Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Book 1645 Part 19 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis .....Leo Tolstoy born at Computer EARTH assembler space ... Address constants—Y and A --> YA --> Yasnaya Polyana

 Book  1645 Part  19    Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...translated by Herb Zinser

.....Leo Tolstoy born at/in Computer EARTH ...IBM SNA geography regions .....BALTIC region ...Basic  assembler language space/earth land surface

 ...  Address constants—Y and A --> YA --> Yasnaya Polyana

with algebra polynomials f(x) = 0 such as the 

quadratic equation

Address constant .. IBM Russia code

Address constant

Address constant Y and A

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory.

 YA --> Yasnaya    Polyana

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

The Many Meanings of the

 Spanish ‘Ya’ --> 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant of constant ... 

cotton thought molecules of 
cotton panties and cotton textile clothes

with cotangent math functions 

and female cotangent math curves  

..female curves as vector space   to
reward male  gentlemen

female bio-electron ... bio-computer body as molecular data storage

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...

Tom M Apostol ..all human activities and errors

Tom M Apostol --> post office on existence and expression

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy 

LINK to 

Tolstoy South Dakota --> Planet  earth Soil  Database 

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...

Tom M Apostol ..all human activities and errors

Tom M Apostol --> post office on existence and expression

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy nucleotides --> ideas & views

molecule language letters and letter permutations

Nucle  --> Nu --> un -->
uncle --> unclear --> areas of social science and philosophy ERRORS ...... are studied  by Nature's agent ..... nucleotide Tolstoy

born August 28 [September 9, New Style], 
1828,B in the Earth atmosphere of Nitrogen gas molecule ..moleucle mass = nitrogen atom 14 + atom 14 = 28 nitrogen molecule mass

....... thus Charles Darwin/Charles Dickens processes of Nature systems and languages ...4 DNA molecules with nitrogen bases ...... selected his August 28, 1828 identifier dates as a good sign/ easy identification ....
for a nitrogen nucleotide social science analyst and messenger  ...

thus names LEO .... 

like other messenger agents  

..... Galileo  oxygen atomic mass 16 .... year 16 16 

information path TRAP 

The film stars Elizabeth Taylor for bio-math Taylor polynomials

 in the eponymous role. Richard Burton, Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall, and Martin Landau for Lev Landau 

Mar 28, 2023Lev Davidovich Landau, (born Jan. 9 [Jan. 22, New Style], 1908, Baku, Russian Empire (now Azerbaijan)—died April 1, 1968, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet theoretical physicist, 
one of the founders of the quantum theory of condensed matter from Conde South Dakota ....... 

condensed matter from Conde South Dakota ... example

Mar 24, 2023Jim grew up on a 500-head cow-calf operation in CondeSouth Dakota, cultivating 3,200 acres of row crops and small grains. Jim, who holds a degree in ag business from Southwest State University (Marshall, Minnesota), began his career at Harvest States and regionally owned locations of Land O'Lakes.

Lev Landau
 whose pioneering research in 
pioneer BRAND NAME corn & soybean seeds ... data sets  .... this field was recognized with the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physics.

you push 
you push 
you push  ...Pregnant women

you push  ...Pregnant  insect women

How to Practice Pushing Before Labor Blow up a balloon: Yes, really. When you blow up a balloon, it engages the same belly muscles that you rely on when pushing during labor. Inflate your balloon while focusing on what’s happening in your body. Notice which muscles

your farm's husband seed performance to new heights of new
seven / eight(8) pound baby 

your farm's performance to new heights of violations of the Laws of Nature

We're here with the human male sperm seed
atomic agronomic expertise in atomic social science and BOTANY violations, 
and local data to support your farms
family arms, legs, hips growth.

information path TRAP 

The film stars Elizabeth Taylor for bio-math Taylor polynomials

are featured in supporting EARTH 
hydro-carbon theater language

of the organic chemistry continuum .... 

molecular social chemistry  
---> code word  ...... 

 petroleum roles of human agents ,,,, in 
 Nature's Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND methods or 
Nature's universal mind(um)  systems ......
and the universal mind battles
at UM college

or the Utah Mine (UM)  disaster

The Crandall Canyon Mine, formerly Genwal Mine, was an underground bituminous coal mine in northwestern Emery County, Utah.

