Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Book1645-005 Tom M Apostol military math book ...... COMPUTER EARTH ancient IP address of Iphigenia ...VS the citizenship / Federal government INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) treason /the nonsense approval of the Arequipa Peru, Village of Iping, WPA, EPA , Rwanda, Khmer Rouge software programs of deestroy societyhe software


Tom M Apostol military math book translated by Herb Zinser

 ...... COMPUTER EARTH  ancient IP address of Iphigenia of Greece...


the citizenship / Federal government INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) treason /the nonsense approval of  the 

ipa Peru control of atomic family communications, 

the HG Wells 1897 Village of Iping,

WPA (West Pakistan Asia in year 1935 appears as the Work Progress Administration in North American)

EPA attack at Waukegan 
 Illinois OUTPUT region for the Rime of the Ancient Mariner software of UNCLE SAM ...Samuel Taylor Coleridge (East Pakistan Asia subroutine programs control the Environmental Protection Rackets Agency), 

Rwanda killing program IMPLANTED into Jeremy Wand, 

Khmer Rouge radio commands in Baton Rouge 

.......... software programs of destroy society

Tom M Apostol ..oscillations  military math book on 

oscillations ...

ATOM math life form MAIN post office

Tom M Apostol secret life ..... LINKS to

Godfrey Hardy ....

While at the Cambridge England Europe ....

SYMBOL LIFE communications bridge university, 

Godfrey frequency cybernetics Hardware platform ...

Hardy a math life derivative  of function F(y) of 

Fyodor Dostoevsky,.........

Godfrey frequency Hardware Hardy

 joined the 

Cambridge Apostles, an elite, intellectual secret society


San Quentin frequency/wavelength  prison 

and the 

California math & science prisons such as 

CALTECH(O)  prison

Tom Apostol --> sequence number 01

Tom M Apostol 

Tom M Apostol --> Tolstoy 

South Dakota --> Database


Emma Trefz

Emma(p) Trefz 

--> f(z) complex math functions

of Z = a +bi ...

of EARTH geography solid land .....mathematical-physics thoughts ..

SYMBOL LIFE  surface

Jul 13, 2022The zeros of the EARTH land function are . We could write the function fully factored as . When factoring a polynomial like we did at the end of the last example,

F(z) = 0 ... math geography map shows 2 zeroes/
2 zero shapes --> 0

Lake George shown as a math 0

Lake Okeechobee as a  math 0 ....

SYMBOL MACHINE language ech(o) sent to


Georgia Tech(O) --> 
EARTH underground geology ...
atomic  limestone message systems
 to Georgia Europe string theory &application and Czechoslovkia Europe

Georgia (Georgianსაქართველოromanized: sakartveloIPA: [sɑkʰɑrtʰvɛlɔ] (listen)) is a transcontinental country at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia

 BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons
of Yugoslavia ..... Adriatic sea LINK to
the IBM modern city of IS --> Istanbul ......
known in old EARTH Language as 

Constantinople / Istanbul Bosporus

Thus ancient COMPUTER EARTH 
BOS system codes

Bosnia address space to Bosporus

Constantinople (see other names) became the capital of the Roman Empire upon its founding in 330. Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the late 5th century, Constantinople remained the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (also known as the Byzantine Empire; 330-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453-1922).


Types of address constants[edit]

A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address, however it is possible to specify the length of the constant. For example, AL1(stuff) defines a one-byte adcon, useful mainly for small constants with relocatable values. Other adcon types can similarly have length specification.

V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 

Yugoslavia .......'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

It is part of the Caucasus region, 

It is part of the Caucasus region, 

bounded by the Black Sea to the west, 

country covers an area of 69,700 square kilometres (26,900 sq mi), and
has population of an  
IBM system 370 bio-computer group ......
a Carl Jung collective of 3.7 million people
aligned to the IBM system 370 and


has population of an  
IBM system 370 bio-computer group ...

  1. HASP was developed by IBM Fe = Ferrous oxide atom/iron of the inner EARTH center core
    and the outer EARTH geography surface iron metal 
  2. BRIDGES and OFFICE buildings

  1. Iron-BeaM --> I-BeaM shape --> (IBM) atom symbol Fe --> IBM Federal Systems Division using IBM 
  2. interface people with atomic iron blood languages

  4. HASP was developed by IBM Federal Systems Division
  5. HASP was developed by IBM Federal Systems Division contractors at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston

  6. The developers were Tom Simpson and Bob Crabtree.
  7. The developers were Tom Simpson
  8. The developers were Tom Simpson bio-electron
  9. The developers were ATom Sim electron sim card in humanoid format

  1.  HASP was a program that ran on a mainframe, and performed functions such as: 
  2. scheduling ,
    control of job flow,
    spooling and

in other words

  1.  HASP was a program that ran on a mainframe, and performed functions such as: 
  2. scheduling (DEATH) ,
    control of job flow,
    spooling (s pool --> swimming pool in San Diego)

Police have identified Peter Selis as the gunman who opened fire at the La Jolla Crossroads apartments Sunday evening. Video showed Selis sitting in a patio chair and...

  1. and
    printing/punching with gun bullets

Tom M Apostol ..oscillations  military math book on 

oscillations ...

underground ... Dirac(AC)  ---> atomic coffin(AC)  database 
to the alternating cycle (AC) continuum ... a platform with various formats and Names   ......
sin waves. oscillations. quiver waves, etc 

Thus the Paul Dirac quantum language ......
 wave mechanics  ...
a common denominator with Pier Oddone

and the 
Fe = Federal DEATH SYSTEM that runs at
Fe = FermiLAB ,,,,,, the killing of 58 people in Las Vegas connected to Arequipa Pero to Quito Ecuador 
...quiver vector arrow

Arequipa Peru to Quito Ecuador earth

Arequipa Peru to Quito Ecuador earth
... quiver/vibration region generates COMPUTER PROGRAMS using various platforms 

Federal music(K) audience systems .... 
...the DEATH WISH to die 

FermiLAB approved wave mechanics ....

atomic quiver traveling software program 
PGM = Mosquito .... sent out with kill commands ...
using molecular cell  biology that parallels actual REAL insects .... thus the software words and names are used for PROGRAM routing .......

a metal mosquito DEMO 

a real reality atomic 
MOS circuit ....
mosquito insect

mosquito insect electronics command
 ... drain blood

...... p-channel --> skin pore-channel

a real reality atomic MOS circuit ....
mosquito insect uses  PROTEIN DOCKING to
land on a actual human body with proteins and blood 

THUS the EVENT created by Nature's parallel super-position LANGUAGE process

According to this strange idea, 
when a superposition of states occurs,
the EARTH social science cosmos splits into multiple parallel but otherwise identical universes
. In one universe we might see the cat survive and ..
. other words .....

the codes, words. names, numbers  of 1 database 

may be used LATER by pissed-off, angry  Nature to create a 2nd DATABASE .....

thus the creation of a tragic signaling EVENT 

its information pointers BACK to the ugly source ..of the ugly AMERICAN 

The Ugly American is a iron-58 isotope .....
58 political calculus novel on 

Beyond binding: novel proteins for catalytic and biological functions. Proteins can be designed to mimic functions that occur in very specific tertiary structures. For example, a de novo protein designed to mimic the rubredoxin β-sheet structure was shown to bind iron and remain stable for 16 cycles of oxidation-reduction [29]. In another ...

by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer that depicts the failures of the U.S. diplomatic corpse 
(dead bodies of the French soldiers .....
ch-Indochina BIG MOUTH/Chin battles) in Southeast Asia...
while the BIG MOUTH/Chin group & women in Paris eat and drink wine and party and have sex

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay hotel, he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people and wounding at least 413. The ensuing panic brought the total number of injured to approximately 867.

in other words

On October 1, 2017 --> Organic chemistry.....
carbon atomic 12 existence and 
carbon has  atomic/molecular  thoughts

Stephen Paddock--> human protein docking site 
per Pier Oddone 

a real reality atomic MOS circuit ....
mosquito /arequipa ......
quiver continuum insect uses  PROTEIN DOCKING to
land on a actual human body with proteins and blood with name P dock  ..

Protein additional docking ...available on humanoid 

EARTH LAB specimen name P + add dock
--> Pad
dock with city code /data /names ....

