Book 1645 Part 30
Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book .......
Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ...... social science & tragic signaling EVENTs .... translations by Herb Zinser
the Federal government
orders Nigel LocKYer attacks
---> Ky simple harmonic oscillator WORLD battles
Tom M Apostol human bio-interceptor of Nature's ancient Oscillation / vibration/ quiver language of President John Quiver Adams
... the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and its human social. economic expression systems
Mathematics ..... bl00d bio-math software language named hemat--> hematology
Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ......
post office LINK
to earth geo-math POST island office at
When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it: “Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” Don’t get me wrong. Wisconsin is full of beautiful sights, many of which have taken my breath away. But the Apostle Islands are truly a special case.
Just at the northern tip of Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, is one of the most beautiful scenes in America. There are 21 islands up here, comprising just under 69,000 acres. Beautiful colored rocks jutting out from the water, gorgeous landscape, and lighthouses, will make this a sight you will never forget.
When I found out that the Apostol calculus book was a knowledge Island at Florida State University in Tallahassee
taught by
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University of Alabama.
He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967 .....
and ....
He also worked as a consultant for Nature's math curves ... thus the name / location selection
of Phuket as a night club site ......
female math curve information displays
named after Robert L Plunkett ...his code
Robes and lingerie .... and cotton panties
Pl --> Party/fun language of bio-math functions
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL lab region
to Florida State University
and University of Alabama ... EARTH LAB
Mar 1, 2023
The University of Alabama
...COMPUTER EARTH Lab --> IP address space ......
EXTERNAL geography land .... IP address space ......
EXTERNAL geography land .... IP address space ......
Galapagos Islands
reptiles and evolution
of existence and its expression formats
.... computer page ... page of land size 8 1/2 by 11 --->
approximate ....
use Peru geography land as page
quantum wave mechanics formats
....... city area requirements -->
code name ...
area + require -->
Arequipa -->
quiver/ vibration wave continuum
and its quantum wave mechanics ..
Sartre existential address ....
Arequipa --> ip address agent
Pier Odd Oddone
of the
Southern Hemisphere
sent to the inverse Hemsphere -->
the Northern Hemsphere

Pi = 3.14158 of a circle ---> O
e = 2.718 Euler's number
r = radius of a circle --> O
The number π (; spelled out as "pi") is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. The number π appears in many formulae across mathematics and physics. It is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers, although fractions such as
are commonly used to approximate it.
The mathematical - physics .....
bio-math bio-physics construction
of a
hematology /blood
EARTH LAB specimen in humanoid format
the greater Galapagos region of quiver ..Nikola Tesla Earth geology wireless RD -->
Arequipa Peru and Quito Ecuador
links to Val Dor, Malartic QueBec Canada agent/family
March 7, 2023 | The Northern Miner Podcast: 'Government ... McPherson; March 7, 2023 | Ottawa funds critical mineral innovators as part of $3.8 billion strategy; Search for: 86-year-old Jack Kentish continues with nickel venture ... Almost 56 years after he began prospecting in the Val d'Or, Que., region, John Kentish was recently awarded ..
Pier Odd Oddone of the Southern Hemisphere
Pier Odd Oddone sent to North Hemisphere
to become
Piermaria Database Jorge Oddone
(born March 26, 1944 in earth surface area --. Arequipa, Peru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.
Oddone earned his Vincent van Gogh
EAR people ....
Bach music --> bachelor's degree in
Physics and song & dance Physics
at the
Massachusetts Institute of uterus
Technology in gynecology
..atomic pussy systems. IBM CPU
versions, and
human bedroom atomic breeder reactors 1965
and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs. In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory to study the violation of CP symmetry in the decay of B-mesons.
In the late seventies and early eighties, Dr. Oddone was a member of the team that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear physics experiments. He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 to 1987.
