Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Book 1645 Part 04 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book .....COMPUTER EARTH equator battle with Quito and Arequipa ,,quiver wave continuum failure

 Book  1645 Part  04   Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book  translated by Herb Zinser.

.COMPUTER EARTH and the Equator battle  

with Quito, Ecuador  and Arequipa Peru ,

....... quiver / sin wave continuum 

....... earth surface  communications failure

...failure to acknowledge year 1826


Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic 26 proton

Fe = Federal government with 


Quiver Quincy numerical control

cybernetics .......... 

IBM ... Atomic direct access 

method systems  (ADAMS)


ATOM math life form MAIN post office

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, 
BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, 

BOSTON / earth globe 360 ... systems of ocean navigations made more use 
of Y adcons,(Yankee clipper of double ee

Clipper Ship Owners Made Millions. Others Paid the Price.

Clipper ships traveled at blistering speeds

..ip.......(data)  ships traveled at blistering speeds.....

EM field...... Electro-Magnetic(EM) ships

carry symbol people & information cities

C = 180,000 speed of light

add  ...6,000 years/velocity  of ancient 

optical nerve /eye cities 

giving physics number TOTAL

c= 186,000 of the traveling CITY

within the velocity of EM field


IBM system 370 systems

The Pride of Baltimore,

The Pride of Baltimore,

The Pride of Bal


The Pride of Baltimore,

The Pride of Bal    timor

---> earth BAL  ..TIME MACHINE 

Salvador Dali explains AFRICA 
--> every day of the week is 
FRIDAY night time /songs and dances

The Persistence of Memory, Senile dementia , 

and Alzheimer's 
 is a 1931 painting by the INTERNAL blood arteries software ,,,,, 
EXTERNALIZED by artist Salvador Dalí and one of the most recognizable works of Surrealism. 

First shown at the Julien Levy Levi Coffin Gallery in 1932, since 1934 the painting has been in the collection of the
(A)Museum of Modern Art in New York City, which received it from an anonymous donor

The Pride of Chesapeake Bay (PCB)

The Pride of Chesapeake Bay (PCB)

IBM  IMS Program Control Block

If your IMS system does not manage runtime application control blocks (ACB) by using the catalog, you must regenerate PSBs by using the PSBGEN utility after you import PSBs into z/OS by using IMS Explorer. Input and output The Each PSB is a member of the operating system partitioned data set IMS.PSBLIB.
Program Communication Block (PCB): 

Generally the user does not operate directly at the physical data base level but rather on an External View of the data. 

A particular user's external view consists of a collection of Logical databases where each logical data base is a subset of corresponding physical database.

In other words

Computer Earth
 Planet Earth geography surface 

..India Asia --> the year 1947
partition of India/Pakistan (IP) into a 

West Pakistan Address space (WPA)

East Pakistan Address space (EPA)

and parallel
West Pakistan Address space (WPA)

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) was an ambitious employment and infrastructure program created by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935

East Pakistan Address space (EPA)
3 days ago
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), agency of the U.S. government that sets and enforces national pregnancy pollution-control standards.

and the EARTH sphere......
 inner   diameter DATABASE

Program Communication Block (PCB): 

Generally the user does not operate directly at the physical data base level but rather on an External View of the data. 

A particular INTERNAL earth user ...........
external view consists of a 

collection of geological levels .......Logical databases

where each logical data base is a subset of corresponding atomic stone/rock........physical database
and the EARTH atomic iron 
center core

The Upanishads deal with ritual observance and the individual's place in the universe and, in doing so, develop the fundamental concepts of the Supreme Over Soul known as Brahman (who both created and is the universe) and that of the Atman, the individual's higher self, whose goal in life is union with Brahman.These works defined, and continue to define, the essential tenets of Hinduism but 

The Upanishads

With the last component of the Vedas, the philosophically oriented and esoteric texts known as the Upanishads (traditionally “sitting near a teacher” but originally understood as “connection” or “equivalence”), Vedic ritualism and the doctrine of the interconnectedness of separate phenomena were superseded by a new emphasis on knowledge alone—primarily knowledge of the ultimate identity of all phenomena, which merely appeared to be separate. 

 of the Vedas  
 V-section earth data sets--> Vedic 

A particular INTERNAL earth user ...........
external view consists of a 

collection of geological levels .......Logical databases

where each logical data base is a subset of corresponding atomic stone/rock........physical database
and the EARTH atomic iron 
center core

In other words

Program Communication Block (PCB) TRIAL: 

A particular INTERNAL earth user ...........
external view consists of 
Wave region of Waukegan illinois earth

"Waukegan Harbor was designated an Area of Concern primarily due to of PCB contamination from Outboard Marine Corporation," Hedman said. 
Cameron Davis, who helped form the Waukegan Harbor..

