Thursday, April 20, 2023

Book 1645 Part 16 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ....... advanced English language schemes approved by the White House


Book  1645 Part  16    Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book  .... advanced English language schemes approved by the White House ... English alphabet specialist 

translated by Herb Zinser

THE Planet Earth geography surface map ...... LAND as a mathematical-physics  SYMBOL & CONCEPT surface

with alphabet letters / nouns/ proper nouns ... thus the EARTH  language and the 26 English alphabet letters  atomic iron 26 protons 

26 new English alphabet letters with secret attached software codes and instructions ... explained by 1st Lady Jill Biden in the tricks and  schemes of the primordial, basic English language ...

Jill Biden

 --> english secret code name 
...Jack and Jill went up the Hill (Congress) to fetch

Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs ...... human bio-computer ...blood RH factor .... software program 

parallel display using 2  human beings name J and J

per electro-magnetic 
-->  EM Field television... DEMOCRAT approved manipulation  instructions implanted into the 
BRAIN STEM of millions of people 
James "J.J." Evans, Jr., played by comedian and actor Jimmie Walker, is one of the main characters of the 
CBS-TV series Good Times from Chicago ......
Central Standard TIME ZONE  implants into the 
Central Nervous System and its thoughts on what to do. .

Jill Biden

 --> english secret code name 
...Jack and Jill went up the Hill (Congress) to fetch

Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs ...... human bio-computer ...blood RH factor .... software program 

parallel display using 2  human beings name J and J

name J and J
Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill   as
Jacqueline and John Kennedy  in year 1960

name J and J
Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill   as
Joe (job order entry) and Jill in year 2020

She has a bachelor's degree in English from 
the University of Delaware of nonsense & cover-ups,

 master's degrees in education and English from
 West Chester University and
Villanova (Villians language hide-out at school) ...

26 new nudes ..... secret 26 new graphic arts/ music/ theater shapes and styles with attached dictionary ..... .to replaec the traditional 

BLACK INK on white cellulose paper. ..

26 alphabet letters from year 1947...1953 ..1956 




.... teenage milk sex/wild party systems 

age 18, age 19, age 20 

..... Broadcasts secret party codes VIA television bandwidths  .....broadcast into standing  vertical  husband and his friends  .... he is a standing  vertical bio-electron antenna .....

Milwaukee announces 'CBS 58 Hometowns'  --> sex instructions injected into the human skin by EM maniplaution  wave  ....
Poynting vector  ... 
into females with hair style code
Pony tail

......electro-magnetic(EM)  coupling into the human body/brain ...  blood iron-58 atomsusing  Richard Philip  Feynman atomic LOVE  codesamRichard Phillipine 

The numerical value of a, the fine structure constant, is given by the special case n 1 = 137, n 2 = 29. Thus a = a (137,29) = 0.0072973525318… The experimental value for a is a exp = 0.007297352533 (27), the (27) is +/- the 
experimental uncertainty in the last two numeric digits
shown below by female nipple code 

..her bio-math

--> nip --> Numeric integer positive


the last two numeric digits shown below 

in another language ....her skin/ body/ hand  language signals    ...SYMBOLISM 

 Electromagnetic  --> romantic

1 Electromagnetism  --> social mechanics

- The Feynman Lectures on Female Physics and physical biology bedroom  secrets of HEAT

Returning to the electromagnetic fields—although they are produced by charges according to complicated formulas, they have the following (female leg wings) 

important characteri
stic: Male penis stick)

the relationships between the values of the fields at one point and the values at a nearby point are very simple. With only a few such
ships (human body as a biology ship) in the form of differential ...

The Number 137: One Of The Biggest Mysteries Of The Unknown

Famous physicist Richard Philips Feynman is one of many who is quite curious about the mystery of the number 137.

mystery of the number 137.

Cleveland losing streak ...Killing age 12 Tamir Rice

mystery of the number 137.

Cleveland and Peter Lynch and BOSTON 
financial  community software projects 
 to create a new 
DEATH communications continuum

 for atomic -->  C = Carbon THOUGHT  molecule  continuum  of C = Cleveland 
and  atomic/molecular Coffin DATABASES

to be used in financial data cycles per 
the grave wormhole data cycle model 
of the underground coffin layer 

mystery of the number 137
mystery of the number 137
mystery of the number 137

mystery of the number 137. 

