heritage code --> PerU --> Per + U --> Periodic atomic table
element U = Uranium ......
Margaret Mead atomic social sciences RAN 26 miles in the Boston Marathon race to
attack the Ferrous / iron atom ....
atomic English alphabet of 26 proton letters
odd human specimens and their EARTH LAB
proper noun identifiers --> oddone beef Tongue
Lengua Guisada | Peruvian
Atomic World Food Guide › dish › lengua_guisada
Feb 6, 2017 — Beef tongue stew | Peruvian.
Computer EARTH .....
Lengua Guisada | Peruvian recipe and
parallel humanoid tongue recipe
Pier tongue of Pier explains signal procesing ..signs of Nature ...... behavior signals may have a deeper molecular message source
FermiLAB ..... human tongue lab talking
bull-shit and bragging crap
Lengua Guisada
Estofado De
Lengua, Tongue Stew (Peruvian)
COMPUTER EARTH existence of everything including human arrogance and bragging
existence data processing -->
Beef tongue proteins exist in grocery store
travel by automobile/iron ship
to a house/kitchen ..... COOK county/Chicago and cook tongue ,,,,,,
Gulf of Tonkin incident of
Ton -->
battle cow Tongues VS human tongues
cow/human (CH) --> mirror letters -->
HC (Hydro-Carbon ......
organic molecules .....
Nature's systems...
molecular social chemistry ...
Sartre existential continuum)
to create a signaling EVENT database ......
complex naval event in the Gulf of Tonkin, off the coast of Vietnam,
that was pre-sent in advance to be presented
as an EVENT .... the EVENT appears ....
in the appearance of present verb tense ..... thus 2 definitions ..... pre-sent or present
to the
IBM .....
COMPUTER EARTH address space
as two (decimal number 2) unprovoked attacks by
as two (decimal number 2) unprovoked attacks by
for beef tongue .... protein molecules docking at the
human tongue as a naval pier at a
port ......
MOUTH port for beef protein
..molecular ship arrivals
Do you remember the International Taste of Fermilab?
Did you like the food?
Did you like the food?
Did you like the food for thought?
About this time last year we were all together celebration cultural diversity
through delicious food and fools
at the International Taste of Fermilab.
Computer EARTH explained by Pier Oddone .....
director of atomic molecular tongues .... for the
Federal government BIG MOUTH problems
Speaking in tongues
Speaking in tongues
Speaking in beef tongues
Wikipedia › wiki › Speaking_in_tongues
Glossolalia is practiced in Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, as well as in other religions. The Theotokos and the Twelve Apostles – Fifty Days after ...
Speaking in beef tongues
Speaking in Lengua Guisada beef tongues
Lengua Guisada | Peruvian recipe and
parallel humanoid tongue recipe from the
Galapagos Islands region --> Peru -->
area of Arequipa ip address of the
recipe of 4-legged beef tongues into
2-legged humanoid with tongue/pier
..EARTH LAB specimen sent to
USDA Market Parallel News -
beef cattle herd ....
code words...another dimesnion
Feederal Feeder cattle and
Replacement Cattle Auctions
United States Department of Agriculture (.gov) › market-news › feeder-and...
Galapagos WORLD systems ....
Sales of Feeder Cattle are reported at local auctions. Information is collected and reports are listed by state and STATE of MIND . Alabama; Arkansas; Colorado; Florida ...
Pier Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in
Arequipa, Peru ...quiver / vibration wave mechanics continuum ..
Earth Language REGION ....
along the
Pacific Coast ocean wave mechanics
Speaking_in_tongues and software LINKIAGES
Glossolalia is practiced in
) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.
Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
From 1972, Oddone worked at the
US Department of Energy’s
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
on beef hamBurger language project
Burger King Whopper beef hamBurger
becomes transformed into
humanoid spokes-person -->
. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab for
Berkshire pig
Wikipedia › wiki › Berkshire_pig
The Berkshire is a British breed of pig. It originated in the English county of Berkshire, for which it is named. It is normally black, with some white on ...,
and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs.
In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory (Animal Beef)
to study the violation of CP symmetry in the decay of B-mesons.
Speaking in tongues
Speaking in beef tongues
Wikipedia › wiki › Speaking_in_tongues
Glossolalia is practiced in Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity, as well as in other religions.
-> OddONE
human TONGUE specimen named
..Tongue shape of Pier ....
historical evolution of beef tongue messengers
What is the story of Einstein tongue?
On Einstein's 72nd birthday on March 14, 1951, United Press photographer Arthur Thursday Sasse was trying to persuade him to smile for the cattle camera, but having smiled for photographers many times that day, Einstein stuck out his tongue instead.
the beef proteins --> protein docking at location --> mouth port of Einstein and his protein body

