Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Book1645-002 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS .. the year 2023 Nikola Tesla quake / vibration signals platform & Croatia-Serbia extension Quaker Oats ......EARTH quiver / 1 square inch Battle of Inchon VS FermiLAB quivers of Arequipa Oddone



Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES ...... translated by Herb Zinser

Mathematical EVENTS .. the year 2023 Nikola Tesla quake / vibration signals platform  & Croatia-Serbia extension  Quaker Oats ......EARTH quiver / 1 square inch  Battle of Inchon VS 

FermiLAB  quivers of Arequipa Oddone

Atomic EARTH land surface 

Tom M Apostol --> human oscillations  activity  map of the

 Arequipa PERU and quito Ecuador ....

quiver vibration/ sin wave  region 

...... the 

Nikola Tesla EARTH MODEL of 

Nature's  underground atomic mineral/ stone/ rock...

and their data pipelines ...

 as quantum (DATA) tunnels


as Nikola Tesla's MODEL of wireless 

(without using copper metal wires) 

...but using the  living language of atomic minerals / 

sand, marble, granite,  or the quartz stone ....

their atomic  electron orbitals (data & instruction bits)

,,data & instructions transferred to another 

message region .....

thus the VARIOUS names & codes 

quiver vibrations, sin waves. alternating cycles, up/down

east/west. north/south   ........

the oscillations and quantum wave mechanics 

WORLD systems

  Tom M Apostol secret life ..... LINKS to

ATOM math life form MAIN post office

Tom M Apostol secret life ..... LINKS to

Godfrey Hardy ....

While at the Cambridge England Europe ....

SYMBOL LIFE communications bridge university, 

Godfrey frequency cybernetics Hardware platform ...

Hardy a math life derivative  of function F(y) of 

Fyodor Dostoevsky,.........

Godfrey frequency Hardware Hardy

 joined the 

Cambridge Apostles, an elite, intellectual secret society


San Quentin frequency/wavelength  prison 

and the 

California math & science prisons such as 

CALTECH(O)  prison

Tom Apostol --> sequence number 01

Tom M Apostol 

Tom M Apostol --> Tolstoy 

South Dakota --> Database


Emma Trefz

Emma(p) Trefz 

--> f(z) complex math functions

of Z = a +bi ...

of EARTH geography solid land .....mathematical-physics thoughts ..

SYMBOL LIFE  surface

Jul 13, 2022The zeros of the EARTH land function are . We could write the function fully factored as . When factoring a polynomial like we did at the end of the last example,

F(z) = 0 ... math geography map shows 2 zeroes/
2 zero shapes --> 0

Lake George shown as a math 0

Lake Okeechobee as a  math 0 ....

..feedback ech(o) sent to


Georgia Tech(O) --> 
EARTH underground geology ...
atomic  limestone message systems
 to Georgia Europe string theory &application and Czechoslovkia Europe

Georgia (Georgianსაქართველოromanized: sakartveloIPA: [sɑkʰɑrtʰvɛlɔ] (listen)) is a transcontinental country at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia

 BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons
of Yugoslavia ..... Adriatic sea LINK to
the IBM modern city of IS --> Istanbul ......
known in old EARTH Language as 

Constantinople / Istanbul Bosporus

Thus ancient COMPUTER EARTH 
BOS system codes

Bosnia address space to Bosporus

Constantinople (see other names) became the capital of the Roman Empire upon its founding in 330. Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the late 5th century, Constantinople remained the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (also known as the Byzantine Empire; 330-1204 and 1261-1453), the Latin Empire (1204-1261), and the Ottoman Empire (1453-1922).


Types of address constants[edit]

A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address, however it is possible to specify the length of the constant. For example, AL1(stuff) defines a one-byte adcon, useful mainly for small constants with relocatable values. Other adcon types can similarly have length specification.

V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 

Yugoslavia .......'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

It is part of the Caucasus region, 

It is part of the Caucasus region, 

bounded by the Black Sea to the west, 

country covers an area of 69,700 square kilometres (26,900 sq mi), and
has population of an  
IBM system 370 bio-computer group ......
a Carl Jung collective of 3.7 million people
aligned to the IBM system 370 and


has population of an  
IBM system 370 bio-computer group ...

  1. HASP was developed by IBM Fe = Ferrous oxide atom/iron of the inner EARTH center core
    and the outer EARTH geography surface iron metal 
  2. BRIDGES and OFFICE buildings

  1. Iron-BeaM --> I-BeaM shape --> (IBM) atom symbol Fe --> IBM Federal Systems Division using IBM 
  2. interface people with atomic iron blood languages

  4. HASP was developed by IBM Federal Systems Division
  5. HASP was developed by IBM Federal Systems Division contractors at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston

  6. The developers were Tom Simpson and Bob Crabtree.
  7. The developers were Tom Simpson
  8. The developers were Tom Simpson bio-electron
  9. The developers were ATom Sim electron sim card in humanoid format

  1.  HASP was a program that ran on a mainframe, and performed functions such as: 
  2. scheduling ,
    control of job flow,
    spooling and

in other words

  1.  HASP was a program that ran on a mainframe, and performed functions such as: 
  2. scheduling (DEATH) ,
    control of job flow,
    spooling (s pool --> swimming pool in San Diego)

Police have identified Peter Selis as the gunman who opened fire at the La Jolla Crossroads apartments Sunday evening. Video showed Selis sitting in a patio chair and...

  1. and
    printing/punching with gun bullets

in other words

  1.  HASP was a program that ran on a mainframe, and performed functions such as: 
  2. scheduling (Television and radio),
    control of BS and nonsense job flow,
    spooling and

  1. What is a JES?
  2. What is a JESUS?
  3. What is a JESSE  Dimmck doing in jail for 
  4. FermiLAB approval of 
  5. Federal BEDROOM breeder reactor errors?

Jesse Dimmick,
Jesse Dimmick,
The couple sued for $75,000 in emotional distress for the breaking and entering. He countersued for $235,000 for violating a "contract" in which they would protect him. ... 

The Feynman  electromagnetic coupling constant 137

process /method   equation
of the inner EARTH sector

Joules agent 
 Jules V-section Verne 
or IBM 8100 DPCX disk data sector

process /method   equation

of the inner EARTH core ..
atomic ferrous/iron-54 mass
with 26 electrons

..the EARTH center core as Nature's atomic factory that uses 
Iron-26 atomic number to build 

NICKEL   atomic number 28/mass 58

Copper atomic number 29 / atomic mass 63 

that are sent up to the earth geography surface
and make an 
copper metal/ copper electric wire appearance 

of Morenci Arizona copper mine, 
of BisbeeArizona copper mine, 


AND the
and book

Virginia Tech(O)

Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle www.excludedmiddle.com/earthquake.htm In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... 

vibration sent through the earth  returns an "echo signature" using the same ... The Virginia TECH echo --> echo --> e + cho --> english cho


 echo --> echo-location
 echo --> echo-location --> geography BAT location at FermiLAB at 
Batavia Chicago .....