Suicide bombers kill 137 in 

 IBM COMPUTER EARTH sand/land region  .....assembler address space sand/land  location of Yemen 

   Y address constant 

of ancient COMPUTER EARTH location and physical sites/ and computer names, labels, identifers  

Aden  Yemen  --> A and Y 

Aden  Yemen  --> A land Y   ... surface 

Aden  Yemen  --> A and Y 

Aden  Yemen  --> A sand Y  ...sand/silicon dioxide atoms  .......

 atomic solid earth  ... earth electron platform  of sand that
Arabic bio-electron
people walk upon and touch atomic stone/rock buildings 

Aden  Yemen  --> A and Y 

Aden  Yemen  --> A and Y 

Address constants—A and Y - IBM

Address constants—A and Y HLASM Language Reference SC26-4940-06 The following sections describe how the different types of address constants are assembled from expressions that normally represent storage addresses, and how the constants are used for addressing within and between source modules.

Types of earth continent land/sand  

address constants 

address constants 

address constants  .. ancient project of 

address constants   ..adddress location

address Constantinople ... today year 2023 
identifier ,,
IS = Information systems,
tangents, and bull-shit

modern-day EARTH government ....
ergodic , large scale systems regions of Alan
Turing numerical control ....
key that’s now known as Istanbul with ergodic president /ergodic representative parallel approximation name ...

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - Wikipedia


WebErdoğan was elected as the 

President of Turkey

Turkish ergodic systems politician who served as prime minister (2003–14) and president (2014– ) of Turkey

People name evolution into 

Constantinople is an ancient people  city 
of bio-co0mcuters

address constants 

address constants  .. ancient project of 

address constants   ..adddress location

address Constantinople in modern-day Turkey that’s now known as Istanbul

First settled in the seventh century B.C., Constantinople developed into a thriving input/output computer port
with Vin earth electronics...... (Voltage input 

...Vector injection of data into earth atomic soil a data entry keyboard) 

  thanks to its prime geographic Probability/bet 
between Europe and Asia and its natural harbor

Aden  Yemen  --> A and Y 

Aden  address constant  


A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address, however it is possible to specify the length of the constant. For example, AL1(stuff) defines a one-byte adcon, useful mainly for small constants with relocatable values. Other adcon types can similarly have length specification.

Aden  Yemen  --> A and Y 

 Y address constant  --> A and Y 

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

The surface area --> ara --> arabic  and arabic numbers
LINK to Czar Nicholas (CN --> Complex Numbers)

arabic area Z = a + bi 


Aden  Yemen  --> A  land Y 

 A & Y address constants ...
as computer earth ...
earth land & building 

ARABIC hardware addresses
  --> A and Y

and the 

Arabic software  computer manual 
name ..QuRan   ....... 
with Q and R assembler language codes 

Q address constants contain not actual addresses but a displacement in the External Dummy Section – similar to the Linux Global Offset Table (see Position-independent code). A J adcon is set by the linkage editor to hold the cumulative length of the External Dummy Section, and does not actually contain an address.

Other types of address constants

 are R which had special significance
for Langley Virginia BS atomic cement/concrete 

 Explore CIA Headquarters - CIA › legacy › headquarters
Located in Langley,

Virginia, CIA Headquarters includes


Virgin pussy systems
 and penis head  ....mentality

 the Original Headquarters Building, the New Headquarters Building, and the Grounds.

Other types of address constants are R which

 had special significance 

 for TSS/360 to address the PSECT

Relocatability bragging ...fantasy land t]

The nominal value of the 'DC' is a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses. 

The nominal value of the greater MID-Atlantic states

region with  
BALTIMORE  ....  IBM BAL city program  

and Washington 'DC' is a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses. 

Washington DC  facial bio-computer Expressions can be absoluterelocatable, or complex relocatable.

An absolute expression can be completely evaluated at assembly time

High School Assembly Ideas - The Classroom

Due to time and space constraints, the challenge probably will need to be limited to select students or involve staff members instead. 

deas for a challenge-style assembly

include an obstacle course, 

game show involving trivia

 or a relay race that required participants

that requi
red  reddish/orange atomic

copper ....

particle participants to put on funny costumes. ..


 High school assembly programs ...