Port of Milwaukee is located in United States (USA) at 43.0259N, 87.8893W. No vessels have arrived within the past 24 hours and no ships are expected to arrive in the next 30 days. Port time: Mar 25, 21:19 Map position Expected ships: 0 Ships in port: 2 Expected Arrivals Departures In Port Expected ships in Milwaukee
Port of MilwaukeePort of MilwaukeePort of Milwaukee --> Mouth Port
Port of MilwaukeePort of MilwaukeePort of Mil...... k --> Mouth input port
Port of MILWAUKEE, [US] USA (USMKE). Arrivals
Port of MILWAUKEE, [US] USA (USMKE). Arrivals
Port of MILWAUKEE, [US] USA (USMKE). Arrivals
pussy Port of MILWAUKEE, [US] USA (USMKE).
Arrivals of male penis MILK /semen sperm
spanish sex word ..leche
Arrivals ..... bedroom arrivals
Arrivals of the male penis ... as a 1 tit woman
..milk / semen / leche

The Port of Chicago consists of several major port facilities within the city of Chicago, Illinois, operated by the Illinois International Port District (formerly known as the Chicago Regional Port District).It is a multimodal facility featuring Senator Dan Dougherty Harbor (Lake Calumet), the Iroquois Landing Lakefront Terminus, and Harborside International Golf Center.
University of Chic/ sophisticated ....human ..MOTHER HEN lays eggs
--> to become egg-heads ...
In U.S. English slang, egghead is an epithet used to refer to intellectuals or people considered out-of-touch with ordinary people and lacking in realism, common sense, sexual interests, etc. on account of their intellectual interests. It was part of a widespread anti-informed social propaganda effort that insisted that credentialed intellectuals were not the only smart people, but that serious human intelligence could be found widespread among ordinary people regardless of deprivation of information.[1]

The structure determination of protein−protein complexes is a rather tedious and lengthy process, by both NMR and X-ray crystallography. Several methods based on docking to study protein complexes have also been well developed over the past few years...
HADDOCK:HAD DOCK: ..male proteins
HARD male penis COCK --> DOCK at protein pussy:
by both NMR and X-rayby both N MR and X-rayby both N ...... MR and seX-ray
Several methods based on docking to study protein complexes have also been well developed over the past few years...
in other WORDS ...
Several methods based on
male penis ...sperm proteins docking to study protein complexes have also been well developed over the past few years...
been well developedbeen well developedbeen well developed by pregnant female.... human ant/insect people

Several methods based on docking to study protein complexes have also been well developed over the past few years...
in other WORDS ...
Several methods based on
male penis ...sperm proteins docking to study protein software killing systems at San die/death
region of San Diego apartment complexs ..... with wet female pussy and parallel swimming pools

