Sunday, May 28, 2023

Book1645-009 Tom M Apostol ..the EARTH gold (Au) and silver (Ag) atomic precious metal government



Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated  by Herb Zinser

Atomic life of Tom M Apostol ..

Mapping the oscillations/quivers of 

the EARTH surface area of Arequipa Peru gold & silver mines ........

and Arequipa --> IP agent --> Pier Oddone

and the probability /ODDS that 

English language number word  ONE = 1 decimal

at the Federal atomic accounting systems RD
at FermiLAB ....... 
math secret code name  ..... specimen explains ,,,,,

IBM bio-computer .....
Batavia Basic assembler language (BAL) version  D 
explains the BALD eagle ....
atomic silver equation project
of 47 elcctrons of ag

Pier 0ddone
Pier 0 = Zero  to one (1)

Pier says that word 0ne contains zero

in other words 1..... contains 0 --> 
that is 1 data set contains 2 symbols.... 1 and 0

Others at FermiLAB say 
that Pier = Pi=3.14159  and e = 2718 N 
and oddone --> has 0 and one(1)  ..

therefore  he is humanoid NAME with an  Euler identity

in i = illinois math region

the EARTH gold (Au) and silver (Ag) atomic precious metal government 


to the language analysis of 
Signal processing analysis / language
Silver braclets with  gem stones ....
,,,,,, and their underground 
mineral frequency ..translator 

Sigmund Freud frequency cybernetics standard 

Harmonic Resonance Frequency
Every object or material 

Every object (Austin Texas loves  blow jobs President LBJ)    mate/girlfriend/wife

Every object ..
Every blow job exists with a certain frequency of vibration using a female wearing a cotton bra

Every object or material 
in the universe exists with a certain frequency of vibration. This is the frequency that resonates when that object is hit

 when that object is hit

 when that September 11 Tall  object is hit by 
Florida State university ATTACK programs 
from Tall Tallahassee and 
Graham Farm Farmelo 
book word TRICKS/ publishing industry cover-up 
Paul Dirac --> atomic farm dirt ... acres of solid land

and Televison show ......
.Chicago PD --> Chicago Peul Dirac

 when that atomic building object is hit and becomes shit

It can be represented as a wave in which the lowest possible frequency is called fundamental frequency. Objects may also have series of frequencies because they are ...

Sigmund Freud frequency cybernetics standard Norbert Wiener at EARTH LAB site
.............Wien IX, Berggasse 19.

This is the address where
bio-sensor bio-physics humanoid 
Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years -- studying ..... age silver 47 electrons ...atomic RD & expression  agents
of age 18 or older .....  female jewelry ..

their fingers with silver  ring & ring/stone language

their fingers/skin (cross-section) is inserted into the AG nucleus  diagram  ......

and the jewelry ring ..... 
is a silver metal BAND of orbitals / 5 layers
with capacity 2, 8, 18 18 1 

capacity 2 
is reserved for major female PLEASURE 
orfice holes ....... 
mouth and pussy ....
then upgrade or logic .....
and the age 18 alignment 

silver data bits that cover/touch 
the female skin layers
and map information ....
creating bi-directional information flow 
between the silver and her finger skin 
..3 major layers

It is made up of three major layers
the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis, all three of which vary significantly in their anatomy and function

IBM MIS applications

May 17, 2023
Management information systems (MIS) is the study and application of information systems that organizations use for data access, management, and analytics. For MIS to be effective, you must understand and carefully map out business processes. Data must be accurate and timely, and hardware and software must be able to store and manipulate it.

The IBM epidermis is subdivided into five layers or strata:
  • stratum basale.
  • stratum spinosum.
  • stratum granulosum.
  • stratum lucidum.
  • stratum corneum.

In other WORDS

The Epidermis
  • The atomic Basal Cell Layer located at Batavia Illinois
  • with Universal Fermi interaction. - 
  • Annual Reviews

  • The Fermi type of skin interaction was invented expressly for nucleonic p-processes but now promises to apply to all known processes involving the direct interaction of four fermions (spin 1/2 particles). 

  • The basal layer is the innermost layer of the epidermis, and contains small round cells called basal cells. ...
  • The Squamous Cell Layer. ...
  • The Stratum Granulosum & the Stratum Lucidum. ...
  • The Stratum Corneum. ...
  • The Papillary Layer. ...Papillon (1973 film) - Wikipedia
    Papillon is a 1973 epic historical drama prison film directed by Franklin J. Schaffner.
  • The screenplay by John Dalton Trumbo and 
  • Lorenzo Semple Jr. was based on the 1969 autobiography by the French frequency convict 
  • Henri Charrière.
  • The Reticular Layer.

The skin's structure is made up of an intricate network which serves as the body's initial barrier against pathogens, UV light, and chemicals, and mechanical injury.

Female teenagers ....of atomic silver (ag )
(double e -->
ee -> earth electron agents)

look at the diagram below .....
silver metal band ... as a ring
of electron orbitals with the CENTER
 (empty space) as the atomic nucleus
(empty of information) ....

thus they young atomic women .....
insert their atomic bio-physics finger into the silver ring .. filling the SILVER nucleus information VOID ......
immediately with EASTMAN KODAK 
silver photographs / images & dats about their beautiful bodies filled with desire and curosity

..thus their  finger biology CELL nucleus 

composed of  
bio-atomic nucleus tales of love & romance .....
establishes a NUCLEUS to NUCLEUS  data transfer  / data pipeline using the Zeus  function of Z electron coulombs 

LINK (via Herbert Spencer)

to the EXTERNAL silver ring and its atomic nucleus

Thus a humanoid woman .....
holding up 
her hand (vertical) with silver rings

l band --> has a communications bandwidth LINK to meta-language to metabolism

...thus the information transform /metamorphosis per FranZ Kafka book
on atomic number Z message systems
and FranZ --> math functions of Z complex numbers z = a+ bi    ...F(Z)

thin silver --> thin
K silver and potassium 
atomic number 19 of proton prose and 
body/brain K-channel neuro-transmitters ietrs

is like a set of SILVER tuning forks

President John Quiver Adams of

John Quincy Adams was born on July 11, 1767, to John and Abigail Adams (née Smith) in a part of Braintree/QuincyMassachusetts .......

