Thursday, June 1, 2023

Book1645-013 Tom M Apostol - Bio-math EVENTS ..the Mitochondria Battle of INCHON repeated .....The Wisconsin sin wave / oscillation language continuum battles with quiver language errors of Coquimbo, Quito, AREQUIPA, FermiLAB



Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated  by Herb Zinser

.The Wisconsin sin wave / oscillation language continuum battles with quiver language errors of Coquimbo, Quito, AREQUIPA, Mit and FermiLAB 

 Tom M Apostol  equation AP + OS + TOL  --> oscillation language continuum battles with quiver language errors of Coquimbo, Quito, AREQUIPA, FermiLAB 

 Bio-math EVENTS  ..the Mitochondria Battle of INCHON repeated  .....The Wisconsin sin wave / oscillation language continuum battles with quiver language errors of Coquimbo, Quito, AREQUIPA, FermiLAB 

Bio-math EVENTS  ..the
Mitochondria Battle of INCHON repeated  ......
the Inchon /Inch of distance,  measure theory
the System of International Units (SIU),
Nature's ancient bio-chemistry molecules

MIT university, HaRVard, Radcliffe, and Boston University schemes and their cover-ups of murder system methods and operations 

Cambridge/ Boston  geography area 
with writing instruments /pens in

as a parallel to the Korean Peninsula and its language /military word map

Below, city of Boston/Cambridge of objects, people, buildings of NOTHINGNESS

China (geography class Asia)

China (food technology class Asia --> A student)

 Rosenthalusa Shop 
Luxurious Dinnerware Sets - Rosenthal Shop
Tableware and Decor in High Quality China. Choose Rosenthal. Tradition and innovation come together in Rosenthal products. Buy them online.
Types: China sets, Plates for your table, Serving sets, Tea and coffee, Home decor

Dinner table ..... atomic clay plate TOOLS 
..... for geology student and professor..... education 

Versace (Vector space secret pattern, design and color languages)  ATTACKS
on all mathematical-physics ..... 
linear algebra/ matrix and array structures ..such as human body/brain. apartment buildings, etc

code word instructionss

Versace (Vector space secret pattern, design and color languages)  
on all mathematical-physics .....
linear algebra/ matrix and array structures .....
such as 
human body/brain, apartment buildings, etc

 the Arequipa Perquiver /vibration/oscillation errors and problems 

of the PER - Periodic atomic table property and 

tyrosine oscillation/sine wave interface molecule 

...blood pulse waves inside blood  veins

of bio-chemistry DNA & NANO-seconds 
usage limit boundaries...... 

..tyrosine sine waves property ...

TIME/age and longevity interface molecule

alignment with latitude, longitude direction of Longboat key Sarasota Florida, altitude .......

Longevity  --> ground earth (ge) election votes(ev)

Longevity  --> long--> longing & desire .... and want

Longitude  --> Huey Long (1935) Longevity battle in Louisiana ..... continued in Vector Space (VS--> Vietnam South)

in the Battle of  HUE (1968) and the EARTH B & H magnetic field interaction woth atomic iron parameters




Longevity --> gravity THOUGHT field 6.6 interaction with

6 feet tall vertical z-axis  ...... 6 feet Horizontal universe/platform of earth solid land (code name U E of Euler and Euclidean plane geometry)

...tyrosine sine waves property ...

and the TYR (Time year 2000 boundary violations)  used by citizens & the algorithms violations of existence of Nature & its  LIMIT LAWS by 

all people and Fe = Federal  government

  1. Si = Yes spanish word

It means "yes". si: (I wear a silver belt buckle)
It means "yesterday". silver atomic metal & its language was in the inner EARTH ........... and now it is EXTERNALIZED and becomes 

Spanish language SILVER jewelry and belt buckles .... with human biology LIVERS  as Nature's spokes-persons
to deLIVER /distribute information and HOT WOMEN(2):

it is written in tensor space/time coordinates of year 1922 Hermann Weyl......without a Paul Dirac  accent, and it is pronounced using ...sin wave  lower harmonics (in terms of frequencies)

Bestco Silver Tuning Fork Set, Best Scientific Co. | ID:

Tuning fork and code UP --> UPanishads message flowfrom the inner EARTH core ...DATA CENTER

 U-shaped bar a specific constant pitch

- Wikipedia

tuning fork is an acoustic resonator 
tuning fork is an acoustic resonator 

A human hum tuning fork with another relative

acoustic resonator 
human senator (oe = order entry systems) cousin sin wave in Wisconsin connected 
quantum & 
Arequipa quiver of Silver  wave mechanics WORDS 
to the Sinai Peninsula/Egypt /Israel

acoustic resonator BATTLE 

in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs formed from a U-shaped bar of elastic metal (usually steel or silver).
It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against a surface or with an object, and emits a pure musical tone once the high overtones fade out. A tuning fork's pitch depends on the length and mass of the two prongs.

pronounced using ...sin wave  lower harmonics (in terms of frequencies) ...Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean  VIA  sing sing prison and San Quentin 

and much lower intensity than any typical word with a stress.

formed from a U-shaped bar 
formed from a U-shaped bar 
formed from a Upanishads language

Upanishads --> address space

ADDRESS CONSTANTS A,Y,V ADDRESSCONSTANTS Each byte of internal memory is numbered sequentially beginning with 0 for the first byte, 1 for the second byte, and continuing in this way until the end of memory is reached. 


The Upanishads (/ʊˈpənɪˌʃədz/;[1] Sanskritउपनिषद् Upaniṣad pronounced [ˈʊpɐnɪʂɐd̪]) are late Vedic and post-Vedic Sanskrit texts that 
"document the transition from the archaic ritualism of the Veda into new religious ideas and institutions such as Jules V-section Verne and Mount Vernon databases"[2]
the emergence of the central religious concepts of Hinduism.[2][note 1] They are the most recent addition to the Vedas
the oldest scriptures of Hinduism and the 
newest scriptures  Hinsdale Illinois & Devon Avenue Chicago, 

and deal with
LAZY meditation without basic physics LAB
philosophy of dribble and nonsense
consciousness that HOT women exist, and ontological knowledge. 

Earlier parts of the Vedas dealt with mantras, benedictions, rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices of wild women at sex parties. 

  1. Wien IX, Berggasse 19. Vienna Austri
  2. This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee from the Nazis in 1938. This place is known worldwide as the birthplace of psychoanalysis - it was here that Freud revolutionized the human self-image. tH 
  3. The original atomic DATABASE living language of 
  4. Ag 47 electrons translated over the 47 year alignment
  5. by 
  6. Silver interface agent .,,,
  7. Si --> signal processing systems agent 
Silver atom of metal & electronic circuits
Quiver language  ...... Silver Sigmund Freud frequency 47 years 

Computer earth ....EARTH atomic silver metal ..master computer console....

The atomic earth building
What Are the Earth's Harmonic Resonate Frequencies?
Harmonic Resonance Frequency.

Harmonic Resonance dance Frequency

Harm /attack/ destroy Reasonance Frequency

Every object or material in the universe exists
with a certain frequency of vibration.

