Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Book1645-011 Tom M Apostol equation AP + OS + TOL --> oscillation language continuum battles with quiver language errors of Coquimbo, Quito, AREQUIPA, FermiLAB and the Texas Internet Protocol expression (IPe) system used by the Texas Chile recIPe



Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated  by Herb Zinser

 Tom M Apostol  equation AP + OS + TOL  --> oscillation language continuum battles with quiver language errors of Coquimbo, Quito, AREQUIPA, FermiLAB and  the Texas Internet Protocol expression (IPe) system  used by the Texas Chile recIPe 

 the Arequipa Perquiver /vibration/oscillation errors and problems 

of the PER - Periodic atomic table property and 

tyrosine oscillation/sine wave interface molecule 

of bio-chemistry DNA & NANO-seconds 
usage limit boundaries...... 

..tyrosine sine waves property ...

TIME/age and longevity interface molecule

alignment with latitude, longitude direction of Longboat key Sarasota Florida, altitude .......

Longevity  --> ground earth (ge) election votes(ev)

Longevity  --> long--> longing & desire .... and want

Longitude  --> Huey Long (1935) Longevity battle in Louisiana ..... continued in Vector Space (VS--> Vietnam South)

in the Battle of  HUE (1968) and the EARTH B & H magnetic field interaction woth atomic iron parameters




Longevity --> gravity THOUGHT field 6.6 interaction with

6 feet tall vertical z-axis  ...... 6 feet Horizontal universe/platform of earth solid land (code name U E of Euler and Euclidean plane geometry)

...tyrosine sine waves property ...

and the TYR (Time year 2000 boundary violations)  used by citizens & the algorithms violations of existence of Nature & its  LIMIT LAWS by 

all people and Fe = Federal  government

    1. Department of Arequipa in southern Peru, approximately 300 kilometres from the city of Arequipa, on a
    2. silver metal tuning fork 47 electrons
    3. earth electrons 47 ....47,000 hectare site, 

Peru ....Area of silver atom ---> quiver instruction departures..... mental equivalence 

from the Department of Arequipa --> sent to
India Pakistan Asia in year 47 --> 1947
relative to the 
HG Wells 1895 Time Machine software book.....and the city of Time --> TimBuktu
 TIME BOUNDARY ..Start year 1900

Silver atom of metal & electronic circuits
Quiver language  ...... Silver Sigmund Freud frequency 47 years .......explains

Wien IX, Berggasse 19 (IBM EARTH space/time .....
Time address space .. start at year 1900

Overview. Our Caylloma Mine in the Caylloma District of ArequipaPeru, produces silver, gold, zinc, and lead. The underground mine is operated by Compania Minera Bateas S.A.C. (Bateas), a Peruvian subsidiary 100% owned by Fortuna. The deposit is a low to intermediate sulfidation epithermal vein system, and, based on December 31, 2021 reserves ...

  1. Si = Yes spanish word

It means "yes". si: (I wear a silver belt buckle)
It means "yesterday". silver atomic metal & its language was in the inner EARTH ........... and now it is EXTERNALIZED and becomes 

Spanish language SILVER jewelry and belt buckles .... with human biology LIVERS  as Nature's spokes-persons
to deLIVER /distribute information and HOT WOMEN(2):

it is written in tensor space/time coordinates of year 1922 Hermann Weyl......without a Paul Dirac  accent, and it is pronounced using ...sin wave  lower harmonics (in terms of frequencies)

Bestco Silver Tuning Fork Set, Best Scientific Co. | ID:

Tuning fork and code UP --> UPanishads message flowfrom the inner EARTH core ...DATA CENTER

 U-shaped bar a specific constant pitch

- Wikipedia

tuning fork is an acoustic resonator 
tuning fork is an acoustic resonator 

A human hum tuning fork with another relative

acoustic resonator 
human senator (oe = order entry systems)

..name cousin sin wave in Wisconsin connected 
quantum & 
Arequipa quiver of Silver  wave mechanics WORDS 
to the Sinai Peninsula/Egypt /Israel

acoustic resonator BATTLE 

in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs formed from a U-shaped bar of elastic metal (usually steel or silver).
It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against a surface or with an object, and emits a pure musical tone once the high overtones fade out. A tuning fork's pitch depends on the length and mass of the two prongs.

pronounced using ...sin wave  lower harmonics (in terms of frequencies) ...Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean  VIA  sing sing prison and San Quentin 

and much lower intensity than any typical word with a stress.

  1. Wien IX, Berggasse 19. Vienna Austri
  2. This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee from the Nazis in 1938. This place is known worldwide as the birthplace of psychoanalysis - it was here that Freud revolutionized the human self-image. tH 
  3. The original atomic DATABASE living language of 
  4. Ag 47 electrons translated over the 47 year alignment
  5. by 
  6. Silver interface agent .,,,
  7. Si --> signal processing systems agent 
Silver atom of metal & electronic circuits
Quiver language  ...... Silver Sigmund Freud frequency 47 years 

Computer earth ....EARTH atomic silver metal ..master computer console....

The atomic earth building
What Are the Earth's Harmonic Resonate Frequencies?
Harmonic Resonance Frequency.

Harmonic Resonance dance Frequency

Harm /attack/ destroy Reasonance Frequency

Every object or material in the universe exists
with a certain frequency of vibration.

This is the frequency that resonates
when that object is hit.

It can be represented as a wave in which
the lowest possible frequency is
called fundamental frequency and its interface
with Signal Freud brain wave frequency.

the lowest

the lowest

the lowest --> hello west road FARMS (Faraday, Michaell)aod

Objects may also have series of frequencies
because they are ..

harmonic sky lewinsky

simple harmonic oscillator and its equation

and humanoid as a computer terminalsSigmund..silver and silicon (sand electronics) 
Freud Museum (Frequency Metric)using FM radio codes and HAM radio METER

Austria Museum -->A MU

Austria Museum -->A MUAustria Museum -->A M--> amplifier
Austria Museum -->Gold atomic massand the gold information amplifierof 79 protons/79 electrons and atomic mass 197   ...with Henry Zinseryear 1700 + 197 = Year 1897 born in Europe on October 13 1897.....
.... Germanic / Germaniclanguages of ag = silver of Signal Freud and Agatha Christie /tie / connect/ link SOFTWARE bridges
VIA EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones (storage)diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest...that is symbol table within a female woman 
.....diamond wedding ring with a gold band (database) ...

bandwidth sent  to the FermiLAB ODDone group
.....the Peru gold and silver mine BASEof Arequipa communication quivers

EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones, diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest

...that is symbol table 
the Feynman atomic/EM coupling number 137 to year 1937 October 18 Milwaukee

Piermaria Oddone 

Piermaria Oddone 

Pier   maria database human interceptor

Oddone  --> connects Galapagos Islands/Peru galactic COMPUTER page 


DuPage County/FermiLAB

Hour Minutes Seconds (HMS)... the BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit --> LUMBER ship travels 
thru EARTH geography surface (water) like a FISH ........
and travels thru LAND using the 2-legged humanoid walkers (the human action figures that the ship carries 
....Logical Unit(LU)-->  Lumber ..cellulose extensions that eat food grains and have LUNGS..........

traveling in  information TIME ship (ip = Internet Protocol of the Area of Arequipa --> earth geography region IP address space)

www.literature.org › darwin-charles › the-voyage-of-the-beagle › chapter-16
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain 
from 6000 to 8000 ...

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Thus we have the 
EARTH geography surface language 
of quivers of
Coquimbo  Arequipa   Quito


to ancient Greece
PLATO philosophy platform of oscillations , quivers. vibrations,

sin waves
 of the Sinai Peninsula


Thus we have the ancient
geography surface language 
...rf (relationship formats)
...rf (record formats)

geography surface relation to
geological  atomic underground language  ... the inner EARTH and COMPUTER EARTH inner database

Platname equation ......
Plate --> order entry into atomic soil/ land in Greece by Plato thinking/fingers & hand writing on paper ....
then walking (his legs and feet as fingers)  ..his body weight (8)....dats entry/data injection into
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard 


Plate Tectonics language map and 
the language BETWEEN 
geography land surface (human face of Plato) and 
geology atomic underground DATA STORAGE SPACE

of the Map - Plate Boundary Map - Geology.com

According the theory of plate tectonics,
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)

upon which exist the EARTH land surface
as an atomic SOFTWARE expression platform
...Botany trees , 4-legged animals, and hot women with software bodies to educate males

thus the --
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates -> extended
on the EARTH surface with human communications shells --> named
 the Po--> Plato order entry knowledge in the inner earth DATABASE

Buy Affordable Books By Your Favorite Authors Starting at $3.59 & Up. Find A Book Today! Free Shipping on Orders Over $15. Shop Millions of Used Books at Low Prices Everyday.
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality

. The map above shows names and generalized locations of Earth's major tectonic plates. These plates move and interact with one another to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, ocean trenches and other geologic processes and features. Map ...

 Khanacademyhttps://www.khanacademy.org › partner-content › amnh › ... 
Geology Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (article) | Khan Academy
Plate tectonics refers to the movement of the rigid plates around the surface of Earth. The outer portion of the planet, or lithosphere, is relatively rigid because it is relatively cold. The lithosphere varies in thickness but is typically a hundred or so kilometers thick. It includes the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust.

It includes the upper mantle (layers existence)
It includes the upper mantle 
It includes the upper mantle  language of geology

....sent  up to the EARTH geography surface
to the New York Yankees (earth electron systems)
as atoMic Mickey Mantle  from

spavinaw (amplitude wave) at
O = Output  area in
O = Oklahoma per
O = Oddone and his base ball team in Batavia
May 19, 2023
Welcome to Home of Peruvian atomic social sciences MESSAGE LINK
of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in 1956, BYB is an all-volunteer organization offering a quality human base register 

of IBM Basic Assembler Land Language (BALL) bio-computer & geo-computer & existential data processing computer
 program for the FermiLAB adult bio-computer children of inverted Bat  region of Batavia and MooseHeart (BMO-Harris bank region). 
Our (Oddone  uranium 238 programs for the 2-lane highway ROUTE 38 

serve over carbon atomic mass 12 layers amplified by with B100D giving the DEMO by 
1,200 players (p layers--> Processing layers
age 6 electrons of carbon ....to 17 with over 90 MILITARY teams studying the 90 degrees angle of plane geometry BATTLE.