Earth quiver communications region of Planet EARTH atomic mass/weight/tons region of Boston


the quiver    super-symmetry ..try/effort/language of Thomas Jeffort

Jefferson to communicate with superior

arrogant wave mechanics  snobs

President John Quiver Adams and 

Earth quiver communications region of Planet EARTH


the quiver region of agent one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one 

...humanoid named Pier one ..

director of FermiLAB decimal number 1 EARTH LAB specimen imported from the Galapagos Islands / Peru & Ecuador region/area ..... 

the geography/geology area of Nature's communication requirements and language formats, etc

area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics and their expression cities/ objects/ devices/dress clothes .....

quipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

 ... the Arequipa quiver/vibration  THOUGHT  particle battles with 

Federal  FermiLAB wave mechanics communications ERRORS

Thus the EARTH geology region of signal waves/ small quakes that trave thru atomic soil/rock per Nikola Tesla

inner atomic earth sphere
...Nature's ancient message paths

Inner earth quiver RF waves ...surface and are BROADCAST
via the city code name .... 
Radio Quiver  to ----> another earth site

Aside from HCJB, 
Radio Quito 
Radio Quito atMOSphere
Radio MOSQuito was the first signals I ever received from Ecuador and Salvador Dali
VIA MuhammeD ali ---> Death  alignment

The station would reach the midwestern USA in the even integer of evening hours. 

even integer of evening hours.
even integer of evening hours --> ghost tours.

On a Saturday evening in May 1985, Radio Quito was playing an enjoyable mix of cumbia and salsa music and I decided to roll tape.

HCJB, Quito, Ecuador Save perhaps for Vatican Radio, which was founded in February 1931, the earliest major religious shortwave station was 
Nature's systems HC =Hydro-Carbon molecular JOB processor --> HCJB --> ing
JB, Quito, Ecuador.

The creation of American evangelists 

theory and applications people 

..... Clarence W. Jones and Reuben E. Larson, it too began broadcasting in 1931, on Christmas Day.

An address constant can be one, two, three or four bytes long, although an adcon of less than four bytes is conventionally used to hold an expression for a small integer such as a length, a relative address, or an index value, and does not represent an address at all. 

Arequipa --> India Pakistan Asia

In other words

Computer Earth

 Planet Earth geography surface 

..India Asia --> the year 1947

partition of India/Pakistan (IP) into a 

West Pakistan Address space (WPA)

East Pakistan Address space (EPA)

and parallel

West Pakistan Address space (WPA)

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by 
President Franklin algebra  roots Roosevelt 
in 1935

East Pakistan Address space (EPA)
3 days ago
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), agency of the U.S. government that sets and enforces national pregnancy pollution-control standards.

and the EARTH sphere......
 inner   diameter DATABASE

Arequipa  Peru silver mines

Overview. Our Caylloma Mine in the Caylloma District of ArequipaPeru, produces silver, gold, zinc, and lead. The underground mine is operated by Compania Minera Bateas S.A.C. (Bateas), a Peruvian subsidiary 100% owned by Fortuna. The deposit is a low to intermediate sulfidation epithermal vein system, and, based on December 31, 2021 reserves ...

  1. Department of Arequipa in southern Peru, approximately 300 kilometres from the city of Arequipa, on a 47,000 hectare site, at an altitude of 4,600 metres above sea level. Arcata is a 100% owned underground operation. ... The Azuca mine is a large silver mine located in the south of Peru in Ayacucho Region ...
  2. outcrop, 
  3. shallow pit,
  4.  or isolated drill hole—known as an occurrence mine.

  5. Arequipa has 26 prospect mines. 2 54 mines were in ...

    1. Arequipa has 26 prospect mines.
    2.  2 54 mines were in ...
  6. 1 area of human and automobile quiver particles..
  7. atomic iron 26 protons ....Wisconsin Higway26
  1. or isolated drill hole—

  2. isolated singularities - specifically, we shall determine a power series representation for a function f(z) which has isolated singularities. We start with a definition and basic facts about so called "two sided series" or Laurent Series. Definition 2.1. We say X∞ k=−∞ µk = L if both X∞ k=0 µk and X∞ k=1 µ−k both converge .
  3. and Laurent Series -
  4. Aug 14, 20215.4: Classification of Singularities. of the Laurent series, involving negative powers of z − z0,, is called the principal part of z − z0, at z0. The coefficient b1 in equation ( 1 ), turns out to play a very special role in complex analysis. It is given a special name: the residue of the function f(z).

    1. Department of Arequipa in southern Peru, approximately 300 kilometres from the city of Arequipa, on a
    2. silver metal tuning fork 47 electrons
    3. earth electrons 47 ....47,000 hectare site, 

Peru ....Area of silver atom ---> quiver instruction departures..... mental equivalence 

from the Department of Arequipa --> sent to
India Pakistan Asia in year 47 --> 1947
relative to the 
HG Wells 1895 Time Machine software book.....and the city of Time --> TimBuktu
 TIME BOUNDARY ..Start year 1900

Silver atom of metal & electronic circuits
Quiver language  ...... Silver Sigmund Freud frequency 47 years .......explains

Wien IX, Berggasse 19 (IBM EARTH space/time .....
Time address space .. start at year 1900

Overview. Our Caylloma Mine in the Caylloma District of ArequipaPeru, produces silver, gold, zinc, and lead. The underground mine is operated by Compania Minera Bateas S.A.C. (Bateas), a Peruvian subsidiary 100% owned by Fortuna. The deposit is a low to intermediate sulfidation epithermal vein system, and, based on December 31, 2021 reserves ...