Hexadecimal: How does FF = 255 = High Values ? - Renoise Forums

 Oxygen atomic mass 16

human LUNG computer
 base 16 HEX'FF" = 255 decimal 

allow the student ...

 and does not require further processing by the linkage editor of the Washigton Post newspaper failure. 

For example, DC A(4900796) has an absolute nominal value.

Earth solid land / sand/ rock of a
continent  ....and the

Sun-EARTH government and
 its thoughts (of natural sunlight and solid atoms) 

 --> Nature's information systems ....

the creation and evolutions of symbol life and numbers (and using biology bio-math)
HOT NUMBERS (women) 
their cotton dresses that hide/cover-up the female body .... pussy hole/ cave entrance her hidden internal vagina SPACE ...... and Nature's creation of the male penis vector and its usage by female math students ...... thus the creation  of 

HOT NUMBERS (women) 
their cotton dresses 


Address constant

V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

V adcons --> Va 
--> cotton skirt/ dress  as address space (ADCONS )

needs a specific
 V type adcons --> V adcons ---> vagina 

 address  ..address space region needs to 

a male penis with math vector shape 

 to accomplish Nature's instructions and words  tot he female pussy and the IBM MIS --> Missionary 
.... horizontal    position in a bed

Address constant (female vagina program)

V type adcons store an external reference tool 
 (Male penis during sex activity)
to be resolved by the link-editor.

 at the

EARTH solid geography surface location 

of a MOSque .....MOS circuit

WebSANAA/ADEN (Reuters) -

Suicide bombers killed at least 137 Feynman

 number worshippers 
wounded hundreds more 

during get rid of pieces of bull-shit ....

The city of Time computer buffers

....  TimBukTu Africa  -->

 Friday death schedule

Time schedule ... get rid of  --> Friday prayers 

at IBM 

Base 2 --> two mosques (Two Cult battle)


in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, in

Thus the EARTH sky  .... atmosphere  MOS


LINK to the 

EARTH geography surface site...

of the atomic electron building 

.....the MOSQUE building 

as a MOS circuit of atomic stone/rock/marble

 living building   .... 

with thoughts collected from

human information carriers VIA

the Carl JUNG collective process .....

with MOSque --> input queue of 

human bio-electron informations carriers

.... that collect data during the week .....

from their job experiences with

mechanical equipment or

 office accounting work 

, school textbooks, social activity,

grocery shopping, watching a history

documentary on  TV

...thus the his/her weekly collection of

 experiences and more accurate
knowledge with basic

physics/ chemistry LAB


Litmus test

 ph  7 decimal is neutral

Pearl Harber (PH)  7th of december 1941

a chemistry message day 

CBS 58 and the First Lady of EnglishMilwaukee announces 'CBS 58 Hometowns' with Nicole Koglin

Apr 11, 2022Posted: Apr 11, 2022 11:00 AM CDT MILWAUKEE (CBS 58

the 4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow 
and its
PROTEIN thought MOLECULES (PM) --> Protein Machine 
2-legged humans and 
MR. bio-computer Penis (information systems) of his sperm /semen proteins / penis leche milk in Mexico X-rated adult movies 

..thus Nature's  PROTEIN MACHINE battle
of fresh milk and the Oconomowoc Wisconsin ...
 Nature's protected RD site at 
IBM Base 16 ....hexadecimal Highway 16  Pabst Farms using Holstein milk dairy cows as animla bio-computer ......
 farm operation deliberately destroyed....  ..... parallel destruction .....played out at Garden
Fresh Foods in Milwaukee
with the murder of Oconomowoc ...
cause .... Pabst 
 Farms dairy farm
effect  ..... murder Oconomowoc
resident /citizen Karen Simek in Milwaukee and the
big cover-up by the newspapers

MILWAUKEE (AP) — Charges have been filed in the shooting death of a Milwaukee woman who was killed during a robbery nearly a year ago. age 53-year-old Karen SImek 

DNA autism language  Authorities on horror  and 
fertility voodoo rities ..... age 53-year-code 53

say that DNA direction 5 --> 3 needed to use Darwin selection and Dickens word/number    selection 
of  an EARTH LAB humanoid  .....
n 5 --> 3 needed age 53 ..
who worked as food Microbiology technician 
the Stephen Hawking .... Event Horizon MODEL of the
the creation of tragic signaling EVENTS by Nature ... 
in this case the 