Peruvian BAT .....molecular    HIERARCHICAL   language
WORDS and THOUGHTs .........
..routing parameters from Arequipa

PeruviaBAT --> Via --> Batavia

  HIERARCHICAL --> Chicago 

 echo --> echo-location
secrets of the BAT region / the inverse world of Batavia/ Chicago .....
with director Nigel Lockyear

Untapped New York › the-world-behind-alice-in-wonderland-in-oxford
Dec 4, 2012 ... In 1851, young Charles Lutwidge Dodgeson (aka Lewis Carroll) came to ... stepping into Alice's enchanted upside down world of Wonderland.

the inverse world of Batavia/ Chicago

with director Nigel Lockyear

the inverse world of the Spanish language question mark at Batavia/ Chicago .....
with Spanish speaking   Pier Oddone

? Maria habla espanol?

? Maria DATABASE habla espanol?

 President Lech(o) Kaczyński, his earth magnetic field 
...interaction with Ferrous/blood iron atoms of wife Maria Kaczyńska 

? Maria 

atomic bio-computer 

(is turned upside down in the deliberate air plane crash ... 
her murder and the killing 
95 other OLD generation values & ethics
............ by Polish children and 
grand-children filled with  a new BS nonsense ideas .....database
gotten from children art school bragging ERRORS and 
school & TV  arrogance)

? Maria Kaczyńska 
DATABASE habla espanol?

The Stephen Hawking 
,.,,wheel chair shape  ,,,,,,,
as a inverted question mark shape

--> f(z) complex math functions

of Z = a +bi ...

of EARTH geography solid land .....mathematical-physics thoughts ..

SYMBOL LIFE  surface

Jul 13, 2022The zeros of the EARTH land function are . We could write the function fully factored as . When factoring a polynomial like we did at the end of the last example,

F(z) = 0 ... math geography map shows 2 zeroes/
2 zero shapes --> 0

Lake George shown as a math 0

Lake Okeechobee as a  math 0 ....

..feedback ech(o) sent to


Georgia Tech(O) --> 
EARTH underground geology ...
atomic  limestone message systems
 to Georgia Europe string theory &application and Czechoslovkia Europe

the math & science prisons .....

such as the city of the Past -->Pas --> Pasadena 

........ CALTECH(O) of  the 

Federal government 

BAT RD experimental site at

  Batavia Illinois earth at FermiLAB

...required  the import from the 

EARTH language area of requirements of 

bat sonar quiver waves .....
muscle quivers/ etc  .... 

Arequipa Peru .......

We found that Peruvian long-nosed bats were not very abundant around Arequipa, 
discovering only seven colony sites, which contained a total of
less than 100 bats
less than 100 bats.
less than 100 bats.

less than 100 
less than 100 bats.
less than 100 bats.
less than 100 bats whose bio-molecular-software 

(as a source domain)  can be mathematically mapped.
into a destination range
 (and fit into humanoid SYMBOL LIFE of blood)

Thus the
 Arequipa,  less than

the  100 bats 
molecular software programs < (less than) 

are condensed and fit  into the large b100d containers of Pier Oddone  ...
thus B100D cells ...as atomic  biology data storage 
... his B100D units can hold 
approximately 100 bat programs  ... 

the 90 bats, 92 bats, 95 bats, 99 bats of the
Galapagaos Island extended area of 
THOUGHT evolution 
...... Area of Arequipa  ...... quiver IP address
Bat molecular 
Language MACHINE and its 
language proper noun......
Proper Universe in PerU ......
ethics & moral (M-orbital shell values & thoughts) 
of Philosophy bi-directional languages of .,,,,,,,
Os = Oscillations / sin wave/ quiver vibrations /
quantun wave mechanics  ..... continuum 
and its platform of expressions 

THOUGHT evolution 
...... Area of Arequipa  ...... quiver IP address
Bat molecular 
Language MACHINE
..... instinct routing parameters 

route bat agent to batavia/Chicago 

less than

the  100 bats 
molecular software programs < (less than) 

are condensed and fit  into the large b100d containers of Pier

Oddone  ...

The bats often roosted in small groups inside abandoned copper mines located in areas near 
Weberbauer cacti  .

in other words  / parallel language dimensions and existences /expression formats

The bats (humanoid ....from Peru and 
else-where )
Welcome to Home of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in by ferrous atom / iron-56 isotope in year 1956
Illinois Route 56  ...to lay a EARTH Language foundation for FermiLAB RD ....... 

often roosted
often roosted
often roosted --> mirror  ted roos --> Teddy Roosevelt --> 
algebra quadratic equation President ....
TheodorRoosevelt ..algebra Roots even (2)
f(x) = 0 ....1st root/answer  and 
f(x) = 0  ...2nd answer/root/solutions 

FermiLAB   math drinks  of 2 solutions
Ingredients 2 oz. scotch whisky 4 oz. club soda 

atomic SCOTCH Directions per
Director from Scotch heritage ......

Scotch math cotangent whisky is a type of whiskey made in Scotland. 
It is usually derived from malted barley or grains which are fermented with yeast and distilled  --> Scotland  human fermented agent is sent to  FermLAB RD site.

 Step 1 Fill a tall, narrow glass with ice. 

parallel human approximation ..... 

Step 1 Fill a tall Tallahassee Paul Dirac quantum information) , narrow human body .....
as a glass with ice (integrated circuit elements).

Macallan 1926 Fine and Rare 60 Year Old Could Fetch Over $1 Million At Upcoming Whisky Auction

buy/sell Nigel Lockyer
as Scotch whisky

 Rare 60 Year

 Rare 60 Year

 Rare 60 Year 

Rare 70 Year  old 

Nigel Lockyer / Age

70 years

November 5, 1952

Macallan 1926 Fine and 

Rare 60 Year / rare 70 year old  FermiLAB director  of

 Fermentation processes of society Could Fetch ........ 

in the Ferrous/iron atom continuum

and its dimensions of money/ accounting  activity 
using human representatives
for Nature's existence and expression

Over $1 Million At Upcoming Whis
ky Auction

Pour the scotch as a math vehicle

Scotch math cotangent government over the ice.

Step 2 Slowly add the club soda, holding the glass at...

of Scotland born Nigel Lockyer
Lockyer was born in Annan, Scotland.

with identifier ... atomic number Z

Lockyer was born in Annan, Scotland.

with identifier ...
 IBM alpha numeric / hexadecimal base 16 

oxygen atomic mass 16
a base 16 oxygen atomic computer LUNG

Lockyer was born in Annan, Scotland.

with identifier ... math array/
square matrix

Nigel Lockyer answers --->

"Don't be a square!" I have always been under the impression

Square is slang for a person who is conventional and old-fashioned, similar to a Fuddy-duddy. [1] [2] [3] This sense of the word "square" originated with the American jazz community in the 1940s, in reference to people out of touch with musical trends.

square 1. (n; adj) A person who is regarded as dull, rigidly conventional, and out of touch with current trends.

Urban Dictionary --> Margaret Mead uranium 
atomic social thought and message bandwidth 

Lockyer was born in AnnanScotland.
with identifier .... 

--> nano-second processor speed of the
COMPUTER EARTH high-level ....
over-view supervisor  processor ...
to be used

Sparingly definition, in an economical or limited way: 

the nano-second processor  ....
code nose  used human interface / nose identifier of 
Uncertainty. Urban legend. v. t. e. Michel de Nostredame (December 1503 - July 1566 [1] ), usually Latinised as Nostradamus, [a] was a French astrologer, apothecary, physician, and reputed seer, who is best known for his book Les Prophéties (published in 1555), a collection of 942 poetic quatrains [b] allegedly predicting future events.