  1. Si = Yes spanish word

It means "yes". si: (I wear a silver belt buckle)
It means "yesterday". silver atomic metal & its language was in the inner EARTH ........... and now it is EXTERNALIZED and becomes 

Spanish language SILVER jewelry and belt buckles .... with human biology LIVERS  as Nature's spokes-persons
to deLIVER /distribute information and HOT WOMEN(2):

it is written in tensor space/time coordinates of year 1922 Hermann Weyl......without a Paul Dirac  accent, and it is pronounced using ...sin wave  lower harmonics (in terms of frequencies)

Bestco Silver Tuning Fork Set, Best Scientific Co. | ID:

Tuning fork and code UP --> UPanishads message flowfrom the inner EARTH core ...DATA CENTER

 U-shaped bar a specific constant pitch

- Wikipedia

tuning fork is an acoustic resonator 
tuning fork is an acoustic resonator 

A human hum tuning fork with another relative

acoustic resonator 
human senator (oe = order entry systems) cousin sin wave in Wisconsin connected 
quantum & 
Arequipa quiver of Silver  wave mechanics WORDS 
to the Sinai Peninsula/Egypt /Israel

acoustic resonator BATTLE 

in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs formed from a U-shaped bar of elastic metal (usually steel or silver).
It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against a surface or with an object, and emits a pure musical tone once the high overtones fade out. A tuning fork's pitch depends on the length and mass of the two prongs.

pronounced using ...sin wave  lower harmonics (in terms of frequencies) ...Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean  VIA  sing sing prison and San Quentin 

and much lower intensity than any typical word with a stress.

Calculation of FermiLAB human hum frequency[edit]

The frequency of a humanoid standing tuning fork depends on its dimensions and what it's made from:[7]


f is the frequency the fork vibrates at, (SI units: 1/s)

N ≈ Nigel .....3.516015 is the square of the smallest positive solution to cos(x)cosh(x) = −1,[8] which arises from the boundary conditions of the prong’s cantilevered structure.

L --> Lockyer is the length of the prongs, (m)

 depends on its dimensions and what it's made from:

Lockyer equations


  1. Wien IX, Berggasse 19. Vienna Austri
  2. This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee from the Nazis in 1938. This place is known worldwide as the birthplace of psychoanalysis - it was here that Freud revolutionized the human self-image. tH 
  3. The original atomic DATABASE living language of 
  4. Ag 47 electrons translated over the 47 year alignment
  5. by 
  6. Silver interface agent .,,,
  7. Si --> signal processing systems agent 
  8. Sigmund -->signal sent to mundelein Illinois and 
  9. TriBECa banker Alex Lien

  10. Wife of Tribeca banker
    Bandwidth stolen property of the

    Alexian (left) and Rosalyn Lien walk out May 19, 2015 State Supreme Court in New York. Rosalyn had just finished testifing about how a gang of bikers assaulted her husband in September 2013.

    her husband
        her husband
          hertzian  husband bandwidth battles of
          TV. radio, towers
          ...broadcast of

    her husband
        her husband
          her husband ..set buffer address

            SBA - Set Buffer Address.

            The West Side highway  Data Stream of existence of
            humans and vehicles

             The Set Buffer Address command is also a 
            very common command code in
             3270 data streams ...

            32 sent to Las Vegas Floor 32 

               3270 data streams ...

              32 sent to Virginia Tech(o)

            When we are sending a data stream to the 3270, 
            it uses the concept of a buffer position

            of computer buffer pools used by 
            differential  equation functions of F(Y)

            it uses the concept of a buffer position

            it uses the concept of a buffer position to determine where to place the incoming data. 

             the incoming
             the incoming
             the income /money

            This means that 
            we do not have send 1920 characters to the 3270 each time we write out a new screen.

 send year 1920 human characters

Wien IX, Berggasse 19. This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee from the Nazis in 1938. This place is known worldwide as the birthplace of psychoanalysis - it was here that Freud revolutionized the human self-image. Extensively renovated and expanded in 2020, the Sigmund Freud Museum, founded ...

  1. The original Signal processing SITE was extensively destroyed ...

  2. and then reprogrammed with 
  3. different language SIGNALS /definitions of nonsense / BS / phony explanations / lies of the Liege Belgium bombing /
  4. SITE was extensively destroyed   and 
  5. perceptions renovated 
    1. perceptions renovated 
    2. perceptions renovated --> with Janet Reno Nevada ... Sparks convention center
    3. her brain software subroutine programs
    4. her brain
    5. her brain wave (signal Freud)
    6. her brain wave configuration--> goes to
    7. WaCo textbook texas to create 

    8. the Sparks / fire ....... at the David Koresh convention site on the earth 
    9. geography surface for 
    10. EARTH center core heat/temperature
    11. As the head of the Branch Davidians, 

    12. a hydrocarbon religious sect and offshoot of the Davidian Seventh-day
       Adventists, Koresh claimed to be its final prophet.
    13. His apocalyptic Biblical teachings, including interpretations of the Jules V-section Verne book 
    14. ..
    15. French ground sonar ..underground 
    16. Frequency   
    17. Journey to the Center of EARTH 
    18. core/kore per Pope John Paul II
      Pope John Paul II. 
      Popen data sets John Paul II --> Paul 2 names  (Linus Pauling and Paul Dirac)

    19. Polish: Jan Paweł II; 
    20. born Karol Józef Wojtyła VS

    21. Born Carol/Lewis carroll
    22. 4 days agoVatican City, in full State of the Vatican City, Italian Stato della Città del Vaticano, landlocked ecclesiastical state, seat of the Roman Catholic Church, and an enclave in Rome, situated on the west bank of the Tiber River. Vatican City is the world's smallest fully independent nation-state.
      1. geology language History, Map, Flag, 
      2. Location, Population, & Facts
    23. geology language 
    24. History (hierarchy of tales and stories of BS), Map, Flag, 
    25. Nigel Lockyer Location, Population, & Facts
    26. inner EARTH database used by
    27. the old Vatican and the 
    28. UP ....Upanishads
    29. and the new software 

    30. 1776 Mount V-section Vernon with 
    31. geo-waves of George Washington

    32. 1861 ,,,,, IBM base 16 HEX President ... 
    33. 16th President  ABE LINCOLN and the 
    34. computer earth ABEND known as the CIVIL WAR 
    35. ...with IBM RD ...... BAL vice-president for 
    36. male bio-computer BALLS / testicles with
    37. vice/ prostitutes alcohol gambling  ..
    38. thus the Vice-president code name ..
    39. representing the 
    40. prostitute HAND on male bio-computer BALLS
    41.  -->code ,..Hand Balls --> 
    42. IBM pussy systems project Hannibal

    43. her brain wave configuration
    44. her brain wave conf
    45. her brain wave confrontation
    46. confrontation


      1. The act of confronting or the state of being confronted, especially a meeting face to face.
      2. A conflict involving armed forces.
      3. Discord or a clash of opinions and ideas.