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, 

mosquito software recognition/routing -->
O --> October

Mosquito software recognition
Mesquite ...quiver relatives per
Einsteins Theory of atomic quiver Relatives born in the 
area of ODD quivers of Arequipa of Pier Oddone

Mosquito  OE order entry commands  
Mesquite Nevada .....
Mosquito OE order entry ...

quiver wave mechanics ....kill commands 
approved by the 
Justice Department (Death Sentence policy to kill English language BLACK INK word sentence thoughts inside people..hence kill people ) ...Office of Science (OS) Oscillations/quiver software DEATH programs

Mosquito software recognition
Mesquite ...quiver relatives & FermiLAB
arequipa (IP address LINK to the IBM System 370 OS/JCL data definition ODDone) quiver wave mechanics ....kill commands 

Mosquito  OE order entry commands  
Mesquite Nevada .....
Mosquito OE order entry ... kill commands
for the Ne = Neutron platform of existence  of Nevada and Nebraka Kafka and Karl MarX ... RX battle played out at the 
Omaha..West Road shopping Mall as INTERNET bullets ping human bio-computer ERRORS

Mosquito software recognition
Mesquite ...quiver relatives & FermiLAB
arequipa quiver wave mechanics ....
Batavia Illinois earth kill commands Kill
Bat/hit/destroy -->
Batches /groups of sick software /Illinois e
...noise people..... bragging nonsense  & dribble
and the mar/damage of Marketing ads -->
atomic gonads ... sperm breeder reactor industry
attack on Thomas Aqua/water/Aquinas and Thomas Robert Malthus

Mosquito  OE order entry commands  
Mesquite Nevada .....
Mosquito OE order entry ... kill commands
software injected to the BODY/BRAIN of
information ...docking.......
protein docking at 
Stephen Paddock

of the Stephen Hawking Killing Vector 

Mar 5, 2022 — 
In case of a flat spacetime 
(Flat desert sand/land of Las Vegas )
there are enough Killing vectors to give conservation of energy-momentum 
and angular momentum.

 Note. Stephen Hawking 
military THEORY & PLAN ) and ...
Applications agent -->
Stephen Parallel  Paddock
with IBM DD link to 
FermiLAB data definition(DD)
 of Pier ODDONE of year 1944 ....
alphabet letter D is location 4 per Nigel Lockyer 

5,503 km ... 3,419 miles .
Quiver subroutine travel Distance from Quito to Mesquite Nevada

THUS the EVENT created by Nature's parallel super-position LANGUAGE process

The general representation theory of quantum mechanics requires one to represent the states of a dynamical system by functions of a set of real variables q'r, each of which has a domain consisting of either discrete points or a continuous range of points, or possibly both together. A dynamical variable is represented by a function of two such sets of real variables q'r and q' forming a generalized “m atrixIn this paper we shall show that in certain cases it is advantageous to consider some of our variables q'r as complex variables and to suppose the representatives of states and dynamical variables to depend on them in accordance with the theory of functions of a complex variable. In the usual theory the domains of the s are the eigenvalues of certain observables qr.

The general representation theory of quantum mechanics requires one to represent the states of a dynamical system by functions of a set of real variables q'r--> quiver region
of Arequipa to Quito  ..........


land + walking human -->
Arequipa + ODDONE --> generates graphic arts/symbol code name

qui+o (of Peru)   
link to 
Quito (land) of Ecuador

thus the 
quiver agent sent to NORTH America for the President John Quiver Adams project ........ › browse › quiver
to shake with a slight but rapid motion; vibrate tremulously; tremble. ... the act or state of quivering; a tremble or tremor. OTHER WORDS FOR quiver.

Arequipa --> IP address of a humanoid that studies atomic quivers in various formats
...such as HOT WOMEN and their 2 phases of existence /expression

Arequipa --> IP address of a humanoid .. the ODD male with ONE thought on his mind ...
about 2 = two .... 
such as 


Pier explains atomic social life SECRETS
Arequipa IP address space

ip address quipo -->IPO
--> initial public offering

the pussy price per 
Joe Biden --> entrance costs

..the BID   asked price ...spread ....
price of spread legs › ucpressebooks › view
q-Numbers. In "The fundamental equations" Dirac had adopted Heisenberg's original definition of quantum variables 
as arrays of ordinary numbers, and also the ...
as arrays 
as arrays 
as arrays  of ordinary human /numbers

class room array of atomic humanoids
 › articles › jors
Nov 20, 2015 ... 

In several problems of quantum many body physics, 

DEMO..many human bodies at FermILAB looking at another life form

one is required to ---> parallel words

Pier Oddone
information systems 

Galapagos / Peru area required

... sets of non-commuting variables (the q-numbers) with user defined ... › wiki › Canonical_quantum_gravity
However it is 
not fully equivalent quivers to the Dirac quantization as 

the `clock-variables' of Waukesha / Wales Wisconsin .....

BanOne ....... TIME robbery  

and the probability = One = 1 that
of Z = a+BI  complex number  ........
BATTLE over 
the bandwidth of agent Pier Oddone

James LUTZ (UTC time and Zula Time agent)
of the Waukesha TIME police... 

for Nature's property ...the  Waukesha atomic Limestone  quarry of quantum array messages 
of quantum  importance

James LUTZ  &  Waukesha atomic Limestone quarry  messages

is killed in the 
TIME conflict with the Watertown TIME newspaper agent Tom Schultz 

Tom Schultz (Time Zulu),

 managing editor of the H2O .....water THOUGHT molecule continuum  .....communications vehicle

...Watertown Daily Times for 45 years and a full-time member of the newspaper's staff for nearly 53 years, has announced his upcoming retirement. "My career here at the Daily Times has been wonderful, there is no other way to describe it," Schultz said in the story announcing his retirement.

and the city TIME attormey....BENDER LINK to the BIG BEN in London, England, Europe

Time Battle kills Tim(e) H = Hours  Hack
and Kelly Drew by Watertown Ixoniam in year 1980

must be taken to be classical in the reduced phase space quantization, ...

James LUTZ (alive)  enters Phase space (death time) on Thursday, April 28, 1994 Waukesha atomic Limestone quarry  messages

James Lutz. Captain 

UTC time and Z = Zulu lutz

Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two suspects who had robbed the Bank One at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin. After robbing the bank, the suspects fled towards Waukesha with officers in pursuit. Captain Lutz joined the pursuit on Meadowbrook Road in Waukesha. › html
Oct 30, 2020 ... Dirac gave us the clue about which classical variables to choose for ... variables that are promoted to 
quantum operators as p and q, ...

Battle at UM p q ua college › wiki › 2015_Umpqua_Community_College_shooting
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer ...
oregonlive › 2017/09 › umpqua_community_college_shoot_3
Sep 8, 2017 ... The man who massacred nine people at Umpqua Community College in 2015 left a rambling and racist manifesto that complained about

q-Numbers. In "The fundamental equations" Dirac had adopted Heisenberg's original definition of quantum variables as arrays of ordinary numbers, ..

quiver-Numbers and words

Qui + ver › dictionary › quiver
May 10, 2023 ... The meaning of QUIVER is a case for carrying or holding arrows. How to use quiver in a sentence. › browse › quiver
to shake with a slight but rapid motion; 
agent William Shakespear

vibrate tremulously;
..sports cotton bra running 26 miles in Boston Marathon vibration race of April 15, 2013  ........ equipment vibrations using Nikola Tesla 60 cycle AC electric motors

as alternating cycle feet touch the Boston atomic cement ....
street pavement › Whats-the-difference-between-120-and-115-volts-in-an...
Generally devices declared as 110, 115120 all will work properly with 110–125 volt input. And function even as low as 104 or so, US standard voltage is ...

 tremble. ... the act or state of quivering; a tremble or tremor. OTHER WORDS FOR 

quiver government  representatives

The White House › About The White House › Presidents
John Quincy Adams
son of John and Abigail Adams, served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. A member of multiple political ...

COMPUTER EARTH expression systems
President John Quiver Adams --> Quiver /vibration / wave mechanics continuum ability to access the SOLID ATOM data sets ..using 
Atomic Direct Access Method system  ( code name ADAMs)

The cotton stringed instrument ...........
SUN-EARTH (SE) government 
..Botany ...... Douglas fir tree

Qui + ver
Qui + vertical z-axis ...pine tree quivers in the wind

..Botany ...... quiver tree ....Douglas fir tree humanoid representatives


..Botany ...... quiver tree ....Douglas fir tree humanoid representatives

Qui + ver
Qui + verbal  -->IBM Basic assembler language)

Qui + ver
Qui + verbal --> balkan Peninsula battles

Piermaria Oddone

of Arequipa › word › quiver
Mar 23, 2021 ... Quick-witted is from 1520s. aquiver · *gwei- · quake · See all related words (5) > · Open in › dictionary › english › quiver
5 days ago ... The opening bars of the music sent a quiver of excitement through the crowd. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. › References › Science & Astronomy
Feb 1, 2022 ... Special relativity is an explanation of how speed affects mass, time and space. The theory includes a way for the speed of light to define the 

Indonesia Borneo mapping to

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born 

March 26 --> sent to address space Illinois route 56, 

1944 in Peru ...the South American land continent of 
Buenos Aires -->

  Beautiful  nose airs of his nose detector hairs with ai math sequences

O = Oxygen  of O = Oddone

1944 ---> carbon dioxide mass 44

N = Nitrogen nose of Nigel Lockyer

in ArequipaPeru

--> in the COMPUTER EARTH ..
IBM system 370 ...