 Event Horizon of events that occur on the 
Horizontal  surface of EARTH land & Streets 
--> Event Hor --> Event Horror

Event Horror
 destroy Pabst Farms to be replaced by Insect People and their village / real estate  foundation basements ...
foundation thoughts for bedroom male penis semen ...breeding and PRODUCTION of more babies

1897 Village of IP

(Internet Protocol of  INSECT PEOPLE) ...the Village of IPING at West Sussex Great Britain .... of COMPUTER EARTH ....
biology .... a human bio-computer 
blog and his/her pings 

re-appears in the Western Hemisphere in the GREATER MILWAUKEE region ..... by Sussex / Oconomowoc Wisconsin area  as the 

Pabst Farms is a single-family home and condo community in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, built between 2004 and 2020. It currently has 2 single family homes for sale with an average list price of $674,950. 
The homes range in size from 1,570 ft 2 to 5,025 ft 2. The average annual property tax for Pabst Farms is $6,937.

age 53-year-old Karen SImek was shot while she was walking into work at Garden Fresh Foods on Jan. 31, 2017.
She (her brain skull) had worked at the store for 11 years.

She (her brain skull) had worked at the store for 11 years.
She (her brain skull) had worked at the store for 11 years.
She (her MATH brain skull) had worked at the 7 store for 11 years.

-- Weigel Broadcasting Co.'s CBS 58 WDJT-TV
Your Hometown Station, ...
the female clitoris is excited
to launch a brand-new initiative and on-air franchise,...

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy

Tom M Apostol  human bio-interceptor of Nature's ancient Oscillation / vibration/ quiver language of President John Quiver Adams 
... the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and its human social. economic expression systems 

Mathematics ..... bl00d bio-math software language named hemat--> hematology

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ......

post office LINK 

to earth geo-math POST island office at

When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it: “Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” Don’t get me wrong. Wisconsin is full of beautiful sights, many of which have taken my breath away. But the Apostle Islands are truly a special case.

Just at the northern tip of Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, is one of the most beautiful scenes in America. There are 21 islands up here, comprising just under 69,000 acres. Beautiful colored rocks jutting out from the water, gorgeous landscape, and lighthouses, will make this a sight you will never forget.

When I found out that the Apostol calculus book was a knowledge Island at Florida State University 

taught by 

Dr. Robert L. Plunkett

During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University of Alabama. 

He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967 .....

and .... 

He also worked as a consultant for Nature's math curves ... thus the name / location selection 

of Phuket as a night club site ...... 
 female math curve information displays 

named after Robert L Plunkett  ...his code

Robes and lingerie .... and cotton panties 

Pl --> Pussy language 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL  lab region

to Florida State University
and University of Alabama  ...


The University of Alabama  .......the human mouth with lips 

LABAMA  nose, mouth, lips lAB  is often referred to as the lips existing 
within COMPUTER EARTH  IP address space ......


molecular bio-computer existence of 
internal Lungs (Lu= Logical unit + nitrogen gas) 
and the externalization of lungs gases
using pressure ...... 
to send air molecules messages OUT 

  the talking blabbers/bragging 
or the primordial singing mouth .......
words, nouns, verbs

THUS  chin mental region THEORY 
 ....harmonic sound pressure waves of words, nouns, verbs ....... can create harm, murder, violoence

 VIA  the verbal sounds  ......
molecular address

LUNG -->
Internal Particles (IP) address space

goes to

external ...... IP address space of human

Which ONE will you be  ...the ODD   ONE

Pier Odd   Oddone

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa quiver wave mechanics region 

with quiver address space .....

area requirements  of existence     
quivers, X-ray machines,etc

IPA ..IP address space agent  ....

EARTH LAB humanoid specimen from PERU
sent to Bat inverse region of Chicago

 sent to Bat research at Batavia FermiLAB ot , Peru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist ..... in atomic shrunken head ..... data fields at Field Museum in Chicago

Field Museum Shrunken Heads - Interesting IdeasField Museum Shrunken Heads It was behind-the-scenes night at the Field Museum in Chicago and the anthropology department had staff members displaying some of its wares. Here was my chance to ask the question that had been bothering me for years: What had happened to the shrunken heads?