      1. The original Signal processing SITE was extensively destroyed ...

      2. and then reprogrammed with 
      3. different language SIGNALS /definitions of nonsense / BS / phony explanations / lies of the Liege Belgium bombing /
      4. SITE was extensively destroyed   and 
      5. perceptions renovated 
        1. perceptions renovated 
        2. perceptions renovated --> with Janet Reno Nevada ... Sparks convention center
    47. programs --> 

    48. Signal Freud frequency /wavelength renovation ERRORS
    49. create the Ukraine war sparks/fires
    50. to renovate east europe VIA

    51. dropping bombs and rockets to
    52. generate PARALLEL ERRORS
    53. BOMB ground vibration frequency 

    54. human insect people per Franz Kafka

  6. the renovation........
  7. and expanded in 2020, 

  8. and expanded in 2020,

  9. Extensively renovated with Janet Reno .... WaCo (wave continuum .... instructions to destroy. kill, torture .....expanded 
  10. kill BOTH ....
    Ukraine and Russian males .....
  11.  expanded in 2020 --> activated 2022, the Sigmund Freud (signal frequency changes become ready in 
  12. F ---> Freud --> F read
  13. Fe = FermiLAB approved 
  14. Fe= February attack
  15. of Janet reno renovations .....sent to the east europe (double e = ee) 
  16. Federal government WACO attack
  17. February with 
  18. Signal Freud building ..ding/dong
  19. and expanded in 2022,
  20. and expanded in 2022 (Start war
  21. to renovate east europe)

  22. Freud frequency /and the quiver of
  23. Arequipa PeRu 
  24. --> attack persons of Russia and the 
  25. EARTH SYMBOL & CONCEPT government ......
  26. algebra set theory...... UNION of K data & instruction sets (UK) ...information  sets from  the UK(United Kingdom)
  27. and Waukegan Illinois 
  28. and Wisconsin sin / quiver waves
  29. identifier code auke of 
  30. Pewaukee
    1. Ozaukee
    2. Waukesha
  31. -->  Gold symbol Au key    --> communications key of 79 think electrons and atomic mass 197
  32. Pewaukee (Pewaukee
  33. Ozaukee
  34. Waukesha and 
  35. Kettle Moraine High School
    molecular brain earth)
  36.  Milwaukee (to Mind language waves 
  37. sent to UK in east europe)
  38. ---> double e --> earth electron data storage buildings keep in the UK (Ukraine) destroyed by atomic physics agents of PeRu 
  39. ---> approve attack on persons /ideas/concepts of Russia  --->
  40. Dmitri Mendeleev | Biography, Periodic Table, & Facts
    Dmitri Mendeleev, Russian in full Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev, (born January 27 (February 8, New Style), 1834, Tobolsk, Siberia, Russian Empire—died January 20 (February 2), 1907, St. Petersburg, Russia),
  41. Russian chemist who developed the periodic classification of the elements. 
  42. Mendeleefound that
  43. the Milwaukee /Waukesha 
  44.  iron detective atoms at the foundry...
  45. found secrets  of 
  46. Fe = Ferrous/iron blood of Fermi & Females, 
  47. when all the known chemical elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic weight(8), the ...

  48. the Sigmund Freud Museum, founded ...


    1. Department of Arequipa in southern Peru, approximately 300 kilometres from the city of Arequipa, on a
    2. silver metal tuning fork 47 electrons
    3. earth electrons 47 ....47,000 hectare site, 

Peru ....Area of silver atom ---> quiver instruction departures..... mental equivalence 

from the Department of Arequipa --> sent to
India Pakistan Asia in year 47 --> 1947

from the Department of Arequipa --> sent to
India Pakistan Asia .......instructions

Department of Area of quivers
Depart / partition/
 separate is to divide (a thing or geography region) into separate parts /  
mental .......of Area of quivers in south central Asia

Peru ....Area of silver atom ---> quiver instruction departures..... mental equivalence 

from the Department of Arequipa --> sent to
India Pakistan Asia in year 47 --> 1947

relative to the 
HG Wells 1895 Time Machine software book

.....and the city of Time --> TimBuktu

 TIME BOUNDARY ..Start year 1900

Silver atom of metal & electronic circuits
Quiver language  ...... Silver Sigmund Freud frequency 47 years 

Computer earth ....EARTH atomic silver metal ..master computer console....
The atomic earth building 

What Are the Earth's Harmonic Resonate Frequencies?

Harmonic Resonance Frequency. 

Harmonic Resonance dance Frequency

Harm /attack/ destroy  Reasonance Frequency

Every object or material in the universe exists 

with a certain frequency of vibration. 

This is the frequency that resonates 

when that object is hit. 