Nationalgeographichttps://www.nationalgeographic.org › encyclopedia › mantle 
Mantle - National Geographic Society
The lithosphere is divided into IBM Base 16

 15 major hexadecimal tectonic plates: the North American, Caribbean, South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Eurasian, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca. The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho.

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center 
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen

The EARTH surface land 
TV/movie   .....screen at Highway SC 

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over the tragic signaling EVENT generated by  the Killing vector program ...killing TIME agent-->Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew in year 1980

Feb 2009 - University of Torture at Toronto ...do torture unto others ..such as Killing 
Tim Hack & kelly

The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawkings Killing vector-field (Ixonia corn field & Woods)
Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Murders
How Did They Die in the

machine  FOOL & DIE industry batles?
machine TOOL & DIE industry batles? 
What ergodic /large scale system ERROR created the Killing using a programmable bio-computer bio-electron
HUMAN action figure named DOUBLE E --> EE

The remains of the deceased couple were discovered by

IBM BASE 2 Binary ....two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on
Base 16 hex October 16, 1980

at the edge of the woods/corn field off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia. 

Approximately 8 data bit miles away from 
Concord dance house,

 the remains of the body were in a battered state, which is why the cause of death was, in the beginning, questionable.

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a Jefferson, Wisconsin corn field on 1980. The two had attended a wedding reception before their...
in a full neighborhood of the 2-sphereS, without making any analyticity assumption. It is precisely this information, i.e. the existence of Kin (Fort Atkinson) the complement of the domain of dependence of  N ∪ N,

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over
I = current/amperage region of rage/anger at
I = Ixonia and Milwaukee (double e = ee)
electrical engineering battles of 
Charles Steinmetz software programs 
VS human family errors

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center core

..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen ..
thus the earth atomic center as an atomic projector

The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho

The EARTH Land Surface version
The division STREET (CHICAGO) in the lithosphere between the pizza pie crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity at a disco dance club, or simply the Moho.

 Geoscienceworldhttps://pubs.geoscienceworld.org › gsa › geology › article › 42 › ... 
Linking plate tectonics and mantle flow to Earth’s topography
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion 

Firstly, it sugar thought molecules and the digestive that the interplay between dinner plate motion 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion and mantle flow 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between BASEBALL home plate motion and 
atoMic Mickey Mantle flow  ..... running to 1st plate 

could explain the early- to mid-Miocene uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Molnar and Stock, 2009 ), without the need to invoke lithospheric delamination ( Molnar et al., 1993 ).

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer with 
English literature and hospital buildings & 
medical calculus/math people

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

 Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lithography 
Lithography - Wikipedia
Lithography (from Ancient Greek λίθος, lithos 'stone', and γράφειν, graphein 'to write') [1] is a planographic method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. [2] The printing is from a stone ( lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a smooth surface.

Parallel languages

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

Printing -- Lithography geography Topic 
Hub at Hubbleton Wisconsin sin wave region
Printing Process Overview
Lithography, currently the dominant printing technology, is an indirect (offset) process. 

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

Sister Carrie(r) --> Information systems
Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection ( CSMA/CD) is a medium access control (MAC) method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area networking. It uses carrier -sensing to defer transmissions until no other stations are transmitting.

Sister Carrie(r)  (1900) is a carrier system novel by mineral ore messenger  Theodore Dreiser 
(1871-1945) about a young woman who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream. She first becomes a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, but later becomes a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels".[2]

Mar 24, 2023
Collision detection in CSMA/CD involves the following features: Carrier sense: 

Before transmitting data, a HUMANOID or molecule device listens to the network to check if the transmission medium is free. If the medium is busy, the device waits until it becomes free before transmitting data.

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin sin wave mechanics  
18-year-old Caroline Meeber atomic iron blood information flow / menstruation PERIOD cycle
..wavelength of 28  days of the 28 neutronTIME cycle of fe = ferrous /female  iron-54
..message about 

 The Periodic Table - Chemistry 2e | OpenStax
The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups. Groups are labeled at the top of each column. In the United States, the labels traditionally were numerals with capital letters. However, IUPAC recommends that the numbers 1 through 18 be used, and these labels are more common.

 , "Sister Carrie C =carbon array" to her 
hydro-carbon engineering(HCE) family of gasoline.etc, 

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin, 18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......

Finnegans Wake is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is well known for its experimental style and its reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon.[1] Written over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, the novel was Joyce's final work.,

Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......
The book explores, in an unorthodox fashion, the lives of the 

Earwicker family,(of EARTH systems at  Wicker Park Chicago family of Sophie Madej ...who owned and ran the Busy Bee systems site Polish-American restaurant of 1546-50 North Damen Avenue in Chicago, Illinois math/science application region of the Fundamental theorem of algebra 

comprising the father HCE (hydro-carbon engineering), 

the mother ALP (Mother earth ancient Alphabets), 
and their three children 
Shem the Penman, 
Shaun the Postman, 
and Issy IBM Information social systems) . 
Following Following  (differential equation ....
human shopping ..... fluid mechanics flow wing 
using the horizontal platform /of several hundred retail stores
across the geography land of America ......
F W Woolworth 5 cents and dime store chain 
collects data from millions of people over 40 years

an unspecified rumour about HCE, the book, in a nonlinear dream narrative,

takes the education/ train to 
Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband bandwidth. On the train, Carrie meets 

cotton thought molecules 
and their 
cotton panty experiences with the
female bio-electron body of electron pleasure circuits  
generate signals

Thus female bio-electron LEGS as broadcast message .....antenna /TOWERS

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

The Baseball 100: No. 49, Warren Spahn - The Athletic
Spahn said he was brought in as a relief pitcher against the Dodgers on April 20, 1942. At the mound, Stengel ordered him to intimidate Brooklyn shortstop Pee Wee Reese. “This hitter has..


and humanoid as a computer terminalsSigmund..silver and silicon (sand electronics) 
Freud Museum (Frequency Metric)using FM radio codes and HAM radio METER

Austria Museum -->A MU

Austria Museum -->A MUAustria Museum -->A M--> amplifier
Austria Museum -->Gold atomic massand the gold information amplifierof 79 protons/79 electrons and atomic mass 197   ...with Henry Zinseryear 1700 + 197 = Year 1897 born in Europe on October 13 1897.....
.... Germanic / Germaniclanguages of ag = silver of Signal Freud and Agatha Christie /tie / connect/ link SOFTWARE bridges
VIA EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones (storage)diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest...that is symbol table within a female woman 
.....diamond wedding ring with a gold band (database) ...

bandwidth sent  to the FermiLAB ODDone group
.....the Peru gold and silver mine BASEof Arequipa communication quivers

EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones, diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest

...that is symbol table 
the Feynman atomic/EM coupling number 137 to year 1937 October 18 Milwaukee

Piermaria Oddone 

Piermaria Oddone 

Pier   maria database human interceptor

Oddone  --> connects Galapagos Islands/Peru galactic COMPUTER page 


DuPage County/FermiLAB

Hour Minutes Seconds (HMS)... the BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit --> LUMBER ship travels 
thru EARTH geography surface (water) like a FISH ........
and travels thru LAND using the 2-legged humanoid walkers (the human action figures that the ship carries 
....Logical Unit(LU)-->  Lumber ..cellulose extensions that eat food grains and have LUNGS..........

traveling in  information TIME ship (ip = Internet Protocol of the Area of Arequipa --> earth geography region IP address space)

www.literature.org › darwin-charles › the-voyage-of-the-beagle › chapter-16
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain 
from 6000 to 8000 ...

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Thus we have the 
EARTH geography surface language 
of quivers of
Coquimbo  Arequipa   Quito


to ancient Greece
PLATO philosophy platform of oscillations , quivers. vibrations,

sin waves
 of the Sinai Peninsula


Thus we have the ancient
geography surface language 
...rf (relationship formats)
...rf (record formats)

geography surface relation to
geological  atomic underground language  ... the inner EARTH and COMPUTER EARTH inner database

Platname equation ......
Plate --> order entry into atomic soil/ land in Greece by Plato thinking/fingers & hand writing on paper ....
then walking (his legs and feet as fingers)  ..his body weight (8)....dats entry/data injection into
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard 


Plate Tectonics language map and 
the language BETWEEN 
geography land surface (human face of Plato) and 
geology atomic underground DATA STORAGE SPACE

of the Map - Plate Boundary Map - Geology.com

According the theory of plate tectonics,
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)

upon which exist the EARTH land surface
as an atomic SOFTWARE expression platform
...Botany trees , 4-legged animals, and hot women with software bodies to educate males

thus the --
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates -> extended
on the EARTH surface with human communications shells --> named
 the Po--> Plato order entry knowledge in the inner earth DATABASE

Buy Affordable Books By Your Favorite Authors Starting at $3.59 & Up. Find A Book Today! Free Shipping on Orders Over $15. Shop Millions of Used Books at Low Prices Everyday.
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality

. The map above shows names and generalized locations of Earth's major tectonic plates. These plates move and interact with one another to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, ocean trenches and other geologic processes and features. Map ...

 Khanacademyhttps://www.khanacademy.org › partner-content › amnh › ... 
Geology Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (article) | Khan Academy
Plate tectonics refers to the movement of the rigid plates around the surface of Earth. The outer portion of the planet, or lithosphere, is relatively rigid because it is relatively cold. The lithosphere varies in thickness but is typically a hundred or so kilometers thick. It includes the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust.