The mine made headline news when six (6) miners were trapped by a collapse in August 2007. 

Ten days later, three(3) rescue workers were killed by a subsequent collapse. 

The six miners were later declared dead and their bodies were never recovered.

Crandall Canyon Mine

Cran   dall Canyon Mine

Cranium  Dallas Texas explanation errors of the 1963 assassination of President Kenndy 

The Crandall Canyon Mine, formerly Genwal Mine, was an underground bituminous coal mine in northwestern Emery County, Utah.

The mine made headline news in year 1963

with the cranium of President Kenndy  when six (6) miners were trapped by a collapse in August 2007. Ten days later, three(3) r

Next message event of numbers 6 and 3 › 3-baton-rouge-police-officers-shot
6 Shot, 3 Dead, Baton Rouge Police Officers Under Fire
Original Story: 

On July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in an ambush attack,[8] in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling.

6 Baton Rouge Police Officers have been shot by what appears to have been a lone gunman dressed in black armed with a rifle. 3 officers are reportedly dead.A manhunt for the this piece of trash this is underway. It is feared that this brutal attack on police could be in retaliation for the justifiable shooting of Alton Sterling which occurred in Bat

Timbuktu Mali AFRICA 

Time is Friday
(seven days a week are Friday)

(every day of the year is Friday --> thus 
the perception --> 
every day of the year is
Friday night --> time to party. drink beer, 
play music, dance , make love )

and the N = Nitrogen microbiology city of 

Nairobi Kenya AFRICA
--> kill Kenndy of america for his
 double-cross on the DEAL  .....
city of time data record  buffers 

 Timbuktu Mali Africa  kill time schedule FRIDAY

Thus the kill project ....parameter  list
of nouns/concepts/information pointers

Deal, time. friday. kenya, etc// ...

with Nature's   ..... DNA thought molecules as
the 35th president of human life and 

human pregnancy 
LIMIT  directions of 3 --> 5

thus the DNA government

OVER subset humanoids 
and their family errors

John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. CST in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. Kennedy was in the vehicle with his wife, Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife, Nellie, whe…

In the Leopold and Loeb trial of time...
the 24 hour clock of 1924 of Jacob Franks ..time watch manufacturer   

Jacob Franks was a businessman. 

In the 1910 Census he listed his occupation as "Manufacturer of Watches," and he was at that time the president of the Rockford Watch Company in Rockford, Illinois. The Rockford Watch Company went out of business in 1915, but in the 1920 Census, Jacob Franks still listed his occupation as "Owner Watch Company"


The revived Rockford Watch Company owner, Jacob Franks, a Chicago businessman issued 10,000 shares, at $100 a share and confessed to big intentions. "We expect to employ about 3,000 hands and turn out about 600 movements a day. We shall have branch offices in Chicago, New York, Paris and Switzerland", claimed Franks.

  at /with earth existence .... 

atomic limestone layer/levels .....
 and its message abilities

atomic limestone layer/levels of electrons .....
 and its printed circuit layers and message abilities

atomic rock/li
mestone messages of gestalt/ ergodic..large scale systems of Nature's social engineering projects .....

  at the EARTH  .....Chicago region .... 
 Rockford Illinois atomic/math  geological Time layers ,

In the Leopold and Loeb trial of time...
the 24 hour clock of 1924 of Jacob Franks ..time watch manufacturer   

 attorney Clarence Darrow (data vector arrow) achieved what many thought impossible. 

He saved the lives of two agents with the power of a speech. Nathan...

Cleopatra (1963 nucleotide film)

 It chronicles the struggles of Cleopatra, the young queen of Egypt, to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome . Walter Wanger had long contemplated producing a biographical film about Cleopatra.

Leo nucleotide Tolstoy

COMPUTER EARTH bio-computer and geo-computer with
IBM system 370 SNA VTAM with assembler language and
Cobol language for business 
..Batch processing and CICS online

year 1975 to 1995 Chicago area

Computer Earth year 1828 version

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya
Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya region of base 2
symbols codes ......Ya   and another Ya 

...2 language VIEWS / 2 symbols expression systems of Nature
as explained by

(spanish number 2 = two = binary)
math agent for ordinary and partial differental equations of F(y) = 0 

human bio-math... social math messenger 
Nature's systems  agent -->
Fyodor Dostoevsky, born on 11 November [ O.S. 30 October] 1821 in Moscow, was the second child of Dr. Mikhail Dostoevsky and Maria Dostoevskaya (born Nechayeva). 