Scholarship --> IP addresses of existence of human PHYSICAL BIOLOGY ship ....... scholarship
an information ship on family/community bull-shit and bragging .....
arrogant schemes and lies ...failure to explain real reality of bedroom sex money systems › dictionary › scholarship
knowledge, learning, erudition, scholarship mean what is or can be known by an individual or by humankind. knowledge applies to facts or ideas acquired by study ...
known by an individual
known by an individual as part of › wiki › Wave–particle_duality
Through the work of Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie, Arthur Compton, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger and many others, current scientific theory ...
St. Louis/ Ferguson Missouri
with atoMIc MIchael Brown and FermiLAB atomic software programs .....killing experiements
and PBS television waves from
WTTW Chicago › about › location
WTTW Chicago Renée Crown Public Media Center .....
Planet EARTH atomic sphere and its
inner Earth
....Joules energy spokes-person
--> Jules Verne French frequency language .....
Earth atomic iron/ferrous oxide atom
center core
...atomic factory and data center
--> route IRON-54 atomic mass 54 ...
core message to the earth surface
inner earth diameter / radius
R = Radius communication lines
route IRON-54 --->
Earth geography surface message sites
South side of Chicago and nearby
GARY, Indiana iron processing region....
iron isotope 54, 56, 57, 58 and
parallel street addresses
........ University of Chicago
horizontal row/streets and their
horizontal latitude EARTH coordinates used by the EARTH North Pole .....
sky magnetic field and its
magnetic thought sub-routine programs
that LOOK down upon the earth surface
and see atomic iron objects
.... iron metal vehicles, iron/cement/glass office buildings,
Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic Females in humanoid format
with math curve bodies
route IRON-54 --->
Earth geography surface message site
North side of Chicago
5400 N St. Louis Avenue
IL 60625
--> right triangle number 25 code
(773) 583-5000 (773) 583-3046 FAX From Downtown North on Lake Shore ...
Encyclopedia Britannica › Science › Physics › Physicists
Feb 11, 2023 ... The dual nature of light, however, was just beginning to gain scientific acceptance when de Broglie extended the idea of such a duality to ...
...... explained ....
FermiLAB ...Federal snobs at Batavia/Chicago ..Fed/feed at line of atomic social science Bull-shit › Science
Jun 14, 2020 ... Louis Broglie and the Idea of Wave-Particle Duality ... Broglie devised that all matter had properties of both waves and particles. ... In the early ...
INTERNAL chemistry structures and biology
.... IP address space ......
iron atoms and chemistry molecules .....
molecular address space
molecular bio-computer existence of
Internal Physical-Biology (IP) address space
Language/word particles ---> p articles
--> cellulose paper articles
--> cellulose newspaper articles/ editorials/ accident reports /
shooting of Tamir Rice in Cleveland OhiO
shooting of Ta mir R ice in Cleveland OhiO
shooting ........mir Ror ice in level
Tamir Rice age 12 mirror signal
How do I make sure my mirror is level?How do I make sure my mirror is level?
How do I make sure my mirror is level in Cleveland?
On November 22, 2014, Tamir E. Rice, a 12-year-old African-American boy, was killed in Cleveland, Ohio, by Timothy Loehmann, a 26-year-old white police officer.
Rice was carrying a replica toy gun; Loehmann shot him almost immediately upon arriving on the scene.
Two officers, Loehmann and 46-year-old secret agent code name --> Frank Garmback --> feedback systems ,
: to clothe with or as if with a garment Synonyms Noun apparel attire clobber [ British slang] clothes clothing costumery dress duds gear habiliment (s) habit [ archaic] rags raiment rig rigging threads toggery togs vestiary vestments vesture wear wearables weeds Verb apparel array attire bedeck caparison clothe costume deck (out) do up dress
were responding to a police dispatch call regarding a male who had a gun.[3][4][5] A caller reported that a male was pointing "a pistol" at random people at the Cudell Recreation Center, a park in the City of Cleveland's Public Works Department.[6]
At the beginning of the call and again in the middle, he says of the pistol "it's probably fake."[7] Toward the end of the two-minute call the caller states that "he is probably a juvenile", but the dispatcher did not relay either of these statements to Loehmann and Garmback.[8 
Derecho Storm hits iowa hardest A derecho swept across the states of South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio on Monday, August 10, 2020, leaving behind widespread and utterly devastating damage in its wake, hitting central and eastern Iowa the hardest.