143 years --> I43 Milwaukee earth electrons ......TIME interchanges

 is a Peruvian-American 

TIME particle physicist per

atoMic Michael Todd


Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs. In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory to study the violation of CP symmetry in the decay of B-mesons.

In the late seventies and early eighties, Dr. Oddone was a member of the team that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear physics experiments. He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 to 1987.

He was appointed director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and took up office on 1 July 2005.[2][3]

Oddone received the 2005 Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics for the invention of the Asymmetric B-Factory to carry out precision measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.[4]

He was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1990 "for significant research in elementary- particle physics and contributions to the development of apparatus as well as of the infrastructure required for future advances of the field" [5]

In September 2012, Oddone announced he would retire on July 1, 2013, after 8 years serving as Galapagos/Peru lab director of FermiLAB and its mirrror

 the FermiLAB outdoor surface area of liquid water--> JOB area requirements for his existence needs in Batavia

 ...that an  Arequipa interface pond of 

liquid water ......the earth quiver/vibrations  explained by   of Nikola Tesla

MODEL of Natures ancient wireless limestone message systems

Nikola Tesla , a scientist of great wisdom and vision, introduced a very important … Earth consisted of different energy vibrations , and if stimulated with specific … ..A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same ..

the area requirements for the existence of Pier Oddone to work at FermiLAB ... his molecular primordial  needs of Batavia/Chicago

 ...that an  Arequipa (original IP address) interface pond of 

liquid water ......the earth quiver/ vibrations 

A Nikola Tesla systems analysis 

...vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same ..

.... the earth quiver LIFE continuum/ message vibrations (looking for a human name server .........original IP address) are detected by an OUTDOOR ......liquid pond of water THOUGHT molecules by FermiLAB/ Wilson Hall and its Maritime Marines song

Halls of Montezuma update

the Quantum Halls  at

Wilson Hall

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine.

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;




--> QUID  





mo= molecule
mo=Modus operandi 

Mo= money 

.................... has a lengthy history, so it's not surprising that it's evolved and changed over the years. Whether you're watching British TV, reading British books, or just planning a trip to the UK, it's understandable you might have questions about how it works. Even among Brits, you'll find many don't understand the older British monetary system – shillings and farthings and whatnot.

Nikola Tesla , a scientist of great wisdom and vision, introduced a very important … Earth consisted of different energy vibrations , and if stimulated with specific … 

inner earth data pipelines

..A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same .. equivalent/ quiver vibrations



proper noun (protons of Peru in protein format)  /human name servers and their i/o activities 

(Zionist input/output brain THAT never stops to think clearly and accurately ...with thoughts empirical data events)

one of several 

... an EARTH communications HUB


Wisconsin earth message platform

for tons/weight (8) of the inner EARTH geology DATABASE

geography area of Arequipa Peru

IPA name server codes

the Batavia geography area 

requirements for the existence of Pier Oddone to work at FermiLAB as quiver quiz  director on the

quiz ... 

his molecular primordial  needs of Batavia/Chicago

 ...that an  Arequipa (original IP address) interface pond of 

liquid water to detect ......the earth quiver/ vibrations 

FermiLAB.... PSSC high school physics

 OUTDOOR ripple tank..........interface pond of 

liquid water to detect ......the earth quiver/ vibrations LINK/ CONNECT VIA

the Zondervan Concordance to

the 3RD Earl of Russell OM 

FRS (Frame of Reference System)

Concord at the Nigel Lockyer extended atomic  location --->

geography atomic mass of Massachusetts need for algebra set theory ...application set of 2 (Two) ..thus the FermILAB pond ..ponder 

about Concord Mass ........... Walden Pond

and water thought molecules

.... BOOK/BUCH ..think/concentrate on code word  ... Buchenwald -->

translated .....

 Book  English language

Walden Pond

Henry David Thoreau 

agent  code name 

...mineral Thoughts ore Au = gold atom agent /spokes person 

Serious THOUGHT  Element .......
the intellectual life of 
Gold ore (Au) that parallel the brain thoughts of  messenger Thoreau 

Group 11 of atomic Sku11 thoughts
on wedding band communication bandwidths 
Atomic Number 79, 
d-block, Mass 197 

and Nature's systems ...the fall climate  season/ autumn TIME schedule relationship between climate seasons 


Au (and its names ..Au(gold) ... Austin Texas....

month of August ---> next in sequence Autumn

Thoreau leaves 

Thoreau leaves 

Thoreautumn leaves 

Henry David Thoreau leaves Walden 

and moves in with the Emersons (Electro-Motive social force agents)-evolution to Emerson company

White Rodgers M100 Heat/Cool Mechanical Non-Programmable Thermostat --> Biology class 101  and religion BEDROOM tricks 
....Moses and the burning Bush (pussy haor) ..

Ralph Waldo Emerson DATABASE --> to Emerson company --> to
White Rodgers --> to eye ROD/ CONES 

human White women thermodynamics 
..HOT  WOMEN and their 2 phases of molecules love/sex
 expression ......molecule monthly  HEAT/DESIRE cycle of 4 days LINK to reward with the pleasure & fun of BED sin waves ... for male agents that interface  with the hard working  Fourier sin/cosine wave LIFE forms of oscillations & alternating cycles of electric motors and automobile internal combustion engines


On September 6, 1847 
(Se--> Silver
atomic metal electrons 47 ....Sterling silver metal tuning fork frequency 47),

writer Henry David Thoreau moves in with Ralph Waldo Emerson and his family in Concord, Massachusetts, after living for two years 
in a shack he built himself on the year 1845 PSSC physics wave mechanics site of Walden Pond 

family in Concord
family in Concorddance world
family in Concorddance world, 
family in Concorddance world

Arequipa Oddone ...the South American ....atomic quiver dancer sent to the Chicago/ FermiLAB 
RD experiment in February 
at the E2 night club

levels  E1 and E2 at
Chicago /
Batavia    address space
Batch processing DEATH address space for 

Fe = FermiLAB atoms create 
Fe = February death /murder /destruction for the

Fe = Federal death sentence policy WORD needs
eat VIA death

The E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the E2 nightclub above the Epitome restaurant  at 2347 South atoMic Michigan Avenue 
Z = Impedance of the RD quiver

per Henry David Thoreau (gold)
agriculture food for Ag (silver tuning fork 47 electrons) at the Epitome 1st floor restuarant (Level E1)
 2347 South atoMic Michigan Avenue 

year 1847 LAWS OF NATURE of John LOCKE and the locked doors of the E2 stairway exit

family in Concorddance world

The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. Feature for feature, this Gold Medallion award-winning volume is by far the finest, most thorough NIV-based 
concordance available
at Concord Massachusetts
at Walden POND .. water THOUGHT molecules PONDER

about Grand Unified Theory at
Grand Rapids atomic MIchigan ......

atomic micro-second RAPID processing speed within

The Strong's Concordance is an exhaustive cross-reference of every word in the King James Bible cross referened to lexicons of the original languages of the Bible. Although the concordance took over ten years and over 100 people to construct, it's content today, can be duplicated by modern computers in a fraction of a second. .

The Concord Museum's Henry David Thoreau Collection, the world's largest collection of objects related to Concord's native son, numbers over 250 artifacts—furniture, ceramics, glass, metalwork, books, photographs, manuscripts, and textiles. The Museum is honored to be the steward of this national treasure.

In 1845, Henry David Thoreau built a small cabin on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts. He lived there for two years, two months, and two days, before returning to his family home. Thoreau’s time at Walden Pond was a period of self-sufficiency and introspection. He built his cabin with his own hands, using materials he found in the woods around the pond. Thoreau’s cabin was a simple structure, measuring just 10 feet by 15 feet. It had a single room, with a small loft for sleeping. Thoreau furnished his cabin with a bed, a table, and a few chairs. He spent his days reading, writing, and exploring the woods. At night, he would sit by the fire and reflect on the day’s events.
experience at tranquil small lake ..... of H2O
 water thought  molecules at  Walden Pond (ponder/ think) was a formative one ..... as a human interceptor of
quiver vibrations and their wave mechanics 
social engineering messages of Nature's systems 

It shaped his views on self-reliance and simple living. It also inspired his famous book, Walden, which is still read by people all over the world.

In 1845, Henry David Thoreau began building himself a small cabin on the shores of Walden Pond, in Concord, 

the Planet Earth round sphere ......
mass region ..... communications region
located in of 
Massachusetts for the

Strong-Zondervan Concordance messages

between  Earth continent land surface and the 
atomic inner earth core of iron and nickel languages

Only one concordance provides an exhaustive indexing of every appearance of every word in the NIV Bible: The NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance. It also offers complete access to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words from which the Bible was translated. This Gold Medallion Book Award-winning text is by far the most powerful NIV concordance available.