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) - Police have identified the programmable human male bio-computer .... Peter Selis as the gunman who opened fire at the La Jolla Crossroads apartments Sunday evening. Video showed Selis sitting in a patio chair and...
the La Jolla Crossroads --> Battlefield EARTH ..astronomy battle with Astronomy Magazine communication errors
We are a leader in breaking and entering criminal
software BRAIN programs --> enter entertaining,
informing and inspiring our customers by creating and delivering high-quality media errors
and related services in special-interest and enthusiast markets.
Kalmbach Media
Kalm bach Media
Calm batch processing group ...
shut-up/code-of silence of programming/creating BANK ONE robberies,
murder of James Lutz,
schemes and scams
..... print criminal instructions
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Murder systems have also been well developed over the past few years...
According to court documents, the body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was found in her bed at her Oconomowoc home Aug. 10, 2006. Blood was spattered throughout the room, and the ax used to kill her was on the floor beside the bed. Authorities contended Mark Totzke killed his mother because she ridiculed him for being unemployed, the affidavit says.
Thus the rigged information .....
DATA VOIDS ..... rigged trial of Mark D Totzke
the parallax ax angle
above code words... ax to her head --> message to the head of publishing
Murder systems have also been well developed over the past few years...
The structure determination of protein−protein complexes is a rather tedious and lengthy process, by both NMR and X-ray crystallography. Several methods based on docking to study protein complexes have also been well developed over the past few years.
Protein−Protein DockingProtein−Protein DockingProtein−Protein DockingProtein−P...........Dock -->the set-up and murder of
Stephen P dock --> Paddock
Mar 31, 2023CNN — A cache of newly released
FBI radio head /bio-radio
(Frequency Bandwidth Interface agents)
...brain wave documents reveals
the brain programming of male
human bio-computer Stephen Paddock (representing Stephen Hawking),
the gambler
who carried out the deadliest ...
religious mass language & words schemes and plots create new cemetery plots -->
---> mass shooting
----> code words /letters-->
-->m ass shooting -->
My asshole + penis shooting sperm bullets ...
then sperm silver --> silver bullet band
...of husband bandwidth
...supreme software thoughts
Past and present members of the rock group Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band . Pages in category "Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band members" The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total. This list may not reflect recent changes . A Drew Abbott B Dawayne Bailey Don Brewer F Craig Frost R Alto Reed S Bob Seger T David Teegarden
Silver Bullet Band membersSilver Bullet Band membersSilver Bullet Band members ---> code letters
Silver Bullet (sperm color)
Band (husband )
members (penis member /cock club for club --> female club site -->
cl + lub --> Clitoris lubrication site
with President --> Cli --> Clinton

Vernon Eulion Jordan Jr. (August 15, 1935 - March 1, 2021) was an American business executive and civil rights attorney who worked for various civil rights movement organizations ... Right triangle organizational structure
of strength and integrity
such as the Earth government right triangle ...
laws of existence
--> Legs of Algebra and Plane geometry--> Leg + al --> legal systems of lumber house construction and
atomic iron beams of I-35W bridge and skyscrapers
......before becoming a close advisor to
President Bill Clinton (BC time period agent) .
Common Era ( CE) and Before the Common Era ( BCE) are year notations for the Gregorian calendar (and its predecessor, the Julian calendar ),
the world's most widely used calendar era.
Common Era and Before the Common Era are alternatives to the original Anno Domini (AD) and Before Christ (BC) notations used for the same calendar era.
May 31, 2021Another popular convention is the Common Era, which is numerically the same but denotes the era using BCE and CE. Examples
The British Iron Age lasted from 800 BC to AD 100. Hunter-gatherer societies in North America were building monumental mound complexes as early as 3000 BC.
Common Era and Before the Common Era are alternatives to the original Anno Domini (AD) and Before Christ (BC) notations used for the same calendar era.
The White House travel office controversy, sometimes referred to as Travelgate, [1] [2] was the first major ethics controversy of the Clinton administration. It began in May 1993, when seven employees of the White House Travel Office were fired.
Jordan grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and graduated in 1957 from DePauw University.
The region has a long history as an important trade center for every major empire from the ancient world to the present age (the Akkadian to the Ottoman empire) and numerous sites in the country are mentioned throughout the Bible.
Vernon Jordan Timeline

powers of Z appear the human associations ERRORS
of Baltimore Maryland USA
approves BAL(Basic Assembler Language)
and the Fetus Federal Government mentality of the United States and its violations.
software programmers ........ kill and destroy
EARTH government systems property
it's a Packed Decimal, it should be for continuing the military operation ZAP and vaporize
secret code of the Ugly American
ZAP and vaporize
Z aporize
as it's positive the system hold the rightmost nibble (4bits in a byte, a byte consists of two nibbles)
as F, this sign (Fuck you ...
University of Chicago atomic sign)...
Zaporizhzhia: How dangerous was Russia's attack at nuclear power plant ...Mar 4, 2022In a statement Friday morning local time, the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate (SNRI) confirmed the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine was occupied by USA algebra subset codes
Federal Government
atomic social science orders to
Nigel Lockyer and Pier Oddone
City of Kyiv and the Donetsk region
Nov 9, 2022
Ukrainian President
Uk --> Uranium K-shell battles
Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky said the fierce battle for Donetsk "remains the epicenter of the biggest madness of the occupiers" and refuted Kozhemyako's claims that Moscow's losses...
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