On the evening of Monday, August 10, a weather complex known as a "derecho" sent intense winds and thunderstorms over a 700-mile stretch from Nebraska to Indiana. In Iowa, the hardest-hit..
Nature's golf course ....greens
Nature's golf course ....greens
Nature's golf course ....
greens and the pole /flag
Nature's golf course .... club house attack other buildings
Inside the derecho that pummeled the Midwest | NOVA | PBS broadcast of EM field death systems
Inside the derechoInside the derechoInsideathe derecho
......death ....... echo
Killing the president of Poland, Lech(o)
Kaczyński, and his
wife, Maria DATABASE
..the killing of the older Generation ofPoland by Warsaw and European art schools for children ........
with human bio-computer subroutine program DEATH instructions IMPLANTED
into the bio-computer body/brains ofgrand-children and great grand-children
...that get carried home .... and instruction program is transferred to their parents and grand-parents ...instructions to make mistakes, mis-judgements, and act improperly --> hence the passenger orders given to Polish air-plane pilots to land a Smolensk
On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft operating Polish Air Force Flight 101 crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board.
Apr 11, 2022The Soviet-made Polish aircraft crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk in April 2010. - Copyright AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev, File By Euronews with AP, AFP • Updated: 11/04/2022 Polish ...
On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft operating Polish Air Force Flight 101 crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the president of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, and his wife, Maria, the former president of Poland in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy, and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. The group was arriving from Warsaw to attend an event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the massacre, which took place not far from Smolensk.
Smolensk air disaster
Smole ns k air disaster
System mole ns (name Servers)
Avogadro's number
mole disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk sky disaster
S mole nsk sky air disaster
Joan Alexandra Molinsky[1] (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, producer, writer and television host. She was noted for her blunt, often controversial comedic persona—heavily self-deprecating and acerbic, especially towards celebrities and politicians, delivered in her signature New York accent. She is considered a pioneer of women in comedy.
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk --> sk --> sky air disaster
Joan Alexandra Molinsky[1] (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk --> sk --> sky air disaster
Arthur thursday saturday Sandusky (born January 26, 1944) is an American convicted serial child molestation and a retired college football coach. Sandusky served as an assistant coach for his entire career, mostly at Pennsylvania State University under Joe Paterno, from 1969 to 1999, the last 22 years as
defensive coordinator for the project plan -->
Molson-Coors brewery attack in MIlwaukee.
Five people were killed after an employee scheme program ,,,, opened fire at the Molson Coors headquarters
... brain coordinates inside the human head
in Milwaukee on Wednesday, police said. Milwaukee police said they responded to reports of a shooting in..
and a retired college football coach. Sandusky served as an assistant coach for his entire career, mostly at Pennsylvania State University under Joe Paterno, from 1969 to 1999, the last 22 years as
under Joe Paterno,
cotton underwear JOE (penis ...job order entry)
into female cotton panties
(cotton thought molecule..... DATA CENTER)
Paterno --> pattern node ...
node of the sin wave oscillation continuum
node of the sin wave oscillation continuum ...female vagina hole
(horizontal body ..stationary ...lying in bed)
as a NODE
Bill Gates..... atoMIc Microsoft BS & lies about Watergate
Computer World ....
the bio-computer world .......BEDROOM pussy node manager systems
On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft operating Polish Air Force Flight 101 crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board.
Apr 11, 2022The Soviet-made Polish aircraft crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk in April 2010. - Copyright AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev, File By Euronews with AP, AFP • Updated: 11/04/2022 Polish ...