He was raised in the family home in the grounds (earth ground/ thought minerals in garden vegetables INPUUT thoughts into his  body/brain) 

He was raised in the family home in the grounds
He was raised in the family home in the grounds
He was raised as a parallel potato head ..... in the family home in the grounds (vegetable garden grounds) 

28. Mr. Potato Head Face with eyes 

Potatoes that have grown eyes are sometimes 
called 'seed potatoes'  ... see dp--> see data processing   order entry systems , because they can be used as seeds to form more potato plants. 

Jung Seed has been a leading supplier of organic, heirloom, fruit, vegetable, flower, herb, perennial, and annual plants and seeds since 1907. ... About JungJung Garden Centers; 

About JungJung Garden Centers; 
About Carl Jung and Karl Zinser 
Carl Jung .... 1st Kindergarten/Garden at Watertown ..... Centers ..

East Center Street School Block
(ECB --> Event Control Block)  in Milwaukee
in 1943  ..... 1948 for Karl Henry Zinser
 (born October 18, 1937) 
and the Zinser family COMPUTER EARTH base 16  and its  IBM property

By late February Kuwait had been liberated from Iraqi control. As hundreds of thousands of Kuwaitis returned from foreign refuges to their homes in May, the full extent of the damage created by the invasion, looting, and war became clear. Persian Gulf War: "Highway of Death" The invasion and occupation affected every aspect of Kuwaiti life.
Rest of completion codes
"Highway of Death"....

Restaurant DEATH completion codes

The Luby's shooting was a mass shooting that took place on October 16, 1991, at a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. 

The  October 16, 1991 earth electron circuit errors...

16, 19 ...numbers below
16, 19
16, 19 ..... military charge /attack of atomic nuclei THOUGHTS  
--> attack bull-shit and family nonsense

Coulomb  perpetrator ...
using programmable human bio-electron bio-computer , George Hennard, a human action figure 

drove his pickup truck through the front window of the restaurant. 
He shot and killed 23 exponent people of Avogadro ..communication problems and errors, 

and wounded 27 others.

This characteristic that potatoes have evolved
 into human toes and shoes of Rene Magritte 

René Magritte was born in Lessines, in the province of Hainaut, Belgium, in 1898. He was the oldest son of Léopold Magritte, a tailor and textile merchant, [3] and Régina ( née Bertinchamps), who was a milliner before she got married. Little is known about Magritte's early life. He began lessons in drawing in 1910. [3]

 has helped ensure their longevity and the survival of the species.

...input potato eyes --> Sunlight and earth soil molecule project plan / mission ->  mission food for the eyes / to see/awareness  of Fyodor

name equation F(y) = 0 and message code links to Salvador DALI
and Val Dor region of Malartic Quebec 

Almost 56 years after he began prospecting in the Val d'Or, Que., region, John Kentish was recently awarded the 1991 PDAC (Paul Dirac quantum ) Distinguished Service Award for his many  Dirac accomplishments in the mining industry.

 Dostoevsky and the

simple harmonic oscillator math term ky
and vector space

of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, which was in a lower class district
on the edges of Moscow.

MOS circuits are in MOSCOW  in year 1828  formed by three layers i.e. diffusion ( n or p diffusion layer), polysilicon and metal, which are isolated from one another by thick or thin (thinox) silicon dioxide insulating layers. thinox regions interact so that a transistor is formed where they cross one another.

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya region of base 2
symbols codes ......Ya   and another Ya 

...2(two)  language VIEWS / 2 symbol expression systems of Nature as explained by books

Tolstoy was born the greater Baltic region with
IBM Moscow Ballet ..

human body dance language as Basic Assembler Language(BAL)

Tolstoy was born the greater Baltic region with
 Basic Assembler Language(BAL)
.... with

Take care when using Y-type address constants and 2 byte A-type address constants for relocatable addresses, as they can only address a maximum of 65,536 bytes of storage. Using these types of address constants for relocatable addresses results in message ASMA066W being issued unless the assembler option RA2 is specified.