What is PCB in mainframe?

The first macro statement is the Program
Communication Block (PCB) that describes the
database Type, Name, Key-Length, and Processing
Option. DBDNAME parameter on the PCB macro specifies the name of the DBD. KEYLEN specifies the length of the longest concatenated key. The program can process in the database.

These diagrams show the interrelationships between major control blocks in an IMS environment.
Missing: phd ‎| 

PCB contamination from Outboard
PCB contamination from Outboard
PCB contamination from Output of the school board

EPA (East Pakistan Asia)

"Computer World magazine's Largest PCB Message from 


--> output process identifier -->  Outboard

Thus  East Pakistan Asia  underground/inner EARTH software programs surface as

at EARTH land identifier WORD 

-----> OUTBOARD MARINE --> code pointer  to -->

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Crust / Rim earth language intercepted by

Samuel Taylor Coleridge--> earth ridge

Samuel Taylor Coleridge--> mid-ocean  ridges interceptor

George  Orwell 
BOOK 1984 Oceania --> mid-ocean  ridges language   interceptor

Thus  East Pakistan Asia  underground/inner EARTH software programs surface as OUTPUT

at EARTH land identifier WORD 

-----> OUTBOARD MARINE --> code pointer  to -->

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Crust / Rim earth language intercepted by

Samuel Taylor Coleridge--> earth ridge


The mariner's tale begins with his ship departing Waukegan / Great Lakes Naval Base on its journey. 

Despite initial good fortune, the ship is driven south by a storm and eventually reaches the icy waters of the Antarctic.

 An albatross appears and leads the ship out of the ice jam where it is stuck, but even as the albatross is fed and praised by the ship's crew, the mariner shoots the bird:

[...] With my cross-bow
I shot the Albatross.[3]

— lines 81–82

- National Geographic Society

Jul 15, 2022Crust " describes the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet. 

Our planet 's thin, 40-kilometer (25-mile) deep crust —just 1% of Earth 's mass—contains all known life in the universe. 
Earth has three layers: 

the New York Yankee stadium crust
the mantle

and the core. 

The crust is made of solid rocks & rock music  and minerals & concepts of ownership ...this is mine.

The Pride of Baltimore,

The Pride of Baltimore,

The Pride of Baltimore,

The Pride of Baltimore --> real reality,

The Pride of Baltimor

--> orbital electrons,

The Pride of Bal

The Pride of Baltimore, is a reproduction of an 1812 Baltimore clipper. The American clipper ship was built for speed, and it revolutionized global trade with its super-fast trips between the United States and China.

gravity -> g --> global trade with its super-fast trips

COMPUTER EARTH year 1812 devices

1812 Baltimore clipper 

gravity -> g --> global trade with its
super-fast trips ...

G ocean wave symbol

and gravity processing  field .667

..year 1812  --> ratio 12/18 = .667




Clipper ships traveled at
 IP speeds in year 1812

The War of 1812 
(18 June 1812 - 17 February 1815) was fought by the United States of America 
States of America
States of America
States ofrAmerica  --> main frame

At their core, 
mainframes are high-performance computers with large amounts of memory and processors that process billions of simple calculations and transactions in real time. The mainframe is critical to commercial databases, transaction servers, and applications that require high resiliency , security and agility. How do mainframes work?

At their core, 
At their core, 
At their core, 

Atlas their EARTH atomic inner core, 
mainframes are high-performance computers 

and its indigenous allies against the United Kingdom and its allies in British North America, with limited participation by Spain in Florida. It began when the United States declared war on 18 June 1812.