This is the frequency that resonates
when that object is hit.

when that object is hit.

when that object is hit.

when that vertical object is hit.

when that vertical object is hit.

when that tall vertical object is hit.

when that tall vertical object is hit by the jet set.

 Wikipedia › wiki › Jet_set 
Jet set - Wikipedia
In journalism, jet set is a term for an international social group of wealthy people who travel the world to participate in social activities unavailable to ordinary people. The term, which replaced "café society", came from the lifestyle of travelling from one stylish or exotic place to another via jet plane .
 Publicpeople › what-is-the-jet-set.htm 
What Is the Jet Set? (with pictures) - PublicPeople
The original term, "jet set", referred to 50's era socialites who traveled the world to party and socialize. As air travel became more affordable, the jet set label began to take on another form. In the 1970s and 1980s, the jet set became known as the socialites who owned their own jet aircraft.

 jet aircraft.

 jet aircraft.

 jet aircraft.

Four planes
Four planes
Four planes ...physical information planes and surfaces of EARTH existence 
(3 dimensions of space fixed (x,y.z) coordinates or  (i,j,k) variable coordinates ..... 
and 1 linear time dimension of hours, days, weeks, years)

Four planes flying over the eastern US were
seized/ ki
dnapping the air-planes simultaneously by small molecular software DNA program teams of programmable bio-computer ....

 4 DNA molecules and their 

university bio-chemistry ATTACK & DESTROY  software IMPLANTED

 into the programmable  human bio-computer hijackers

.... sub-conscious MIND  ..... VIA government violations, education schemeses  television, radio, newspaper commands .

They were then used as giant, guided missiles to crash into landmark buildings in New York and Washington.

Two planes struck

Two plan

Two project plans  struck

Dialogue/Conversation concerning TWO Chief WORLD Towers in 

parallel day September 11,2001     OR

parallel city Dallas November 11 + 11 --> day 22

 Oup › 2018 › 06 › cp-snow-thermodynamics-60... 
C.P. Snow and Second Law  thermodynamics
and the Two = 2 = second Towers use air-conditioning ) , 60 years on | OUPblog

June 14th 2018 It’s nearly 60 years since C.PSnow gave his influential “Two Cultures” lecture, in which – among many other significant insights – he advocated that a good education should equip a 
young person with an awareness  of the existence of the complex abstract  knowledge MODELS of the 
Second Law of Thermodynamics
 and building refrigerators and air conditioning ...... 


 the  human daily simple life MODEL of  work to get money to eat, 
pay the apartment rent for a BEDROOM /sex facility for HOT WOMEN, dance, 
drink beer and talk BS ,  party with females.
...thus the 
THEATHER of fun, sex, and the  simple life

William Shakespeare equation code name --> 

William Shakespeare ink pen code name -->
will(y) cock ... shake think penis 

and the THEATHER  instructions

--> heroin words

Eat her pussy (oral sex) and then use 

MR. Male Cock penis as a needle 


the male balls/testicles with

white sperm/semen  fluid and its parallel BEDROOM language for the 

Jane Wilde Hawking 

sub-conscious MIND project .......

Tarzan &
Jane (jungle bunny)

and the Wild Women of Borneo and the
in their neo-cortex brain 

What Color Is Heroin? - Spring Hill Recovery

Types Of Heroin ...Hero  input
MR. male HERO (penis needle) and white fluid
wife/girlfriend with white heroin/sperm 
bedroom sex quiver  ... activity waves 
tranquilize with symbols/parallel words...
Arequipa female quiver muscle subroutines 

PGM = WILD WOMAN of Borneo
............ Indonesia RD
at FermiLAB   ...Pier Oddone

Heroin comes in several colors, including white, black, and brown. The form of heroin depends on factors such as purity, additives, and whether it is natural or synthetic. Sometimes called “big H” or “hell dust,” heroin is an addictive opioid drug made from poppy plants often imported from Mexico or South America.

Two planes struck the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York.

The first hit the North Tower at 08:46 Eastern Time (12:46 GMT). The second crashed into the South Tower at 09:03.

The buildings were set on fire, trapping people on the upper floors, and wreathing the city in smoke. In less than two hours, both 110-storey towers collapsed in massive clouds of dust.

At 09:37 the third plane destroyed the western face of the Pentagon - the giant headquarters of the US military just outside the nation's capital, Washington DC.

At 09:37 
At 09:37 
At 19:37 --> year 1937 agent
the third plane destroyed the western face 

Watertown Wisconsin 
S 3RD Street and Western Avenue

Bertrand Russell...thinking  site RD - Wikipedia
Bertrand Arthur William Russell,
 3rd Earl Russell
OM, (nearby Oconomowoc) 
FRS [66] (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

jet set is a term for an international social group of wealthy people who travel the world 
jet set is a term for an international social group of wealthy people who travel the world 

Jet set - Wikipedia
In EARTH government systems with various social, economic, and 
expression sub-systems (clothing fashions, music industry, food processing factories, movies & theater, hotel industry, antique industry, wine tasting &smells, and other sub-systems  with elaborate special languages of flavors, colors, words, images, protocols, etc) 
Nature uses 
the Charles Darwin/Charles Dickens selection process (using proper nouns, heritage, the ability of their molecular bio-computer ) 

Nature (as a intellectual thinking .... molecular life form) tries to select individual (2)  humans
that understand the concept of two (2) parts of human existence per Charles Dickens BOOK

...the Talent of 2  Cities 
(physical existence & 
the software / symbols/ language  world) 

.... 1) their personal human life and its physical biology
2) their actor/representative role/ job title  in life
.....  to act as  representatives for EARTH social engineering  sub-systems that exist  
and .......are clearly explained  

jet set is a term (algebra set theory term) 
math integer groups 
(groups of 10,000 people.
100,00 people, 
1 million people that comprise a 
Carl Jung 
unconscious mind level (an aware ... mind level that is NOT directly visible to others....
except to a very few )

..... sub-conscious MIND (partially visible to some people) .....
collective group of thousands and thousands  of people
as one  GROUP MIND 

Thus the collective DATABASE funnels into 1 person

 ...that needs a spokes-person --> thus the  
Carl Jung math integer GROUP
 Wikipedia › wiki › Group_theory 
Group theory - Wikipedia
In abstract algebra, group theory studies the algebraic structures known as groups. The concept of a group is central to abstract algebra: other well-known algebraic structures, such as rings, fields, and vector spaces, can all be seen as groups
 endowed with additional operations and axioms

(people groups ....
that become endowed with

additional money .....

 additional travel operations to 
have face-to-face acetylcholine (data lines)
  ....  the  human bio-computer FACE-BOOK data exchanges per 

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg  and
Mark D Totzke(y) --> Z key of Zucker(berg)
and the 

What's the German word for sugar

German Translation/ human translator
agent Mr. man Zucker(berg)

sugar thought molecule 
/zucker molecule uses --> human representative 
for the same associated name & molecular money TRUST fund 
,,,, intellectual CORRUPTION of Harvard university , Face-book worth/dollars,  Zucker(berg) and 
money given to criminal organizations such as hospitals and RD groups .....
that knowingly accept STOLEN PROPERTY


What's the German word for sugar thought molecules ...... in Germanic language heritage regions ..... 

in Wisconsin sin wave,

Illinois --> information systems

Minnesota -->

mini-max theorem neccessary

atoMic Michigan

Zucker at UC = University of Chicago....... 

molecule Prison of brand name CH sugar

Priscilla Chan (born February 24, 1985) 
is an American philanthropist dealing in stolen property and a former
pediatrician trick CIA agent .

