Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Book 1619 Part 2 Early Transcendental calculus Military functions describe the earth BATTLES played out with

Book 1619 Part 2 

Early Transcendental calculus Military functions describe the earth BATTLES 

played out with 

James (for James Clerk Maxwell and James Joyce) 

Earl (Earth land language agent) 

Ray (sun-light ray languages) 

and the 3RD Earl of Russell (Bertrand Russell)

code word -->  Early --> earth language family  

Above words enhanced ....

YEAR 1637 ..... IBM oxygen base 16 ..AGE 16 teenage female at 37 Degrees Celsius body temperature 
explains VIA empirical DEMO .... the
French Kiss data transfer mechanism to Rene Descartes 

and --.the joining of two major LABIA RD fields  
- cotton bra algebra and bedroom geometry  sex positions 


Cotton atoms /molecule ......  social science language

Cotton   THOUGHT  molecule  word  " Under" -->
is incorporated into cotton underwear  .....

that is used to capture .....
  male bragging balls.

Cotton   THOUGHT  molecule  word  " Under" -->
is  activated when a male .......
is  in the z-axis vertical STANDING  .....

thus    .....  Under + standing  ...
gives the periodic atomic table and cotton molecules

an understanding of BS 

Notes 509 - Dolton Illinois and CO2 data carrier molecule .... Chicago Circle Campus meet at Robert F White company


Notes 509 .... by Herb Zinser

Year 1888 equation of the French Kiss signal ....
and year 1972
Chicago - Dolton Illinois



Notes 509 - Dolton Illinois and  CO2 data carrier molecule  .... Chicago Circle Campus meet at Robert F White company

The French Connection is a 1971 American crime thriller film[6] directed by William Friedkin. The screenplay, written by Ernest Tidyman, is based on Robin Moore's 1969 book of the same name. It tells the story of NYPD detectives Jimmy "Popeye" Doyle and Buddy "Cloudy" Russo, whose real-life counterparts were

Narcotics Detectives Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso, in pursuit of wealthy French heroin smuggler Alain Charnier. 

The French Connection

The French Connection

The French Connection

Narcotics Detectives 

Narcotics Detectives 

..arcot       Detectives .. math love life of
the arc-cotangent with 

JOAN of ARC of 
Dolton Illinois earth language region 

The arc-cotangent function y = cot-1x or y = arccot x is the inverse of the cotangent function, so that its value for any argument is an arc (angle) whose cotangent equals the given argument.
That is, y = cot-1if and only
if x = cot y.
if x = cot y.
if x = cot y.

The path  / route to

Robert F White company in Chicago 

F W Woolworth   5 cent & dime store
nationwide chain

exiting on an EARTH
Lev Landau ... geography  level land

such as

Cleveland Ohio 

 a horizontal PLATFORM that 2-legged
humans walk upon 

and the

F W Woolworth   5 cent & dime store

atomic stone/ cement/ marble/iron/glass VERTICAL building

as a Charles Darwin / Francisco de Goya ..the GIANT year 1808   ...

atomic vertical building as a
THOUGHT life form


a Carl Jung collective  

of the major ideas, feelings, and emotions or ordinary working women /maids/ housekeepers
clerks & secretaries  of years 1920, 1935, 1947 and 1953 with
Meta Staerker Zinser at
Watertown Wisconsin

F W Woolworth store
on the corner of 4th and Main Street
buying tomato plants  and violets ..
in April & May  

F W Woolworth ..... horizontal 
Frequency Wavelength ....
Nikola Tesla ..EARTH SYSTEM signal processing 

and the Wardenclyffe Tower  

Wardenclyffe Tower (1901–1917),
also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early experimental wireless transmission station designed and built by Nikola Tesla on ...

the Wardenclyffe Tower  

Next generation in
atomic social science and
brain wave communications

Woolworth Building

Woolworth Building

The Woolworth Building is an early American skyscraper designed by architect Cass Gilbert located at 233 Broadway in ManhattanNew York City. It was the tallest building in the world from 1913 to 1930, with a height of 792 feet (241 m). More than a century after its construction, it remains one of the 100 tallest buildings in the United States.

The Woolworth Building is located in Manhattan's Tribeca neighborhood, bounded by Broadway and City Hall Park to its east, Park Place to its north, and Barclay Street to its south. It consists of a 30-story base topped by a 30-story tower.