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana
with 3 pairs of address constants for
2 dimensions of Earth activity space and 
1 time dimension , 

Take care when using Y-type address constants and 2 byte A-type address constants for relocatable addresses,

Address constants—A and Y

HLASM Language Reference

The following sections describe how the different types of address constants are assembled from expressions that normally represent storage addresses, and how the constants are used for addressing within and between source modules.

In the A-type and Y-type address constants, you can specify any of the three following types of assembly-time expressions whose values the assembler then computes and assembles into object code. Use this expression computation as follows:
  • Relocatable expressions for addressing
  • Absolute expressions for addressing and value computation
  • Complex relocatable expressions to relate addresses in different source modules

Literals, which are relocatable forms, are not allowed as operands, but length, scale, and integer attribute references to literals are allowed.

Tolstoy was born at atlas COMPUTER EARTH location with IBM SNA  region

 Yasnaya Polyana

,,,earth mathematical-physics geography region surface land and its hills and valleys an algebra polynomial surface that 
bio-math people live within /upon

Female with math parabola ....
breast display of the quadratic equation

Sarah Marie --> lives in Riemann spaces

Tolstoy was born at atlas COMPUTER EARTH location with IBM SNA  region

 Yasnaya Polyana

,,,earth mathematical-physics geography region surface land and its hills and valleys an algebra polynomial surface

with y and a address constants .....
relative the Baltic region ..... BAL Program and Copenhagen Denmark (CODE) as explained by the Niels Bohr cover-up Institute
and its Copenhagen 
open data sets ..... awareness failure 
of Europe fetus brain levels 

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana, 
a Polynomial family estate with humanoid representatives

Families of Polynomial Functions Part 1 This lesson demonstrates relationships between equations and graphical representations of families of polynomials. Second, third and fourth degree polynomials are discussed. This is the first part of a two part lesson. Show Video Families of Polynomial Functions Part 2

12 kilo
metres (7.5 mi) southwest of Tula, and 200 kilometres (120 mi) south of 
Moscow ... Molecule..oscillations continuum of quantum wave mechanics and its 
social applications. 

He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1794-1837), a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Princess Mariya Tolstaya (née Volkonskaya; 1790-1830).

Tom M Apostol  human bio-interceptor of Nature's ancient Oscillation / vibration/ quiver language of President John Quiver Adams 
... the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and its human social. economic expression systems 

Mathematics ..... bl00d bio-math software language named hemat--> hematology

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ......

post office LINK 

to earth geo-math POST island office at

When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it: “Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” Don’t get me wrong. Wisconsin is full of beautiful sights, many of which have taken my breath away. But the Apostle Islands are truly a special case.

Just at the northern tip of Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, is one of the most beautiful scenes in America. There are 21 islands up here, comprising just under 69,000 acres. Beautiful colored rocks jutting out from the water, gorgeous landscape, and lighthouses, will make this a sight you will never forget.

When I found out that the Apostol calculus book was a knowledge Island at Florida State University 

taught by 

Dr. Robert L. Plunkett

During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University of Alabama. 

He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967 .....

and .... 

He also worked as a consultant for Nature's math curves ... thus the name / location selection 

of Phuket as a night club site ...... 
 female math curve information displays 

named after Robert L Plunkett  ...his code

Robes and lingerie .... and cotton panties 

Pl --> Pussy language 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL  lab region

to Florida State University
and University of Alabama  ...