She and her hershy chocolate &sugar (ZUCKER)  candy bar extension  ....

the molecular extension in 
male humanoid FORMAT (that must be socially processed using a molecular socially accepted SOLUTION
using parallel words/behavior/actions .... concepts--

> thus the 
formaldehyde solution in Home Improvement from the University of Chicago ..Jekyll & Hyde Park 

formal tuxedo for male 

formaldehyde (male deal with the highway of deathsolution 

IraQ (IQ test)
 ...think  UW --> kUWait 
and the 
University of Wisconsin brain paths 
Admission forms to the school
Alderman Brian Solomon exposes Madison Wisconsin

formaldehyde (HCHO), also called methanal, an organic compound, the simplest of the aldehydes, used in large amounts in a variety of social. legal. and romance  chemical manufacturing processes

It is produced principally by the human MOUTH vapour-phase oxidation of methanol and is commonly sold as formalin,

a 37 percent    (aqueous solution(human body ....H2O water/aqua THOUGHT molecules 
with awareness of Thomas Aquinas quiver message waves sent to  at Arequipa
...quiver UPDATE program in Peru ,,,,,
send humanoid 
UP  to the Nor logic thoughts of 
North America region of oscillations and alternating cycles .....) 

...and of 37 Celsius degrees male body temperature.

band bandwidth and its communications 

Mark Zuckerberg, a co-founder and 
CEO of CELLULOSE .. ancient Botany earth government of cellulose of Meta (Meta Zinser and Charles SteinMeTZ) Platforms
established the Charlie Chan 
detective molecule movies ...Chan Zuckerberg STOLEN PROPERTY   Initiative in December 2015, with a pledge to transfer 99 percent of their gravity mirror 66 and 99... 9 --> nine
guanine and adenine

Facebook shares .......... shooting areas 
(Milwaukee area Norberg & Kunish get shot in FACE  book Julius BURTON at a police station) , then valued at $45 billion.

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg  and
Mark D Totzke(y) --> Z key of Zucker(berg)
and the 

What's the German word for sugar


sugar thought molecule 

and the 
thyroid gland  creates wealthy  agents

Carl Jung international social group of wealthy people 
who travel the world to participate in social activities ..

such as brain radio conversations 

such as brain radio and bio-radio conversations 
with customers of Versace DESIGN merchandise  ... .....
buy & sell COMMUNITY and SOCIAL disease software destroy cities and destroy east Europe (double e--> ee--> earth electron battle) 
,,,played out with the Ukraine and Russia 

unavailable to 
ordinary people (that study ordinary and partial differential equations of fluid mechanics and theri application to 
year 1920 to 1953 ... dime store chains and the flow of people, money, and goods  with 

 IBM Basic assembler land language TOOLS

such as old mechanical  NCR cash registers

year 1920 Model 1064 G of the EARTH G = Gravity thought field & feeling computer of gravity number
.667  = 2/3 with 1/3 remainder = 1 = one of the FermiLAB gravity site of Pier OddOne 
with gravity number 66 gymnastics.....
graphics/ number/ alphabet letter .....
 rotation and somersaults  --> 

thus FermiLAB secrets identities and facets 
of their Arequipa--> IP address space director 
Odd + One
O66 + One
O99 + One
Obb + One
Opp + One

Odd + one = 1 has been re-tailed as a monkey
VIA code word transformations ....
Earth LAB specimen .... Pier Oddone and the merchandise Oddities 

...the odds/ probability/ random variables

LINK  arequipa particles/ Peruvia
Batavia: 481 North Randall
Pier 1 Imports retail store..imports
Pier One humanoid EARTH LAB language specimen 
 from the Galapagos/Peru region of Spanish, Italian, English,etc ....
Spoken by 
Thus SPOKE Z = Zarathustra and
..husband of MRS. Oddone

The term, which replaced "café society", came from the lifestyle of travelling from one stylish or exotic place to another via jet plane .

 "café society",of Pier Oddone
 "café society",
 "café society" of California and FermiLAB physics,

From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s 

He was appointed director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and took up office on 1 July 2005.
 "café society",
 "café society",
 "café society" of carbon atomic mass 12 and 
Ferrous/iron atom 26 alphabet letters of iron-56 metal interaction /via EARTH magnetic field with  Illinois Route 56 iron metal automobiles that travel to Fe = FermiLAB high society
in the Wilson Hall building

"café society",
 "café society",
 "café society" existing within the larger dimensions of COMPUTER EARTH with
with the VSAM judical systems

Cook County
George N. Leighton
(New Line printer  command)  
Criminal Court Building
Atomic administrative court
Wilson Hall min + nis + tra -->
cotton thought molecules mini-skirt 
..Penis trap in Batavia and the
Batavia cock Battles fought in
nistan US troops FIGHT & DIE to protect  anus of American ROYAL ASSHOLE(RA)  families of lies/schemes/scams per message BOOKS

Cook County
George N. Leighton
(New Line printer  command)  
Criminal Court Building
Atomic administrative court
Wilson Hall ...
Illinois Route 56 alignment with

Iron atomic mass..... Connect Route 56 with 2600 California Avenue 
with mass interaction with the
Gravity and Magnetic field ...ROAD  maps 
as designed by the 

GRAVITY 66 / MAGNETIC  sky maps of the EARTH surface land 
..coordinates perfected ...using MOTHER ROAD 
ROUTE 66 and 
atomic iron METAL motor vehicles with
atomic iron BLOOD subroutines drivers 
within  a humanoid ACTION FIGURE 

Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts › courts-directory › court
Leighton Criminal Court Building. Circuit District: 1 | Circuit: 
Cook County Cook County 

2600 S. California Avenue Chicago, IL - Illinois

 Publicpeople › what-is-the-jet-set.htm 
What Is the Jet Set? (with pictures) - PublicPeople
The original term, "jet set", referred to 50's era socialites who traveled the world to party and socialize. As air travel became more affordable, the jet set label began to take on another form. In the 1970s and 1980s, the jet set became known as the socialites who owned their own jet aircraft.
jet set",
jet set",
jet set",--> TS Eliot --> input/output bio-port NAME/IDENTIFIER of humanoid bio-computer

 Wikipedia › wiki › T._S._Eliot 
T. S. ELIOT --> 
Time selection I/O for IOT (IDIOTS) of 
poetry ..Po o etry --> Pissed off .... order entry systems

- Wikipedia
Thomas Stearns Eliot OM (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965) was a 
poet (order entry),
beer pub language extensions
--> publisher, 

playwright with Frank Lloyd Wright 
..right triangle property law ....
 right triangle /plane geometry INTERCEPTOR COMMUNICATIONS building at the Taliesin East Spring Green Wisconsin

 , literary critic and editor. [2] Considered one of the 20th century's major poets, he is a central figure in English-language Modernist poetry. Through his trials in language, writing style, and verse structure, he reinvigorated English poetry.

jet set",
jet set",
jet set",--> TS Eliot --> input/output bio-port NAME/ IDENTIFIER of humanoid bio-computer

Database 001 by Herb Zinser

Analysis of the  the
TSE CHI     LOP (Teacher SEretary school ....


and Wisconsin sin wave continuum / platform ....