It can be represented as a wave in which
 the lowest possible frequency is
called fundamental frequency and its interface

with Signal Freud brain wave frequency. 

the lowest

the lowest

the lowest --> hello west road FARMS (Faraday, Michaell)aod

Objects may also have series of frequencies 

because they are .. 

harmonic sky lewinsky 

explains BJ ---> Blow Job vertical oscillations

on the 
male penis bio-electron tool
as as BEDROOM DEMO  ....

simple harmonic oscillator and its equation

and humanoid as a computer terminalsSigmund..silver and silicon (sand electronics) 
Freud Museum (Frequency Metric)using FM radio codes and HAM radio METER

Austria Museum -->A MU

Austria Museum -->A MUAustria Museum -->A M--> amplifier
Austria Museum -->Gold atomic massand the gold information amplifierof 79 protons/79 electrons and atomic mass 197   ...with Henry Zinseryear 1700 + 197 = Year 1897 born in Europe on October 13 1897.....
.... Germanic / Germaniclanguages of ag = silver of Signal Freud and Agatha Christie /tie / connect/ link SOFTWARE bridges
VIA EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones (storage)diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest...that is symbol table within a female woman 
.....diamond wedding ring with a gold band (database) ...

bandwidth sent  to the FermiLAB ODDone group
.....the Peru gold and silver mine BASEof Arequipa communication quivers

EARTH systemsequation code --> Germanyand Ge (Ground earth ) rm (rooms) ofminerals, precious GEM stones, diamonds 
as Group/Grammar of electro-magnetic (EM instructions & data) storage nest

...that is symbol table 
the Feynman atomic/EM coupling number 137 to year 1937 October 18 Milwaukee

The hand of the Polish GODZIN project

Karl Henry  Zinser 


Richard Phillips  Feynman & concept equation 

Richard Phillips Female Feynman 
Richard Fiil the pussy lips  Female
is the mission of Mr.Feynman 

Richard Phillips  Feynman & concept equation 

King Richard (carbon-hydrogen RD or hydrocarbons).....
Phillips 66 petroleum / 
hydro-carbon(HC) gasoline and oils used on the 

EARTH gravity field 66 -->
the gravity MOTHER of existence .....

Route 66 ... 

Fe = Ferrous/iron ... atomic  metal

automobiles with 4-wheels 

built for the 
females of

Feynman ... 


 inside atomic carbon diamonds and gem stones

Sigmund Freud Museum in Austria

Wien IX, Berggasse 19. This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee from 
the salt /sodium chloride (NaCl) representatives 

write the correct formula for Peru NaZcarbonate lines .....

Na2CO3 (Sodium carbonate).To write the formula for Na2CO3 we'll use the Periodic Table, a Common Ion Table

..NaZCl --> 1 = ODDone = letter a 
NaZcarbonate--> Peru Nazca lines-->  Nazis in 1938.  .....

Peru sodium (Na) z = 11 --> sku11 
ca= carbonate

Nazca lines of sodium carbonate drawings in Peru ..

land /desert as a sheet of paper

Sodium Carbonate 
Lewis Structure Chemical Compound PNG, Clipart, Acid ...

Sigmund -->
Silver Ag)  gold mine(AU)
atomic underground languages

Sigmund -->silver metal gem stones + atomic underground languages
may effect
EARTH surface events/
 create EARTH surface...... 
 tragic signaling EVENTS

Wien IX, Berggasse 19 (IBM EARTH space/time on land /human activites.....

Time address space .. start at year 1900
geography address space Highway 19. 

Norbert Wiener (November 26, 1894 - March 18, 1964) was an American mathematician and philosopher.He was a professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A child prodigy, Wiener later became an early researcher in stochastic and mathematical noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.

Highway Q address--> Quantum message region

Q address constants contain not actual addresses but

displacement in the External Dummy Section –

computer earth place/ location of Nigel Lockyer

 similar to 

Linux molecular corn kernel computer 

....kernel Global Offset Table of Baltimore relative to Massachusetts 

(see JOB Position-independent code of 

Richard Dent Chicago bears 

atomic proton pro-football).

Types of address constants in 

Wisconsin Ta (transactional analysis) 

with Tom Harris and BMO-Harris bank money transactions

with Claude Monet ....his water lilies/ bridge INTERNET
French language/art/cusine in the sine wave French frequency of France and Quebec

Highway Q --> Quantum message region

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory

Sigmund -->
Silver Ag)  gold mine(AU)
atomic underground languages

Sigmund -->silver metal gem stones + atomic underground languages
may effect
EARTH surface events/
 create EARTH surface...... 
 tragic signaling EVENTS

Wien IX, Berggasse 19 (IBM EARTH space/time on land /human activites.....

Time address space .. start at year 1900
geography address space Highway 19. 

Wien IX --> Wisconsin Energy..sin wave/

alternating cycles ot the city of electricity

and the EARTH system 
..120 acres of  EARTH surface land 
rotates /cycles....360 geometry degrees 
every day/every 24 hours a SUN electron volts / 
Earth daily cycle rotation as 
Nature's giant 

Norbert Wiener explains Wien IX --> Wisconsin Euler number e=2.718 and the 

math series equation of Ixonia

Sigmund -->
Silver Ag)  gold mine(AU)
atomic underground languages

Sigmund -->silver metal gem stones + atomic underground languages
may effect
EARTH surface events/

Wien IX, Berggasse 19 (IBM EARTH space/time on land /human activites.....

Berggasse 19
Berg ..... 19 --> Highway 19 to Sun Praire

Elena Berg claimed 
Elena Berg claimed 

Elena Berg claimed she was pressured to start a romantic relationship and later assaulted by 
T W Graham Solomon molecular expression agent ....

at her apartment in the early morning of April 14, 2010. Solomon says he did no wrong and that sexual contact was consensual. In a 20-page report released Tuesday morning,

 create EARTH surface...... 
 tragic signaling EVENTS

Wien IXBerggasse 19 (IBM EARTH space/time on land /human activites.....

Berggasse --> gas explosion in Milwaukee

The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Peter Falk television explosion of ATTACK channels  &
Falk Corporation building 

in the industrial Menomonee 
(double e electron flow/river) .. River Valley

 neighborhood of IBM CICS logical units ....

Milwaukee (earth electrons), Wisconsin on 
December 6, 2006 --> LU 6.2 battle site

...modern VieTNAM war --> VTAM

This topic describes Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM®) concepts for a subarea and Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) environments. VTAM is an application program that is based on System Network Architecture (SNA). 