Why were the shrunken heads from South America taken off display? --> to be replaced by actual living human idiots in Chicago with intellectual abilities shrunken to nonsense as seen on Television and newspapers 

Today, we now know that headhunting /modern headhunting  Alzheimer's brain bio-computer ...memory software program = hunters

Why were the shrunken heads from South America taken off display? --> to be replaced by actual living humans  in Chicago / FermiLAB ....
peru heritage ..director of Batavia region 
.... the shrunken awareness and serious thoughts in human heads 

Only Lewis Carroll has shown us the world upside down, as a child sees it, and has made us laugh as children laugh, irresponsibly. 

Down the groves of pure nonsense we whirl laughing, laughing - "They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care 
They pursued it with forks / Ag silver metal tuning fork with 47 electrons ..
the earth year 1947 partitions of India/Pakistan

 and Palestine/Israel 

and with hope…--> Arthur thursday Schopenhauer
 with Bob Hope magnetic field aparmeters  B & H 

The West Road to
Z atomic number (ZAN of TarZAn)

Zi - Zinser and Milwaukee Mayor Bar--> Barrett

And then we
wake  ... the atomic coffin DATABASE

and the Egyptian (computer) BOOK of the DEAD 
using IBM BAL   for emBALment analysis 

The Egypt mummy atomic bandages with
atomic   communcation bandwidths ...

.messages .... messages gestalt / big picture database

 was a part of the complex religious belief system of the Shuara, who placed a strong emphasis on creating a rich mythology and used shamanistic practices to unify the real and supernatural worlds. From ethnographical research conducted by anthropologist Michael Harner, we also know that the Shuara shrank heads not only of enemies caught in battle, but also of revered members of their community as a way to incorporate their spirits into those of the living.”

Green's Theorem --> Green Bay Packers football teams

Green's Theorem --> music Katy Perry 

  1. Katy Perry - Songs, Albums & Age - Biography

    WebApr 2, 2014 · Name: Katy Perry 

Green's Theorem --> Federal Reserve Bank agent for stolen math money & property

Green's Theorem --> the Hulk

Action Adventure Drama A fugitive scientist has the curse of becoming a powerful green monster under extreme emotional stress. Creator Kenneth Johnson Stars Bill Bixby Lou Ferrigno Jack Colvin See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video buy from $9.99 More watch options Add to Watchlist Added by 16.5K users 72 User reviews

becoming a powerful green monster under extreme emotional stress -->

under extreme emotional stress -->
powerful green monster  .....

powerful green monster  .....

Derecho Storm hits
COMPUTER EARTH Input/output region --> computer earth  -->  iowa hardest 

A EARTH language derecho swept across 

Virginia TECH(O)  
Virginia TECH(O)   English Order Entry   department to 
set-up and murder Mr.CHO 

 ..born in Year 1984 as the Jewish   Chosen One

Which ONE will you be  ...the ODD   ONE

Pier Odd   Oddone

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa quiver wave mechanics region 

with quiver address space .....

area requirements  of existence     
quivers, X-ray machines,etc

IPA ..IP address space agent  ....

EARTH LAB humanoid specimen from PERU
sent to Bat inverse region of Chicago

 sent to Bat research at Batavia FermiLAB ot , Peru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist ..... in atomic shrunken head ..... data fields at Field Museum in Chicago

Field Museum Shrunken Heads It was behind-the-scenes night at the Field Museum in Chicago and the anthropology department had staff members displaying some of its wares. Here was my chance to ask the question that had been bothering me for years: What had happened to the shrunken heads?

Why were the shrunken heads from South America taken off display? --> to be replaced by actual living human idiots in Chicago with intellectual abilities shrunken to nonsense as seen on Television and newspapers 

Today, we now know that headhunting /modern headhunting  Alzheimer's brain bio-computer ...memory software program = hunters

 was a part of the complex religious belief system of the Shuara, who placed a strong emphasis on creating a rich mythology and used shamanistic practices to unify the real and supernatural worlds. From ethnographical research conducted by anthropologist Michael Harner, we also know that the Shuara shrank heads not only of enemies caught in battle, but also of revered members of their community as a way to incorporate their spirits into those of the living.”

the states of South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio on Monday, August 10, 2020, leaving behind widespread and utterly devastating damage in its wake, hitting central and eastern Iowa the hardest.

powerful green monster  .....

Action Adventure Drama A fugitive scientist has the curse of becoming a powerful green monster under extreme emotional stress

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...