The University of Alabama  .......the human mouth with lips 

LABAMA  nose, mouth, lips lAB  is often referred to as the lips existing 
within COMPUTER EARTH  IP address space ......


molecular bio-computer existence of 
internal Lungs (Lu= Logical unit + nitrogen gas) 
and the externalization of lungs gases
using pressure ...... 
to send air molecules messages OUT 

  the talking blabbers/bragging 
or the primordial singing mouth .......
words, nouns, verbs

THUS  chin mental region THEORY 
 ....harmonic sound pressure waves of words, nouns, verbs ....... can create harm, murder, violoence

 VIA  the verbal sounds  ......
molecular address

LUNG -->
Internal Particles (IP) address space

goes to

external ...... IP address space of human

Stokes code word --> Sto + Kes --> sto + keys (access codes and keys ... word/code keys piano keys...  
cotton clothes and their colors and fashion styles/as pattern keys )

Stokes --> retail store  and the software keys on how retail store and grocery stores operate  ,,,, thoughts/thinking of the store industry and its methods and procedures --> like software programs for the human brain 

Stokes --> heart attack strokes generate economic activity 
and money to finance  hospitals /doctors / and
business of over-population .......

human bio-computer and blood language 
IBM IS --> Information Systems

male penis head ..head of all thoughts
in the -> becomes the department head at a  university or a hospital

..blood  Circulation of a penis erection › doi › abs › cir.0000000000000152
Dec 17, 2014 ... and on behalf of the American Heart Association Statistics
on human over-population of ass -holes  ......
Playboy & Beaver Magazine ... Committee on teenage pussy in her monthly molecule HEAT and DESIRE cycle for
 MR. bedroom COCK & his special BRAIN WAVE and THOUGHT  powers in Neuro-science secret access languages  
Stroke the vagina Statistics Subcommittee on Signal Freud
sub-conscious MIND layers 

. Originally beer pub --> published17 Dec ...

---> music instrumental  keys & LOVE song lyrics 
 --> I have .a broken Heart .....harmonic sound pressures waves .... audio sound instructions broadcast into the EAR of a human male  
.....input -->  EAR  ..harmonic instructions

I have .a broken Heart (false sentence in present verb tense)
 in healthy older male ......

 thus for the broken Heart sentence to become TRUE
..harmonic instructions must be activated and actualized by the human body 

..heart muscles ...
that are under thought control by
music EAR people and the
/Ate / Consume... MOUTH PEOPLE  and their  
over-population policies & philosophy that cr
eate death

 ......thus human body brain thoughts are
 mentally approved by instrumental  keys .....
biased  VIEW of the audio nerve and the intellectual  
superiority  complex of the music, television. movie, theater industry  and the 
book & newspaper industry of thought ERRORS   

(versus the eye/optical nerve ...... serious and accurate BOOK and SYMBOL LIFE  translations and perception) 



Let's look at an example of how music lyrics are used to program the human bio-computer brain ...a symbolic processor with eye/optical input and  ear/audio input.


The music war report on analysis of Elvis Presley song " Heartbreak Hotel".


The slang phrase " Sounds good" is explicit and audible and heard often.

Supersymmetry physics predicts that the existence of the phrase "Sounds bad" ..... occasionally heard ... has a greater significance. With this view of harmonic sound waves .... both instrumental and voice lyrics ....we consider the possibility ..... that an algebraic subset of
harmonic waves are

Lets look at an example.
Many songs have complex instrumental arrangements.
The instrumental sound waves algebraic subset
............mental sound waves. Thus harm wave commands sent to the ear and the brain ...commands regarding health.

What is a very popular audio command?
A song with message " I am dying of a broken heart"
or lyric " I have a broken heart".

This song ought be played in hospitals ..... it ought go over very big .... in the ICU.

Intensive-care unit - Wikipedia,
An intensive-care unit (ICU), critical-care unit (CCU), intensive-therapy ... This led to the routine use of cardiac monitoring in ICUs, especially after
heart attacks
. ...







Thus we see ..the CAUSE ---> EFFECT relationship.


The repeated playing of song lyrics on radio ...... the harm of HARMONIC  sound wave VOLUMNE ......can cause the human
bio-computer brain to be programmed to HURT the heart.

Song lyrics " I have a broken heart"  ..... " My heart is broken" are approved by the state and federal governments...because more heart attacks increase ecomomic activity in the medical and funeral industry.   Economic policy requires these to be growth industries ......  thus the need for more heart  attacks and other health problems by citizens.


Citizens approve of this policy ...they are just 2-legged experimental guinea-pigs described around year 1865.


But, you don't have to be stupid puppet. Help spread the word in year 2012 ...on the  SCIENCE WARS biochemistry,   Science Wars math, Science Wars bio-computers,etc,

Read more:

thought Alice to herself at Ink Pen --> Penn State university, `after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! 