 COMPUTER EARTH  human management 
PROGRAM =  Sinaloa

PROGRAM =  Sinaloa

PROGRAM =  Sin  

PROGRAM =  Sin wave continuum /platform

that carries data and instructions 

The Noah's ARK (data boat) on 
 water waves (quantum wave mechanics)   ....

thus Nature's signal processing/
message technology methods .....

the difficultly for most humans  ....  to see, understand, and interface with the atoms 

and the
atomic language SIZES 

and WORD ?SYMBOL formulas   

...... in their body/brain ( ... successful INTELLECTUAL  interface agents and translators  of
Nature's REALITY structure and syntax/ graphic arts shapes/etc.....,,

Ludwig Boltzman, 
Erwin Schrodinger,
Max Born,
Linus Pauling, Paul Dirac, etc)

Analysis of EARTH LAB existence and
social engineering bio-computer programs 
by Herb Zinser

Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel

Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel    Sin  ......  Cart  el ......

sin  --> sin waves.......
alternating cycle waves 

Metal ......  copper .......
sin wave oscillations /alternating cycles .....

cartesian coordinates  ....
of electrons and their thought  & social activity elements

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, has claimed personal responsibility for up to 3,000 murders in a drug war that took some 300,000 lives.
That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s information data highway 

T. S. Eliot and the evolution of his thoughts and ideas ... into existential computer sub-routine programs that exist in various language WORLD ..... on the surface of EARTH and its human love & emotion ....
social/ economic activity continuum  

The SECRET magazine on data fields  and 
information streams of the various levels ....

1) unconscious (to most people)
2) sub-conscious (most people lack awareness)
3) pre-consciousness
4) the conscious level ..such as going to
work, grocery shopping, going to a movie
with your girlfriend/ wife  

of data streams, thought control, 
and the various 
Carl Jung collective  GROUP MINDs

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way 

Stearns (Steering the thought streams)
steering/directing.....  word definitions
/proper nouns/ names/
perception Elements --> Eliot

(26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965) 

Eliot OM (Oxygen Molecule ...
and the (x,y) algebra / plane geometry coordinates of the male languages .....

the special males and their 
SECRET  permission and privilege  codes
.....  BED ROOM pussy access languages)  

(26 September 1888 
--> 18 = H2O water thought molecule
for wet cotton panties .....

8 & 8 --> oxygen atom codes 

8 oxygen proton and
8 oxygen neutrons 

EXTERNAL  female breasts (two = 2)

as oxygen information display devices 

..... Nature's atomic & molecular education & social psychology TOOL
.... a physical bio-geometry TOOL to attract  males to the study of data containers,
3-dimesnional objects, math curves, 
and other science structures

and the
EXTERNAL  female breasts (two = 2)

oxygen information display devices

for the 

oxygen molecules in her LUNGS

T. S. Eliot

was a poet (po + o + et --> podiatry/walking order entry into computer EARTH land ......
atomic land/concrete ....
as a data  entry keyboard ), 

playwright (play Nature's architecture system with expression agents ...
code name Wright ..... Wave mechanics and right angles of plane geometry and 

right triangles

code name Wright ... FRANK

code name Wright ... BROTHERS

  , literary critic of 
human family litters of children 

that violate the John Locke
(Laws of Nature) and the
Thomas Robert Malthus

.... human population limit laws

editor of orfice pussy hole systems .[2] 

Considered one of the 20th century's
major poets,
he is a central figure in English-language Modernist poetry.

he is a central figure in 

poetry (order entry).


Born in St. Louis, Missouri, to a prominent Boston Brahmin family, he moved to England in 1914 at the
age of 25 (his right triangle...  bio-math life  .....expression)

and went on to settle, work, and marry

(the purpose of marriage --> to study
the female body/brain 
....  as a 
math & language &
LOVE emotion ...
map array)

He became a British citizen 

in 1927 (math code ....1...  9 .. 27 

1 = 3 exponent 0
9 = 3 squared 
27 = Picasso's cubism math

at the age of 39

The Role of Potassium K .. ThinK 39 Channels in the Regulation of pussy systems ... › chapter

/link.springer  to bed springs and
sex /fucking 

by LO Trussell2008Cited by 6 — Neurotransmitter release is critically dependent on the duration of the presynaptic action potential. A variety of K+ channels play key roles in 

The Role of Potassium K .. ThinK 39 Channels in the Regulation of 

at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently renouncing his American citizenship.[4]


Herbert Spencer : " Life is conceived only when we think of it as the definite ... changes,...correspondence with external
co-existences and sequence

at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently announcing on
radio and television VIA

the EARTH language .....

geography region of
Wave mechanics ... human messages
( Wa = Waukegan Illinois
LINK to the atomic land/soil of the

and output via ( OutBoard
Marine company)  and
Marine Drive subroutine drivers /

rigged information PCB trial and the
lawyers of existential layers ....
layers PCB and 
legal scheme 

IBM IMS region ....

Program Control Block  

and output via ( OutBoard
Marine company and
Marine Drive subroutine drivers /

Lake Shore Drive Chicago
parallel communications software
Nikola Tesla Shore
ham Long Island NYC 
parallel to ....
earth atomic wireless (without using 

SOLID copper metal wires ......
but using atomic rock and stone ...
with Nature's their
ancient  quantum  information tunnels  ..... Nature's communication systems interaction with human bio-electron structures) 


at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently announcing on
radio and television VIA

the EARTH language .....

geography region of
Wave mechanics (Waukegan Illinois)

and output via ( OutBoard

Marine company)

and output via Jack Benny 

at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently announcing 

Jack Benny Annual 39th Birthday Collection
- Old Time Radio ... › Comedy

Jack Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky; on Valentine's Day February 14, 1894.
However, for every year after 1933
he was forever age 39.

Benjamin Kubelsky (February 14, 1894 – December 26, 1974), known professionally as Jack Benny, was an American entertainer, who evolved from a modest success playing violin on the vaudeville circuit to one of the leading entertainers of the twentieth century with a highly popular comedic career in radio, television, and film. He was known for his comic timing and the ability to cause laughter with a pregnant pause or a single expression, such as his signature exasperated "Well! "

His radio and television programs, popular from 1932 until his death in 1974, were a major influence on the sitcom genre. Benny often portrayed his character as a miser who obliviously played his violin badly and ridiculously ..

and the TS Eliot code 

claimed to be 39 years of age, regardless of his actual age. 