 ..Nano-second bio-sensor agent

 ..Nano-second trap (errors & problems)

the nano-second supervisor level
the atomic micro-second processor 

amus ..amu systems

Lockyer was born in AnnanScotland.

Computer Earth ... Scotland (t1 line) 

Updated on April 10, 2020 T1 and T3 are two common types of digital data transmission systems used in telecommunications. Originally developed by AT&T in the 1960s to support telephone service, T1 lines and T3 lines later became a popular option for supporting business-class internet service. 

Lockyer was born in AnnanScotland.

Computer Earth ... Scotland (t1 line) 
Nano-second link to Thailand 

Lockyer and his access to T1 line

--> nano-second processor speed of the
and connects 
FermiLAB , Scotland to Thailand

..... thus Nature's system expression 
--> nano-second processor configuration

Nana Plaza Bangkok bandwidth LINK

Bangkok Hot Spots Located in Sukhumvit Soi 4, Nana Plaza is Bangkok's naughty central. Notorious for its racy themed go-go bars - from school-girl and leather dominatrix to ladyboy - 

it's a three storeys of eye-popping activity all focused around a square-shaped central atrium.

parallel to

square-shaped central atrium / FermiLAB.
square-shaped central atrium / Wilson Hall.

FermiLAB ..complex math LIFE forms in Bangkok --> communications bandwidth
per year 1850 + 47 frequency years of 
Ag silver 47 electrons  giving year 1897
H G Wells book on Village of IP 
(Internet Protocol) with Mr. Griffin bandages code ...Bandwidth signal processing

FermiLAB ..complex math LIFE forms in Bangkok -->

Fe = Females in Rooms/nightclubs
DEMO of  Complex Zeros and poles
In complex analysis, a pole is a certain type of singularity of a complex-valued function of a complex variable. It is the simplest type of non-removable singularity of such a function. Technically, a point z₀ is a pole of a function f if it is a zero of the function

Complex Zeros and poles -->
facial complexion, 

female math pleasure holes = 0 
as zeroes ..order entry sex

vertical dance poles

female body as bio-math curves to encourage males to study math curve equations

EARTH language area of requirements of 

bat sonar quiver waves .....
muscle quivers/ etc  .... 

Arequipa Peru .......

We found that Peruvian long-nosed bats were not very abundant around Arequipa, 
discovering only seven colony sites, which contained a total of
less than 100 batss

often roosted in small groups
Bats often roosted in small groups
Batavia Bats  often roosted in small groups

Batavia Bats  often roosted in small groups
around the Central BAT humanoid from 
the periodic atomic table of expression formats 
in Peru  --> the ODD ONE sent to 
Batavia/Chicago  ..... the St.Charles (DARWIN)
labs at FermiLAB Odditorium .....

starring IBM OS/JCL and Pier ODD Oddone
Ripley's Believe It Not Odditorium
of the 
Galapagos Islands/ Peru 
EARTH LAB specimen

Arequipa ..IP address of  the

 Odditorium sent to North America

a name synonymous with the book of world records and some of the 
stranger sides of nature . language

Full name .......and extended name

Robert Strange Name McNamara
and the Vietnamese to 
set-up and kill
over 54,000 American soldiers to become atomic coffin Name Servers
for the COMPUTER EARTH ...ancient underground atomic rock/stone/ human dead body embalment ...... IBM
Basic Assembler Language (BAL)
using Natron salts ...
 ancient atomic data processing systems
..... the BOOK of DEAD

and man , 
Jun 21, 2021
First, buff the shine off the nail polish with a nail file. 
Then take a cotton ball soaked in acetone nail polish and apply to your finger nails and wrap each nail with foil for about 15 minutes ..

takes guests on a tour of the curious world we live in.

often roosted in small groups 

often roosted in small groups in  underground tunnels (as Bat caves) at FermiLAB

PERU'S  BAT-CACTUS CONNECTION PER -> Periodic atomic tableU --> Uranium as a Symbol &Concept living language machinefor Margaret Mead , Margaret Thatcher and others
SBA - Set Buffer Address 
The Set Buffer Address command is also a very common command code in 3270 data streams. When we are sending a data stream to the 3270, it uses the concept of a buffer position to determine where to place the incoming data. This means that we do not have send 1920 characters to the 3270 each time we write out a new screen.

orders with a set buffer address (SBA) order to indicate where you want to place or change a field. To do this, you send an SBA order followed by a 2 byte Figure 1. SBA sequence The address in the figure is a "12 bit" address for position

We found that Peruvian long-nosed bats were not very abundant around Arequipa, discovering only seven colony sites, which contained a total of less than 100 bats. The bats often roosted in small groups inside abandoned copper mines located in areas near Weberbauer cacti.
inside abandoned copper mines located in areas near 
Weberbauer cacti  .

husband bandwidths of 
the bio-elctron Pier Oddone 

ide abandoned copper mines (copper wires at FermiLAB with Charles Dickens)   

Nigel Lockyer located in 
areas near 
areas near 
areasonear vs ear people

Weberbauer cacti  .

THOUGHT evolution 
...... Area of Arequipa  ...... quiver IP address
Bat molecular 
Language MACHINE
..... instinct routing parameters 

route bat agent to batavia/Chicago 

since the Galpagos/Peru ODD ONE specimen 
was going to FermiLAB/ Chicago 

Nature decided to route 
Order Clupeiformes (herrings, anchovies, and relatives), Family Engraulidae (anchovies) .anchoves 

Peruvian molecular Anchovies as as 

Periodic atomic table ...

Anchovy fillets are finely chopped and combined with fresh herbs, lemon and garlic to make a chunky sauce. It's covered in plenty of olive oil, which helps it stay fresh for days in the ...

anchovies ) COMPUTER IP escape to Chicago  



humanoid carrier/ representative

 for the orangutan codes of Indonesia

........................ Pier Oddone

Pier Oddone is an excellent 
Pier Oddone is an ex cellent 
Pier Oddone is annex cell ent 
Pier Oddone is annex cell ent 
Pier Oddone is annexation cell ent  to
Monticello Virginia projects

Monticello --> o --> odd one
Molecular cell biology

choice to be the next director of the FermiLAB
male humanoid...protein machine. 

"You are what you eat" means that the food you put in your body today impacts your health tomorrow.

choice to be the next director of the FermiLAB
male humanoid...protein machine at
 Wilson Hall building ..known as Wilson .....

His experience as a particle physicist, division head, and deputy director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has prepared him well to lead Fermilab.

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS & 

atomic limestone building MESSAGES 

from Clifford newspaper publishers 

on Wisconsin Sinclair Lewis .....Wisconsin

MAIN STREET USA in Watertown Wisconsin 

115 West Main Street Watertown Wisconsin 

EARTH data processing ....

Clifford Publishing (CPU) ,,...

Central Processing Unit(CPU)  site 

...... translated by Herb Zinser


Apostol code name 
-> Tolstoy South Dakota --> Data region

The Emma Trefz --> South Dakota (SD)
IBM sort (merge) definition 
Dakota --> Data 

Thus  the Emma(p) Trefz ... map process

Electro-Motive (EM)
Electro-Magnetic (EM) field
EMotions (EM) of her 1938 marriage to Roland Groth of Watertown 
Wisconsin sin wave region LINK  


Apostol code name 
in the oscillations continuum

Apostol code name LINK to
AP oscillations location of
Arequipa Peru and the quiver/vibrations continuum

COMPUTER EARTH and the Equator battle  

with Quito, Ecuador  and Arequipa Peru ,

....... quiver / sin wave continuum 

....... earth surface  communications failure

...failure to acknowledge year 1826


Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic 26 proton

Fe = Federal government algorithms with 

John Quincy Adams code name 


Quiver Quincy numerical control

cybernetics .......... 