On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft operating Polish Air Force Flight 101 crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the president of Poland, Lech Kaczyński, and his wife, Maria, the former president of Poland in exile, Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy, and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. The group was arriving from Warsaw to attend an event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the massacre, which took place not far from Smolensk.
Smolensk air disaster
Smole ns k air disaster
System mole ns (name Servers)
Avogadro's number
mole disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk sky disaster
S mole nsk sky air disaster
Joan Alexandra Molinsky[1] (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, producer, writer and television host. She was noted for her blunt, often controversial comedic persona—heavily self-deprecating and acerbic, especially towards celebrities and politicians, delivered in her signature New York accent. She is considered a pioneer of women in comedy.
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk --> sk --> sky air disaster
Joan Alexandra Molinsky[1] (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers
Nigel Lockyer explains
WIVES --> Vector Space software
.. deliberate and planned
death and destroy systems
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk --> sk --> sky WRITE as
Smolensky ,,, then WRITE symbols
S mole ns ky --> the explains
Space /Sky molecules
Computer earth ....
existence and expression system ...
Internet Protocol ...Ns _ name server space
for the KY oscillator .....
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is an annual air show that attracts over 700,000 aviation enthusiasts from more than 80 countries every year. It's a huge (we mean the world's greatest!) aviation celebration, usually lasting for the
whole (wormhole information code)
last (fermat's Last Theorem)
Oshkosh air show location
Os....os air show location
Oscilloscope ...Nature's systems
Oshkosh air show location
Oshkosh air show loc --> Lockyer
Oshkosh air show location
Oshkosh air show loc --> Lockerbie Scotland yer
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk --> sk --> sky WRITE as
Smolensky ,,, then WRITE symbols
S mole ns ky --> the explains
Space /Sky molecules
--->sm (Simple harmonic oscillator
with Nigel Lockyer equation term .... ky
Thus the sky -->ky simple oscillator battles played out in the sky ....
and earth surface on EARTH
as explained by Federal government and
its family fetus mental level ERRORS and the
Ky cover-up approved by
Nigel Lockyer .....
FermiLAB and universities......... KY code specialist
that receive Federal bribes VIA
RD pay-offs
President Ky --> Kennedy year 1963
Dallas ---> parallel --> Da --> Differential amplifier THOUGHT CIRCUIT problems
of Novel ...catch 22 --> Nov 22, 1963
DA --> District Attorney needs this bio-electron BRAIN CIRCUIT
KY death EVENTS list
Comair Flight 5191 (marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191 under a codeshare agreement with Delta Air Lines) was a scheduled United States existence and expression event
It's simple. Start with a spring resting on a horizontal, frictionless (for now) surface. Fix one end to an unmovable object and the other to a movable object. Start the system off in an equilibrium state — nothing moving and the spring at its relaxed length.
Now, disturb the equilibrium.
The aircraft was assigned the EARTH region code Ky airport's Runway 22 for the takeoff but used Runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne. It crashed just past the end of the runway, killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew.
central business sin wave/oscillator district
of the earth city of Lexington, Kentucky
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk air disaster
Smolensk --> sk --> sky WRITE as
Smolensky ,,, then WRITE symbols
S mole ns ky --> the explains
Space /Sky molecules
Computer earth ....
existence and expression system ...
Internet Protocol ...Ns _ name server space
for the KY oscillator Battles
... in Vietanamese name server region of
sky and land (Local area network data)
the US families, communities, and government murder over the Iron 54, 56, 57, 58 ... blood atomic iron soldiers/ representatives for the atomic table element Fe of
Nature's EARTH government ........
iron / ferrous oxide atom ISOTOPE 54, 56, 57, 58 .
death range ,.. iron54 --> 54,00 to 58,000 American Soldiers..... Vietnamese air show -->Name servers for the
Ky simple harm/ harmonic oscillator Battles
Human proper noun / -->Name servers .......named
Nguyễn Cao Kỳ ( listen; Chữ Hán: 阮 高 祺; 8 September 1930 - 23 July 2011) [1] [2] was a South Vietnamese military officer and politician who served as the chief of the Republic of Vietnam Air Force in the 1960s, before leading the nation as the prime minister of South Vietnam in a military junta from 1965 to 1967.