O = Oxygen atomic LUNG computer 16 of
O = Oconomowoc base 16 Hex/curse Highway 16

set up for murder by
by Green Bay Packers parallel name
Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre formally announced his retirement Thursday in a news conference at Lambeau Field (undefined format).
One (Pier Oddone) of 
the most exciting electro-motive  
productive signal Freud callers 

in Base 4 ---> 4-legged  cattle battle bio-computers  ...BEEF protein machines ---> protein pro-football ...

on the (data) field of base 16 hexadecimal continuum
as a common denominator with 2
different bases

 ..Base 2 exponent 4 --> base 16 oxygen gas
 ..Base 4 exponent 2 --> base 16 oxygen gas

and data transfer ....
Base 2 leg humans and 4 legged animals
...... influence the state leg legislature

..assembler instruction LA = Load Address
Base 16 Hex'Fa" = 250 VS Faculty
LU = Logical Units of LUMBER Houses 
 the killing /cover-up / rigged murder trial of
 Watertown agents regarding the of 
LU murder of James Lu = Lutz
....between Milwaukee and Watertown..

Three people were killed and forty-seven(47) others injured. 
 This is the Berggasse gas assets ........
address space where Sigmund Freud lived and 
gas molecules  worked for 47 years 

Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks. 

An investigation of the cause of the 

In 2017, she broke a world record by running 74 consecutive half marathons (21.1km/13.1 miles) while raising over $10,000 for the 
Canadian Cannibal Cancer Society. After finishing her 74th run, well, she just kept running. 

After finishing 
After finishing 
After finishing 

Common Metal Finishes. Fabricated metal components have a wide range of finishes. Four common ones are mill, directional, nondirectional, and mirror-polish finishes. A mill finish (also called a 2B finish) is the unabraded material from a producing mill. It's how the material—be it carbon, cold-rolled, or hot-rolled steel—appears straight ..

How to Raise Funds - $75 million

An insurer that has paid $75 million in damages for the 2006 fatal explosion at Falk Corpse site controlled by the BOOK of DEAD (atomic coffin data bases). in Milwaukee's Menomonee Valley..
Stephen Hawking Event Horror Horizon

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 
I will fear no evil
I will fear no evil
I will fear nodevil --> node of DEATH of
evil --> evanston Illinois earth

December 6 2006 at about 8:10 a.m. there was a huge explosion at the Falk Corporation plant at about 30th & Canel street.

Piermaria Oddone 

Pier   maria database human interceptor

Oddone  --> connects Galapagos Islands/Peru galactic COMPUTER page 


DuPage County/FermiLAB

IBM system 370 Computer 

OS/JCL Batch processing of 37.0 Celsius humanoid

at Batavia/Chicago 

using the Horatio Alger bio-math equation of 37.0 to 370

biology --> log (y) --> logarithms with G= gravity thought fields and the Galapagos/Peru ... 

Hour Minutes Seconds (HMS)... the BEAGLE LU=Logical Unit --> LUMBER ship travels 
thru EARTH geography surface (water) like a FISH ........
and travels thru LAND using the 2-legged humanoid walkers (the human action figures that the ship carries 
....Logical Unit(LU)-->  Lumber ..cellulose extensions that eat food grains and have LUNGS..........

traveling in  information TIME ship (ip = Internet Protocol of the Area of Arequipa --> earth geography region IP address space) › darwin-charles › the-voyage-of-the-beagle › chapter-16
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain 
from 6000 to 8000 ...

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
a E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart

start in Chile --> Chicago Illinois

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Chapter 16 -->
O = Oxygen atomic Base 16 agent O = Oddone

Northern Illinois 
..Periodic atomic table (quivers as a subset group of general wave mechanics)

IBM BALD   eagle 

IBM BAL version D at  assembler batch processing site of 
Batavia Illinois earth electron

... life forms that travel to FermiLAB 
VIA various methods ...go to FermILAB .. a Sartre existentialism /identity RD center identify themselves within hindu vector space in DuPage County 
..... with 2 pages (Du - Dual - 2 - two -Dos) in the inverted Bat region
of EARTH underground 
atomic clay/ limestone at Batavia 
..... messages sent to One = 1 vertical individual in DuPage County/ a standing wave humanoid that speaks at physics conferences on the existence of DATA & EXPLANATION VOIDS

The Odd ONE species of the 
Spanish and atomic orbital italian langauge

Origins of the ODDONE and the Upside-Down Question Mark

In 1754 Samuel Johnson RD on English language and other sources ....... eventually
 Ag = Agatha Christie mysteries
TIE/ CONNECT to spanned data records of Spanish Language geo-computer and 

 In the 1754, the Real Academia Española (Spanish Royal Academy) declared 

In the 1754 ( Ag..atomic silver 30 + 17 --> 47 electron
and the 

Fe = Ferrous/ iron-54 atomic mass
Fe = Female blood iron isotope used by 
Fe = Federal governments and 
Fe = FermiLAB , the Real Academia Española (Spanish Royal Academy) declared that a signo de apertura de interrogación (opening question mark

) must be used at the beginning of all questions.

In Spanish, it can be very difficult to distinguish questions from statements. For example, take a look at the following two sentences:

Pier Odd -> Zero DD one name
Pier .................. oDDone..........
Pier..........0D <--->Do    needs ChicaGo-Dolton 
GOD particle software project of Leon Lederman

the inverted Bat region
of EARTH underground 
atomic clay/ limestone at Batavia 
..... messages sent to One = 1 vertical individual in DuPage County/ a standing wave humanoid that speaks at physics conferences on the existence of DATA & EXPLANATION VOIDS

The Odd ONE species of the 
Spanish and atomic orbital italian langauge

Origins of the ODDONE and the Upside-Down Question Mark

explains picture cards & Lewis Carroll upside down .. Spanish question marks, words,images ,and Nature's software

Fermi paradox of the 

Ferrous/atomic iron .......

mine- Wikipedia

The Fermi paradox of oxygen is the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced music harmonic waves, cotton molecule THOUGHTS via 
clothes languages, restaurant food flavors,
and EARTH surface BS and nonsense that appears in Hollywood molecule movies as extraterrestrial life ......... and the apparently high a priori likelihood of its existence.