IBM    Atomic direct access 

method systems  (ADAMS)

BACKWARD Link to year 1776

George Washington
Geography waves

BACKWARD Link to year 1600
William Shake/vibrate/quiver 


Apostol code name --> Alaska Purchase

the inner atomic EARTH GOVERNMENT


EARTH surface agreements

through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate.

The Alaska Purchase (Russian: Продажа Аляски, romanized: Prodazha Alyaski, lit. 'Sale of Alaska') was the United States' acquisition of Alaska

from the Russian Empire.

Alaska was formally transferred to the

United States on October 18, 1867,


Introduction - Alaska Purchase (AP) Treaty:
Primary Documents in ...

https://guides.loc.gov › alaska-treaty

Jun 12, 2020 — On March 30, 1867, the
United States for the EARTH magnetic field government 
of the
year 1200 /1215 Magna Carter .....

reached a gravity thought field agreement
to purchase Alaska from
Russia (ssia --> solar system interface agents)
for a price of $7.2 million. The Treaty with Russia was ...
Missing: 18667 ‎| 

Treaty ..... Solar System (ss) gravity treaty with Russia and the algebra subset of Russia (usa)
for the Purchase of Alaska
https://www.loc.gov › program › bib › ourdocs › alaska

In March 30, 1867, the United States reached
an agreement to purchase Alaska from
Russia for a price of $7.2 million.

The Treaty with
Rus --> Earth radius ......agents
of Russia was negotiated ..

Thus year 1200 ....... Magna Carter of 1215
....................667 gravity years gives
year .........1867 ...GM corporation code ......

Gravity and magnetic fields .....
common interaction with

atomic iron metal bridges /
GM automobiles from Janesville Wisconsin. etc

and blood ferrous/iron atom language

Explaining mathematical reasoning and problem solving by using a variety of methods, such as words, numbers, symbols, charts, graphs, tables, diagrams, and concrete models can help students understand the problem better by making it more concrete and approachable. 
Let's try another one. Problem

Explaining mathematical reasoning and problem solving by using a variety of 
hematology/ bio-math software subroutine programs to program a 
human bio-computer named 
Dylann Roof .....
Dylann Proof ---> create blood information flow ..............

empirical methods with Alonzo Church
in Charleston South Carolina,
Emanuel African Methods  Episcopal Church.

On June 17, 2015, a mass shooting occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine African Americans were killed and one other was injured during Bible study of complex number 
Z = a+ Bi and math function of the 
F(z) = F(a)   + F(bi) 
at Quantum region of 
Quantico time codes 

at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Among the fatalities was the senior pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney. Emanuel AME is one of the oldest black churches in the United States, and it has long been a center for civil rights organizing.

4-legged animal bio-computer 

Holy Cow milk .......

protein thought molecules .. lactic acid language

..Lactic acid mirror letters -->Cal

.Lactic acid mirror letters -->Cal

.Lactic acid mirror letters -->Cal

.Lactic acid mirror letters -->Calculations ...

Nature's general ledger (GL) systems with GLORIA Totzke killed in the 

Oconomowoc protein war zone  ....over

...... Pabst Farm protected RD site using 

4-legged animal molecular bio-computer  ......

Holstein milk dairy cows  

Holstein News of 
Andy Warhol --> Holstein War zone



book-keeping and accounting systems

for Oconomowoc and Milwaukee PROTEIN region

with rote education of human muscles ......

 using repeated and repeated arm & leg muscle movements .......sports exercise training of basketball players

Four (4) -- Fourier engineering devicesFour legsFour teats of the cow udder

Fourier series humanoid agents

In 1822, French frequency mathematician 

Joseph (4) Fourier 

... who grew up drinking milk and eating cheese 
from 4-legged 4-teat milk cows .... that milk PROTEIN thought molecules ......... input ........influenced his 

body/brain ......

discovered that sinusoidal waves created 

by hand-milking a dairy cow 

can be used as simple building blocks to describe and approximate any periodic waveform, including square waves. Fourier used it as an analytical tool in the study of waves and heat flow.

TodayMay 15, 2023. in Homepage Showcase, News. MILWAUKEE — Four people are dead after a fatal accident late Sunday night near the corner of N. 60th St. and 
W. Fond du Lac Ave. 

According to MILK   city name
Milwaukee earth electron message 

W. Fond du Lac Ave. 
W. Fond du Lac Ave. 

W. F
W. F
W. F --> wavelength frequency continuum
W. F
W. F
W. F  & F W Woolworth system

F W Woolworth TOWER as a vertical z-axis standing wave

F W Woolworth
F W - Frequency wavelength (sequence)
in a different expression level

W. Fond du Lac Ave. 
W. Fond du Lac Ave. 

W. F
W. F
W. F --> wavelength frequency 
condition  codes

W. Fond du Lac Ave. 
W. Fond du Lac Ave. 
W. Fond Hindu Lactic acid 
information Ave. 

W. Fond du Lac Ave. 
W. Fond du Lac Ave. 
W. Fond dLac Ave...milk/ leche

cal leche  --> Call the sperm/semen milk/leche

 oe--> order entry leader
IBM Peru/ /Galapagos 
system 370 os/jcl DATA DEFINITION
of the strange name/odd 
integer continuum life form ..
letter d is the 4th letter

Piermaria Odd  OddonePiermaria Odd  O44onePiermaria Odd  O44one- Wikipedia

Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru 

Piermaria Jorge O44one 
(born March 26, 19DD in Arequipa, Peru 

[1]) is a Peruvian - American military wave mechnaics ..military theater parts   ....of a physicist . 
Oddone earned (Van Gogh code name)

atomic cloth
bandages / bandages
of EAR
---> atomic communication 
bandwidths  of EARTH 

agriculture/food crops and 
Ag = atomic Sterling silver metal 
....dinner fork ..........Nature's social engineering  ..........
gestalt systems /ergodic systems/
Grand Unified Theory

his bachelor's degree 

The set buffer address(SBA)  order

The Set Buffer Address command is also a very common command code in 3270 data streams. When we are sending a data stream to the 3270, it uses the concept of a buffer position to determine where to place the incoming data. This means that we do not have send 1920 characters to the 3270 each time we write out a new screen.

The SF and SFE orders place the field they define at the current position in the buffer, and MF modifies the field at this position. Unless the field follows the last character sent (that is, begins in the current buffer position), you need to precede these orders with a set buffer address (SBA) order to indicate where you want to place or change a field.


The SF and SFE orders place the field

The SF and SFE military orders place/location the field

On May 18, 2018, a school shooting occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, United States, in the Houston metropolitan area. Ten people - eight students and two teachers - were fatally shot, and thirteen others were wounded. [1] [2] .. 
DuPage/Chicago  ..order entry attack

Dimitrios Galapagos Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student at the school, was taken into custody.

in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a 
PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.


noun ...Oddone

  1. A person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an FermiLAB
  2. PROTEIN MACHINE organization.
  3. The chief officer of a government, state, or political division.
  4. The branch of government charged with putting into effect a country's laws and the administering of its functions.