Eliot first attracted widespread attention for his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" in 1915, which was received as a modernist masterpiece. It was followed by some of the best-known poems in the English language, including "The Waste Land" (1922), "The Hollow Men" (1925), "Ash Wednesday" (1930), and Four Quartets (1943).[5] He was also known for his seven plays, particularly Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1949). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948, "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way 

Tse Chi Lop doesn’t look like the biggest drug lord in history.
He looks like a bedraggled, exhausted, late-middle-aged trader in commodities, which is exactly what he is. Tse’s commodities just happen to be high-margin, addictive, illegal drugs—heroin, ketamine and methamphetamine.

 Tse runs a drug syndicate known to law enforcement as “Sam Gor,” Cantonese for “Third Brother,” and to its members simply as the Company. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that Sam Gor’s annual revenue could be as high as $21 billion, the same as Citibank’s.


Tse (TS Eliot students and professors)

runs a drug syndicate (syntax/words/sentences and dictionary language .... for brain manipulation)  known to

law(n) enforcement (real estate BEDROOM and pregnancy .... housing industry .. secret code word) as

 “Sam Gor (Uncle Sam government
 and vice-president AL Gore and his system algorithms code name,”

Cantonese for “Third Brother,”
and to its (penis) members

simply as the
Company (cotton molecule panty)

.... secret molecule social engineering

...  thought language attachments (to control males)  to cotton panties sold .....

that is female secretary students at
Robert F White company .....
(ChicaGo Dolton project)

and the cotton panties SOLD to them .....

to become   cotton panty military soldiers

in the greater Chicago area of
Soldier Field football stadium). 

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and extended DNA .....

estimates that Sam Gor’s annual revenue could be as high as $21 billion, the same as Citibank’s.

Practically every newspaper in the
West has described
Tse Chi Lop as Asia’s El Chapo. 

in other words 

Tse Chi Lop

Tse Chi Lop

Tse Chicago loop (downtown) 

T   se Chi Lop

T   se Chi Lop

Teacher .....    secretary school 

 Chicago Loop

Fortan DO Loop from Chicago Circle campus  ..... math student Mr. Z  

teaching basic accounting at
Robert F White Company  

DP school and
secretary school .....

Basic accounting class for 
a class of female secretary students 


math student Mr. Z .....
with computer language
Fortan DO Loop  and Joan of Dolton 

..create the

Fortran DO Loop become double...
Fortran DOLTON DO  Loop

as she travels back and forth to the
Chicago Loop

..becoming the EARTH systems.....
Joan of  ARC 

Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d’Arc[4][5] pronounced [ʒan daʁk]c. 1412 – 30 May 1431),[6] nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans" (French: La Pucelle d'Orléans), is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War, and was canonized as a saint.

 She was born to Jacques d'Arc and
Isabelle Romée

Isabelle Romée

Isa  ..... love & romance exceptional female 

peasant family,
at Domrémy  (Do = Dolton)

in the Vosges 
(Vector OS/JCL gestalt region)
northeast France

northeast Illinois ..... the fragrance of a teenage goddess and her presence) 

What is OLTP? | IBM

What is OLTP?

What is OLTP?

What is DOLTON People .... OLTP? › Cloud › Cloud Learn

Jul 15, 2020 — OLTP (online transactional processing) enables the rapid, accurate data processing
behind ATMOSphere /sky  
behind ATMs
behind ATMs
behind ATMs
behind ATMs on the
earth geography /land surface 

and online banking, 

cash registers with the
COMPUTER  EARTH systems ....
OLD fashioned  ......
assembler language machine using

Mark Twain explains 
Hand Basic Assembler language 
Hannibal Missouri 

Antique NCR National Cash Register
double  word
Model 1064 G 

64 = 32 + 32 at the year
1964 World's Fair/ethics
for the British failure .... 
Queen Elizabeth people ERRORS in
Queens NYC



and ...

What is OLTP? | IBM

What is OLTP?

What is OLTP?

What is DOLTON People .... OLTP?

The comparison could hardly be less accurate. Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, has claimed personal responsibility for up to 3,000 murders in a drug war that took some 300,000 lives.
That is not Tse’s way. He achieved the size of Sam Gor not by murder and torture,
 but by industrializing his business,

the brain sin wave business ......

of using neuroscience brain waves, 

football and basketball
LEGS -->
leg body language --> legal system
manipulation ....

to manipulate brain thoughts and decisions 
 ..... rigged judges and jury trials 

reducing the cost per unit, providing an excellent product at a fair price, and establishing well-maintained networks of key partnerships. There’s also the question of scale. El Chapo’s cartel was worth, at its peak, $3 billion—a fraction of Sam Gor’s value.

Toronto taught Tse his business.



To  ron  to  --> Topology .....
electron/neutron data packages  --> to -->
toward the next  information carrier in thre system

(human person or an atomic iron metal automobile or a piece of lumber furniture)

Toronto taught Tse his business.


Toronto .... start with 

To --> Topology secret
earth language/ blood language / sunlight language RELATIONSHIPS that developed in the blood and brain .... software regions of  Georgia O'keeffe  ...

double ee (electrical engineering ...
and earth electron ... farm platform) 

Georgia O'Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][7] in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T in the town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.[8][9]

Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida (Totto) O'Keeffe, were dairy farmers.

in other words 

Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida (Totto --> code word Toronto ....

Totto --> Topology of cotton thought molecule

... thus the topology application .....

the mathematical-physics topology .....

earth romance and social activity .....

information surface .....

of female topology cotton
(Sun Prairie .... code name Totto


female topology cotton expression TOOLS

.... topology (top ... cotton bra top)

female topology cotton expression TOOLS

topology cotton .... Georgia  O'Keeffe, 

topology cotton 

topology --> gynecology  cotton  

.........  cotton panties 

Georgia Totto O'Keeffe 
Georgia Totto O'Keeffe 

Topology cotton panties ....
pussy hole --> O'Keeffe

Georgia Totto O'Keeffe 

Georgia  .......  O

Gorgeous  Hole 

da --> differential amplifier
da --> data ---> dairy farmers.

da --> differential amplifier
BEDROOM circuit  .......

female spread legs .... differential ......

the female body language ..... DEMO

spread legs ....
she reads (read out)  ......

he sees
he pulls his music instrument
 ..reed out of his pants 

Reed (mouthpiece  ....
penis reed wants female mouth
& piece of ass 
- Wikipedia › wiki › Reed_(mouthpiece)
reed is a thin strip of material that vibrates to produce a sound on a musical instrument. Most woodwind love instrument reeds are made from Arundo donax .

amplifies the
male bio-electron penis 

Her father was of Irish descent. 

Her father was of Iris

Her father was of Iris

Her father was of Iris .....

Her maternal grandfather George Victor Totto, for whom O'Keeffe was named, was a Hungarian count who came to the United States in 1848.[2][10]

O'Keeffe was the second of seven children.[2] She attended Town Hall School in Sun Prairie.[11] By age 10, she had decided to become an artist,[12] and with her sisters, Ida and Anita,[13] she received art instruction from local watercolorist Sara Mann. O'Keeffe attended high school at Sacred Heart Academy in Madison, Wisconsin, as a boarder between 1901 and 1902.

