Book 1619 Part 1
Early Transcendental calculus Military functions describe the earth BATTLES
played out with
James (for James Clerk Maxwell and James Joyce)
Earl (Earth land language agent)
Ray (sun-light ray languages)
The ALAN SOKAL ... BRAIN neuro-science language prison DATABASE ..... translated
mug shot --> Georgia atomic clay/ ceramic Coffee mug software program CREATED the gun shot instructions ... that where implanted into a programmable human bio-computer ....
human action figure ...
James Clerk Maxwell and the Maxwell DEMONS ,
the 3RD Earl of Russell,
and the sugar thought molecules of a corrugated /cellulose box of sugar and grocery store box agent ...
boxer Sugar RAY Robinson
Basic LOGIC Gates in humanoid Bull-shit ... arrogant, snob communication format
---> atoMic Microsoft & Google ....
and Bill Gates dealing with
stolen property and improper social usage of property
and LOGIC of the EARTH land of England
and the 3RD Earl of Russell (Bertrand Russell)
code word --> Early --> earth language family

WAUKESHA CO. (WITI) -- There's an active search by Waukesha County authorities for 15-year-old Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School. Stalbaum was last seen around 6:15 a.m ...
(CBS/AP) WAUKESHA COUNTY, Wis. - Kathryn Stalbaum, a 15-year-old Wisconsin girl, went missing Tuesday morning while riding her bike to school, reports CBS affiliate WDJT. Authorities have...
Fe = Fermat's theorem ,,,
Fe= Female agent missing
Admiral Kathryn Janeway was a 24th and early 25th century Starfleet officer and one of the most decorated captains
Starfleet math & geological layer history on the atomic inner earth DATABASE and the
quantum Wave mechanics (Wa) ---->
Waukesha atomic limestone quarry
(qua + message array -->quantum array)
the greater Milwaukee --> earth electron region --> nearby
Waukesha electron rock/stone limestone quarry as
printed circuit layers

Kettle Moraine underground geology ...
earth electron layers of limestone electrons layers
........ limestone layers of atomic electrons as
Nature's ancient atomic printed circuit .....
limestone & other rocks
.... as electron thought circuit
........ atomic limestone message region.
She was most noted for commanding the starship USS Voyager during its journey through the Delta Quadrant.
in other words .... parallel existences
.... the EM field ...television program ...program instructions implanted
into the brain stem/ brain temple
hypnotized female ....
Kettle Moraine High school specimen with a
LABEL/ proper noun /name
human programmable bio-computer with
parallel name codes ......
Kathryn Janeway Highway 26 Janesville GM factory
and the TV show Voyager
LINK to the Plymouth Voyager atomic iron metal
motor vehicle with 4-rubber wheels
Jules Verne 1865
French frequency/ under-ground ground sonar ..
book report ....Voyage to the Center of the
atomic iron earth ..Atomic Factory and
Her captaincy of Voyager and its unprecedented journey through the Delta Quadrant became legendary.
Delta Quadrant
Delta Quadrant
Delta Quadrant --> set-up, killing of Quadracci ....
and cover-up by the printing /publishing industry ....
the Delta death of Harry Quadracci
and the Kettle Moraine region .....
triple math /calculus triple integral ..symbol S
Chenequa and SuSSex population volume integral SSS violations of the
HG Wells 1897 book about
Village of IPING
West SuSSex Great Britain
and parallel
Western Hemisphere
SuSSex Wisconsin
Harry V. Quadracci's body was discovered Monday afternoon in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake, near his home in Chenequa. ... Quadracci's death comes just little more than two weeks after a ...
Jul 31, 2002
Harry S Truman Symbol Tables
Harry S Truman Symbol Tables
Harry S Truman True /False Logic tables
Harry --> the next Harry in sequence of NEXUS
.... the next anus
The Rosy Crucifixion: Sexus, Plexus, Nexus - Henry Miller -
Henry Miller's Rosy Crucifixion, his second major trilogy, took more than 10 years for the author to complete.
Beginning in 1949 with Sexus,
a work so controversial
earth geography...atomic soil language
in Wisconsin
Beginning in 1949 with Sexus --> SuSSex Wisconsin and the next anus
of the
publishing lies/
incomplete explanation /
BS/ scams industry ,
all of Paris (Par + is
--> Parallel information systems and earth languages of symbols, math equations, chemistry formulas, etc )
was abuzz with complex number life of
z = a+bi
was abuzz with complex number life of
z = a+bi .......ab = animal blood and apartment buildings....
ab= abstract algebra processing
.......... data record buffers for the complex power series function of existence --> zz
L'Affaire Miller,
L'Affaire Miller,
L'Affaire Miller -->
Miller automobile parts store building,
Miller Auto Replacement Parts, Inc. is a Wisconsin Domestic Business Corporation filed On November 5, 1952. The company's filing status is listed as Dissolved and its File Number is 1M08664 . The Registered Agent on file for this company is Harold L Miller and is located at 717 W Main, Watertown, WI 53094.
(and publisher Maurice Girodias saw himself threatened with jail), following in 1952 with Plexus, and finally concluding with 1959's Nexus, the three works of DNA codons are a dazzling array of ...
Jul 31, 2002
Harry S Truman Symbol Tables
Harry S Truman Symbol Tables
Harry S Truman True /False Logic tables
Harry V. Quadracci, president and founder of Quad Graphics, a major printer of
American cannibal code magazines, was found dead on Monday in Pine Lake near his home here. He was 66. The cause was accidental ..
a major printer
a major printer
a major printer of biology software BEDROOM words
for men and women that read .....
a major printer .,.EARTH LAB
a major printer
a major printer
a major printer
a major
a major
a major Lab printer
a major Labia commands and
BEDROOM baby production instructions ...
one of several ....
world pussy RD headquarters in SuSSEX
a major
a major
a major Lab printer
a major Labia commands .... pussy systems
According to the investigative reports: Betty Quadracci went to sleep in BED
with her husband, Harry, the night of July 28 but woke up around 7:15 a.m. to find him gone. People are also reading…...
went to sleep in BED
with her husband --> communications bandwidth LINK
to the underground atomic limestone BEDROCK
geological region ....
Milwaukee double e
--> ee --> electrical engineering
--> ee (earth electron PLATFORM)
a major printer .,.EARTH LAB
a major printer
a major printer
a major printer
a major
a major
a major Lab printer
a major Labia commands and
BEDROOM baby production instructions ...
one of several ....
world pussy RD headquarters in SuSSEX
headquarters near Oconomowoc city of
5 female algebra bio-math holes = 0
...f(x) = 0 ......
the Chenequa equation with
bio-math zeroes of Betty Quadracci
the University of SIN
... leader of evil/ religious sin/etc
University of Wisconsin
Chancellor JOHN WILEY
probability distribution of female orfice holes
female biology holes as math tools ....
as female(x) = 0 / zeroes existing on the
Earth math geography surface region
.... of
Oconomowoc / Chenequa polynomials equation with 5 roots /zeroes
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