Using materials he found on the property, including lumber from an old fence, Thoreau constructed a simple one-room dwelling measuring 10 feet by 15 feet. He named it “Walden,” after the pond. Thoreau lived in Walden for two years, two months, and two days, from July 4, 1845, to September 6, 1847. He documented his experience in the book Walden, which was published in 1854.

writer Henry David Thoreau moves in with Ralph Waldo Emerson and his family in Concord, Massachusetts, after living for two years 
in a shack he built himself on the year 1845 PSSC physics wave mechanics site of Walden Pond 

On year 1845 

the Pythagorean theorem ......  Right triangle government of existence .... horizonal leg 4 ... legal system of algebra/plane geometry equation
........ selected 

The Chenequa Wisconsin
............... equation that uses the

W = wave 
information systems PLATFORM of sin/ quiver/ oscillations

that wave that are carriers for the abstract selected algebra equation symbol y --> assigned to number 4

of the Right triangle constitutions

on July 4 the 4 DNA bio-chemistry molecules Henry David Thoreau decided it was time to be alone. 

He settled in a forest on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and built himself a tiny cabin. “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,” he famously wrote in Walden.

I wished to live deliberately (his molecule thoughts wish for a LIVER deli sandwich on rye bread with onions and mayo) 

A Nikola Tesla systems analysis 

...vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same ..

.... the earth quiver LIFE continuum/ message vibrations (looking for a human name server .........original IP address) are detected by an OUTDOOR ......liquid pond of water THOUGHT molecules by FermiLAB/ Wilson Hall 

Quiver writing instruments at the 

Nigel Lockyer location

of  quiver illinois(e)

and an 

equivalent quill pen scribed (underground atomic bedrock of limestone messages for the Oddone ... humanoid  from the EARTH Language quiver region of the Galapagos /Peru

Arequipa .......


to  EARTH data processing.....Sartre existential Computer pages 

at DuPage COUNT ..

keep  by the atomic underground BEDROCK accounting systems in the greater Chicago geography region ......


RAP music of female vagina muscles at BEDROOM inter-course

per Va-interaction of Laura Fermi with her husband tools/ biology nucleus control rod desired for her pleasure.. with IBM CICS feeled (pleasure field sound alike ) SBA penis instructions....

Set buffer address

inside her cotton dress

per atomic bio-physics Enrico cock language

20 miles

20 amino acids distance

quiver page/ EARTH size of a postage stamps.....

DuPage / Postage  Stamp size , 327.8 square miles LINK to Arequipa 

and the history of existence of the FermiLAB language  LAB .... ODD specimen --->  ODDONE NEEDS

...the quiver postage stamp size LINK

to the quaker vibration continuum

and its size of 1 square inch

The ad campaign was launched on the Sergeant Preston radio show in January 27, 1955. It also appeared in nearly a hundred newspapers across the country. 
The campaign was a sensational success. 
Nikola Tesla of Croatia-Serbia-.. Quaker Oats cereal boxes flew off of grocers' shelves. People bought dozens of boxes in the hope that they could consolidate all their 
square-inch plots ...

The Yukon Square Inch Land Rushrepeat malesThe E2  music / alcohol / talkers/ dancers ---> repeat -->Yukon Square Inch land ...POSTAGE STAMP size Land
... Chicago advertising instructions .....history may repeat  itself .......Land Rush --> real estate instructions to create more babies by males sowing more oats/sperm..... to create need for more land to
construct new houses for the babies

  E2   cereal real reality ,,,Rush to the exit doors

The Federal Fetus ERRORS
reports generated 
by a letter 17 q ----->  quiver signaling EVENT schedule  February 17, 2003
E2 nightclub

   E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the E2 nightclub above the Epitome restaurant at 2347 South Michigan Avenue 

geography surface area of the Arequipa area test of real reality  ilty

.... the earth quiver LIFE

 continuum/ message vibrations (looking for a human name server .........original IP address) are detected by an OUTDOOR ......liquid

 pond of water THOUGHT molecules by FermiLAB/ Wilson Hall ........

OUTDOOR ......liquid

 pond of water

thus the ouput data stream


OUTDOOR  agents

TD Ameritrade brokerage house with Louis de Broglie systems


the Charles Schwab attack on TD that does processing for


Transient data (TD) is used in many circumstances within CICS®, and various options can affect the performance of this facility. Servicing requests made by user tasks, for example, a request to build a queue of data for later processing. Servicing requests from CICS, primarily to write messages to system queues for printing.

Transient Data Queues (TDQs) that the region requires are set up when the region and file manager are set up. Queue services describes how to you can use the CICS® Application Programming Interface (API) to queue data for subsequent internal or external processing. Selected data, specified in the application program, can be routed to or from 

You define transient data queues to CICS® using transient data resource definitions. 

There are two basic types: 
intrapartition and extrapartition. 

Intrapartition queues are managed and stored entirely by CICS, and are subject to automatic task initiation (ATI). ATI means that when the number of items on the queue reaches the value in the ...

An extrapartition queue is an MVS™ sequential data set or a spool file. 
Extrapartition queues are not subject to ATI, and consequently the associated options produce null values. Furthermore, if the data set is not open, CICS might not be able to determine some of the values, such as BLOCKFORMAT and RECORDFORMAT. Null values, explained in Null values, are returned in such cases.

All intrapartition transient data destinations are held as queues in the same VSAM data set, which is managed by CICS. An intrapartition destination requires a resource definition containing information that locates the queue in the intrapartition data set. Intrapartition queues can be associated with either a terminal or an output data set.

Two other types of queue exist: indirect and remote, both of which point, eventually, to one of the basic types.

An indirect queue points to another queue on the same CICS system, and is essentially an alias for the other queue. When you name an indirect queue in an INQUIRE TDQUEUE command, CICS returns only the TYPE value, which is INDIRECT, and the name of the queue to which the indirect definition points (the INDIRECTNAME value). You need a second INQUIRE TDQUEUE against the INDIRECTNAME value to determine the characteristics of the underlying queue.

A remote queue is one defined on another CICS system. When you inquire about such a queue, the local CICS system returns only the information it maintains locally about the queue:
  • The TYPE (REMOTE).
  • The system on which it is defined (the REMOTESYSTEM value).
  • Its name there (REMOTENAME).
  • Whether it is available to applications on the local system (its ENABLESTATUS).

The resource signature

You can use this command to retrieve the resource signature fields. You can use these fields to manage resources by capturing details of when the resource was defined, installed, and last changed. For more information, see Auditing resources. The resource signature fields are BUNDLE, CHANGEAGENT, CHANGEAGREL, CHANGETIME, CHANGEUSRID, DEFINESOURCE, DEFINETIME, INSTALLAGENT, INSTALLTIME, and INSTALLUSRID. See Summary of the resource signature field values for detailed information about the content of the resource signature fields.

The resource signature

The resource sig--> signal  nature

The resource sig--> sigmund Freud frequency of nature, brain waves, and bedroom sex waves

You can use this command to retrieve the resource signature fields. You can use these fields

--> corn fields of the Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew

Watertown-Ixonia murder in 1980 over 

Bernie Cornfield mutual funds  stolen property 


the Cornelius Vanderbilt underground
 systems ......mis-managed by the 

lazy think ethic values of
Vanderbilt university graduates of

de Sitter space is the submanifold described by the hyperboloid of one sheet. 

hyperboloid of one sheet. 
hyperboloid of one thousand sheets. 

where is some nonzero constant with its dimension being that of length. 

The metric on de Sitter space is 

Conde, South Dakota

n (Data region)

Conde is a city in Spink County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 142 at the 2020 census. CondeSouth Dakota. City

Jim Dell - CEO & President codes of his DATABASE| ALCIVIA

Jim joined the team in March (M-theory software  architecture) 

on September 11  2001 in Manhattan asks 
some Landmark farm members? - TechTarget
11th dimension: 
The 11th dimension is a characteristic of space-time that has been proposed as a possible answer to questions that arise in superstring theory. The theory of superstrings involves the existence of nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time (a total of 10 dimensions). According to this notion, we observe only three ...

Jim Dell - CEO & molecule President codes of his DATABASE| ALCIVIA

Jim joined the team in March

of 2018 as CEO and President. 
Jim grew up on a 
500 cow-calf operation (signal 500 years and the 5th state of existence) in CondeSouth Dakota 

cultivating 3,200 acres of 
row crops (linear algebra space/array / matrix)

and small grains. He attended Southwest State University in Marshall, Minnesota to obtain a degree in Ag Business. 