It includes the upper mantle (layers existence)
It includes the upper mantle 
It includes the upper mantle  language of geology

....sent  up to the EARTH geography surface
to the New York Yankees (earth electron systems)
as atoMic Mickey Mantle  from

spavinaw (amplitude wave) at
O = Output  area in
O = Oklahoma per
O = Oddone and his base ball team in Batavia
May 19, 2023
Welcome to Home of Peruvian atomic social sciences MESSAGE LINK
of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in 1956, BYB is an all-volunteer organization offering a quality human base register 

of IBM Basic Assembler Land Language (BALL) bio-computer & geo-computer & existential data processing computer
 program for the FermiLAB adult bio-computer children of inverted Bat  region of Batavia and MooseHeart (BMO-Harris bank region). 
Our (Oddone  uranium 238 programs for the 2-lane highway ROUTE 38 

serve over carbon atomic mass 12 layers amplified by with B100D giving the DEMO by 
1,200 players (p layers--> Processing layers
age 6 electrons of carbon ....to 17 with over 90 MILITARY teams studying the 90 degrees angle of plane geometry BATTLE.

Nationalgeographichttps://www.nationalgeographic.org › encyclopedia › mantle 
Mantle - National Geographic Society
The lithosphere is divided into IBM Base 16

 15 major hexadecimal tectonic plates: the North American, Caribbean, South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Eurasian, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca. The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho.

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center 
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen

The EARTH surface land 
TV/movie   .....screen at Highway SC 

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over the tragic signaling EVENT generated by  the Killing vector program ...killing TIME agent-->Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew in year 1980

Feb 2009 - University of Torture at Toronto ...do torture unto others ..such as Killing 
Tim Hack & kelly

The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawkings Killing vector-field (Ixonia corn field & Woods)
Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Murders
How Did They Die in the

machine  FOOL & DIE industry batles?
machine TOOL & DIE industry batles? 
What ergodic /large scale system ERROR created the Killing using a programmable bio-computer bio-electron
HUMAN action figure named DOUBLE E --> EE

The remains of the deceased couple were discovered by

IBM BASE 2 Binary ....two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on 
Base 16 hex October 16, 1980

at the edge of the woods/corn field off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia. 

Approximately 8 data bit miles away from 
Concord dance house,

 the remains of the body were in a battered state, which is why the cause of death was, in the beginning, questionable.

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a Jefferson, Wisconsin corn field on 1980. The two had attended a wedding reception before their...
in a full neighborhood of the 2-sphereS, without making any analyticity assumption. It is precisely this information, i.e. the existence of Kin (Fort Atkinson) the complement of the domain of dependence of  N ∪ N,

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over
I = current/amperage region of rage/anger at
I = Ixonia and Milwaukee (double e = ee)
electrical engineering battles of 
Charles Steinmetz software programs 
VS human family errors

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center core

..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen ..
thus the earth atomic center as an atomic projector

The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho

The EARTH Land Surface version
The division STREET (CHICAGO) in the lithosphere between the pizza pie crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity at a disco dance club, or simply the Moho.

 Geoscienceworldhttps://pubs.geoscienceworld.org › gsa › geology › article › 42 › ... 
Linking plate tectonics and mantle flow to Earth’s topography
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion 

Firstly, it sugar thought molecules and the digestive that the interplay between dinner plate motion 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion and mantle flow 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between BASEBALL home plate motion and 
atoMic Mickey Mantle flow  ..... running to 1st plate 

could explain the early- to mid-Miocene uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Molnar and Stock, 2009 ), without the need to invoke lithospheric delamination ( Molnar et al., 1993 ).

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer with 
English literature and hospital buildings & 
medical calculus/math people

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

 Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lithography 
Lithography - Wikipedia
Lithography (from Ancient Greek λίθος, lithos 'stone', and γράφειν, graphein 'to write') [1] is a planographic method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. [2] The printing is from a stone ( lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a smooth surface.

Parallel languages

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

Printing -- Lithography geography Topic 
Hub at Hubbleton Wisconsin sin wave region
Printing Process Overview
Lithography, currently the dominant printing technology, is an indirect (offset) process. 

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

Sister Carrie(r) --> Information systems
Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection ( CSMA/CD) is a medium access control (MAC) method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area networking. It uses carrier -sensing to defer transmissions until no other stations are transmitting.

Sister Carrie(r)  (1900) is a carrier system novel by mineral ore messenger  Theodore Dreiser 
(1871-1945) about a young woman who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream. She first becomes a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, but later becomes a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels".[2]

Mar 24, 2023
Collision detection in CSMA/CD involves the following features: Carrier sense: 

Before transmitting data, a HUMANOID or molecule device listens to the network to check if the transmission medium is free. If the medium is busy, the device waits until it becomes free before transmitting data.

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin sin wave mechanics  
18-year-old Caroline Meeber atomic iron blood information flow / menstruation PERIOD cycle
..wavelength of 28  days of the 28 neutronTIME cycle of fe = ferrous /female  iron-54
..message about 

 The Periodic Table - Chemistry 2e | OpenStax
The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups. Groups are labeled at the top of each column. In the United States, the labels traditionally were numerals with capital letters. However, IUPAC recommends that the numbers 1 through 18 be used, and these labels are more common.

 , "Sister Carrie C =carbon array" to her 
hydro-carbon engineering(HCE) family of gasoline.etc, 

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin, 18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......

Finnegans Wake is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is well known for its experimental style and its reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon.[1] Written over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, the novel was Joyce's final work.,

Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......
The book explores, in an unorthodox fashion, the lives of the 

Earwicker family,(of EARTH systems at  Wicker Park Chicago family of Sophie Madej ...who owned and ran the Busy Bee systems site Polish-American restaurant of 1546-50 North Damen Avenue in Chicago, Illinois math/science application region of the Fundamental theorem of algebra 

comprising the father HCE (hydro-carbon engineering), 

the mother ALP (Mother earth ancient Alphabets), 
and their three children 
Shem the Penman, 
Shaun the Postman, 
and Issy IBM Information social systems) . 
Following Following  (differential equation ....
human shopping ..... fluid mechanics flow wing 
using the horizontal platform /of several hundred retail stores
across the geography land of America ......
F W Woolworth 5 cents and dime store chain 
collects data from millions of people over 40 years

an unspecified rumour about HCE, the book, in a nonlinear dream narrative,

takes the education/ train to 
Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband bandwidth. On the train, Carrie meets 

cotton thought molecules 
and their 
cotton panty experiences with the
female bio-electron body of electron pleasure circuits  
generate signals

Thus female bio-electron LEGS as broadcast message .....antenna /TOWERS

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

The Baseball 100: No. 49, Warren Spahn - The Athletic
Spahn said he was brought in as a relief pitcher against the Dodgers on April 20, 1942. At the mound, Stengel ordered him to intimidate Brooklyn shortstop Pee Wee Reese. “This hitter has..

plano   --> graphic,

  1. future of Plano. 
  2. future of Plano.
  3. future of Plan  --> o --> zeroes .
  4. ZerosPoles, and Essential Singularities - Wolfram ...
    Details Reference [1] A. Sveshnikov and A. Tikhonov, The Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (G. Yankovsky, trans.), Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1971. Related Links ( Permanent Citation Izidor Hafner "ZerosPoles, and Essential Singularities" http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ZerosPolesAndEssentialSingularities/ Wolfram Demonstrations Project
     Dronacharyahttps://www.gn.dronacharya.info › ... › Singularities-Zeros-Poles.pdf 
    Singularities, Zeros And Poles - Dronacharya
    Singularities, Zeros And Poles Singularities We have seen that the function w = z3 is analytic everywhere except at z = whilst the function w = z-1 is analytic everywhere except at z = 0.

  5. People in Plano reflected Monday on the changes in...

 intaglio, or screen. 
In relief printing
the image or printing area is raised above the non-image areas. Letterpress and flexography are relief printing processes.

Geography land surface with people and 
lithographic message activities

 raised above 
geology underground lithosphere of  atomic clay and limestone message systems 

the image or printing area is raised above 
the image or printing area is raised above 
the lithosphere ..underground geology database

the lithosphere ..underground geology database

 Thomasnet https://www.thomasnet.com › products › lithographic-printing... 
Lithographic Printing Plates - Thomasnet
Manufacturer & distributor of standard & custom lithographic printing plates
Specifications include 5 mil. & 8 mil. gauges, 

 Sciencehttps://www.science.org › doi › 10.1126 › science.abl6277 
Thermalization dynamics of a
 gauge theory on a quantum ...
Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We perform quantum simulations of the unitary dynamics of a U(1) symmetric gauge field theory and demonstrate emergent irreversible behavior.

Thermalization dynamics of a
 gauge theory --> atomic biology applications

20 seconds development processor speed, -86 degrees F to +10 degrees F activator temperature & impressions run length greater than 20,000. 
Features include water receptivity & ink adherence. View Supplier Save Select
and, how movements of these plates produce earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean trenches, mountain ranges, and more. Plate Tectonics Animation Watch This Billion-Year Journey of Earth's Tectonic Plates on The New York Times website.

ancient plat--> platform / an expression surface -->continuum

Plato philosophy ... oscillations SHAPED into a visible ancient GREEK language of vertical letters 


the horizontal oscillations/ quivers/ sin wave /alternating cycles wave language

plato philosophy 

---> pla  to  --> Platform of his oscillation codes translation  ....

 translated into symbol/graphic arts BLACK INK languages on cellulose paper 

Plato philosophy oscillations  sent to Quito quiver region

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

Guayaquil -->
quantum relationship to Y address constant of quivers
as explained 
by human interceptor Oddone
of the area of required red blood cell quivers/ pulses --
Arequipa--> quiver particles

--> stepname Exec--> Executive of FermiLAB 

HMS BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit -->

 LUMBER ship 

is a member of  COMPUTER EARTH

as partitioned data set(PDS) --> sees the Peru Andes region of existence and
its EARTH language 
.... EARTH LAB quiver platform labels and identifiers ...and translates into the Charles Darwin/ Charles Dickens English language 

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

Coquimbo --> communication  codes ..... quiver .....
ancient plato -
ancient pla o -> platform/foundation
of O objects ..atoms, orbitals, math circles, rings, etc of existence

HMS BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit -->

 LUMBER ship 

is a member of  COMPUTER EARTH

as partitioned data set(PDS) --> sees the Peru Andes region of existence

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

as members of a partitioned data set

Coquimbo --> communication  codes ..... quiver .....