Oct 18, 2012 — Paige Raque, a sophomore Penn State cheerleader, remains in critical condition after 
falling 39 feet from apartment window · Suffered traumatic

remains in critical condition after ROCKETS & BOMBS 
falling 39 feet or more  
from the sky ..
approved by The United Kingdom (UK) and 
Federal errors approved by FermiLAB Nigelk LocKYer

parallel languages 
played out in the Ukraine atomic cement/stone buildings

 apartment window · Suffered traumatic 

 apartment window · Suffered traumatic 

thought Alice to the cryptology of 
Alice in Dairyland (milk, cheese, ice cream, and pudding protein THOUGHT molecules)

Wisconsin Alice ... secret agent Zoey Brooks

Zoey Brooks of Waupaca has been selected as Wisconsin's 67th Alice in Dairyland. As AliceBrooks will work as a communications professional for the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and communications manure, Trade and
Consumer  ... human male  penis meat Protein Protectio rackets(DATCP --> Thought Control Programs). Her job will be to promote Wisconsin agriculture and to teach the 
beer pub public mental level 
about the importance of agriculture language and
sement   dances  in Wisconsin ..
and the Zoey Brooks parallel code name
the DATCP role in the 
murder of Travis Zoellick at EMMET Township, Watertown ..... the Solar System natural sunlight EM field 


the artificial, synthetic TV, radio, microwave, and internet EM waves and their broadcast of dribble and nonsense CONTENT  .... attack old software in the human brain stem and brain temple

 ......attack corn plant stems ....and soybeans ... 

LEAVES --> have the TV programs schemes and nasty plots.... re-program the molecule answers of soybeans and vegetable garden green beans (destroy the
Bethesda Lutheran Home ..
Holstein dairy & hog farm / with vegetable gardens for feeble minded farm workers and their education in Watertown Wisconsin


destroy St. Coletta farm and vegetable gardens  for feeble minded workers education in the city of (Thomas)
 Jefferson  Wisconsin 

and  the 
FCC (Fetus cock cunt thought level)
FCC (fidel castro Cu
ban bandwith)
of the 
FCC (federal commication commisson)

with BATMAN television 



TV EM attack the Holstein bio-electron animal and use TV programs programs the milk protein THOUGHT molecules 
with social science and idiot legal perceptions

the Zoey Brooks parallel code name
the DATCP role in the 
murder of Travis Zoellick at EMMET Township, Watertown ..... the Solar System natural sunlight EM field 

Zoey Brooks selected as Wisconsin’s 67th Alice in Dairyland

... female / Ferrous atom agent ...
blood iron-54 isotope ..atomic mass 54
her body/brain  blood iron atoms and its thoughts  ... interaction with gravity thought, feeling, and force field  .....
Fe = ferrous oxide atom/iron agent for the
right side of the 2 sided gravity field 

...number 6. 67 (67 is the east side /right side
of gravity existence and social expressions)

Zoey Brooks of Waupaca 
quantum wave mechanics continnum
has been selected as 
Wisconsin ..... sin wave ..gravity verctor vertical/up ...down...

 gravity 6.67 --> 67th Alice in Dairyland
at Highway 67 Oconomowoc / Delafield region.

 and grocery store dairy CONDEMED dairy  molecule products ..... farm botany crops attacked by Television and Radio electro-magnetic field waves and their male Gonads  ads ...implanted everywhere ..people, animals, crops, building walls ...... thus the creation of 
grocery store signaling EVENTS

`after such a fall as this ..
people fall DEAD and Wounded in 
the NASA science   .....Tuscon gravity field battle with 
the gravity government 
female representative  ..code name G --> Gabby Giffords married to anti-gravity  male agent (UP goes a NASA vector rocket)
with Mark Kelly    

2011 Tucson grocery store moelcule battle - WikipediaOn January 8, 1942  ..Stephen Hawking .U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords
U.S. Representative Ganges River
U.SU.S --> indus River, India, ASia
Great rivers are the cultural and economic backbone of South Asia. The Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra have contributed to the rise and prosperity of some of the earliest civilizations in history and today are the source of livelihood for millions.