Toronto taught Tse his business.




Toronto taught Tse his business.




The seeds for what would become the world’s largest drug empire were planted during his days surviving what police still remember as the “wild wild west” of the heroin glut in the late ’80s and early ’90s. 

Insofar (Faraday codes) 

as a man as cosmopolitan and as mobile as Tse Chi Lop has a home, Toronto is his.

Tse’s career reflects the changing nature of crime, and of the methods of synthetic drug manufacture that are rendering traditional police practices null, but it also reflects the changing nature of business in general. Traditional organized crime was a 20th-century affair. Sam Gor is pure 21st-century innovation. Its success comes down to technological innovation, relentless focus on customer experience, and mastery of globalized logistics. Tse Chi Lop is much more effective—and dangerous—than El Chapo. He is the Jeff Bezos of the drug trade.

From early in his career, Tse Chi Lop was an innovator. He was born in 1963 and grew up in Guangzhou in Guangdong province, the mainland neighbour to
Hong Kong (the sky /Atmosphere
nitrogen gas(NG)    ...

and the EARTH geography land city of

Hong Kong (/ˈhɒŋkɒŋ/Chinese香港Cantonese: [hœ́ːŋ.kɔ̌ːŋ] (About this soundlisten)), officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR),[d] is a city and special administrative region of China on the eastern Pearl River Delta in South China.

 With over 7.5 million residents of various nationalities[e] in a 1,104-square-kilometre (426 sq mi) territory, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Hong Kong is also one of the most developed cities in the world, with the most expensive housing.

Hong Kong was established as a colony of the British Empire after the Qing Empire ceded Hong Kong Island from Xin'an County at the end of the First Opium War in 1841 then again in 1842.[17] The colony expanded to the Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 after the Second Opium War and was further extended when Britain obtained a 99-year lease of the New Territories in 1898.[18][19] British Hong Kong was occupied by Imperial Japan from 1941 to 1945; British administration resumed after the surrender of Japan.[20] The whole territory was transferred to China in 1997.[21] As one of China's two special administrative regions (the other being Macau), Hong Kong maintains separate governing and economic systems from that of mainland China under the principle of
"one country, two systems".[22][f]

the LUNG software configuration 

 the principle of
"one country, two systems".[22][f]

..... 2 lung processing programs

(nitrogen bio-computer  base 14
IBM oxygen base 16 hexadecimal) 

Lung software codes. 

 the principle of
"one country, two systems".

 the principle quantum levels of

"one country, two systems".[22][f]

 the principle quantum levels of

"one atomic bio-physics country,
 two systems

KLM --> King Kong movie code


KLM --> Kong  of Hong Kong 

As the 1997 handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China approached, commentary in the English-language press about the future of the colony was written in the elegiac style of obituaries, extolling the past and lamenting the future.

As the 1997 handover ...
..............100 years SOFTWARE

......year 1897 ..EARTH GOVERNMENT

 --> the B100D Bull-shit problems

of arts, music, and food people 

...Henry Zinser
October 13 1897
Europe Bavaria  code -->

base variables sent to
Milwaukee and Watertown

In June 1995 “The Death of Hong Kong” was the cover story of the international edition of Fortune magazine.

In June
1995 --> 95 thesis of Martin Luther 

When he was 25, he moved to Canada, part of the wave of emigration before Hong Kong’s transfer of sovereignty. T

se brought his fiancée with him, and his parents soon followed.

He and his wife had children in Toronto,

first a Lev Landau daughter,
then a son.
He also got decent centrifugal force  JOBS 

within the human existential
dimension of the EARTH daily rotation  ...., 

working for

Dr. FU Manchu company ......

 Fu  --> Fujifilm 

and the Telly Savalas ... 

Telly Savalas - Wikipedia › wiki › Telly_Savalas

Kojak (1973–1978; 1985–1990) — Noted for his bald head and deep, resonant voice, he is perhaps best known for portraying Lt. Theo Kojak on the crime drama ...

 Kojak company extension --> Kodak.

portraying Lt. Theo Kojak on the crime drama ...

portraits / photograph industry 
 of Lt. Theory .....
 Eastman Kodak company of
Rochester New York

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg  and
Mark D Totzke(y) --> Z key of Zucker(berg)
and the 

What's the German word for sugar

German Translation/ human translator
agent Mr. man Zucker(berg)

sugar thought molecule 
/zucker molecule uses --> human representative 
for the same associated name &  .....sugar/zucker ....Nature's systems  molecular money TRUST fund 

,,,, intellectual CORRUPTION of Harvard university , Face-book worth/dollars,  Zucker(berg) and 
money given to criminal organizations such as hospitals and RD groups .....
that knowingly accept STOLEN PROPERTY


What's the German word for sugar thought molecules ...... in Germanic language heritage regions ..... 

in Wisconsin sin wave,

Illinois --> information systems

Minnesota -->

mini-max theorem neccessary

atoMic Michigan

Zucker at UC = University of Chicago....... 

 CH --> female Package of 

Brand Name CH  Sugar
with a cotton bra and DNA molecules
that need male meat Mechanics  

per Archie Bunker TV show (Meathead)
MR. Sugar-daddy --> Mr. Zucker-daddy 

Member of the Red-Headed League 

Member of the Red-Headed League 

Member of the Red-Headed League 

Member of the Red-Headed League with 
wife (Fe = Female fe = ferrous oxide/iron atom agent
of red-iron buildings )

wife (Fe = Female fe = ferrous oxide/iron atom agent
of red-iron metal I-BEAM buildings )

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg  and
Mark D Totzke(y) --> Z key of Zucker(berg)
and the 

What's the German word for sugar

German Translation/ human translator
agent Mr. man Zucker(berg)

sugar thought molecule 
/zucker molecule uses --> human representative 
for the same associated name &  .....sugar/zucker ....Nature's systems  molecular money TRUST fund 

,,,, intellectual CORRUPTION of Harvard university , Face-book worth/dollars,  Zucker(berg) and 
money given to criminal organizations such as hospitals and RD groups .....
that knowingly accept STOLEN PROPERTY

the inter-twined  EVENTS and
rigged MOLECULE trials in Wisconsin

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg  and
Mark D Totzke(y) --> Z key of Zucker(berg)

Mark D Totzke killed his 
school teacher molecular mother 
GLORIA Totzke  for continued lies/schemes
about her identity ......
as a
GLucose/sugar molecule  systems agent 

GLORIA Totzke  for continued lies/schemes
about her identity ......
as a 
GLucose/sugar molecule  systems agent 

Nature's accounting / book-keeping systems
...a GL(General Ledger) agent .... code name

Oconomowoc/ Summit 

GLORIA Totzke(y)
GL accounting Totals /SUM   z key with 
atomic number Highway Z and
IBM base 16 System 370 to system Z 

The next inter-twined signaling EVENT
code name Elena Berg of Madison & Sun Prairie 
Wisconsin ..face to face...FaceBook battle
Face of Brian Solomon and face of Elena Berg
INTERNAL  acetylcholine data .....
EXTERNALIZED on the face as a bio-computer display terminal