...quiver member 0 = zero (start of the PDS)

next in Herbert Spencer sequence

Arequipa --> quiver member 1 ->one
explained by the ODD ONE and his code name relationships of

O = zero ...his name ONE = 1

in other words 
O (zero) needs One(1) for existence to continuum beyond the 

primodial human O = hole of ole
/spanish language word

¡Olé! = Bravo! 
An interjection used to encourage, you're especially likely to hear ¡Olé! at a sports match, concert, or any other time you find yourself in an arena or stadium. examples Nuestro equipo acaba de meter un gol. - ¡Olé! Our team just scored a goal.


¡Olé! = Bravo! 

¡Olé! = Bravo! 

¡HOlé! = Bra      vo! 
¡HOlé! = Bra      vo! 
¡HOlé! = cotton Bra   + V O --> vagina hole 

 Nuestro equipo acaba --> letter codes

e + qui + po + ac--> male erection 
quiver excitement pussy hole alternating cycles in bed 

as partitioned data set(PDS) --> sees the Peru Andes region of existence

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

as members of a partitioned data set

Coquimbo --> communication  codes ..... quiver .....

...quiver member 0 = zero (start of the PDS)

next in Herbert Spencer sequence

Arequipa --> quiver member 1 ->one
explained by the ODD ONE 

next in Herbert Spencer sequence 

next in Herbert Spencer sequence
next in Herbert Spencer sequence
next in Herbert Spencer sequence

Last in Plato sequence

Quito -->
Quito --> quit/stop the quiver

Quito -->go to project plan
.......o --> TEXAS
o and the 
Waco (wave continuum) 

EARTH systems feedback communications LOOP to

Coquimbo Chile

Texas real estate language scams
 and BS system... 

RECIPEs (Internet Protocol LINK to Arequipa )......feed/food and Texas chile
for the TEXAS SYSTEMS asshole human rectum (universal mind 
with mouth saliva)
 Thepioneerwomanhttps://www.thepioneerwoman.com › ... › texas-chili-recipe 
Best Texas Chili Recipe - How to Make Texas Chili
1 Tear the guajillo and ancho chiles into about 1-inch pieces. In a medium saucepan, toast the chiles over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until fragrant and darkened in spots, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the onion, garlic and enough water to cover by 1-inch. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.\

Waco Texas
Plano TEXAS project 
plan O(open mouth for Texas Chile/Chili)
EARTH systems feedback communications LOOP to

Coquimbo Chile VIA 

Texas Is Chili Country - Compare Prices at Thriftbooks
Used Books Starting at $3.59. Free Shipping Available. Shop Now!
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality

Texas Is Chil
Texas Is Chile ...North America to South America geography city/names  ....
information feed-back Loop  

The Coquimbo Chile --> communications continuum ....
communication path ......
continues to the  North American continents (information input/output
entrances & exits ....I/O ports and I/O terminals ...thus code word -->
Coquimbo Chile --> Chi + Hil + il + earth

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB

Chicago Hub

Chicago Hub Network - Wikipedia
Chicago is North America 's largest rail hub, and remains unsurpassed in the total number of passenger and freight trains that converge on any city on the continent. Chicago is a major hub for Amtrak, with 15 different lines terminating at the city's Union Station.

 Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com › place › Chicago 
Chicago | History, Population, Map, & Facts | Britannica
Its position as a hub for rail and air travel has always meant that at any one time a large portion of the people in the city are out-of-towners. Over the years its location has fostered a lively convention trade—a fact that has led hundreds of organizations and corporations to call it home.

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB and 
its bio-directional links to other cities and states ...... especially the Milwaukee Road ......
rail-road (RR) 
quiver-vibrations/quantum wave mechanics TRIPS of humanoids in 1970 
.......EARTH atomic tons/geology weight(8) .......
communications HUB at Watertown/Hubbleton per Sister Carrie(R) year 1900 book

In late 1889, dissatisfied with if logic of e = 2.718 of Euler life in Coquimbo Chile South America and the 
TIME ship ....
 the HMS Beagle LUMBER ship

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
using plowed black farm soil 
..sin waves,

atomic iron-56 mass.... ferrous /iron
CURVED metal ..... 
CURVED metal...
curls the LAND 
atomic s-orbital earth electrons into
atomic soi
..earth electron land as horizontal algebra/plane geometry 
X-axis math platform ...
land math expression surface

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
Columbia County and
Columbus (control bus, address bus  data bus) is a city in Columbia (mostly) and Dodge Counties in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Wisconsin.

the Greyhound
bus systems brings the
lumbia & Columbus 
Wisconsin sin wave data to the 
Chicago region ...
MASTER BUS computer terminal
LINK  to coquimbo --> quiver source code library ....PDS member 0

5,183 mi
Distance from Columbus to Coquimbo

 The population was 5,540 at the 2020 census.  Columbus is located about 28 miles (45 km) northeast of Madison on the Crawfish River

18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie(r) " to her old herzegovina family, 
takes the 
Fe= FermiLAB atomic element Fe 
and its Ferrous LiFe........
such as
iron rail-road train -->train /educate/teach to Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband.

Milwaukee Road ......
rail-road (RR) 
quiver-vibrations/quantum wave mechanics TRIPS of humanoids 

with IBM Basic assembler language...... train/educate existence
rail-road (RR) computer system...
atomic Fe --> Ferrous/ iron metal Register to register instruction
as used by 

horizontal geography land
COMPUTER EARTH processing partitions

processing region N with 
assembler register 0 to Rn

Cornelius Vanderbilt shipping & railroad systems with data processing
with the COMPUTER EARTH master computer terminal... as the building

IBM system 370 OS/JCL 
binary base 2 --> 
Roman numeral ll = 2 = two =dos
connect to ancient 
Julius Caesar Latin(JCL)
Job Control Language

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

and Hilbert spaces 
and Hilbert's Grand Hotel 
atomic, existential software TEMPLATE and data collection program ........ Nature's systems tracking society ....

COMPUTER EARTH software that 
overlays the  physical hotel buildings constructed of atomic stone/cement/iron beams  and 

Bill Gates usage & cover-up 
of stolen property ...........
atoMic Microsoft glass windows....... ..... physical atomic LIVING hotel buildings that collects thoughts and ideas from all people in the Carl JUNG data collection process 
from the 
sub-conscious MIND 

and the David Hilbert's 
(DH = Double Helix agent for 2  existence per Charles Dickens 1859 Nickel-59 book...the TALENT of 2 Bull-story Cities) and his

1838 atomic Nickel stories 
on the relationship between 
the EARTH atomic core of 
Iron & nickel
..and its atomic factory and atomic DATA CENTER ..

that send ships of solid minerals (iron ore atoms, nickel, copper, uranium) to the earth surface

...along with information SHIPS
... that used to dock at Batavia
...Pier 1 imports on Randall Roadhte FermiLAB Pier

Isotopes of nickel - Wikipedia


Web54 rows · Nickel-59 is a long-lived cosmogenic radionuclide with 

a half-life of 76,000 years. 

59 Ni has found many applications in isotope geology. 

59 Ni has been used to date the  year 1859 book

thus David Hilbert's 

Grand Hotel software .... at a higher LEVEL...... collects all that data & idea  activity

Paul Dirac alternating cycles
gravity thought & feeling fields

The Coquimbo Chile --> communications continuum ....
communication path ......
continues to the  North American continents (information input/output
entrances & exits ....I/O ports and I/O terminals ...thus code word 
Coquimbo Chile --> Chi + Hil + il + earth

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB

Watertown /Hubbleton

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
using plowed black farm soil 
..sin waves carry mesages

The Coquimbo Chile --> communications continuum ....
communication path ......
continues to the  North American continents (information input/output
entrances & exits ....I/O ports and I/O terminals ...thus code word -->
Coquimbo Chile --> Chi + Hil + il + earth

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB

Chicago Hub

Chicago Hub Network - Wikipedia
Chicago is North America 's largest rail hub, and remains unsurpassed in the total number of passenger and freight trains that converge on any city on the continent. Chicago is a major hub for Amtrak, with 15 different lines terminating at the city's Union Station.

 Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com › place › Chicago 
Chicago | History, Population, Map, & Facts | Britannica
Its position as a hub for rail and air travel has always meant that at any one time a large portion of the people in the city are out-of-towners. Over the years its location has fostered a lively convention trade—a fact that has led hundreds of organizations and corporations to call it home.