A clipper was a type of mid-19th-century merchant sailing vessel, designed for speed. Clippers were generally narrow for their length, small by later 19th century standards, could carry limited bulk freight, and had a large total sail area. "Clipper" does not refer to a specific sailplan; clippers may be schoonersbrigsbrigantines, etc., as well as 

full-rigged ships

full-rigged ships

full-rigged ships ...hips/legs/tennis shoes --> order entry statements

Battle of the Sexes, exhibition tennis match between Billie Jean King and 

Bobby Riggs that took place on September 20, 1973, inside the Astrodome in Houston

The match was something of a spectacle as 

the in-her-prime King defeated the 55-year-old Riggs in three straight sets, but the event nevertheless was a significant moment in the second wave of the women’s movement that took place during the 1970s

the women’s movement 

the women’s movement of evil languages


The Omen: Molecule Movie Curse & Devil's Blessing Explained - Screen Rant

By Mara Bachman Published Apr 25, 2020 The production of Richard Donner's 1976 film The Omen is speculated to be plagued by a demonic curse and a possible blessing from the devil

Richard Donner's 1976 supernatural horror film The Omen follows the Antichrist from the moment of his conception.

The Omen follows

The Omen follows

The Omen follows

The  WOmen arrogant superior data stream follows

from year 1929 Salivia --> mouth door 

-->agent Salvador Dali

Clippers were mostly constructed in British and American shipyards, although France, Brazil, the Netherlands and other nations also produced some. Clippers sailed all over the world, primarily on the trade routes between the United Kingdom and China, in transatlantic trade, and on the New York-to-San Francisco route around Cape Horn during the California Gold Rush.

 Dutch clippers (Dutch ---> HinDu teacher software )n 

were built beginning in the 1850s for the tea trade and passenger service to Java.[1]

The boom years of the clipper era began in 1843 

The boom years of the clipper era began in 1843 

The boom years of the clip (nes clips)per era began in 1843 

The Celestial Railroad

short story by Hawthorne
short story by Hawthorne
short story by Hawthorne ...continued by
 Haw    and thorne
 Hawking  and Kip S thorne

The Celestial Railroad, allegorical short story by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1843 and included in his short-story collection Mosses from an Old Manse (1846).

Following the path of Christian in John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, the narrator (numeric array)

travels from the City of Destruction (Watertown Wisconsin) 

to the Celestial City—not on foot as had the original pilgrim but as a passenger on the Celestial Railroad. 

Mr. Smooth-it-away, a friendly fellow traveler, comments contemptuously about the arduous trip the old-fashioned pilgrims had to undergo. 

En route, the narrator notices that all the landmarks mentioned in Bunyan’s Celestial City have been changed. 

Today, we see the history of language integrity

landmarks ............

word/dictionary manipulation, language schemes . how music, art, cotton clothes language of color & patterns & fashion styles, etc

...year 2023 ..

 newspaper, television and radio EM shows 

continue to attack and destroy the integrity and honor of the living English language ....

Atomic marble/ stone / rock... office and bank lobby counters (horizontal  narrow table for writing)

absorb data from humans touch transfer

Lewis Carroll books of 1865/1872 recognized  the nasty  BRAINs of  reporters, editors, and school teachers


living language MACHINE ..... 

and word instructions embedded 

within the 1843 script ..... script as a computer program on future actions

The Celestial Railroad, allegorical short story by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1843 

At the journey’s end, Mr. Smooth-it-away leaves the other passengers and divulges his true identity by breathing fire and brimstone. The narrator awakens and realizes, with great relief, that it has all been a dream (or a year 1939 

Walter Mitty ,,, neuro-transmitty--> transmitter / bio-radio .........brain thoughts are FLIPPED.)

Herbert Spencer, (born April 27, 1820, Derby, Derbyshire, Eng.—died Dec. 8, 1903, Brighton, Sussex), English sociologist and philosopher, advocate of the theory of social Darwinism. His System of Synthetic Philosophy, 9 vol. (1855), held that the physical, organic, and social & language realms are interconnected and develop according to identical evolutionary principles, a scheme suggested by the evolution of biological species. 

language realms are interconnected and develop according to identical evolutionary principles, 

Thus the killing code

Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two suspects who had robbed the 

EARTH underground atomic BEDROCK 
........ limestone message DATABASE

Bank One (probability 0 to One .......... 
William Feller/John Wiley Publishers  math bank)

at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin sin wave continuum. 

After robbing the bank, the suspects ran towards Waukesha with officers in pursuit. Captain Lutz joined the pursuit on Meadowbrook Road in Waukesha  -->  the suspects ran -->

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, was the last ruler to hold the title of Shah from 1941 to 1979. His exile in 1979 ended 2,500 years of monarchy in Iran, replaced by an Islamic system that is still in charge today. The life of the last Shah certainly wasn't ordinary or boring!

according to identical evolutionary principles, 

Thus the killing code

what really caught me off-guard, besides the ages of the suspects, was this Investigators then went to a 20-acre property outside Watertown (west side) owned by the suspect's father.
 On Saturday morning, they found a body in a shallow grave in a wooded area off the roadway. 
Authorities also found Haroon Khan's...