In this Vietnamese name, the surname is Nguyễn, but is often simplified to Nguyen in English-language text. In accordance with Vietnamese custom, this person should be referred to by the given name, Kỳ.
Nguyễn Cao Kỳ code name
..................o Kỳ
or symbols Ky o......
French frequency / wavelength ...
Code Vietnam South (VS) --> Vector Space BATTLE region
Born in northern Vietnam, Kỳ joined the Vietnamese National Army of the French-backed State of Vietnam and started as an infantry officer before the French sent him off for pilot training. After the French withdrew from Vietnam and the
existences & expression formats
Partition of Vietnam Into North and South Vietnam was divided with a "military demarcation line" at the 17th parallel at the Ben Hai River into north and south. The division was a face-saving measure for the French to stave off total defeat by the Viet Minh.
Partition of V ..IBM VTAM and VSAM
In IBM terminology, VTAM is an access method software allowing application programs to read and write data to and from external devices. It is called 'virtual' because it was introduced at the time when IBM was introducing virtual storage by upgrading the operating systems of the System/360 series to virtual storage versions.
Step 3: Prepare your VTAM definitions. There are four categories of definitions you need for your APPN-enabled VTAM®: The default value for this option is ACTIVATE, which is the recommended value for EE networks. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for information about the EEVERIFY start option. The default value ...
Partition of V ..IBM VSAM existence space
Toyota recalled millions of vehicles but was accused of concealing information about
the flawed pedals.
the flawed pedals.
the flawed ped
The Journ --> urn --> urination WORLD with shit brains of Pediatrics is an international peer-reviewed
adolescents, Dole Pineapple, and Senator Dole.
In 2014, the company paid $1.2 billion to avoid prosecution for covering up information about problems with "unintended acceleration" that the
Fetus Baby Industry (FBI) said Toyota "knew was deadly."
iron / ferrous oxide atom ISOTOPE 54, 56, 57, 58 .
death range ,.. iron54 --> 54,00 to 58,000 American Soldiers..... Vietnamese air show -->Name servers
Jun 10, 2022Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server. To do this, they help web browsers and other services access your domain's DNS records. You can edit your domain's nameservers at the domain registrar where you purchased your domain name.
Mar 17, 2022A name server is a library, and DNS records are the catalog. The process for updating your DNS records is different for each web host. That said, most leading domain registrars and web hosting...
A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records, such as address (A, AAAA) records, name server (NS) records, and mail exchanger (MX) records for a domain name (see also List of DNS record types) and responds with answers to queries against its database. Authoritative name server [ edit]
Name server Name server --> music /sound pressure wave continuumName That Tune
Name That Tune is an American television music game show. Originally created and produced by orchestra conductor Harry Salter and his wife Roberta Semple Salter, the series features contestants competing to correctly identify songs being played by an on-stage orchestra or band.
Name That Tune premiered on the NBC Radio Network in 1952, where it aired until 1954, and made the move to television in 1953 on the same network. CBS picked up the television series in the summer of 1953 and carried it through 1959.
A short-lived revival for syndication followed in 1970 with Richard Hayes as host, but a second revival in 1974 was much more successful. Airing weekly, the 1974 syndicated offering used a new show format and, beginning in 1976, offered a top prize of $100,000 to a lucky champion (after which the show became known as The $100,000 Name That Tune). Tom Kennedy hosted this series, which ran until 1981 and began airing twice weekly during its final season.
The Upanishads ( / ʊˈpənɪˌʃədz /; [1] Sanskrit: उपनिषद् Upaniṣad pronounced [ˈʊpɐnɪʂɐd̪]) are late Vedic and post-Vedic Sanskrit texts that "document the transition from the archaic ritualism of the Veda into new religious ideas and institutions" [2] and the emergence of the central religious concepts of Hinduism.
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