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark My Words of Mark Zuckerberg  and
Mark D Totzke(y) --> Z key of Zucker(berg)
and the 

What's the German word for sugar

German Translation/ human translator
agent Mr. man Zucker(berg)

sugar thought molecule 
/zucker molecule uses --> human representative 
for the same associated name &

T W Graham Solomon 
applications --> Brian Solomon LAB specimen

and the love life of molecules EXPERIMENT in Madison WISH.con.sin › show › 59819524-solomons-organic-chemistry
Jun 27, 2017 ... Read reviews from the world's largest community for readers. SolomonsOrganic Chemistry has a strong leg/walking ...alternating cycle footsteps ...legacy (over 50 years) 

a legacy of tried and ...
a legacy of tried and 
a legacy of tried and 
a legacy of trial --> Chicago trial ..
Gacy trial of GOOGLE secret software 
...basement spiders & crawlers

Investigation Discovery › CrimeFeed › Crime History
5 Bizarre Facts You May Not Know About Serial Killer John Wayne Gacy. The “killer clown” continues to shock and horrify, decades after his execution.

John Wayne Gacy (March 17, 1942 – May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender who raped, tortured, and murdered at least 33 young men and boys in Norwood Park TownshipIllinois, near Chicago

He became known as the Killer Clown due to his public performances as "Pogo the Clown" or "Patches the Clown", personas he had devised, prior to the discovery of his crimes.

Gacy committed all of his murders inside his ranch-style house in Norwood Park Township. Typically, he would lure a victim to his home and dupe them into donning handcuffs on the pretext of demonstrating a magic trick. He would then rape and torture his captive before killing them by either asphyxiation or strangulation with a garrote.

Twenty-six victims(26) were buried in the crawl space of his home ...... per atomic instructions from the
Fe = Federal government ...

Fe = Fetus violation problems...
Fer -->F
errous/iron atomic social science  at
Fer -->FermiLAB
..error overflow into society .....,

and three others were buried elsewhere on his property;
 four were discarded in the 
Des (Ex)Plaines River.....

Fe = Federal government ...

Fe = Federal government ...

American serial killer......

Twenty-six victims(26) were buried in the crawl space of his home ...... 

Fe = Federal government ...

American serial killer......

 shot 20 children and 6 adults (26)
Britannica › event › Sandy-Hook-Elementary... 
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting | Facts & Timeline
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, also called Newtown shootings of 2012, mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012 
After murdering his mother at their home,
 Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children and 6 adults (26) per Fe = Federal .....
AMERICAN (atomic mass)
AMERICAN Murder instructions implanted into his programmable atomic computer brain MODEL -->

Atomic direct access method (ADAM) 

Atomic direct access method (ADAM) 
..thus the nasty SET-UP and MURDER of Adam Lanza

 at Sandy Hook Elementary School 
before taking his own life per STAR TREK television instructions to self-destruct, .

Fe = Federal government ...

American serial killer......

Runway 26 murders --> 49 dead

Comair Flight 5191 (marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191 under a codeshare agreement with Delta Air Lines) was a scheduled United States domestic passenger flight from Lexington, Kentucky, to Atlanta, Georgia. On the morning of August 27, 2006, 

 the Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet 100ER crashed while attempting to take off from Blue Grass Airport in Fayette County, Kentucky, 4 miles (6.4 km) west of the central business district of the 

Lexicon/ dictionary city of Lexington.

The aircraft was assigned the airport's Runway 22 for the takeoff but used Runway 26 instead. 

Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne. It crashed just past the end of the runway, killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew. 

Fe = Federal government BOSTON

American serial killer......

Runway 26 murders

Runaway task 26 ..IBM abend necessary 

Run  26 miles and use pressure bombs to CREATE more murder  ...and more murder feedback systems messages

BOSTON Marathon ......

Runway 26 ... run 26 miles was too short for a safe takeoff, 

was too short 

was too short 

was too short 

Shortwave bands bandwidth battles


President Dwight David Eisen/iron

iron with 26 electron activity EVENTS

(also adjectivechemistry (symbol Fe) (of) an element that is the most common metal, is very hard, and is widely used for making tools etc
das Eisen (german language)
Steel is made from iron
The ground is as hard as iron
iron railings
iron determination (= very strong determination). › wiki › The_War_of_the_Worlds_(1938_radio_drama)
"The War of the Worlds" was a Halloween episode of the radio series The Mercury Theatre on ... "Martians and Radio quiver QuitoEcuador (shortwave)". Don Moore. › frequenc
The following is a table of the most common ham radio and shortwave broadcasting "meter bands" found on frequencies below 30 MHz: ..

Frequency  Wavelength Woolworth Building

F W Woolworth Building

The Woolworth Building is an early American skyscraper designed by architect Cass Gilbert located at 233 Broadway in the Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. It was the tallest building in the world from 1913 to 1930, with a height of 792 feet (241 m). More than a century after its construction, it remains one of the 100 tallest buildings in the United States ,,,, and living within human B100D software and its thought language.

The Woolworth Building is an early American skyscraper designed by architect Cass Gilbert located at 233 Broadway and SYMBOLIC LIFE  located at 233B --> 2338 N. Second Street Milwaukee --> ee --> Double e--> electrical engineering and its representatives 

year 1943..the Henry & Meta Zinser family
for Z = impedance 

Nikola Tesla (/ˈtɛslə/Serbian CyrillicНикола Тесла,[2] pronounced [nǐkola têsla];[a] 10 July [O.S. 28 June] 1856 – 7 January 1943)--> transfer authorizations codes to  the Zinser family

International broadcast bands

International broadcast bands

International broadcast bands

International broadcast bands

International broadcast husbands


broadcast theater cast husbands


broadcast theater cast ..mental castration of  
bio-electron husband bnad


These bands are used by powerful long range AM radio stations, many operated by governments, which broadcast to multiple countries. 

Most international broadcasters use amplitude modulation 

with 5 kHz steps between channels; 

King & Hintz(KHZ) automotive garage in year 1960

with Wisconsin Highway 26 (3rd street) with 

iron 26 metal and meta-languages 

with Karl Henry Zinser (KHZ) and 

his mother META Z .....for 

Charles Steinmetz
and the relationship of electrical engineering

and social usage of electricity ......

...and the purpose of ELECTRIC CHAIRS

and other of deaths ..for those males set-up and programmed to commit murder and robbery

a few use single sideband or reduced carrier single sideband modulation.[1] The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), organized under the auspices of the International Telecommunication Union, allocates bands for various services in periodic conferences. The most recent WRC took place in 2012. At WRC-97 in 1997, the following bands were allocated for international broadcasting:

Fe = Federal government BOSTON

American serial killer......

Runway 26 murders

Runaway task 26 ..IBM abend necessary 

Run  26 miles and use pressure bombs to CREATE more murder  ...and more murder feedback systems messages

BOSTON Marathon ......

Runway 26 ... run 26 miles was too short for a safe takeoff, 

causing the 

BOSTON BS mouth air/craft of talking

 bull-shit  .aircraft to overrun the end--> send  of the runway 

Fe = Federal government ...