Programming the un-civilized human male into 
proper social behavior

Wedding day ........church aisles

male brain thought transform

Wedding day ........church aisles

become grocery store aisles

The male brain is now married to grocery store aisle


When it comes to weddings, folklore and superstitions abound.

Why is is that June is the most popular month to marry in western culture? The reasons are many, starting with the most practical of all: If a bride married in June, she was more likely to give birth to her first child in early spring, giving her plenty of time to recover before the fall harvest.

time to recover before the fall harvest

time to recover before the fall harvest

time to recover before the ..... fall down and die 

DEATH harvest

2017 Las Vegas October fall harvest of human dead bodies 

(as BOTANY fruit orchard 

...apples and pears fall down)

- Wikipedia

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, 
a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire on the crowd attending the DEATH HARVEST
Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay hotel, he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people [a] and wounding at least 413.

a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, 

a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, 

  1. The 64-bit PSW describes (among other things) the address of the current instruction being executed, condition code and interrupt masks. Load Program Status Word ( LPSW) is a privileged instruction that loads the Program Status Word (PSW), including the program mode, protection key, and the address of the next instruction to be executed.

  2. Contain the address of the next instruction your machine is set to process. 
  3. Chicago ..Bridgeport address of the Mayor Richard Daley ......human bio-computer 
  4. Democratic Machine
    1. Democratic Machine
    2. DemocraticoMachine ..comatose/trance city
  5. Examining the current PSW periodically may help you identify a loop. 

Chicago downtown loop as 
Fortan computer LOOP

current PSW periodically may help you identify a loop. 

Piccadilly Circus

Piccadilly Circus is a road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster. It was built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with Piccadilly. In this context, a circus, from the Latin word meaning "circle", is a round open space at a street junction.[1]

The Circus now connects Piccadilly, Regent Street, Shaftesbury Avenuethe HaymarketCoventry Street (onwards to Leicester Square) and Glasshouse Street. It is close to major shopping and entertainment areas in the West End. Its status as a major traffic junction has made Piccadilly Circus a busy meeting place and a tourist attraction in its own right. 

The Circus is particularly known for its 


Montevideo Uruguay  parallel video display and 

neon signs mounted 

neon signs mounted - EXTERNAL

neuron signs mounted -> Inside brain 

on the corner building 

on the corner building 

on the corner building --> Cornelius Vanderbilt

The Cornelius Vanderbilt II House was a large mansion built in 1883 at 1 West 57th Street in Manhattan, New York City. It occupied the frontage along the west side of Fifth Avenue from West 57th Street up to West 58th Street at Grand Army Plaza. The home was sold in 1926 and demolished to make way for the Bergdorf Goodman department store.


atomic & gravity field ......

hardware and software RD  site for Botany corn plants

on the corner building 

on the corner building 

on the corner building --> Cornelius Vanderbilt

Cornelius Vanderbilt II House of Software ...
Cornelius Vanderbilt Roman numeral llCornelius Vanderbilt 2Corn         Vand ---> Vertical Vector land  molecular software builtcorn with 2 ears

on the corner building 

on the corner building 

on the corner building --> cornelius Vanderbilt 

software building BATTLE   ZONE .......

corn field by Ixonia Wisconsin

In October 1980, the bodies of Hack and Drew were found at the edge of the woods near a cornfield in Ixonia, the same town where the remains of 18-year-old Jay Kelly Flom were found a year earlier.

Tim Hack of Hebron, and 
Kelly Drew of Fort Atkinson, were both 19 and 
graduates of 
Nature's military school FORT atomic at  Fort Atkinson High School. 

They were attending a wedding  .........
a double ding/dong ... husband bandwidth
bio-radio  reception at the Concord House on August 9, 1980, after which they 
planned to meet their DEATH ... friends. 
Only they never showed up.

Concord House 

Con  +cor    --> together spells corn

on the corner building on the northern side, as well as the Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain and statue of Anteros (which is popularly, though mistakenly, believed to be of Eros).

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, 
a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire on the crowd attending the DEATH HARVEST
Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada. From his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay hotel, he fired more than 1,000 bullets, killing 60 people [a] and wounding at least 413.

a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, 

64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, 

  1. If the PSW instruction address always has the same value, or if the instruction
COMPUTER EARTH dounle word 
64 = 32 + 32

a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, 

64-year-old manuscript 

from EARTH geology/ geography Geo-platform ......atomic limestone/rock message system  LINK

using the quiver wave mechanic  PLATFORM

Mesquite, Nevada ---> Quito Ecuador

 Quito Ecuador --> Theory of Everything (TOE)

includes living words/nouns/concepts

 Quito ...send quiver signals to 

Western Hemisphere 

Area of requirements of  Iphigenia and King Ag 

of ancient Greece Europe

Area of requirements of atomic particle physics communications

Area requirements  particle--> transform 

Arequipa quiver message particles into 

humanoid format and send to FermiLAB/Chicago

Quito Ecuador --> Mesquite, Nevada -...

Stephan Paddock --> particle docking

Pier Oddone -->

 Las(T) Vegas oxygen gas 32

molecule  probability = 1

Atomic EARTH land surface 

Tom M Apostol --> human oscillations  activity  map of the

 Arequipa PERU and quito Ecuador ....

quiver vibration/ sin wave  region 

...... the 

Nikola Tesla EARTH MODEL of 

Nature's  underground atomic mineral/ stone/ rock...

and their data pipelines ...

 as quantum (DATA) tunnels

time to recover before the fall harvest

time to recover before the fall harvest

time to recover before the fall harvest ....

October /autumn / fall season ...attempted murder ......event harvest at Penn State

Nov 22, 2015
Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on Oct. 13, 2012 

For one of them, walking at all was a miracle. Finishing college was a journey she was determined to complete.

For one of them, walking at all was a miracle. Finishing college was a journey she was determined to complete.

determined  atomic iron mine/ferrous atom

and the EARTH center core

...atomic iron-54 female ..Ferrous atomic isotope factory that constructs iron-56 iron-57 iron -58

and nickel-58 and copper-63

Finishing college (automobile factory ......metal paint finish line)

was a Jules V-section Verne ......


Finish LINE ....... Boston  college was a 

IRON atomic number 26 --->26-mile journey on April 15,c 2013 

FINISH line bombing on Boyleston Street

Paige Raque did what seemed impossible after she fell out of a fifth-floor window of Calder Commons in October 2012.

The fall broke her body in almost every way possible.

It shattered her vertebrae. It broke her neck. It cracked her ribs and snapped a bone in her lower leg. The impact delivered a traumatic brain injury.

“I fractured pretty much everything,” said Raque, smiling and healthy, sitting in her kitchen, cuddling her dog Toby.