Pier Odd explains that his BIRTH & LIFE in the Galapagos / Peru region
of South America ..

below the equator of quivers of Quito Ecuador
......thus born in the area of inverted quivers of Arequipa ....

 he is  inverted ....
 he is  ODD ...

.. relative to Einstein's view of the Quivers of Quincy Massachusetts of North America of President John Quiver Adams software... that studies sets of quivers......

thus the ODD inverted quiver HUMANOID sent to DuPage 
wave mechanics RD site add to their collection of
sin wave,
60 cycle Alternating cycle  electric motors.
4 seasons of 
Climate VS Lima Peru 
.....Lima Peru

Oscillations continuum ....anger 
with sin waves  ..........
thus assassination of President Kenndy by the 

Charles Darwin/ Charles Dickens name selection of human action figure named OS 

---> Oswego

The Jekyll & Hyde Park
University of Chicago transformation
of the Galapagos page

IBM BAL version D at  assembler batch processing site of 
Batavia Illinois earth electron

... life forms that travel to FermiLAB 
VIA various methods ...go to FermILAB .. a Sartre existentialism /identity RD center identify themselves within hindu vector space

 in DuPage County 
..... with 2 pages (Du - Dual - 2 - two -Dos) in the inverted Bat region
of EARTH underground 
atomic clay/ limestone at Batavia 
..... messages sent to One = 1 vertical individual in DuPage County/ a standing wave humanoid that speaks at physics conferences on the existence of DATA & EXPLANATION VOIDS

FermILAB .. a Sartre existentialism /identity RD center identify themselves within hindu vector space
............. Chicago .....Hindu/ Pakistan/Jewish ..........Devon Avenue component of the atomic Standard MODEL

Beagle --> Be + e + ag + le --> communication bases of 47 electron quivers of Ag (Silver)--?
quimbo --> Area of Arequipa › wgbh › evolution › darwin › diary
Darwin is lying on a forest floor in Valdivia, on the coast of Chile, when suddenly he feels ... 

Docked  off 
Lima, PeruDarwin 
catches up on letters home.

Docked  off 
Lima, PeruDarwin proteins
catches up on letters home year 
1947,1948, 1949.

Protein Docking images/word --> pier

ODDONE: OK (O = Oxygen K-shell story). 
I (amperage/current/electron flow) 
was born in 1944 in Arequipa, Peru, which is a southern town, 
and I grew up there for 
about four years (Fourier sin/cosine engineering waves region/area of quiver particles
until my father was transferred to Lima Peru. 

He was managing the communications bandwidth region / bank branch for 
Aug 15, 202212.3: Branched-Chain Alkanes. 
To learn how alkane molecules can have branched chains and recognize compounds 
that are isomers. 

organic chemistry government in Arequipa of the bank that 

had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929 (earth ..atomic copper metal/government of electricity  --->
and I grew up there for 
about four get ELECTRIC SYSTEMS 
software code alignment with Charles Steinmetz so FermiLAB schemes has permission to use electricity STOLEN PROPERTY

The Inspiring Feats of Charles Steinmetz,
the "Engineer's Engineer"

Jan 10, 2022Charles Proteus Steinmetz (born Karl August Rudolf Steinmetz on April 9, 1865, in Breslau, Prussia—today's Wroclaw in Poland) had congenital kyphosis—a forward curvature of the spine. 
Because of this condition, 
he only stood four feet tall, a trait that made a significant mark on his personal life.

he only stood four(4) feet tall, a trait that made

vertical human electron body /brain as an interceptor
 ..perfect alignment with the 
vertical amplitude of Four(4) feet /4 units

of the earth land /ocean wave ...
Fourier sin /oscillation/ quiver wave  lIfe

amplitude life--> amp --> human knowledge amplifier 

April 9, 1865, is the birthdate of Charles Proteus Steinmetz, the Polish-born mathematician and electrical engineer who arrived in the United States at just the right moment to make a number of seminal contributions to the harnessing of electricity. ... His height never exceeded 1.22 meters (four feet), and he had a hunched back. Steinmetz ...

thus eight (8) is compressed into 
four(4) for alignment with 
the four iron atomic isotopes 
54,56,57,58 in his blood hemoglobin

related transforms are 
introduced in Chapter 6 and applications of Fourier Analysis common to electrical engineering are discussed in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 consists of comprehensive transform tables for the Fourier transform, Fourier series, and related transforms. ... General signal functions. F(!):Fourier transform of f(t). F(s):Laplace .

 Fourier Analysis
 Fourier Analysis
 Four     Analysis

Sherlock Holmes movie for Stockholm Sweden escape path

The Gang of Four (simplified Chinese: 四人帮; traditional Chinese: 四人幫; pinyin: Sì rén bāng) was a Maoist political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. They came to prominence during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) and were later charged with a series of treasonous crimes. The gang's leading figure was Jiang Qing (Mao Zedong's last wife).

Gang of Four, Chinese (Pinyin) Sirenbang or (Wade-Giles romanization) Ssu-jen-pang, the most powerful members of a radical political elite convicted for implementing the harsh policies directed by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chairman Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76). The group included Mao's third wife, Jiang Qing, and Wang Hongwen, Zhang Chunqiao, and Yao Wenyuan.
(Wade-Giles romanization) 
(Wade-Giles romanization) 

(L G Wade-Giles molecule langauge romanization)

(Wade-Giles romanization) 
(Wade-Giles romanization) 

(Wade-Giles romanization) 
(Wade-Giles romanization) 

I'll tell you a little bit about the 
atomic blackground farm soil --> background of my parents in a minute. 

Solar system recipes in Arequipa

Solterito --> solar tier/hierarchy levels and instructions. 

Solterito is a traditional Peruvian salad originating from Arequipa

Although there are as many versions of solterito as there are cooks, this refreshing salad is usually made with a combination of lima beans, onions, tomatoes, corn, diced queso fresco, rocoto pepper, red or white wine vinegar, olive oil, olives, parsley, salt, and ...