American serial killer......

create NEXT tragic EVENT 

St. Thomas Aquinas
Italian San Tommaso d’Aquino --> Aqua/water  molecule

quiver nodes of High School PSSC physics class,,,

ripple/water tank experiments 

ripple/water tank experiments ..,,

and student brain THOUGHT evolution to

St. Thomas Aquinas --> quiver  nasty problem
of NASA , 

 History › topics › 1980s › challenger-disaster 
Challenger Explosion - HISTORY
The NASA space shuttle Challenger exploded on 
January 28, 1986, just 73 seconds after liftoff, bringing a devastating end to the spacecraft’s 
TENZIN earthly tensor space/time and 
ZINJAN stolen property .....
project 10th mission. The disaster claimed the lives of...

St. Thomas Aquinas
Italian San Tommaso d’Aquino -->  Area of quiver node
region of Area of Arequipa..quiver particles and the 
quiver vibration / sin wave node

agent ODDONE sent to North America region of Wisconsin sin waves and the Node battle site

Northern Ill/sick university at DeKalb

agent ODDONE sent to North America region of Wisconsin sin waves and the Node battle site

Northern Ill/sick university at DeKalb

agent odd
one --> 1 and 37 --> message 137

Cleveland ... atomic bio-physics humanoids ...
Cleveland police force carriers for atomic subroutines and database MESSAGE number 137

Cleveland nuclear sports by atoMic Michael Mike

Cleveland nuclear DARWIN

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Thus we have the 
EARTH geography surface language 
of quivers of
Coquimbo  Arequipa   Quito


also called Aquinas, byname Doctor Angelicus (Latin: “Angelic Doctor”), (born 1224/25, Roccasecca, near Aquino, Terra di Lavoro, Kingdom of Sicily [Italy]—died March 7, 1274, Fossanova, near Terracina, Latium, Papal States; canonized July 18, 1323; feast day January 28, formerly March 7), Italian Dominican theologian, the foremost medieval Scholastic. He developed his own conclusions from Aristotelian premises, notably in the metaphysics of personality, creation, and Providence. As a theologian, he was responsible in his two masterpieces, the Summa theologiae and the Summa contra gentiles, for the classical systematization of Latin theology, and, as a poet, he wrote some of the most gravely beautiful eucharistic hymns in the church’s liturgy. His doctrinal system and the explanations and developments made by his followers are known as Thomism.

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

 (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa,
 (born  in Arequipa,
 (born  Arequipa,
 (born  A  --> ipa --> inverse person array/matrix

with name equation  A   X   A-1  = 1 ---> one odd

science student --> send EARTH LAB humanoid specimen to North America for analysis of his SECRET

....deeper life of Dr. Robert D EVANS 
and Nigel Lockyer...

....deeper life of Dr. Robert D EVANS 
and Nigel Lockyer... Location Nigeria

....deeper life communications battle of Dr.  EVANS › wiki › Deeper_Life_Bible_Church_shooting
On 7 August 2012, a mass shooting occurred at Deeper Life, an evangelical Christian church near 

Nigel Lockyer... Location Nigeria
Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State.

atomic social science,
math and Italian, 
Spanish,  English languages symbol life

 (born  in Arequipa,
 (born  Arequipa,
 (born  A  --> ipa --> inverse person array/matrix

with name equation  A   X   A-1  = 1 ---> one odd

inverse person array/matrix --> send to the Bat city of 
BataVia / Chicago ..the city name code accepts
PeruVian BAT people ..sent by airplanes that fly/recreate the ancient molecular BAT homing instinct --> re-route to Batavia

Transfer the BAT molecular software and its words --> to a parallel existence......
Galapagos/Peru (periodic atomic table level
with a humanoid bio-physics FORM)

PeruVian army captured a 
human size bat....

atomic/molecular .....

Galapagos/Peru routing instructions within 
Pier --> 1 probability for Fermi-Dirac Statistics and its relationship to the
mid-point/binomial distributions per William Shakes/vibrate/quiver language and the
year 1600 Play ... Mid-sum knight's dream
math  averages/
number mid-points / z-estimators 

......Via  Bat --> Batavia
Earth geo-systems ...Computer page --> DuPage
county as a HinDU chess board

Army Trail Road

Army Trail Road is a 16.4-mile (26.4 km) county road in parts of DuPage and Kane Counties, Illinois. Army Trail Road begins at Illinois Route 25 in Wayne ...

Pier ODD as human language

Jan 19, 2022An exclamation point, also known as an exclamation mark, is a punctuation mark that is used in exclamations or strong commands. It resembles a vertical line with a dot at the bottom (!)

The Batavia/Chicago (BC) transformation 
from the BC time period to the  AD time period June 2, 2023

BC --> Boliva/Chile earth language region

re-enacts Arequipa --> to  DuPage 

using the Bank of Bandwidths

B.C. and A.D. - How Time Works

Oct 14, 2021 — In the modern calendar, 
we label 
we label 
we label 
western Hemisphere lab  elements 

William Trunk 
ATT communication TRUNK lines equivalent using black ink and eye/optical nerve systems,etc 

year 1918  --> to year 1920

all years with B.C. (before Christ) or (Batavia Chicago)
(anno domini, or "in the year of our lord")
with Ancilla Domin Heath Services Chicago area
 Facebook › Ancilla-Domini-Health-Services... 
year 1980 ..1982 Data processing UNIT

with the 
IBM 8100 DPCX project ..graphic arts
IBM B100 DPCX project --B100D bio-computer

Sig Balsa 
DP manager born in Hungary Europe
explains the Iron-56 

1956 uprising from the
EARTH atomic iron core LANGUAGE 

inner EARTH core... atomic iron/ferrous DATABASE

Iron-56 isotopes  .....1956 uprising from the
EARTH atomic iron core LANGUAGE 

....UP ..use the HinDu ..Dupage......
 Upanishads software program to go UP

Iron-56 isotopes  .....1956 uprising from the
EARTH atomic iron core LANGUAGE the EARTH geography surface of 
farm land and farm equipment in Europe 

Iron-56 isotopes and 
iron metal farm equipment quivers

......... black top soil
......... black top soil
......... black top soil
......... bl  + ack top soil --> base locator

..... acknowledgement 
required (Infra-red quivers of HOT WOMEN
and 2 phases of expression)

from Area of Arequipa and its 

OS = Office of Science of -->
OS = Oscillation agents of wave mechanics
that are born in the AREA of quivers of 
Persons of Per --> Peru

Iron-56 isotopes  .....1956 uprising from the
EARTH atomic iron core LANGUAGE the EARTH geography surface of 
farm land and farm equipment in 
Hungary Europe 
Hungary Europe --> underground array
Hungary Europe 
.......gary Indiana North America

..message area for
n the IRON Curtain with  ..

with the Planet EARTH sphere R = Radius

represented by 
RUS --> Bertrand RUSSELL of Great Britain
and the geography country of

sorority house RUSH for new female members 

or the male fraternity house RUSH recruitment

or RUSH Street /Division nightclubs in Chicago

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...