Jim grew up on a 
500 cow-calf operation (signal 500 years and the 5th state of existence) in CondeSouth Dakota 

Jim began his career at Harvest States and regionally owned locations of ...

c on de   de Sitter space is transferred to Cottage Grove Wisconsin ...Landmark Farm cooperative 
.... cotangent math curve used by the human arm 
.... using FermiLAB 
... human output particle physics RD 
at Batavia --->  Bathroom de Sitter space in 
Wisconsin with human arm sin waves

the metric induced from the 
ambient Minkowski metric. 

The induced metric is nondegenerate 

The Ellen DeGeneres Show (stylized as ellen; often shortened to Ellen or The Ellen Show) is an American daytime television variety comedy talk show created and hosted by its namesake Ellen DeGeneres that aired for 19 seasons from September 8, 2003 to May 26, 2022 in syndication and was produced by Telepictures.The majority of stations owned by NBC Owned Television Stations, along with Hearst ...

and has Lorentzian signature. (Note that if one replaces with in the ...

Sofia Costanza Brigida Villani Scicolone Knight Grand Cross OMRI (Italian: [soˈfiːa vilˈlaːni ʃʃikoˈloːne]; born 20 September 1934), known professionally as Sophia Loren (/ l ə ˈ r ɛ n / lə-REN, Italian: ), is an Italian actress.She was named by the American Film Institute as one of the greatest stars of Classical Hollywood cinema and as of 2023, is one of the last surviving major ..

to manage resources by capturing details of when the resource was defined, installed, and last changed

Tom M Apostol ..oscillations  military math book on 

oscillations ...

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book 

..... Computer Earth MAP of 

Symbol Machines and the real reality LAWS of Nature

land Y-address constant  --> your house and  back-yard

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

Address constant and modern social anthropology

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory ...

... Computer earth round sphere

... human bio-computers

... 4-legged animal bio-computers at Pabst farms

using 4-legged Holstein milk dairy cows and their 


the Protein Machine. 

...copper wire electricity / modern electronics 

coppers such as Hewlett Packard, etc

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one 

...humanoid named Pier one ..director of FermiLAB

his beard is the top half of a sin wave

....his sinusoidal signal EARTH LAB specimen imported from the Galapagos Islands / Peru & Ecuador region/area ..... 

the geography/geology area of Nature's communication requirements and language formats, etc

area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics and their expression cities/ objects/ devices/dress clothes .....

quipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

Thus the EARTH geology region of signal waves/ small quakes that trave thru atomic soil/rock per Nikola Tesla

inner atomic earth sphere
...Nature's ancient message paths

Inner earth quiver RF waves ...surface and are BROADCAST

via the city code name .... 
Radio Quiver  to ----> another earth site

Aside from HCJB, Radio Quito was the first signals I ever received from Ecuador. The station would reach the midwestern USA in the evening hours. On a Saturday evening in May 1985, Radio Quito was playing an enjoyable mix of cumbia and salsa music and I decided to roll tape.

HCJB, Quito, Ecuador Save perhaps for Vatican Radio, which was founded in February 1931, the earliest major religious shortwave station was 
Nature's systems HC =Hydro-Carbon molecular JOB processor --> HCJB --> ing
JB, Quito, Ecuador.

The creation of American evangelists 

theory and applications people 

..... Clarence W. Jones and Reuben E. Larson, it too began broadcasting in 1931, on Christmas Day.

An address constant can be one, two, three or four bytes long, although an adcon of less than four bytes is conventionally used to hold an expression for a small integer such as a length, a relative address, or an index value, and does not represent an address at all. 

COMPUTER EARTH land ....Address constants are defined using an assembler language "DC" statement such as 


Other computer systems have similar facilities, although different names may be used.

human bio-computer names can be rented...

in the secret, hidden economy 

or the Joe Biden secret money system of buying and selling people and/or privileges

... area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics from 

Arequipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

,,,the Apostol oscillations --> OS =

 Office of Science

area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics and their expression cities/ objects/ devices/dress clothes .....

quipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

Thus the EARTH geology region of signal waves/ small quakes that trave thru atomic soil/rock per Nikola Tesla

Piermaria Oddone

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs. In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory to study the violation of CP symmetry in the decay of B-mesons.

in other words

P= Playboy Pier Oddone

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in

 Physics Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of 

Technology gynecology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs. 

In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory 

As........... B-factory 

Asia   ......Bed-factory 

Asia         Bangkok bandwidth  sex factory 

symmetry DEMO in Bangkok THIGH land  of Thailand

to study the violation of 

CP symmetry (Chicago Pussy)

in the decay of B-

mesons (Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance).

In the late seventies and early eighties, 

Dr. O --> October time agent --> Oddone 

was a  member of the 

Martin Luther 95 thesis project of 

October 31, 1517.This event came to be considered the beginning of the 

atomic proton protein Protestant Reformation.

for year 1895 thesis /BOOK 



FermiLAB that uses the 95 theses RELGION LAW .... work from 9 to 5

 that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC)

regarding the Paul Dirac atomic COFFIN chamber as a DATABASE

. This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear physics experiments.

 He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 death of Paul Dirac..... to 1987

TPC --> Tallahassee Person Coffin .

He was appointed director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and took up office on 1 July 2005 on behalf of the EARTH government of  Right Triangles ..that owns all lumber houses and atomic iron metal  buildings3]

 with 20 + 05  = 25

Piermaria Oddone

Piermaria Oddone

Piermaria Oddone

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one 

...humanoid named Pier one ..director of FermiLAB

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a

 Peruvian-American particle physicist with interest in atomic women,,,

thus his worldwide secret communications

 network of code letters/words/concepts

of Arequipa to Quito --> to--> ancient, primordial 

 thermodynamics domain of  HOT WOMEN

that generate quivers of pleasure for the male vertical columns/atomic penis parallel  of the atomic table

 Arequipa LINK to areas of quivers

at Pattaya Thailand ..specifically

 female body quivers,

using the greater

communications bandwidth

that the
IP addresss ..of 


inventive Pier O -->Oddone

figured out that the female atomic

physics/chemistry magazine.....

Dec 13, 2021The table has seven rows
and 18 columns. Each row represents one period; the period number of an element indicates how many of its energy levels house electrons.

 18 columns.

 18 columns magazine on atomic

 pussy systems for male brain stems

and ancient Egyptian cotton

thought molecules ..cotton

 panties  that contain 

female heat & desire Energy

that is compressed /condensed 



 label: Egy cotton phase

edgy WILD WOMAN and her needs


  1. Nervous 
  2. Daring, provocative, or trend-setting.

Egy cotton phase

edgy WILD WOMAN and needs a male pointer (PT) 

Egyptian cotton bra for the
2 female chest information display


Egyptian cotton and the 


Females magazine on 18 atomic

columns -->female need from the sex


male name server penis columns

figured out that 

figured out that  ...
relabeling the female cotton panties

as cotton bandages 

(of her wounded/sore  pussy)
because of her 3 day  menstruation 

 BLOOD information FLOW
of the 
FE = FERMILAB .........

Fe = Ferrous iron-54 isotope in female

blood and the 28-day

 ne ---> Neutron --> neuron-->news

 output cycles per John von Neumann was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, engineer, bio-math and polymath
with a HUNG penis--> information systems
  • Marietta Kövesi
    (m. 1930; div. 1937)
    (m. 1938)

with a HUNG penis--> 

that studied clitoris =  information systems

and the ISIS Bedroom terrorist software

that the IP addresss ..of 


inventive Pier O --> ODDONE

figured out that 

figured out that 

figured out that  ...

the female cotton panties

as cotton bandages in the Bangkok

 region sex communications

 bandwidth  ........

with Arequipa  MASTER CONTROL 

of Pattaya  and its 

practical MODEL of 

atomic pussy systems

Playboy --> processing layer

of the mathematical-physics pussy

social interaction  hierarchy

of SRiniVasa RamanuJan January 1997

 Jamie Fe = FermiLAB RD
--> Ferrell from

 the numeric ERIC FROMM regions 

of Indiana nano-second pussy

 data processing(DP) speed

Piermaria Oddone

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one 

...humanoid named Pier one ..director of FermiLAB

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a

 Peruvian-American particle physicist with interest in atomic women,,,

thus his worldwide secret communications

 network of code letters/words/concepts

of Arequipa to Quito --> to--> ancient, primordial 

 thermodynamics domain of  HOT WOMEN

that generate quivers of pleasure for the male vertical columns/atomic penis parallel  of the atomic table

 Arequipa LINK to areas of quivers

at Pattaya Thailand ..specifically

 female body quivers,

using the greater 

communications bandwidth

that the 
IP addresss ..of 

area   Arequipa interface Pattaya.....

using ATT atomic mass technology on



 Telphone & Telegraph Company


 and formats are adapted by EARTH

 language and its language expression 

 systems that may use female 

information .... bio-social-mechanics  

display vehicles) 

THUS Pattaya BEACH is 60 miles south

 of the bandwidth of Bangkok

with c = 186000 electro-magnetic (EM)

used for Emotions (EM) 