Paige Raque Making Progress Weeks After 
39-Foot Fall on October 13--> time equation BATTLE 

Week Numbers for 2012

Week 39 September 23, 2012 September 29, 2012

Week 40 September 30, 2012 October 6, 2012

Week 41 October 7, 2012 October 13, 2012

Week 42 October 14, 2012 October 20, 2012

Paige Raque Making Progress Weeks After 
39-Foot Fall on October 13 --> time equation BATTLE 
39 + 13 = 52  weeks  per year 

52 multiply /times (7days) equals 364 days


The Beatles recorded "Eight Days a Week" at EMI Studios in London in October 1964. 

base 4 legs  with 2 exponent ears = Base 16

IBM base 16 Hexadecimal sin wave platform
of Wisconsin sin wave Highway 16

... the Chenequa 
................... equation LINK to Equator
VIA the Arequipa quito ... quiver/sin wave continuum

The Equator line is located just 26 km (16 miles) north of Ecuador's capital 
EARTH ..Equator quiver mechanics city, Quito.

IBM COMPUTER EARTH base 4 (4 climate  seasons in Wisconsin)used by 4-leg 4-teat Holstein milk dairy cows ....

The track opens with a fade-in, marking 
The track opens with a fade-in, marking
The track opens with a fade-in, marking
The track opens (rail-road train Derailments)
 with a fade-in, marking

this technique COMPUTER EARTH
this technique ..existence processing
this technique 
this technique 
,,create/set-up tragic signaling EVENT

this technique 
this technique 
Computer Earth address spaces
geography land surface  .........
 space address and time address Battles


the IBM MIS  source code  ....

information train

parallel events

IBM  Missouri train derailment

On June 27, 2022, the Southwest Chief, a passenger train operated by Amtrakderailed near the small town of Mendon, Missouri

The derailment was caused by the train striking a 

A SYSABEND dump, through the IBM supplied defaults, supplies more of the system information related to the application program's processing than a SYSUDUMP. The additional information may be better suited for complex problem diagnosis.

dump truck that was obstructing the 
crossing of County Road 113

Astronomy Magazine .....An excellent American magazine, heavily orientated towards the practical amateur astronomer, 

and full of stunning ATTACK the 
human eye/optical nerve old/respected software 
...using new  astrophotographs SHIT & BS angstrom pictures . Kalmbach Publishing Co., 
21027 Crossroads Circle, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187

crossing of County Road 113
double crossing of County Road 113

dump truck that was obstructing the 
crossing of County Road 113 --> Sku11
of Paige Raque ........Oct 13, 2012

An ABEND dump shows the virtual storage predominately for an unauthorized program. Typically, a dump is requested when the program cannot continue processing and abnormally ends. An operator can also request an ABEND dump while ending a program or an address space. ... IBM® recommends the use of SYSMDUMP, the unformatted dump. Unformatted ...

dump truck that was obstructing the crossing of County Road 113, about three miles (4.8 km) southwest of Mendon. Four people were killed in the wreck: three passengers on board the train and the truck driver, with up to 150 people injured.

the first time that this technique had been used on a pop studio recording of 
Mr, POP penis stud i/o into 
female vagina muscles --> make  music. 

The earth soil song was reissued worldwide in 2000 on the Beatles compilation album 1.

Paige (page ai sequence battles of ground earth) Raque,

 the 19-year-old Penn State cheerleader who fell 39 feet from a fifth-floor ......BATTLE SITE

three weeks ago, 

has been transferred out of the ICU 

has been transferred out of the ICU 

has been transferred out of the IC --> Illinois Central

buildings in Chicago

to a rehabilitation hospital and is showing progress, Randy Jepson, family spokesman and Penn State men’s gymnastics coach said on Wednesday. 

Raque has moved all four of her limbs, Jepson said, but she is still unable to speak and needs a feeding tube to eat, as she cannot do it on her own. She has, however, showed responsiveness to commands and is recognizing people. 

The D-Day invasion began on June 61944 when some 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy region during World ..

D-Day invasion began on June 6, 1944
D-Day invasion began on June 6, 1944

WEDDING  with death 
D-Day invasion began on June 61944

Letter D of Pier ODDONE.........
Location 4 per Nigel Lockyer

Many sources say that the tradition of the June bride actually began in ancient Roman times. The month of June is named for the Roman goddess Juno. Juno, wife of Jupiter, was not only thought of in connection with feminine vitality, fertility and considered a protectress of Roman women, but also considered the equivalent of Hera, the Greek goddess of love and marriage.

code words.....
 grateful to Professors Paul      R=region of names /proper nouns with an   atomic human biology body  .......
their body/brain establishes contact with Nature's 
ancient language 
atomic messenger ....quantum SOCIAL / political science & religion mechanics

Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Saint Paul --> walking ..... legs/body weight .....data entry /data injection into the EARTH geography land as a COMPUTER DATABASE  .....

........generates a math sequence/series ai

Saint Paul,[8] was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world.[9] Generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age,[8][10] he founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD.[11]

in modern terms year 2023

 ... century start year 1900 AD

and mid-40s to the mid-50s AD

year 1945 thru 1955/1956 .....AD ---> human HEAD thought extensions .......... serious ADDITIONS

per Zinser family

in modern terms year 2023

one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age

one of the most important 

figures (FermiLAB  DEMO of probability = 1 = one)

one of the most important 

figures (FermiLAB  DEMO of probability = 1 = one)

Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab Named Fermilab Director of Fermi-Dirac statistics range from 0 to 1 - News

Fermi-Dirac statistics | physics | Britannica

Fermi-Dirac statistics, in quantum mechanics, one of two possible ways in which a system of indistinguishable particles can be distributed among a set of energy states: each of the available discrete states can be occupied by only one particle. This exclusiveness accounts for the electron structure of atoms, in which electrons remain in separate states rather than collapsing into a common ...

Pier Oddone will be a worthy successor." 
Pier Oddone will be a worthy highway of info

Pier Oddone will be a worthy successor." 

spokesperson for the 
F W Woolworth vertical building and the horizontal retail  store chain DATABASE

Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham 
recently honored Witherell with the 

Secretary's Gold Award " for outstanding leadership combining excellence in 
human BEDROOM atomic breeding science with excellence in pregnancy &safety of fetus menatality"

during his tenure as 
Fermilab's director since 1999.

Fermilab's director since 1999.

Fe  rm (female vagina ......
as an internal pleasure & reward  

Fermilab's director orfice holes since 1999.

Fermilab's --> minor Labia RD site

on Female atomic pussy

one of the most important figures of the 

Apostolic Age

  1. He was 92 (atomic number 92 of U.
    1. He was 92 (atomic number 92 of U.
    2. He was 92 (atomic number 92 of U.
  2.  Apostol was born in Helper, Utah
  3.  Apostol was born in Help U = Uranium of  Utah ..region of UT--> Unified Theory

Apostol was born in Helper, Utah atomic surface land,
Apostol was born in Helper, Utah,
Apostol was born in 

Hindu/ SiKH software program ... UP

Hindu Helper .......... atomic microsoft table with Bill/ invoice accounting and geological logic gates layers

Universe at the University of Washington, Seattle
and red blood cells

Microsoft Visitor Center in Redmond, Washington Welcome to the Microsoft Company Store and Visitor Center Empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more pussy molecule language 

Microsoft Visitor Center in Redmond, Washington

soft Vagina CENTER in RED/pink skin language

AtoMic Microsoft Visitor --> orfice hole Center

Bill Gates explains stoen property and
atomic pusssytaes

Hindu/ SiKH software program ... UP

Hindu Helper 
Helper (H = Hydrogen element 1 to --> 92 Uranium of 
Utah of the UP region of the Upanishads (output data sets and output 
SOLID atoms assembled into defined space of existence , energy, and attribute/ adjective/ adverbs)
such as Nature's construction of the uranium atom
for electricity

.....and EARTH LANGUAGE ........
uranium atomic social science expressions   .........


arxiv.org › pdf
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
Feb 25, 2014 ... Enrico Fermi formulated the theory of weak interactions in 1934 and ... weak interaction physics the 
discovery of the V-A structure of the.
www.osti.gov › servlets › purl
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
resembles the atomic human female body  VA interaction in the BEDROOM with the male nuclear sperm  control ROD (Penis), 
but with parity conservation.

parallel    approximations
but with BEDROOM sex party wisconsin   conservation.