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB and 
its bio-directional links to other cities and states ...... especially the Milwaukee Road ......
rail-road (RR) 
quiver-vibrations/quantum wave mechanics TRIPS of humanoids in 1970 
.......EARTH atomic tons/geology weight(8) .......
communications HUB at Watertown/Hubbleton per Sister Carrie(R) year 1900 book

In late 1889, dissatisfied with if logic of e = 2.718 of Euler lifin Coquimbo Chile South America and the 
TIME ship ....
 the HMS Beagle LUMBER ship

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
using plowed black farm soil 
..sin waves,

atomic iron-56 mass.... ferrous /iron
CURVED metal ..... 
CURVED metal...
curls the LAND 
atomic s-orbitaearth electrons into
atomic soi
..earth electron land as horizontal algebra/plane geometry 
X-axis math platform ...
land math expression surface

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
Columbia County and
Columbus (control bus, address bus  data bus) is a city in Columbia (mostly) and Dodge Counties in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Wisconsin.

the Greyhound 
bus systems brings the
lumbia & Columbus 
Wisconsin sin wave data to the 
Chicago region ...
MASTER BUS computer terminal
LINK  to coquimbo --> quiver source code library ....PDS member 0

5,183 mi
Distance from Columbus to Coquimbo

LINK to area of quivers,

 E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

thus  the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

INTERACTION with other regions on EARTH and their code names

Quito --> to --> Tokyo and topology Ground earth(Ge) 
--> General Tojo H ...... of Hausdorf spaces of atomic gold Au
SD = South Dakota --> data sort definition region

Arequipa --> India Pakistan Asia
Arequipa humanoid Oddone

Borneo indonesia software 
MIRROR extension

Arequipa humanoid Oddone
Borneo indonesia software 
MIRROR extension
Born ..molecular software reincarnation --> inca religion and orangutan messenger RNA
Muhammad ali explains alignment
of Grand Unified Theory(GUT) 
Muhammad ali explains alignmentof Grand Unified Theory(GUT) with the
 Scihihttps://scihi.org › emile-borel-infinite-mo 
Émile Borel and the Infinite Monkey Problem of FermiLAB & Argonne &universities 

that monkey around with nonsense
| SciHi Blog
Borel (Borneo relatives) is known for his founding work in the areas of 
BEDROOM pleasure measure theory of access to female meat and probability. 

In one of his books on probability of Pier Oddone, he proposed the thought experiment that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard will – with absolute certainty – e

Muhammad ali explains alignment
and system additions
and code name..Saddam agent in 
Iraq--> thomas Aquinas quiver continuum battles over
parallel approximation code name  
A qui --> Arequipa

 Indonesia --> next in sequence --->
born as ODD ODDONE
March 26, 1944 in 
Galapagos area .....ArequipaPeru

pa -->India Pakistan

La Paz
-->Load Address(LA) instruction 41
---> Land Pakistan Particle 
President Z

code name ....
the as if MODEL (a representative for Nature ergodic/large scale systems)

AS   IF (he was a real leader VS a synthetics leader/spokes person for Nature's social engineering systems)

concept alignment ...Zaradari

concept alignment ...Zaradari 
Zinser, Karl

and humanoid as a computer terminalsSigmund..silver and silicon (sand electronics) 
Freud Museum (Frequency Metric)using FM radio codes and HAM radio METER

Austria Museum -->A MU

Austria Museum -->A MUAustria Museum -->A M--> amplifier
Austria Museum -->Gold atomic massand the gold information amplifierof 79 protons/79 electrons and atomic mass 197   ...with Henry Zinseryear 1700 + 197 = Year 1897 born in Europe on October 13 1897.....
.... Germanic / Germaniclanguages of ag = silver of Signal Freud and Agatha Christie /tie / connect/ link SOFTWARE bridges
VIA EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones (storage)diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest...that is symbol table within a female woman 
.....diamond wedding ring with a gold band (database) ...

bandwidth sent  to the FermiLAB ODDone group
.....the Peru gold and silver mine BASEof Arequipa communication quivers

EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones, diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest

...that is symbol table 
the Feynman atomic/EM coupling number 137 to year 1937 October 18 Milwaukee

Piermaria Oddone 

Piermaria Oddone 

Pier   maria database human interceptor

Oddone  --> connects Galapagos Islands/Peru galactic COMPUTER page 


DuPage County/FermiLAB

Hour Minutes Seconds (HMS)... the BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit --> LUMBER ship travels 
thru EARTH geography surface (water) like a FISH ........
and travels thru LAND using the 2-legged humanoid walkers (the human action figures that the ship carries 
....Logical Unit(LU)-->  Lumber ..cellulose extensions that eat food grains and have LUNGS..........

traveling in  information TIME ship (ip = Internet Protocol of the Area of Arequipa --> earth geography region IP address space)

www.literature.org › darwin-charles › the-voyage-of-the-beagle › chapter-16
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain 
from 6000 to 8000 ...

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Thus we have the 
EARTH geography surface language 
of quivers of
Coquimbo  Arequipa   Quito


to ancient Greece
PLATO philosophy platform of oscillations , quivers. vibrations,

sin waves
 of the Sinai Peninsula


Thus we have the ancient
geography surface language 
...rf (relationship formats)
...rf (record formats)

geography surface relation to
geological  atomic underground language  ... the inner EARTH and COMPUTER EARTH inner database

Platname equation ......
Plate --> order entry into atomic soil/ land in Greece by Plato thinking/fingers & hand writing on paper ....
then walking (his legs and feet as fingers)  ..his body weight (8)....dats entry/data injection into
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard 


Plate Tectonics language map and 
the language BETWEEN 
geography land surface (human face of Plato) and 
geology atomic underground DATA STORAGE SPACE

of the Map - Plate Boundary Map - Geology.com

According the theory of plate tectonics,
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)

upon which exist the EARTH land surface
as an atomic SOFTWARE expression platform
...Botany trees , 4-legged animals, and hot women with software bodies to educate males

thus the --
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates -> extended
on the EARTH surface with human communications shells --> named
 the Po--> Plato order entry knowledge in the inner earth DATABASE

Buy Affordable Books By Your Favorite Authors Starting at $3.59 & Up. Find A Book Today! Free Shipping on Orders Over $15. Shop Millions of Used Books at Low Prices Everyday.
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality

. The map above shows names and generalized locations of Earth's major tectonic plates. These plates move and interact with one another to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, ocean trenches and other geologic processes and features. Map ...

 Khanacademyhttps://www.khanacademy.org › partner-content › amnh › ... 
Geology Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (article) | Khan Academy
Plate tectonics refers to the movement of the rigid plates around the surface of Earth. The outer portion of the planet, or lithosphere, is relatively rigid because it is relatively cold. The lithosphere varies in thickness but is typically a hundred or so kilometers thick. It includes the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust.

It includes the upper mantle (layers existence)
It includes the upper mantle 
It includes the upper mantle  language of geology

....sent  up to the EARTH geography surface
to the New York Yankees (earth electron systems)
as atoMic Mickey Mantle  from

spavinaw (amplitude wave) at
O = Output  area in
O = Oklahoma per
O = Oddone and his base ball team in Batavia
May 19, 2023
Welcome to Home of Peruvian atomic social sciences MESSAGE LINK
of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in 1956, BYB is an all-volunteer organization offering a quality human base register 

of IBM Basic Assembler Land Language (BALL) bio-computer & geo-computer & existential data processing computer
 program for the FermiLAB adult bio-computer children of inverted Bat  region of Batavia and MooseHeart (BMO-Harris bank region). 
Our (Oddone  uranium 238 programs for the 2-lane highway ROUTE 38 

serve over carbon atomic mass 12 layers amplified by with B100D giving the DEMO by 
1,200 players (p layers--> Processing layers
age 6 electrons of carbon ....to 17 with over 90 MILITARY teams studying the 90 degrees angle of plane geometry BATTLE.

Nationalgeographichttps://www.nationalgeographic.org › encyclopedia › mantle 
Mantle - National Geographic Society
The lithosphere is divided into IBM Base 16

 15 major hexadecimal tectonic plates: the North American, Caribbean, South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Eurasian, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca. The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho.

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center 
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen

The EARTH surface land 
TV/movie   .....screen at Highway SC 

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over the tragic signaling EVENT generated by  the Killing vector program ...killing TIME agent-->Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew in year 1980

Feb 2009 - University of Torture at Toronto ...do torture unto others ..such as Killing 
Tim Hack & kelly

The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawkings Killing vector-field (Ixonia corn field & Woods)
Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Murders
How Did They Die in the

machine  FOOL & DIE industry batles?
machine TOOL & DIE industry batles? 
What ergodic /large scale system ERROR created the Killing using a programmable bio-computer bio-electron
HUMAN action figure named DOUBLE E --> EE

The remains of the deceased couple were discovered by

IBM BASE 2 Binary ....two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on 
Base 16 hex October 16, 1980

at the edge of the woods/corn field off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia. 

Approximately 8 data bit miles away from 
Concord dance house,

 the remains of the body were in a battered state, which is why the cause of death was, in the beginning, questionable.

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a Jefferson, Wisconsin corn field on 1980. The two had attended a wedding reception before their...
in a full neighborhood of the 2-sphereS, without making any analyticity assumption. It is precisely this information, i.e. the existence of Kin (Fort Atkinson) the complement of the domain of dependence of  N ∪ N,

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over
I = current/amperage region of rage/anger at
I = Ixonia and Milwaukee (double e = ee)
electrical engineering battles of 
Charles Steinmetz software programs 
VS human family errors

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center core

..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen ..
thus the earth atomic center as an atomic projector

The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho

The EARTH Land Surface version
The division STREET (CHICAGO) in the lithosphere between the pizza pie crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity at a disco dance club, or simply the Moho.

 Geoscienceworldhttps://pubs.geoscienceworld.org › gsa › geology › article › 42 › ... 
Linking plate tectonics and mantle flow to Earth’s topography
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion 

Firstly, it sugar thought molecules and the digestive that the interplay between dinner plate motion 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion and mantle flow 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between BASEBALL home plate motion and 
atoMic Mickey Mantle flow  ..... running to 1st plate 

could explain the early- to mid-Miocene uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Molnar and Stock, 2009 ), without the need to invoke lithospheric delamination ( Molnar et al., 1993 ).

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer with 
English literature and hospital buildings & 
medical calculus/math people

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

 Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lithography 
Lithography - Wikipedia
Lithography (from Ancient Greek λίθος, lithos 'stone', and γράφειν, graphein 'to write') [1] is a planographic method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. [2] The printing is from a stone ( lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a smooth surface.

Parallel languages

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

Printing -- Lithography geography Topic 
Hub at Hubbleton Wisconsin sin wave region
Printing Process Overview
Lithography, currently the dominant printing technology, is an indirect (offset) process. 

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

Sister Carrie(r) --> Information systems
Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection ( CSMA/CD) is a medium access control (MAC) method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area networking. It uses carrier -sensing to defer transmissions until no other stations are transmitting.