Its facade is mostly decorated with terracotta,

though the lower portions are limestone

with IBM
 lower AFRICA base 16 codes with
DR. DAVID  Living (atomic) Stone
..interface agent ,

W. Clement Stone
(atomic geological layers of 
EARTH BOTANY systems and
Sartre existential insurance

Stone dropped out of high school to sell insurance full-time.
He received a diploma ....

from the YMCA Central High School in Chicago. He took courses at Detroit College of Law (now, atoMic Michigan State University College of Law)
and Northwestern niver University without awareness the human liver .[1]

 and it features thousands of 

atomic microsoft windows / atomic glass windows with Lewis Carroll glass

software / analysis sub-routines.

 The ornate lobby contains various sculptures, mosaics, and architectural touches. The structure was designed with several amenities and attractions, including a now-closed observatory on the 57th floor and a private swimming pool in the basement. 


the F W Woolworth building ....
 facade is mostly decorated with 
terracotta .....
.......acot  ta ...arc-contangent TA
(Tom Harris
transactional analysis of female human emotions  with Harris Bank in

Chic / sophisticated Chicago
,,,,,, and the

teenage female wearing a
wool sweater on her body...

that is  .....  a

F W Woolworth building ..... 
a vertical parallel existence and
expression .....
in female  biology format,

(Joan of Arc of
..........................Bolts of wool yarn and tons of wool yarn .. each year .....
are woven into a wool sweater 

thus the parallel

the F W Woolworth building ....
 facade is mostly decorated with 
terracotta ..... parallel  with

the....... F W Woolworth bldg
Robert F White company.....
............Female White

wearing a wool sweater
in winter in the Chicago-Dolton region,

Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and neon are some of the other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent.
Oct 22, 2019

Earth's atmosphere view of the EARTH geography sutface -
National Geographic Society

the atmosphere /sky VIEW 
MOS  language circuit

reaches down with
gravity THOUGHT fields 
& barometric pressure communication
lines   .....

 the cotangent and arc-cotangent .....
 see/ be aware of 
 her beautiful profile   ....
 LINKage codes .... 

her beautiful body facade & face & smile
is mostly decorated with 
terracotta..... ac ....  ac cot ta
-> arc-cotangent feelings, emotions and
thoughts of ac --> accounting class
at secretary school 

and below

by her cotton panty .... cotton THOUGHT molecule region 

needs male math student with awareness of math cotangent curves and functions ... he needs to touch her cotton panties to enable data  transfer  ,,,,,, VIA his penis  informatiun systems   bio-data pipeline  ......  to insert data into her VOID ... her vagina as Stephen Hawking information void .....
a Black hole caused by 
black ink ......  explanation holes in textbooks and newspapers

One female from
Dolton Illinois solves the major
puzzles about 

inner Earth atomic language world and
EARTH surface region of INDIA ASIA -
-> LINK to INDIA North America (Indiana) ....

and its
underground language at Gary Indiana
..........ground  ...letter d --> Dolton 

..........groung --> rotate letter d to g 

..........groung  ...... gro + oung .....

Grown young woman (age 18, age 19)

A Portrait of the Artist
as a Young Man - Wikipedia

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce. A Künstlerroman written in a

A Portrait of the Artist
as a Young Woman
  - Wikipedia

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman
is the second  novel of Irish writer subroutines 
James Joyce ...... cellulose WHITE paper and secretary  school at
Robert F WHITE company in Chicago .

A Künstlerroman written 
A Künstler  roman writ  ten 
A Künstler romance writ ten 

writ of habeas corpus system ......
 is used to bring a
female teenager detainee
(double e --> ee_---> electron emotions and atomic desires
female expression agents),

or other detainee (e.g. math, physics,
chemistry try effort of thought moleeules,
electrical engineering students) )

before ( bef +ore --> Beef PROTEIN THOUGHT MOLULES  and Mesabi atomic iron ORE range with OR logic and the Phelps Dodge copper ORE mine) .....

 EARTH government   
 court with Sartre Existence issues of BOTANY trees  .....

to determine if the person's (periodic atomic table extension ....
atomic biology system .... son with 2 legs and 2 ears ....

IBM system 370 awareness PERSON

...aware of EARTH  geography surface ....

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...