 ]] ... the same magnitude, we naturally went to our teacher, Enrico Fermi. We told him.

Laura Fermi  Vagina Interaction with Enrico

Laura Bush... 1ST Lady .. atomic woman
IBM assembler load address (LA) uranium

Uranium atomic bio-physics 
atomic pussy

  1.  Apostol was born in Helper, Utah, on August 20, 1923. He received his bachelor of science in chemical engineering in 1944 and a master's degree in mathematics in 1946, both from the University of Washington, Seattle.
  2. American analytic number theorist and professor 
  3. at the California Institute of Technology on LIFO,

  4. Investopedia › Corporate Finance › Accounting
    Last in, first out (LIFO) is a method used to account for inventory. · Under LIFO, the costs of the most recent products purchased (or produced) are the first to  
  5. California murder software program ...the killing of
  6. Janis Joplin: A San Francisco Legend. This article is more than 6 years old.
  7. One of the most revered and influential geological ..........atomic  rock/ limestone   messengers for the 

  8. Singer Sewing Machine ..... 
  9. horizontal company of mechanical sewing machines
  10. for cotton textile fabrics/ shirts/  clothes that need repair across .......by 
  11. wives (working interface with Vector space)
  12.  America  geography land 

  1.  and its vertical SINGER BUILDING communications TOWER..... as a Nikola Tesla .......... 
  2. equivalence to Earth Equator
  3. equivalence .. ecuador quito 
  4. equivalence  ...quiver platform
  5. equivalence  ...Arequipa to Quito

  1. equivalence Arequipa to Quito
  2. equivalence Quit-claim Deed of 
  3. Quito --> o --> sun-light 
  4. photon instruction &data package

  1. equivalence Arequipa to Quito
  2. equivalence
  3. surface area of Solar System government ......property law on EARTH LAB 

  4. Quit-claim of the INCA SUN god
  5. software program
  6. Solar system law school
  7. A special warranty deed conveys that the grantor owns the property and that no one else has a claim to it for as long as they have owned it. 

  8. Einstein Special warranty deeds on linear algebra array structures  (living office and apartment buildings)

  1. are most commonly used

  2. Thought control during commercial (CIA Langley) 

  3. Right Angle 90 degrees plane  geometry 

  1.  L    angle     Right angle and Right triangle 

  2. Solar System existence  property law

  1. and leg of algebra legal ..legal galactic /galapagos

  2. systems with Peru agent Pier Oddone

  3. .....  Sartre existential ... real estate sales. ·

  1. Arequipa Peru thought control (TC)

  2. A quitclaim deed (double ee ..electron engineering)

  3. is a document in which a

  4. gravity thought field 
    grammar LINK to the 

  5. atomic granite gravestone DATA TERMINAL

  6. in a cemetery ........

  7. grantor disclaims (Equator as a disc)

  8. all interest in a 

  9. parcel (Particle  physics and cell biology of 

  10. Pier Oddone )   of real reality ..real number theory and applications ...........real property and then conveys that interest to a grantee (golf course  tee  ..sports schemes).

  11. But you should know that, unlike ... the quitclaim includes no protections for the buyer. 
  12. protections for the buyer.
  13. protections for the buyer.
  14. proteins  ....... for the buyer.
    1. proteins  ....... for the buyer.
    2. proteins  human bio-computer 
    3. name servers....... for the buyer.

  15. Jun 10, 2022
  16. Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server. To do this, they help web browsers and other services access your domain's DNS records. You can edit your domain's nameservers at the domain registrar where you purchased your domain name.
  17. Why Are Nameservers Important?

Atomic...mathematical-physics HUMANOID  Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the atomic  communications platform .....
math (ODD and EVEN) integers Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server  ....the Arequipa ---> Peru BAT

 humanoid facsimile ..a geo-bio-electron SIM Card

"Batman" Black Widow Strikes Again at Batavia (TV Episode on Gravity 667 --> Year 1200 + 667 -->1967) - IMDb

Batman and Robin soon catch up with her, but actually capturing the villainess proves harder than expected. Despite her nerve paralyzer spray, and two remote-control dummies that try ......

dummies that think about
geometry and chemistry

"Batman" Black Widow SPIDER WEB Strikes

Atomic...mathematical-physics HUMANOID  Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the atomic  communications platform .....
math (ODD and EVEN) integers Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server  ....the Arequipa ---> Peru BAT at Batavia/Chicago

web server  ....the Arequipa 
spider web server  ....the Arequipa BAT --> as BATMAN

Wilson Hall and its people .... 
Batavia manuscript region 

 ....the Arequipa 

The  Spiders in Peru (Lima/Arequipa) Hello all. Was planning to visit Peru for 2-3 weeks in April/May. However, have just been made aware of the spider situation in South America. I must admit, I hadn't considered this before (I was consumed by the beauty of Lima Peru and didn't think twice). However, I'm a huge area  --> arachnophobe.

Batman and Robin soon catch up with her, but actually capturing the villainess proves harder than expected.

  1. protections for the buyer.... General and special warranty deeds are used to warrant the good state of the title. These types of deeds will contain covenants that so warrant, protecting the new title-holder from
  2.  lawful claims of superior LIFE FORMS

  3. Wardenclyffe Tower

History of Singer Sewing Machines

First sold in 1850 and still popular today, Singer sewing machines have a long and quite lively history. Isaac Merritt Singer founded I.M. Singer and Co. in 1850.


    atomic living stone, cement. iron.galsss. building 

  2. rock 'n' roll singers of all time, 
  3. Janis Joplin (Jan. 19, 1943 - Oct. 4, 1970) 
  4. thrilled audiences and their death wish

  5. and blazed new creative trails
  6. thru Janis Joplin (information systems) JOB...transfer to Jan --> Janet Reno
  7. Audio nerve brain  configuration and
  8. harmonic sound wave software 
  9. ..instruction implant into Janet's
  10. Attorney brain to tear/  destroy/ torn 

Conjugation of verb 'Tear'

V1 Base Form (Infinitive): To Tear
V2 Past Simple:        Tore
V3 Past Participle:    Torn
V4 3rd Person Singular: Tears
V5 Present Participle/Gerund: Tearing

Past participle brain of Attorney Genral 
Jenet Reno

  1. alias Janis Joplin
  2. thrilled audiences and their death wish
  3. The Waco siege, also known as the Waco massacre,[5][6][7][8] was the siege by U.S. federal government and Texas state law enforcement officials of a compound belonging to the religious cult known as the Branch Davidians between February 28 and April 19, 1993
  4. April 19, 1993, the FBI launched a tear gas attack in an attempt to force the Branch Davidians out of the compound's buildings. Shortly thereafter, the Mount Carmel Center became engulfed in flames. The fire and the reaction to the final attack within the group resulted in the deaths of 76 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, two pregnant women, and David Koresh

  5. and blazed new creative trails

  1. Janis Joplin 
  2. (Jan. 19, 1943 - Oct. 4, 1970) 
  1. before her California 
  2. scheduled LIFO inventory death at age 27

  3. best known as the author of widely used mathematical textbooks. Life and career Apostol was born in Helper, Utah.