Sister Carrie(r)  (1900) is a carrier system novel by mineral ore messenger  Theodore Dreiser 
(1871-1945) about a young woman who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream. She first becomes a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, but later becomes a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels".[2]

Mar 24, 2023
Collision detection in CSMA/CD involves the following features: Carrier sense: 

Before transmitting data, a HUMANOID or molecule device listens to the network to check if the transmission medium is free. If the medium is busy, the device waits until it becomes free before transmitting data.

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin sin wave mechanics  
18-year-old Caroline Meeber atomic iron blood information flow / menstruation PERIOD cycle
..wavelength of 28  days of the 28 neutronTIME cycle of fe = ferrous /female  iron-54
..message about 

 The Periodic Table - Chemistry 2e | OpenStax
The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups. Groups are labeled at the top of each column. In the United States, the labels traditionally were numerals with capital letters. However, IUPAC recommends that the numbers 1 through 18 be used, and these labels are more common.

 , "Sister Carrie C =carbon array" to her 
hydro-carbon engineering(HCE) family of gasoline.etc, 

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin, 18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......

Finnegans Wake is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is well known for its experimental style and its reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon.[1] Written over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, the novel was Joyce's final work.,

Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......
The book explores, in an unorthodox fashion, the lives of the 

Earwicker family,(of EARTH systems at  Wicker Park Chicago family of Sophie Madej ...who owned and ran the Busy Bee systems site Polish-American restaurant of 1546-50 North Damen Avenue in Chicago, Illinois math/science application region of the Fundamental theorem of algebra 

comprising the father HCE (hydro-carbon engineering), 

the mother ALP (Mother earth ancient Alphabets), 
and their three children 
Shem the Penman, 
Shaun the Postman, 
and Issy IBM Information social systems) . 
Following Following  (differential equation ....
human shopping ..... fluid mechanics flow wing 
using the horizontal platform /of several hundred retail stores
across the geography land of America ......
F W Woolworth 5 cents and dime store chain 
collects data from millions of people over 40 years

an unspecified rumour about HCE, the book, in a nonlinear dream narrative,

takes the education/ train to 
Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband bandwidth. On the train, Carrie meets 

cotton thought molecules 
and their 
cotton panty experiences with the
female bio-electron body of electron pleasure circuits  
generate signals

Thus female bio-electron LEGS as broadcast message .....antenna /TOWERS

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

The Baseball 100: No. 49, Warren Spahn - The Athletic
Spahn said he was brought in as a relief pitcher against the Dodgers on April 20, 1942. At the mound, Stengel ordered him to intimidate Brooklyn shortstop Pee Wee Reese. “This hitter has..


and humanoid as a computer terminalsSigmund..silver and silicon (sand electronics) 
Freud Museum (Frequency Metric)using FM radio codes and HAM radio METER

Austria Museum -->A MU

Austria Museum -->A MUAustria Museum -->A M--> amplifier
Austria Museum -->Gold atomic massand the gold information amplifierof 79 protons/79 electrons and atomic mass 197   ...with Henry Zinseryear 1700 + 197 = Year 1897 born in Europe on October 13 1897.....
.... Germanic / Germaniclanguages of ag = silver of Signal Freud and Agatha Christie /tie / connect/ link SOFTWARE bridges
VIA EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones (storage)diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest...that is symbol table within a female woman 
.....diamond wedding ring with a gold band (database) ...

bandwidth sent  to the FermiLAB ODDone group
.....the Peru gold and silver mine BASEof Arequipa communication quivers

EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones, diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest

...that is symbol table 
the Feynman atomic/EM coupling number 137 to year 1937 October 18 Milwaukee

Piermaria Oddone 

Piermaria Oddone 

Pier   maria database human interceptor

Oddone  --> connects Galapagos Islands/Peru galactic COMPUTER page 


DuPage County/FermiLAB

Hour Minutes Seconds (HMS)... the BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit --> LUMBER ship travels 
thru EARTH geography surface (water) like a FISH ........
and travels thru LAND using the 2-legged humanoid walkers (the human action figures that the ship carries 
....Logical Unit(LU)-->  Lumber ..cellulose extensions that eat food grains and have LUNGS..........

traveling in  information TIME ship (ip = Internet Protocol of the Area of Arequipa --> earth geography region IP address space)

www.literature.org › darwin-charles › the-voyage-of-the-beagle › chapter-16
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain 
from 6000 to 8000 ...

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Thus we have the 
EARTH geography surface language 
of quivers of
Coquimbo  Arequipa   Quito


to ancient Greece
PLATO philosophy platform of oscillations , quivers. vibrations,

sin waves
 of the Sinai Peninsula


Thus we have the ancient
geography surface language 
...rf (relationship formats)
...rf (record formats)

geography surface relation to
geological  atomic underground language  ... the inner EARTH and COMPUTER EARTH inner database

Platname equation ......
Plate --> order entry into atomic soil/ land in Greece by Plato thinking/fingers & hand writing on paper ....
then walking (his legs and feet as fingers)  ..his body weight (8)....dats entry/data injection into
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard 


Plate Tectonics language map and 
the language BETWEEN 
geography land surface (human face of Plato) and 
geology atomic underground DATA STORAGE SPACE

of the Map - Plate Boundary Map - Geology.com

According the theory of plate tectonics,
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)

upon which exist the EARTH land surface
as an atomic SOFTWARE expression platform
...Botany trees , 4-legged animals, and hot women with software bodies to educate males

thus the --
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates -> extended
on the EARTH surface with human communications shells --> named
 the Po--> Plato order entry knowledge in the inner earth DATABASE

Buy Affordable Books By Your Favorite Authors Starting at $3.59 & Up. Find A Book Today! Free Shipping on Orders Over $15. Shop Millions of Used Books at Low Prices Everyday.
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality

. The map above shows names and generalized locations of Earth's major tectonic plates. These plates move and interact with one another to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, ocean trenches and other geologic processes and features. Map ...

 Khanacademyhttps://www.khanacademy.org › partner-content › amnh › ... 
Geology Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (article) | Khan Academy
Plate tectonics refers to the movement of the rigid plates around the surface of Earth. The outer portion of the planet, or lithosphere, is relatively rigid because it is relatively cold. The lithosphere varies in thickness but is typically a hundred or so kilometers thick. It includes the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust.

It includes the upper mantle (layers existence)
It includes the upper mantle 
It includes the upper mantle  language of geology

....sent  up to the EARTH geography surface
to the New York Yankees (earth electron systems)
as atoMic Mickey Mantle  from

spavinaw (amplitude wave) at
O = Output  area in
O = Oklahoma per
O = Oddone and his base ball team in Batavia
May 19, 2023
Welcome to Home of Peruvian atomic social sciences MESSAGE LINK
of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in 1956, BYB is an all-volunteer organization offering a quality human base register 

of IBM Basic Assembler Land Language (BALL) bio-computer & geo-computer & existential data processing computer
 program for the FermiLAB adult bio-computer children of inverted Bat  region of Batavia and MooseHeart (BMO-Harris bank region). 
Our (Oddone  uranium 238 programs for the 2-lane highway ROUTE 38 

serve over carbon atomic mass 12 layers amplified by with B100D giving the DEMO by 
1,200 players (p layers--> Processing layers
age 6 electrons of carbon ....to 17 with over 90 MILITARY teams studying the 90 degrees angle of plane geometry BATTLE.

Nationalgeographichttps://www.nationalgeographic.org › encyclopedia › mantle 
Mantle - National Geographic Society
The lithosphere is divided into IBM Base 16

 15 major hexadecimal tectonic plates: the North American, Caribbean, South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Eurasian, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca. The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho.

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center 
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen

The EARTH surface land 
TV/movie   .....screen at Highway SC 

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over the tragic signaling EVENT generated by  the Killing vector program ...killing TIME agent-->Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew in year 1980

Feb 2009 - University of Torture at Toronto ...do torture unto others ..such as Killing 
Tim Hack & kelly

The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawkings Killing vector-field (Ixonia corn field & Woods)
Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Murders
How Did They Die in the

machine  FOOL & DIE industry batles?
machine TOOL & DIE industry batles? 
What ergodic /large scale system ERROR created the Killing using a programmable bio-computer bio-electron
HUMAN action figure named DOUBLE E --> EE

The remains of the deceased couple were discovered by

IBM BASE 2 Binary ....two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on 
Base 16 hex October 16, 1980

at the edge of the woods/corn field off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia. 

Approximately 8 data bit miles away from 
Concord dance house,

 the remains of the body were in a battered state, which is why the cause of death was, in the beginning, questionable.

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a Jefferson, Wisconsin corn field on 1980. The two had attended a wedding reception before their...
in a full neighborhood of the 2-sphereS, without making any analyticity assumption. It is precisely this information, i.e. the existence of Kin (Fort Atkinson) the complement of the domain of dependence of  N ∪ N,

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over
I = current/amperage region of rage/anger at
I = Ixonia and Milwaukee (double e = ee)
electrical engineering battles of 
Charles Steinmetz software programs 
VS human family errors

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center core

..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface land..as a movie screen ..
thus the earth atomic center as an atomic projector

The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho

The EARTH Land Surface version
The division STREET (CHICAGO) in the lithosphere between the pizza pie crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity at a disco dance club, or simply the Moho.

 Geoscienceworldhttps://pubs.geoscienceworld.org › gsa › geology › article › 42 › ... 
Linking plate tectonics and mantle flow to Earth’s topography
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion 

Firstly, it sugar thought molecules and the digestive that the interplay between dinner plate motion 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion and mantle flow 

Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between BASEBALL home plate motion and 
atoMic Mickey Mantle flow  ..... running to 1st plate 

could explain the early- to mid-Miocene uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Molnar and Stock, 2009 ), without the need to invoke lithospheric delamination ( Molnar et al., 1993 ).