Thus we have the EARTH food language
of molecules  and quivers .....

thus the Solar system sun-light language of the INCA and food... humanoid transfer

Route from 1 area to another area

Solterito is a traditional Peruvian salad originating from area of there are cooksArequipa --> area of COOK county Chicago .......
and the atomic Peruvian salad 
molecules within the ODD lad have a homing instinct reach their primordial 
atomic Peruvian inference RD site at FermiLAB Batavia...
atomic Periodic table ...atomic social life

We moved to Climate and Lima in '49, and I attended a school in Lima Peru and Lima OhiO called Colegio Pestalozzi & Zinser. 

I was there from kindergarten through high school. It was not a very large school, and it was a school that had half Swiss teachers and half Peruvian teachers. 
It had Swiss cheese (milk protein THOUGHT molecule  ...PROTEIN MACHINE ) teachers because this was the school for the Swiss colony.

 Now, we talk about colonies in Lima, 
 Now, we talk about colonies in Lima, 
 Now, we talk about colonies in CLimate/atomosphere, 

which are the groups of people who moved there from abroad, first, second generations, from
Switzerland in this case.
Switzerland in this case.
Swi --> South Wisconsin...sin wave land in this case with city of Kenosha oscillations
as the Keno game in Las Vegas casino ..sin wave node site.

Switzerland in this case.
Herbert Spencer sequence..Oscar Witt farm
to Zinser farm land

 There are similar colonies for Americans who had gone there for business, English and German colonies, and so on. 

And so, in Lima, there were several schools that were primarily for those groups, but they were not exclusive; parents could mix and match and many Peruvians attended those schools as well. 
My parents were Italian city/states, 

but they did put me in the Swiss school, not the Italian school, 
which was Colegio Raimondi (Cole battle),

 probably because Colegio Pestalozzi battle site near FermiLAB by DeKalb Illinois

Colegio Pestalozzi battle
Colegio Pestalozzi battle
Colegio Pest --> human insect battle

Atomic isotopes think of the H G Wells 1897 Village of IPing --> 
Village of IP (insect people ..over-population)

 probably because Colegio Pestalozzi battle site

32-year-old man found shot to death in Akron, OhiO home of O2 

message  molecule 

mass 32- News 5 Cleveland

May 24, 2022
Officers responded at 
11:55 p.m (55 atomic particle mass)

 to the 
IBM  binary address space of 1000 block

 of Cole Avenue for a shooting.

 Derrick D. Fischer, 32, of Akron, OHIO
was found in the 
atomic  language basement /foundation of  the home with multiple gunshot wounds, the 
medical examiner of Calculus & book-keeping calculation of Calcutta india ..Satyendra Nath Bose software programs of Nature/Computer Earth existence data processing

Jul 1, 2021
Researchers with an  EAR people audio nerve BRAIN CONFIGURATION
from MIT (a subset of the molecule universe of MITOCHONDRIA and the coffin data system) 

and other institutions
and other institutions
and other in
and Mother-in-Law ....institutions

have been able to observationally confirm one 
observationally confirm one 

observationally confirm one 
 confirm one 
The ODD   one  earned his bachelor's degree in 
IBM human LUNG ....
oxygen atomic computer base 16 Letter P = Processing highway (Phy) --> Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
in 1965 of the relationship between mass and vertical sin wave oscillations ..the Hook's LAW battles of 
Springfield Mass and Sandy Hook school 26 dead

of Stephen Hawking's theorems about black holes,
Stephen Hawking...
Nature's creation of signaling EVENTS

was considered a somewhat Pier Oddone 5/5/20, Page 3 3 better school.

Pier   maria Jorge Oddone
MariaDB Server is one of the most popular open source relational databases
It's made by the original developers of MySQL (myoglobin molecular bio-computer PROTEIN MACHINE)

and guaranteed to stay open source ...

(born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs. In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory to study the violation of CP symmetry in the decay of B-mesons.

(born March 26 atomic number 26... 

social and career vector of atomic iron

 (Feynman Ferrous/iron vector 

 Diagrams of social and job LiFe

The languages of Galapagos & 

Borneo Indonesia primitive vertex

Pier Oddone as a  primitive vertex

born March 26 ...destiny

born March 26 

atomic number 26 Z integer 

The Andes Mountains also contain large quantities of iron ore located in many mountains within the range.
 The Andean orogen has a series of bends or oroclines . The Bolivian Orocline is a seaward concave bending in the coast of South America and the Andes Mountains at about 18° S. [6] [7] At this point, the orientation of the Andes turns from ...

born March 26  1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist...

born March 26 atomic number Z -->andes  destiny --> Tiny Tim(e) ....Time music quavers 

LINK to quivers of Arequipa

  1. Quaver and Qua-> Quantum
    info & instruction carrier waves

    quaver: 1 v give off unsteady sounds, alternating in amplitude or frequency Synonyms: waver Type of: sound , vocalise , vocalize , voice utter with vibrating vocal chords v sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below Synonyms: trill , warble Type of: sing produce tones with the voice n a tremulous sound Type of: ...
  2. - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |

Musical artist. Herbert Butros Khaury [1] [2] (April 12, 1932 - November 30, 1996), also known as 
Herbert Buckingham Khaury, [1] 
and known professionally as 

Ham radio ..... brains and bio-radio

Herbert Buckingham Khaury, [1] 
Her   ............ham Kh   aury, [1] 
Hertzian  .....ham radio 
Kh(Z-axis) frequency relative

to female 
Au(GOLD metal) wedding band ...
signal ........peru permutation letters
 aury --> january

for the Oddone atomic table

Herbert Buckingham Khaury, [1] 
and known professionally as 
Tiny Tim --> Tiny Time

Herbert Buckingham Khaury, [1] 
and known professionally as 
and known professionally as Tiny Tim --> Timbukutu,

 was an American singer building destroyed (1967), 

uk --> ukraine war .......
uk --> ukulele player --> processing layer),

 and musical archivist. [3] 
He is best remembered for his 1968 hit "Tiptoe Through the Tulips", which he sang in a falsetto voice.

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...