...that is the equation

C = 180,000 speed plus

...........6,000 traveling PHOTON data

 set LIFE FORMS city (Sherlock Holmes

 is alive and well as SYMBOL LIFE)

 ...thus the traveling SYMBOL city within

 the velocity of light

c = 186,000

Thus Pier Oddone who is married

...has the 
EARTH LAB label of husband

thus his role as husband atomic


 MASTER  DIRECTOR which includes

his primordial Galapagos/Peru

... Arequipa --> pattaya (his access to

Take care when using patta,YA 
Y-type address constants and 2 byte 
A-type address constants for relocatable addresses, 

as they can only address a maximum of 65,536 bytes of storage...with 2 history components
per Pier Oddone and his father as a husband  
(a bandwidth banker  in neuro-science bandwidths ..brain waves of the Spanish and Italian languages ...... and the inverted Spanish language question mark). 

as they can only address a maximum of 65,536 bytes of storage...with 2 history components

Maximilian I (22 March 1459 - 12 January 1519) was King of the Romans from 1486 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1508 until his death in 1519. He was never crowned by the Pope, as the journey to Rome was blocked by the Venetians. He proclaimed himself elected emperor in 1508 (Pope Julius II later recognized this) at Trent, thus breaking the long tradition of requiring a papal coronation for the ..

as they can only address a maximum of 65,536 bytes of storage...with 2 history components

Egyptian code of silence.....
of atomic DATABASES with atomic bandages .....output bandwidth of ancient THOUGHTS

implanted into the viewing human audience ..

that absorb the ancient  Nile River (data stream)
...DEATH data  sets with their instructions and data
to Niles/Chicago Illinois(E) data field site ..

Field Museum base.... basement --> Sun-Earth mental system and its government of existence ...over algebra subset --> HUMAN governments

to Niles/Chicago Illinois(E) data field site ..

Field Museum base.... basement --> Sun-Earth mental system and its government of existence ...over algebra subset --> HUMAN governments

thus the update to the SUN-EARTH
hierarchy .....

in the Solar System .... 

natural sunlight (EM field) carrier waves  

... carrying PHOTON.... THOUGHT  data sets.......

the golden sunlight......

Bandwidth communications expression region 

---> thus the Bangkok --> 

Golden Buddha displays to 
connect to the PACIFIC OCEAN
Peru INCA sun god.. 

Arequipa agent Oddone ......
secret routing alphabet codes

PACIFIC OCEAN ...Oddone travel path of 2 stages
IPa --> Indonesia ..... east Indies/Pacific Ocean  

Pacific Ocean communications bridge
The total straight line flight distance from Jakarta, Indonesia to Arequipa, Peru is 10,875 miles. This is equivalent to 17 501 kilometers or 9,450 nautical miles...

Distance  Jakarta, Indonesia from

 Arequipa Periodic table universe

of Mr. DONE   secret alias of





FermiLAB male Group of GODS

under the leadership of 

GOD particle  ODDONE 

The total straight line flight distance from Jakarta, Indonesia to Arequipa, Peru is 10,875 miles. This is equivalent to 17 501 kilometers or 9,450 nautical miles...

Using these types of address constants for relocatable addresses results in message

for the gravity field 6.6 .....Computer EARTH

and gravity field HOST platform

Route 66 ASMA066W being issued unless the assembler option RA2 is specified.

thus the routing codes

Arequipa ->pattaya --> Bandwidth of gos

 Bnagkojk and Pattya

Piermaria Oddone

P                 Oddone

Playboy     Oddone explains

his beard is the top half of a sin wave

....his sinusoidal signal

his beard is the top half of a sin wave

....his sinusoidal signal -->

  1. Soi Cowboy is a lively nightlife spot in Bangkok, stretching for almost 500 feet and filled with colorful go-go bars on one side and bustling nightclubs on the other. The neon lights illuminate the street, creating a vibrant atmosphere that is particularly lively on the weekends. Some of the popular spots to check out include Tilac, where a ...

Soi Cowboy is clearly an interesting place to visit and is an easy introduction to 
Bangkok's celebrated 

night time scene created by. 

Dr. Oddone was a member of the team

 that developed the first

 Time Projection 
 Chamber (TPC). 

This technology was subsequently used for many female party particles and nuclear party physics experiments. 

 Time Projection  Chamber (TPC). 

Pier Oddone team explains

Pier Oddone t    m  switch

Pier Oddone m  t  

Pier Oddone meat explains

FermiLAB parallel Females

and their thoughts on

.... short TIME and long TIME

What is Long Time in Thailand - Bar Fine Guides for Batavia/Chicago gonads

Feb 9, 2023
Long Time can really mean anything that is not Short Time.

 For example, if you want to have a female companion for a few days you can still use the term Long Time and tell her how many days you want her to hang out with you. ... Freelancers are a bit more expensive in the tourist areas like 
Bangkok's Sukhumvit Road.
Bandwidth to
Ba --> Batavia language

 Expect the long time price ...

Ba --> Batavia language
Ba --> Batavia language mirror
Ba --> Batavia langauge 

In physics and bio-physics, a gauge theory is a type of field theory in which the Lagrangian (and hence the dynamics of the system itself) does not change (is invariant) under local transformations according to certain smooth families of operations ( Lie groups ). The term gauge refers to any specific mathematical formalism to regulate redundant degrees of ...

  1. All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go - Tripadvisor
  2.  sinusoidal signal -->
  3.  sinusoidal life forms at -->
  4.  Soi Cowboy opens daily and the action there usually starts at around 7pm. The selection of venues at Soi Cowboy is really good as you can find more than 20 go-go bars and more than 10 beer bars there.
  1.  sinusoidal signal -->
  2.  sinusoidal life forms ......
  3. brain waves-->

  1. Soi Cowboy (Thai: ซอยคาวบอย, RTGS: Soi Khaoboi, pronounced [sɔ̄ːj kʰāːw.bɔ̄ːj]) is a short (150 meter long) street in Bangkok, Thailand, with some 40, mostly go-go bars.It caters mainly to tourists and expatriates. Soi Cowboy contains one of the three largest groups of foreign-oriented bars in Bangkok, the other two being Patpong and Soi Nana Tai.
  1.  sinusoidal signal -->
  2.  sinusoidal life forms ......
  3. brain waves--> KH
Soi Khaoboi and standing vertical in

 Z-axis generates a KHZ signal, 

pronounced [sɔ̄ːj kʰāːw.bɔ̄ːj]) is a short (150 meter long) street in Bangkok, Thailand

1 day ago

Test your male testicle station equipment 
Bangkok ..EARTH region codes of 

H G WELLS   Mr,GRIFFIN  bandages 
of year 1897 Village of IP...

Orson Wells 1938 radio / bio-radio/geo-radio show

Bangkok ..EARTH region 

bang/ screw/ sex inter-course with 

Bangkok atomic pussy to generate

bandwidth ham radio meters at location with

Godfrey frequency Harold Hardy

 is a short (150 meter long) street in Bangkok,

Shortwave Frequency List:

 International Shortwave Radio Frequencies to Monitor

Shortwave  interface humanoid › authors › charlie-shortino
He has been forecasting the weather on television since 1990, and has been NBC15's morning meteorologist since 1994.He became Chief Meteorologist at 
NBC15 in ... › ... › News personality › Charlie Shortino NBC15
Charlie Shortino NBC15. 12388 likes · 396 talking about this. The Official Facebook Fanpage of NBC15 Chief Meteorologist Charlie Shortino.

 Nashville, Tennessee to broadcast here. 90 meters

Tropical Band: used mainly by stations in the tropics. 75 meters

May 24, 2022
Here's some information about Ham radio bands
and control of husband Genral Carter Ham
and the rigged Fort Hood Trial  of Nidal Hasan

Ham Radio Bands and defective husbands attackshort children who wave their arms good-bye after visting friends (aged 6–13), killing five,  at the Amish School 
Burt Lancaster molecule movie shooting by
Lancaster vPA › The Amish
The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City. Nickel Mines is just a crossroads within ...

Here's some information about Ham radio bands (and shortwave bands). The span of frequencies which are used for shortwave broadcasts and for Ham radio are split into 'bands'. 

They're sometimes referred to as 'meter bands', as in the 40 meter band, 
the 31 meter band, 
the 20 meter band, and so on…. The following is a list of the ...

Soi Cowboy (Thai: ซอยคาวบอย, RTGS: Soi Khaoboi, pronounced [sɔ̄ːj kʰāːw.bɔ̄ːj]) is a short (150 meter long) street in Bangkok, Thailand, with some 40

in other words..secret code words

Soi Cowboy (Thai: ซอยคาวบอย, RTGS: Soi Khaoboi, pronounced [sɔ̄ːj kʰāːw.bɔ̄ːj]) is a short (150 meter long) street in Bangkok, Thailand, with some 40,

They're sometimes referred to as 'meter bands', as in the 40 meter band, 
the 31 meter band, 
the 20 meter band, and so on…. The following is a list of the

and test equipment from DX Engineering! We've got everything you need, including SWR/wattmeters and dummy loads from industry leaders like Diamond and MFJ. Our selection includes oil-filled, fan-cooled, and air-cooled dummy loads to safely handle transmitter power as well as accurate, easy-to ...