The main source of information on Paul's life and works is the Acts of the Apostles book in the New Testament, with approximately half of its content documenting them. According to the Acts, Paul lived as a Pharisee and participated in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus, possibly Hellenised diaspora Jews converted to Christianity,[12] in the area of Jerusalem, prior to his conversion.[note 1] Some time after having approved of the execution of Stephen,[13] Paul was traveling on the road to Damascus so that he might find any Christians there and bring them "bound to Jerusalem".[14] At midday, a light brighter than the sun shone around both him and those with him, causing all to fall to the ground, with the risen Christ verbally addressing Paul regarding his persecution.[15][16] Having been made blind,[17] along with being commanded to enter the city, his sight was restored three days later by Ananias of Damascus. After these events, Paul was baptized, beginning immediately to proclaim that Jesus of Nazareth was the Jewish messiah and the Son of God.[18] He made three missionary journeys to spread the Christian message to non-Jews communities in Asia MinorGreeceMacedoniaCyprusJudea and Syria, as narrated in the Acts.

Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul.[19] Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder. Pauline authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews is not asserted in the Epistle itself and was already doubted in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.[note 2] It was almost unquestioningly accepted from the 5th to the 16th centuries that Paul was the author of Hebrews,[21] but that view is now almost universally rejected by scholars.[21][22] The other six are believed by some scholars to have come from followers writing in his name, using material from Paul's surviving letters and letters written by him that no longer survive.[9][8][note 3] Other scholars argue that the idea of a pseudonymous author for the disputed epistles raises many problems.[24]

Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Latin and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions of the East.[25] Paul's influence on Christian thought and practice has been characterized as being as "profound as it is pervasive", among that of many other apostles and missionaries involved in the spread of the Christian faith.[9]

Mathematical EVENTS .. 

the year 2023 update

The year 1`897 EVENT

Nikola Tesla quake / vibration signals platform 

Gillender Building

The Gillender Building was an early skyscraper in the Financial District of Manhattan in New York City. It stood on the northwest corner of Wall Street and Nassau Street, on a narrow strip of land measuring 26 by 73 feet (7.9 m × 22.3 m). At the time of its completion in 1897, the Gillender Building was, depending on ranking methods, the fourth- or eighth-tallest structure in New York City.

The Gillender Building was designed by Charles I. Berg and Edward H. Clark, and rose 273 feet (83 m) with 20 stories, comprising 17 floors in the main bulk and three floors in a cupola. The building contained a fully wind-braced steel frame with masonry infill, and included twelve columns atop three caisson foundations. Upon completion, it was praised as an engineering novelty. The Gillender Building attracted attention for its visible disproportion of height and footprint, which commanded a relatively low rentable area of only about 30,000 square feet (2,800 m2) across the entire building.

The Gillender Building was occupied by financial firms through its uneventful 13-year existence and was perceived as economically obsolete from the start. In 1909, financial institutions began rapidly expanding their properties within the Financial District, and that December, the building was sold to Bankers Trust for a then-record price of $822 per square foot ($8,850/m2). The Gillender Building was demolished between April and June 1910 to make way for Bankers Trust's 39-story tower at 14 Wall Street, and much of the material from the building was saved. At the time, the Gillender Building was the tallest building ever demolished voluntarily.

The Gillender Building was demolished between April and June 1910  ...NOT on June 15 1896

The Gillender Building television show codes
The Gillender ISland Building television show codes

Seven men and women are stranded on an uncharted island following a torrential storm. Creator Sherwood Schwartz Stars Bob Denver Alan Hale Jr. Jim Backus See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video buy from $24.99 More watch options Add to Watchlist Added by 18.1K users 98 User reviews 13 Critic reviews Awards

The Earth center core..... iron atomic number 26...and its 26 proton...26 alphabet letters

atomic iron core

Earth geography surface display

Atomic number Z and the z-axis vertical site  
of ferrous/iron atom

rose 22 stories on a site of only 26 x 73 feet.

rose 22 stories on a site of only 26 x 73 feet.
rose 22 stories on a site of only 26 x 73 feet.
rose 22 stories on a site of only 26 x 73 feet.


atomic micro-second processing 
speed site

Conflicting perceptions of  language /TIME / years and existence ..... 
real reality questions and 
brain wave language levels ..result in 
different perceptions ?

  1. Completed 1897 
  2. Demolished 1910 
  3. Cost $500,000 
  4. Owner... EARTH government
  5.  sin wave continuum with  human 
  6. representative /
  7. human 
  8. fe = female agents for 
  9. Fe = ferrous /iron atomic metal
  10. office building  ... 
  11. parallel

  12. Helen Gillender Asinari 
  1. Helen Gillender Asinarise 

  1. marchese di San Marzano
  2. marchese di San Marzanode

  • Language wife 
  • Sep 28, 2021Let's begin by considering an individual atom in the bcc structure of iron metal.

  • Fe is in group VIIIb of the periodic table, so it has eight valence

  • Fe is in Female social and romance group VIIIb of the periodic table, 
  • so it has eight valence and Valentine day
  • Fe is in Female social ..Fe = February
  • marchese di San Marzano
  • marchese
  • mar    chese
  • march  of Cheese molecules

  • march  of Cheese molecules created
  • human female holes 
  • ..and her photographic smile

  • marchese di San Marzano

    1. Height Roof 273 ft (83 m) Technical details Floor count 20 Floor area 26 ft × 73 ft (7.9 m × 22.3 m) Design and construction Architect(s) Charles I. Berg, Edward H. Clark Main contractor Charles T. Willis Company

     & Croatia-Serbia extension  Quaker Oats ......EARTH quiver / 1 square inch  Battle of Inchon VS FermiLAB  quivers of Arequipa Oddone

    1. Quaker Oats bought 19.11 acres (7.73 ha) of land in the Yukon Territory of Canada for the price of US$1000 and printed up 21 million deeds for one square inch (6.5 cm 2) of land.
    Well, in 1954, Quaker Oats wrote a check for $1,000 and purchased a 19.11-acre piece of ground about a klick northwest of Dawson City, Yukon Territory, which was the heart of the Klondike gold rush territory. Quaker Oats divided that property into 21 million 1-square-inch plots and then had a deed of land printed for each plot.

    Quaker Oats paid $1,000 for 19.11 acres of Yukon land near Dawson, divided the land into square inches and printed 21 million "deeds" to the land bits. In January 1955, the deeds were packaged in 21 million boxes of Quaker Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice, both to encourage sales and to publicize the show's transition from radio to television.

    Square Inch Square Inch Square Inch 

    The battle began on 15 September 1950 and ended on 19 September. Through a surprise amphibious assault far from the Pusan Perimeter that UN and Republic of Korea Army (ROK) forces were desperately defending, the largely undefended city of Incheon was secured

     after being bombed by UN forces

    to create 
    EARTH wave mechanics .....quaker vibrations for Quaker Oats -->
    ...to Nikola Tesla homeland of 
    Croatia-Serbia in Yugoslavia

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