Great rivers are the cultural and economic backbone of South Asia.mouth As --> ask /talk  secret money and
stolen property ...
and molecule social & economic  languagesof Wall Street financial  brokerage houses

Joan Rivers   ... rivers/data streams

Join Rivers  ..join/merge together 

various ....
Carl Jung collective THOUGHTS of the
sub-conscious of a group  of 1,000 people or more (Group MIND)  ,,,, and sell their thoughts to marketing, brokerage houses, etc

for the purpose of destroying the world and its resources by over-population of humans

Joan Alexandra Molinsky born as a molecular container  .....
representative for Nature's system

code A = Avogadro's number  and
her social chemistry 
MOLE  identifier ..... in addition

........  her thermodynamics code --> HOT WOMAN

Here's Who Inherited Joan Rivers' Money After She Died

Mar 22, 2022All combined, Joan Rivers' estimated net worth (2) existences of NATURE and software  ....
worth (F W Woolworth .....
 vertical building and the Manhattan TriBECA bank money of Alex Lien  to Lien Road Madison Wisconsin  and horizontal systems).... was an impressive $150 million copper pennies, as Entertainment Tonight reports. Where did all that money go when she died? 

Always open about plastic surgery,
W. R Grace company plastic thought molecules  explain 
plastic industry and financial  surgery schemes,the murder of Princess Grace Kelly to Detective Kelly in   and it seemed like Joan River might live forever. She sadly died, though, due to complications from throat surgery in 2014 at the age of 81, per Biography.

complications from throat surgery 
complications from  ..roat s
complications from  croatia serbia deliberate destruction ..... community newspaper  and university killing surgery 

Croatia-Serbia genocide case - Wikipedia

The decision made headlines in Croatia and Serbia, especially as it fell on the anniversary of the fall of Vukovar in 1991 to Serb forces. [12] Croatia has reported that since 1995, at least 120 mass graves have been discovered mainly in Eastern Slavonia, Dalmatia and Knin. [13]

Joan Alexandra Molinsky born as a molecular container  .....
representative for Nature's system

code A = Avogadro's number  and
her social chemistry 
MOLE  identifier .

JOAN alexandra 

 (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, producer, writer and television host. She was noted for her blunt, often controversial comedic persona—heavily self-deprecating and acerbic, especially towards celebrities and politicians, delivered in her signature New York accent

On January 8, 1942On January 8, 2011

On January 8, 2011, 
U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area.

, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! 

the set-up and murder of Randy Stairs 
in the grocery store battle over
TV EM field codes in FOOD content wars

Randy Robert Stair (September 17, 1992 - June 8, 2017), who called himself Andrew Blaze, 

 I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! 

was an American EM and gravity field --> 
grocery store clerk in military format 
....... representing James Clerk Maxwell demons EM software ...human action figure Randy Stairs

Randy Stairs receives input ....  harmonic sound wave instructions to harm/ kill

and the sole perpetrator of the killings. 

Stair had been employed at Weis Markets for 7 years. 

Stair had been employed

Stair had been employed

Stair had been employed as an abstraction ladder

Stair had been employed

Stair had been employed

Stair had been employed as an abstraction ladder

Stair had been employed

Stair had been employed

Stair had been employed as a 
LAX airport DEATH elevator of Geraldo Hernadez

A TSA officer killed inside LAX Terminal 3 is identified as Gerardo I. Hernandez, a 39-year-old husband and father of two. Two other TSA officers were wounded in the shooting. ( Full story)...

Prior to carrying out his rampage, ...

Prior to carrying out his rampage, ...

Prior to carrying out his rampage, ...

a priori
ä″ prē-ôr′ē, ā″ prī-ôr′ī


  1. Proceeding from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive.
  2. Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience.
  3. Knowable without appeal to particular experience.

Prior to carrying out his rampage, ...

Prior to carrying out his COMPUTER EARTH 
rampage, ...

Prior to carrying out his rampage, ...

Prior to carrying out his COMPUTER EARTH 

the explosion at Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building ..ding/dong location in Oklahoma CityOklahoma168 people died - including 19 children under the age of 6. 

rampage, ...for RamanuJAN math battles

Prior to carrying out his rampage, ...

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...