.COMPUTER EARTH and the Equator battle  

with Quito, Ecuador  and Arequipa Peru ,

....... quiver / sin wave continuum 

....... earth surface  communications failure

...failure to acknowledge year 1826


Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic 26 proton

Fe = Federal government with 


Quiver Quincy numerical control

cybernetics .......... 

IBM ... Atomic direct access 

method systems  (ADAMS)


 ...... COMPUTER EARTH  ancient IP address of Iphigenia of Greece...

In Greek mythology, Iphigenia (/ ɪ f ɪ dʒ ɪ ˈ n aɪ. ə /; Ancient Greek: Ἰφιγένεια, Iphigéneia, [iːpʰiɡéneː.a]) was a daughter of King Agamemnon and Queen Clytemnestra, and thus a princess of Mycenae.. In the story, Agamemnon offends the goddess Artemis on his way to the Trojan War


the citizenship / Federal government INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) treason /the nonsense approval of  the 

ipa control of atomic family communications of LIMA PERU..errors, 

Iquitos ---> IQ test on quivers and oscillations

Commencing in 1730 mirror permutation IBM system 370.
, the Jesuits took 37 years to found the 

Iquitos missions along the Marañon River, close to the mouth of the Napo and Amazon rivers. 

These were collectively known as 
human Mosquitos language

osquitos language

osquitos language

Iquitos Missions, since all these settlements were mainly populated chiefly by the Iquitos natives of the region. The naming and foundation of all the Iquitos Missions were done by Jesuit Father José Bahamonde and successor 

FermiLAB office of science batavia 

The Jesuit Father was born within the EARTH language atMospshere  in surface area Quito

atMospshere  in surface area Quito
atMospshere  Quito
as   Mos Quito humanoid

the HG Wells 1897 

Village of Iping(internet blog pings),

The Invisible Man and 

The In   visible Man -->

indirectly visible manuscript/computer program

A mysterious man, Griffin, 

A mysterious man, Griffin, 

A my  ster  --> 
Animal  myoglobin proteins .......beef steer animal hide for leather shoes --> order entry systems ....., Griffin, 

codes --> Nobel prize Hideki Yukawa existence of physics

Code wax --> Waxahachie, Texas
With design Pier Oddone

referred to as 'the stranger', 

Princeton University Murder/cover-up of the Fermat'a LAST Theorem war casualty of Marilyn Reese Sheppard[edit]

On the Iron-54 isotope night of Nigel Lockyer

and Satyendra dracula Nath Bose ---> Saturday, July 3, 1954, Sheppard and Marilyn were entertaining neighbors at their lakefront home (demolished in 1993). While they were watching 

the molecule  movie Strange Holiday, Sheppard fell asleep on the daybed in the living room. Marilyn walked the neighbors out.

referred to as 'the stranger', 

Robert Strange Name McNamara was an American business executive and the eighth United States Secretary of Defense, serving from 1961 to 1968 under Presidents .

President of the World Bandwidth money/Bank Group

arrives at the local inn owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hall 

of the English village of Iping, West Sussex, 

atomic iron metal 26 proton and its 26 atomic alphabet INTERNET trace ......
iron metal automobile car doors make a ping SOUND upon closing

during a snowstorm. The stranger wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages except for a prosthetic nose, 
and he wears a wide-brimmed hat.

Nature › news
Jul 30, 2008 ... The director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, talks to Eric Hand about the Oddone hand holding  a hat
the uncertain future of party particles  

talks to Eric Hand (unkown life form)
talks to Eric Hand 
talks to Eric Hand  about the Pier Oddone ODDS › how-to-play › hand-rankings
Know your BS poker hand order says 
numeric hand· 

Royal flush (1964 World's Fair in Flushing)·
Straight flush ·
Four of a kind ·
Full house (of people)·
Flush (flushing a toilet
Straight · 
Three of a kind (Codon bio-chemistry)
· Two pairs.

Mathematical analysis CODE book 

... area of  quiver quantum wave

 mechanics from 

Arequipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book 

..... Computer Earth MAP of 

Symbol Machines and the real reality LAWS of Nature

land Y-address constant  --> your house and  back-yard

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

Address constant and modern social anthropology

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory ...

... Computer earth round sphere

... human bio-computers

... 4-legged animal bio-computers at Pabst farms

using 4-legged Holstein milk dairy cows and their 


the Protein Machine. 

...copper wire electricity / modern electronics 

coppers such as Hewlett Packard, etc

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one 

...humanoid named Pier one ..director of FermiLAB EARTH LAB specimen imported from the Galapagos Islands / Peru & Ecuador region/area ..... 

the geography/geology area of Nature's communication requirements and language formats, etc

area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics and their expression cities/ objects/ devices/dress clothes .....

quipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

Thus the EARTH geology region of signal waves/ small quakes that trave thru atomic soil/rock per Nikola Tesla

inner atomic earth sphere
...Nature's ancient message paths

Inner earth quiver RF waves ...surface and are BROADCAST
via the city code name .... 
Radio Quiver  to ----> another earth site

Aside from HCJB, 
Radio Quito 
Radio Quito atMOSphere
Radio MOSQuito was the first signals I ever received from Ecuador and Salvador Dali
VIA MuhammeD ali ---> Death  alignment

The station would reach the midwestern USA in the even integer of evening hours. 

even integer of evening hours.
even integer of evening hours --> ghost tours.

On a Saturday evening in May 1985, Radio Quito was playing an enjoyable mix of cumbia and salsa music and I decided to roll tape.

HCJB, Quito, Ecuador Save perhaps for Vatican Radio, which was founded in February 1931, the earliest major religious shortwave station was 
Nature's systems HC =Hydro-Carbon molecular JOB processor --> HCJB --> ing
JB, Quito, Ecuador.

The creation of American evangelists 

theory and applications people 

..... Clarence W. Jones and Reuben E. Larson, it too began broadcasting in 1931, on Christmas Day.

An address constant can be one, two, three or four bytes long, although an adcon of less than four bytes is conventionally used to hold an expression for a small integer such as a length, a relative address, or an index value, and does not represent an address at all. 

Arequipa --> India Pakistan Asia

In other words

Computer Earth

 Planet Earth geography surface 

..India Asia --> the year 1947

partition of India/Pakistan (IP) into a 

West Pakistan Address space (WPA)

East Pakistan Address space (EPA)

and parallel

West Pakistan Address space (WPA)

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by 
President Franklin algebra  roots Roosevelt 
in 1935

East Pakistan Address space (EPA)
3 days ago
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), agency of the U.S. government that sets and enforces national pregnancy pollution-control standards.

and the EARTH sphere......
 inner   diameter DATABASE

Program Communication Block (PCB): 

Generally the user does not operate directly at the physical data base level but rather on an External View of the data. 

A particular INTERNAL earth user ...........
external view consists of a 

collection of geological levels .......Logical databases

where each logical data base is a subset of corresponding atomic stone/rock........physical database
and the EARTH atomic iron 
center core

The Upanishads deal with ritual observance and the individual's place in the universe and, in doing so, develop the fundamental concepts of the Supreme Over Soul known as Brahman (who both created and is the universe) and that of the Atman, the individual's higher self, whose goal in life is union with Brahman.These works defined, and continue to define, the essential tenets of Hinduism but 

The Upanishads

With the last component of the Vedas, the philosophically oriented and esoteric texts known as the Upanishads (traditionally “sitting near a teacher” but originally understood as “connection” or “equivalence”), Vedic ritualism and the doctrine of the interconnectedness of separate phenomena were superseded by a new emphasis on knowledge alone—primarily knowledge of the ultimate identity of all phenomena, which merely appeared to be separate. 

 of the Vedas  
 V-section earth data sets--> Vedic 

A particular INTERNAL earth user ...........
external view consists of a 

collection of geological levels .......Logical databases

where each logical data base is a subset of corresponding atomic stone/rock........physical database
and the EARTH atomic iron 
center core

In other words

Program Communication Block (PCB) TRIAL: 

A particular INTERNAL earth user ...........
external view consists of 
Wave region of Waukegan illinois earth

"Waukegan Harbor was designated an Area of Concern primarily due to of PCB contamination from Outboard Marine Corporation," Hedman said. 
Cameron Davis, who helped form the Waukegan Harbor..

What is PCB in mainframe?