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer with 
English literature and hospital buildings & 
medical calculus/math people

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

 Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lithography 
Lithography - Wikipedia
Lithography (from Ancient Greek λίθος, lithos 'stone', and γράφειν, graphein 'to write') [1] is a planographic method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. [2] The printing is from a stone ( lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a smooth surface.

Parallel languages

lithospheric geology underground layer
and the 
EARTH geography surface expression layer

Printing -- Lithography geography Topic 
Hub at Hubbleton Wisconsin sin wave region
Printing Process Overview
Lithography, currently the dominant printing technology, is an indirect (offset) process. 

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

Sister Carrie(r) --> Information systems
Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection ( CSMA/CD) is a medium access control (MAC) method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area networking. It uses carrier -sensing to defer transmissions until no other stations are transmitting.

Sister Carrie(r)  (1900) is a carrier system novel by mineral ore messenger  Theodore Dreiser 
(1871-1945) about a young woman who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream. She first becomes a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, but later becomes a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels".[2]

Mar 24, 2023
Collision detection in CSMA/CD involves the following features: Carrier sense: 

Before transmitting data, a HUMANOID or molecule device listens to the network to check if the transmission medium is free. If the medium is busy, the device waits until it becomes free before transmitting data.

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin sin wave mechanics  
18-year-old Caroline Meeber atomic iron blood information flow / menstruation PERIOD cycle
..wavelength of 28  days of the 28 neutronTIME cycle of fe = ferrous /female  iron-54
..message about 

 The Periodic Table - Chemistry 2e | OpenStax
The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups. Groups are labeled at the top of each column. In the United States, the labels traditionally were numerals with capital letters. However, IUPAC recommends that the numbers 1 through 18 be used, and these labels are more common.

 , "Sister Carrie C =carbon array" to her 
hydro-carbon engineering(HCE) family of gasoline.etc, 

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin, 18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......

Finnegans Wake is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is well known for its experimental style and its reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon.[1] Written over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, the novel was Joyce's final work.,

Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE)  family
family of messengers includes ......
The book explores, in an unorthodox fashion, the lives of the 

Earwicker family,(of EARTH systems at  Wicker Park Chicago family of Sophie Madej ...who owned and ran the Busy Bee systems site Polish-American restaurant of 1546-50 North Damen Avenue in Chicago, Illinois math/science application region of the Fundamental theorem of algebra 

comprising the father HCE (hydro-carbon engineering), 

the mother ALP (Mother earth ancient Alphabets), 
and their three children 
Shem the Penman, 
Shaun the Postman, 
and Issy IBM Information social systems) . 
Following Following  (differential equation ....
human shopping ..... fluid mechanics flow wing 
using the horizontal platform /of several hundred retail stores
across the geography land of America ......
F W Woolworth 5 cents and dime store chain 
collects data from millions of people over 40 years

an unspecified rumour about HCE, the book, in a nonlinear dream narrative,

takes the education/ train to 
Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband bandwidth. On the train, Carrie meets 

cotton thought molecules 
and their 
cotton panty experiences with the
female bio-electron body of electron pleasure circuits  
generate signals

Thus female bio-electron LEGS as broadcast message .....antenna /TOWERS

Image carriers 
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified

The Baseball 100: No. 49, Warren Spahn - The Athletic
Spahn said he was brought in as a relief pitcher against the Dodgers on April 20, 1942. At the mound, Stengel ordered him to intimidate Brooklyn shortstop Pee Wee Reese. “This hitter has..

plano   --> graphic,

  1. future of Plano. 
  2. future of Plano.
  3. future of Plan  --> o --> zeroes .
  4. ZerosPoles, and Essential Singularities - Wolfram ...
    Details Reference [1] A. Sveshnikov and A. Tikhonov, The Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (G. Yankovsky, trans.), Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1971. Related Links ( Permanent Citation Izidor Hafner "ZerosPoles, and Essential Singularities" http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/ZerosPolesAndEssentialSingularities/ Wolfram Demonstrations Project
     Dronacharyahttps://www.gn.dronacharya.info › ... › Singularities-Zeros-Poles.pdf 
    Singularities, Zeros And Poles - Dronacharya
    Singularities, Zeros And Poles Singularities We have seen that the function w = z3 is analytic everywhere except at z = whilst the function w = z-1 is analytic everywhere except at z = 0.

  5. People in Plano reflected Monday on the changes in...

 intaglio, or screen. 
In relief printing
the image or printing area is raised above the non-image areas. Letterpress and flexography are relief printing processes.

Geography land surface with people and 
lithographic message activities

 raised above 
geology underground lithosphere of  atomic clay and limestone message systems 

the image or printing area is raised above 
the image or printing area is raised above 
the lithosphere ..underground geology database

the lithosphere ..underground geology database

 Thomasnet https://www.thomasnet.com › products › lithographic-printing... 
Lithographic Printing Plates - Thomasnet
Manufacturer & distributor of standard & custom lithographic printing plates
Specifications include 5 mil. & 8 mil. gauges, 

 Sciencehttps://www.science.org › doi › 10.1126 › science.abl6277 
Thermalization dynamics of a
 gauge theory on a quantum ...
Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We perform quantum simulations of the unitary dynamics of a U(1) symmetric gauge field theory and demonstrate emergent irreversible behavior.

Thermalization dynamics of a
 gauge theory --> atomic biology applications

20 seconds development processor speed, -86 degrees F to +10 degrees F activator temperature & impressions run length greater than 20,000. 
Features include water receptivity & ink adherence. View Supplier Save Select
and, how movements of these plates produce earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean trenches, mountain ranges, and more. Plate Tectonics Animation Watch This Billion-Year Journey of Earth's Tectonic Plates on The New York Times website.

ancient plat--> platform / an expression surface -->continuum

Plato philosophy ... oscillations SHAPED into a visible ancient GREEK language of vertical letters 


the horizontal oscillations/ quivers/ sin wave /alternating cycles wave language

plato philosophy 

---> pla  to  --> Platform of his oscillation codes translation  ....

 translated into symbol/graphic arts BLACK INK languages on cellulose paper 

Plato philosophy oscillations  sent to Quito quiver region

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

Guayaquil -->
quantum relationship to Y address constant of quivers
as explained 
by human interceptor Oddone
of the area of required red blood cell quivers/ pulses --
Arequipa--> quiver particles

--> stepname Exec--> Executive of FermiLAB 

HMS BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit -->

 LUMBER ship 

is a member of  COMPUTER EARTH

as partitioned data set(PDS) --> sees the Peru Andes region of existence and
its EARTH language 
.... EARTH LAB quiver platform labels and identifiers ...and translates into the Charles Darwin/ Charles Dickens English language 

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

Coquimbo --> communication  codes ..... quiver .....
ancient plato -
ancient pla o -> platform/foundation
of O objects ..atoms, orbitals, math circles, rings, etc of existence

HMS BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit -->

 LUMBER ship 

is a member of  COMPUTER EARTH

as partitioned data set(PDS) --> sees the Peru Andes region of existence

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

as members of a partitioned data set

Coquimbo --> communication  codes ..... quiver .....

...quiver member 0 = zero (start of the PDS)

next in Herbert Spencer sequence

Arequipa --> quiver member 1 ->one
explained by the ODD ONE and his code name relationships of

O = zero ...his name ONE = 1

in other words 
O (zero) needs One(1) for existence to continuum beyond the 

primodial human O = hole of ole
/spanish language word

¡Olé! = Bravo! 
An interjection used to encourage, you're especially likely to hear ¡Olé! at a sports match, concert, or any other time you find yourself in an arena or stadium. examples Nuestro equipo acaba de meter un gol. - ¡Olé! Our team just scored a goal.


¡Olé! = Bravo! 

¡Olé! = Bravo! 

¡HOlé! = Bra      vo! 
¡HOlé! = Bra      vo! 
¡HOlé! = cotton Bra   + V O --> vagina hole 

 Nuestro equipo acaba --> letter codes

e + qui po + ac--> male erection 
quiver excitement pussy hole alternating cycles in bed 

as partitioned data set(PDS) --> sees the Peru Andes region of existence

Coquimbo  Arequipa  and Quito 

as members of a partitioned data set

Coquimbo --> communication  codes ..... quiver .....

...quiver member 0 = zero (start of the PDS)

next in Herbert Spencer sequence

Arequipa --> quiver member 1 ->one
explained by the ODD ONE 

next in Herbert Spencer sequence 

next in Herbert Spencer sequence
next in Herbert Spencer sequence
next in Herbert Spencer sequence

Last in Plato sequence

Quito -->
Quito --> quit/stop the quiver

Quito -->go to project plan
.......o --> TEXAS
o and the 
Wac(wave continuum) 

EARTH systems feedback communications LOOP to

Coquimbo Chile

Texas real estate language scams
 and BS system... 

RECIPEs (Internet Protocol LINK to Arequipa )......feed/food and Texas chile
for the TEXAS SYSTEMS asshole human rectum (universal mind 
with mouth saliva)
 Thepioneerwomanhttps://www.thepioneerwoman.com › ... › texas-chili-recipe 
Best Texas Chili Recipe - How to Make Texas Chili
1 Tear the guajillo and ancho chiles into about 1-inch pieces. In a medium saucepan, toast the chiles over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until fragrant and darkened in spots, 3 to 4 minutes. Add the onion, garlic and enough water to cover by 1-inch. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat.\

Waco Texas
Plano TEXAS project 
plan O(open mouth for Texas Chile/Chili)
EARTH systems feedback communications LOOP to

Coquimbo Chile VIA 

Texas Is Chili Country - Compare Prices at Thriftbooks
Used Books Starting at $3.59. Free Shipping Available. Shop Now!
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality

Texas Is Chil
Texas Is Chile ...North America to South America geography city/names  ....
information feed-back Loop  

The Coquimbo Chile --> communications continuum ....
communication path ......
continues to the  North American continents (information input/output
entrances & exits ....I/O ports and I/O terminals ...thus code word -->
Coquimbo Chile --> Chi + Hil + il + earth

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB

Chicago Hub

Chicago Hub Network - Wikipedia
Chicago is North America 's largest rail hub, and remains unsurpassed in the total number of passenger and freight trains that converge on any city on the continent. Chicago is a major hub for Amtrak, with 15 different lines terminating at the city's Union Station.

 Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com › place › Chicago 
Chicago | History, Population, Map, & Facts | Britannica
Its position as a hub for rail and air travel has always meant that at any one time a large portion of the people in the city are out-of-towners. Over the years its location has fostered a lively convention trade—a fact that has led hundreds of organizations and corporations to call it home.

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB and 
its bio-directional links to other cities and states ...... especially the Milwaukee Road ......
rail-road (RR) 
quiver-vibrations/quantum wave mechanics TRIPS of humanoids in 1970 
.......EARTH atomic tons/geology weight(8) .......
communications HUB at Watertown/Hubbleton per Sister Carrie(R) year 1900 book

In late 1889, dissatisfied with if logic of e = 2.718 of Euler lifin Coquimbo Chile South America and the 
TIME ship ....
 the HMS Beagle LUMBER ship

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
using plowed black farm soil 
..sin waves,

atomic iron-56 mass.... ferrous /iron
CURVED metal ..... 
CURVED metal...
curls the LAND 
atomic s-orbitaearth electrons into
atomic soi
..earth electron land as horizontal algebra/plane geometry 
X-axis math platform ...
land math expression surface

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
Columbia County and
Columbus (control bus, address bus  data bus) is a city in Columbia (mostly) and Dodge Counties in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Wisconsin.

the Greyhound 
bus systems brings the
lumbia & Columbus 
Wisconsin sin wave data to the 
Chicago region ...
MASTER BUS computer terminal
LINK  to coquimbo --> quiver source code library ....PDS member 0

5,183 mi
Distance from Columbus to Coquimbo

 The population was 5,540 at the 2020 census.  Columbus is located about 28 miles (45 km) northeast of Madison on the Crawfish River

18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie(r) " to her old herzegovina family, 
takes the 
Fe= FermiLAB atomic element Fe 
and its Ferrous LiFe........
such as
iron rail-road train -->train /educate/teach to Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband.

Milwaukee Road ......
rail-road (RR) 
quiver-vibrations/quantum wave mechanics TRIPS of humanoids 

with IBM Basic assembler language...... train/educate existence
rail-road (RR) computer system...
atomic Fe --> Ferrous/ iron metal Register to register instruction
as used by 

horizontal geography land
COMPUTER EARTH processing partitions

processing region N with 
assembler register 0 to Rn

Cornelius Vanderbilt shipping & railroad systems with data processing
with the COMPUTER EARTH master computer terminal... as the building

IBM system 370 OS/JCL 
binary base 2 --> 
Roman numeral ll = 2 = two =dos
connect to ancient 
Julius Caesar Latin(JCL)
Job Control Language

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

and Hilbert spaces 
and Hilbert's Grand Hotel 
atomic, existential software TEMPLATE and data collection program ........ Nature's systems tracking society ....

COMPUTER EARTH software that 
overlays the  physical hotel buildings constructed of atomic stone/cement/iron beams  and 

Bill Gates usage & cover-up 
of stolen property ...........
atoMic Microsoft glass windows....... ..... physical atomic LIVING hotel buildings that collects thoughts and ideas from all people in the Carl JUNG data collection process 
from the 
sub-conscious MIND 

and the David Hilbert's 
(DH = Double Helix agent for 2  existence per Charles Dickens 1859 Nickel-59 book...the TALENT of 2 Bull-story Cities) and his

1838 atomic Nickel stories 
on the relationship between 
the EARTH atomic core of 
Iron & nickel
..and its atomic factory and atomic DATA CENTER ..

that send ships of solid minerals (iron ore atoms, nickel, copper, uranium) to the earth surface

...along with information SHIPS
... that used to dock at Batavia
...Pier 1 imports on Randall Roadhte FermiLAB Pier

Isotopes of nickel - Wikipedia


Web54 rows · Nickel-59 is a long-lived cosmogenic radionuclide with 

a half-life of 76,000 years. 

59 Ni has found many applications in isotope geology. 

59 Ni has been used to date the  year 1859 book

thus David Hilbert's 

Grand Hotel software .... at a higher LEVEL...... collects all that data & idea  activity

Paul Dirac alternating cycles
gravity thought & feeling fields

The Coquimbo Chile --> communications continuum ....
communication path ......
continues to the  North American continents (information input/output
entrances & exits ....I/O ports and I/O terminals ...thus code word 
Coquimbo Chile --> Chi + Hil + il + earth

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB

Watertown /Hubbleton

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
using plowed black farm soil 
..sin waves carry mesages

The Coquimbo Chile --> communications continuum ....
communication path ......
continues to the  North American continents (information input/output
entrances & exits ....I/O ports and I/O terminals ...thus code word -->
Coquimbo Chile --> Chi + Hil + il + earth

Chicago /Hillside Illinois earth

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB

Chicago Hub

Chicago Hub Network - Wikipedia
Chicago is North America 's largest rail hub, and remains unsurpassed in the total number of passenger and freight trains that converge on any city on the continent. Chicago is a major hub for Amtrak, with 15 different lines terminating at the city's Union Station.

 Britannicahttps://www.britannica.com › place › Chicago 
Chicago | History, Population, Map, & Facts | Britannica
Its position as a hub for rail and air travel has always meant that at any one time a large portion of the people in the city are out-of-towners. Over the years its location has fostered a lively convention trade—a fact that has led hundreds of organizations and corporations to call it home.

Coquimbo Chile to Chicago Communications HUB and 
its bio-directional links to other cities and states ...... especially the Milwaukee Road ......
rail-road (RR) 
quiver-vibrations/quantum wave mechanics TRIPS of humanoids in 1970 
.......EARTH atomic tons/geology weight(8) .......
communications HUB at Watertown/Hubbleton per Sister Carrie(R) year 1900 book

In late 1889, dissatisfied with if logic of e = 2.718 of Euler lifin Coquimbo Chile South America and the 
TIME ship ....
 the HMS Beagle LUMBER ship

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
using plowed black farm soil 
..sin waves,

atomic iron-56 mass.... ferrous /iron
CURVED metal ..... 
CURVED metal...
curls the LAND 
atomic s-orbitaearth electrons into
atomic soi
..earth electron land as horizontal algebra/plane geometry 
X-axis math platform ...
land math expression surface

Wisconsin sin /quiver/vibration platform of 
the geography STATE
with states of mind & analysis
Columbia County and
Columbus (control bus, address bus  data bus) is a city in Columbia (mostly) and Dodge Counties in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Wisconsin.

the Greyhound 
bus systems brings the
lumbia & Columbus 
Wisconsin sin wave data to the 
Chicago region ...
MASTER BUS computer terminal
LINK  to coquimbo --> quiver source code library ....PDS member 0

5,183 mi
Distance from Columbus to Coquimbo

LINK to area of quivers,

 E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

thus  the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

INTERACTION with other regions on EARTH and their code names

Quito --> to --> Tokyo and topology Ground earth(Ge) 
--> General Tojo H ...... of Hausdorf spaces of atomic gold Au
SD = South Dakota --> data sort definition region

Arequipa --> India Pakistan Asia
Arequipa humanoid Oddone

Borneo indonesia software 
MIRROR extension

Arequipa humanoid Oddone
Borneo indonesia software 
MIRROR extension
Born ..molecular software reincarnation --> inca religion and orangutan messenger RNA
Muhammad ali explains alignment
of Grand Unified Theory(GUT) 
Muhammad ali explains alignmentof Grand Unified Theory(GUT) with the
 Scihihttps://scihi.org › emile-borel-infinite-mo 
Émile Borel and the Infinite Monkey Problem of FermiLAB & Argonne &universities 

that monkey around with nonsense
SciHi Blog
Borel (Borneo relatives) is known for his founding work in the areas of 
BEDROOM pleasure measure theory of access to female meat and probability. 

In one of his books on probability of Pier Oddone, he proposed the thought experiment that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard will – with absolute certainty – e

Muhammad ali explains alignment
and system additions
and code name..Saddam agent in 
Iraq--> thomas Aquinas quiver continuum battles over
parallel approximation code name  
A qui --> Arequipa

 Indonesia --> next in sequence --->
born as ODD ODDONE
March 26, 1944 in 
Galapagos area .....ArequipaPeru

pa -->India Pakistan

La Paz
-->Load Address(LA) instruction 41
---> Land Pakistan Particle 
President Z

code name ....
the as if MODEL (a representative for Nature ergodic/large scale systems)

AS   IF (he was a real leader VS a synthetics leader/spokes person for Nature's social engineering systems)

concept alignment ...Zaradari

concept alignment 

If logic time ...If    ti --> Ifti

Thus the Quito --> Quito quiver continuum/ platform of existence,
quiver language words and its real estate  property law ..
Quit claim deeds
within the larger EARTH government 
of Nature's wave mechanics

 Rocketlawyerhttps://www.rocketlawyer.com › QuitClaimDeed 
Free Quit Claim Deed 
Free Quit Claim Deed 
Frequency quiver  Quit Claim Deed 
--- Free To Print, Save & Download
Make Your Free Quit Claim Deed
Make Your Free Quit Claim Deed.
Make Your TV Frequency Quit Claim Deed.

The Office of Special Projects wrapped up one final case in Sunday’s quiver  series finale( Quit Claim Deed.) of NCIS: Los Angeles — but that was really not the core of the episode   
.---and and Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen) find out they’re having 
Quit Claim Deed.)--> Double e --> ee--> electrical engineeringDeeks 
(numeric Eric Christian Olsen --> C     Olsend) --->
Catalog  Olson electronic components(WORDS and IDEAS) for the human body/brain ......to build a
bull-shit/nonsense .....synthetic  SYMBOL bio-electron computer

Catalog  Olson ........
Eric (Electric tricks) of Eric Olsen--> 
oe --> order entry

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...