The first macro statement is the Program
Communication Block (PCB) that describes the
database Type, Name, Key-Length, and Processing
Option. DBDNAME parameter on the PCB macro specifies the name of the DBD. KEYLEN specifies the length of the longest concatenated key. The program can process in the database.

These diagrams show the interrelationships between major control blocks in an IMS environment.
Missing: phd ‎| 

PCB contamination from Outboard
PCB contamination from Outboard
PCB contamination from Output of the school board

EPA (East Pakistan Asia)


"Computer World magazine's Largest PCB Message from 


--> output process identifier -->  Outboard

Thus  East Pakistan Asia  underground/inner EARTH software programs surface as 

at EARTH land identifier WORD 

-----> OUTBOARD MARINE --> code pointer  to -->

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Crust / Rim earth language intercepted by

Samuel Taylor Coleridge--> earth ridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge--> mid-ocean  ridges interceptor

George  Orwell 
BOOK 1984 Oceania --> mid-ocean  ridges

 language   interceptor

Thus  East Pakistan Asia  underground/inner EARTH software programs surface as OUTPUT

at EARTH land identifier WORD 

-----> OUTBOARD MARINE --> code pointer  to -->

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Crust / Rim earth language intercepted by

Samuel Taylor Coleridge--> earth ridge


The mariner's tale begins with his ship departing Waukegan / Great Lakes Naval Base on its journey. 

Despite initial good fortune, the ship is driven south by a storm and eventually reaches the icy waters of the Antarctic.

 An albatross appears and leads the ship out of the ice jam where it is stuck, but even as the albatross is fed and praised by the ship's crew, the mariner shoots the bird:

[...] With my cross-bow
I shot the Albatross.[3]

— lines 81–82

- National Geographic Society

Jul 15, 2022Crust " describes the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet. 

Our planet 's thin, 40-kilometer (25-mile) deep crust —just 1% of Earth 's mass—contains all known life in the universe. 
Earth has three layers: 

WPA (West Pakistan Asia in year 1935 appears as the Work Progress Administration in North American)

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by 

President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, during the bleakest days of the Great algebra/math Depression .

President Franklin Roosevelt 

P............ F      Roosevelt 

Polynomial Function  Roots     seven less than   8

Thus f(X) = 0 ...roots 2 --> quadratic equation

Thus f(X) = 0 ...roots 3

Thus f(X) = 0 ...roots 4

Thus f(X) = 0 ...roots 5

Thus f(X) = 0 ...roots 6

Thus f(X) = 0 ...roots seven ..the seven Bridges of

nigisberg of Nigel Lockyer and FermiLAB

11th dimension: The 11th dimension is a characteristic of space-time that has been proposed as a possible answer to questions that arise in superstring theory.

 superstring theory.
 superstring theory.
 superstring theory & applications on existence.

May 6, 20227-Eleven: stores worldwide in 2020, by country. 
As of Systems Region --->SRiniVASA
RamanuJan January 2020, there were over 70,200 7-Eleven convenience M-theory application stores in operation around the world.

 20,988 of these stores were located in the Nigel Lockyer region of  Japan ...

 The theory of superstrings involves the existence of nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time (a total of 10 dimensions). According to this notion, we observe only three ...

Decimal Number 7 and capital letter Z


Seven(7) Bridges of Königsberg

SYMBOL  Au --> 

Gold has 79 electrons per atom
and per TV show › wiki › Seven_of_Nine
Seven of Nine (born Annika Hansen) is 

a  atomic GOLD code -->character 

introduced in the American 

science friction television series 

Star Trek: Voyager. › pulse › friction-vs-conflict-robert-epperly-mba
Feb 16, 2020 ... Friction is about rubbing up against the surface of something else and it's not meant to be malicious. While conflict is a disagreement ...

 u. a ... › Science › Physics › Electric charge
Identify the given information in the problem: Gold has 79 electrons per atom and an atomic mass of 197 u. Part(a). The number of moles of the particles in ...

The atomic element gold Au --> August harvest of golden oats/wheat grain for food ----> and for the atomic  gold metal metal band.......communications bandwidth 

of wedding ring bands as BRIDGES

per Bridgeport neighborhood home  of Chicago  Mayor 

Richard Daley SR --> SRiniVASA 

RamanuJan to Mayor Jane Byrne

The Seven Bridges of Königsberg is a historically notable problem in mathematics. Its negative resolution by Leonhard Euler in 1736[1] laid the foundations of graph theory and prefigured the idea of topology.[2]

The city of Königsberg in Prussia (now KaliningradRussia) was set on both sides of the Pregel River, and included two large islands—Kneiphof and Lomse—which were connected to each other, and to the two mainland portions of the city, by seven bridges. The problem was to devise a walk through the city that would cross each of those bridges once and only once.

By way of specifying the logical task unambiguously, solutions involving either

  1. reaching an island or mainland bank other than via one of the bridges, or
  2. accessing any bridge without crossing to its other end

are explicitly unacceptable.

Euler proved that the problem has no solution. The difficulty he faced was the development of a suitable technique of analysis, and of subsequent tests that established this assertion with mathematical rigor.

Euler's analysis[edit]

Euler first pointed out that the choice of route inside each land mass is irrelevant. The only important feature of a route is the sequence of bridges crossed. This allowed him to reformulate the problem in abstract terms (laying the foundations of graph theory), eliminating all features except the list of land masses and the bridges connecting them. In modern terms, one replaces each land mass with an abstract "vertex" or node, and each bridge with an abstract connection, an "edge", which only serves to record which pair of vertices (land masses) is connected by that bridge. The resulting mathematical structure is a graph.

in other words

Euler's analysis of college dormitory sisters

The city of love & sex of Königsberg in Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia) was set on both sides of the Pregel River, and included two large horizontal BIOLOGY islands

in BED that rocks with sex activity —Mr.Kneiphof and Miss Lomse

with Euler..... Earth underground language

atomic geology limestone BEDROCK

..message layer


EPA attack at Waukegan 
 Illinois OUTPUT region for the Rime of the Ancient Mariner software of UNCLE SAM ...Samuel Taylor Coleridge (East Pakistan Asia subroutine programs control the Environmental Protection Rackets Agency), 

Rwanda killing program IMPLANTED into Jeremy Wand per Argonne National Labs ERRORS at 

Argyle ..... the rigged information  COMPUTER   I/O

 port TRIAL  at I/O port of Portage County 

Wisconsin earth..... 

THOUGHT of ATOMIC MASS social policy packages of 

THOMAS Robert Malthus carried by sin carrier waves to the

I/O Port of the Sin/quiver/oscillations WAVE MECHANICS continuum, 

 Jeremy Wand | Wisconsin Mother-in-Law Journal - WI basketball/football LEG manipluation Legal News & › home › jeremy wand

Jurors will come from Portage County for the trial of an Argyle man charged with helping his brother kill three of his young children in a house fire. Read More » ... Two southwestern Wisconsin brothers accused in a fire that killed three children will be tried separately

Khmer Rouge radio commands in Baton Rouge 

.......... software programs of destroy society

code words.....

 grateful to Professors Paul      R=region of names /proper nouns with an   atomic human biology body  .......
their body/brain establishes contact with Nature's 
ancient language 

atomic messenger ....quantum SOCIAL / political science & religion mechanics

Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul --> walking ..... legs/body weight entry /data injection into the EARTH geography land as a COMPUTER DATABASE  .....

........generates a math sequence/series ai

Saint Paul,[8] was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world.[9] Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age,[8][10] he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD.[11]

in modern terms year 2023

 ... century start year 1900 AD

and mid-40s to the mid-50s AD

year 1945 thru 1955/1956 .....AD ---> human HEAD thought extensions .......... serious ADDITIONS

per Zinser family

in modern terms year 2023

one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age

one of the most important 

figures (FermiLAB  DEMO of probability = 1 = one)

one of the most important 

figures (FermiLAB  DEMO of probability = 1 = one)

Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab Named Fermilab Director of Fermi-Dirac statistics range from 0 to 1 - News

Fermi-Dirac statistics | physics | Britannica

Fermi-Dirac statistics, in quantum mechanics, one of two possible ways in which a system of indistinguishable particles can be distributed among a set of energy states: each of the available discrete states can be occupied by only one particle. This exclusiveness accounts for the electron structure of atoms, in which electrons remain in separate states rather than collapsing into a common ...

Pier Oddone will be a worthy successor." 
Pier Oddone will be a worthy highway of info

Pier Oddone will be a worthy successor." 

spokesperson for the 
F W Woolworth vertical building and the horizontal retail  store chain DATABASE

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham 
recently honored Withere ll ...return codes

Herbert Spencer   parallel agent failures creates

 .... September 11, 2001 

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham 
recently honored Witherell with the 

Secretary's Gold Award " 

for outstanding leadership combining excellence in 
human BEDROOM atomic breeding science with excellence in pregnancy &safety of fetus menatality"

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...