Authorities also found
Authorities also found
Authorities also found --> a parallel MIRROR pattern....

they found a body in a shallow grave in a wooded area off the roadway in year . 
 ...Tim Hack and Kelly Drew

How Did Tim Hack and 
Kelly Drew Die in the machine tool and die battles?

Tim Hack of Hebron, and Kelly Drew of Fort Atkinson, were both 19 

were both 19 --> Bo + th + 19 

--> Book thoughts 19  and 19
Potassium is the chemical element with the symbol K (from Neo-Latin kalium) and atomic number 19. It is a silvery white metal that is soft enough to easily cut with a knife.
Potassium is used by biology

this Investigators then went to a

20-acre property outside Watertown

Authorities also found Haroon Khan's...

Authorities also found
Authorities also found
Authorities also found --> a parallel MIRROR pattern....

this Investigators then went to
a 20-block  property inside  inside Watertown
Earth mass at Massachusetts

An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar ensued, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown.

Residents of Watertown
Residents of Watertown 
Residents of Water table (underground water THOUGHT molecules of H2O as residents)

Residents of Watertown and surrounding communities were asked to stay indoors, and the transportation system and most businesses and public places closed.

most businesses
most businesses
moisture businesses

After a Watertown resident 
(Travis Zoellick Watertown Wisconsin)
(Ted Oswald      Watertown Wisconsin)

discovered Dzhokhar (Khan, Haroon red blood information flow)

hiding in a boat in his backyard, [12] the fugitive was shot and wounded by police before being taken into custody.[13]

and graduates of Fort Atkinson High School. They were attending a wedding reception at the 
Concord dance House

The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is the most complete, easy-to-use, and 
understandable concordance 
for studying the original languages of the Bible. Combining the text of the King James Bible with the power of the Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, any student or pastor can gain a clear understanding of the Word to enrich their study.

power of the Greek and 
Hebrew Lexicons,

How Did Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Die?

Tim Hack of Hebron,

 and Kelly Drew of Fort Atkinson, 

were both 19 and graduates of Fort Atkinson High School. 

understandable concordance
understandable concordance 
understandable concordance 

They were attending a 

wedding reception (signal processing site)

at the Concord dance House on 

They were attending a 

Statement to execute/kill/murder

wedding reception (dd  signal processing site)

at the Concord dance House on 

August 9, 1980, after which they planned to meet their friends.

 Only they never showed up. Reports mentioned that they were last seen leaving the reception around 11 pm. 

Tim’s father
Tim’s father 
Tim’s father 

Father Time 

Tim’s father spotted his son’s car – 

a brown Oldsmobile automobile with an exhaust systems

parked at the Concord House without any sign of Tim.

 His wallet that contained $67,

 His wallet that contained $67,

 His wallet that contained $67,

Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867, 
through a treaty ratified by the United States Senate . Russia had established a presence in North America during the first half of the 18th century, but few Russians ever settled in Alaska.

 His wallet that contained $67 -->
information pointer to nearby,

October 18, 1867, 
October 18, 1867, 
Oconomowoc Highway 67, 

October 18, 1867, 
October 18, 1867, 
Oconomowoc  gravity sides
Highways    16 . 67 

Oconomowoc  gravity sides
   west <-- gravity sides --> east
Highways    16 . 67 , 

Earth surface activity region/

vertical bandwidth of 10 feet, 100 feet, 1000 feet
of human activity, work, social life

Tensor space/time plus 6.67
Ten add 6 
gives us 
IBM base 16 hexadecimal
properties of the 
West Gravity field vertical

Wisconsin Highway 67 --->

Mar 29, 2023Sikhism, religion and philosophy founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th century. Its members are known as Sikhs

The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat 
The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat 
The Sikhs call their faith G

(Punjabi: "the Way of the Guru").
(Punjabi: "thearth HighWay of the Guru").
at Hubbleton Wisconsin

Wisconsin Highway 67

Wisconsin Highway 67

Wisconsin Highway 67

Manmohan Singh, (born September 26, 1932, Gah, West Punjab, India [now in Pakistan]), Indian economist and politician, who served as prime minister of India from 2004 to 2014. A Sikh, he was the first non-Hindu to occupy the office. Singh attended Panjab University in Chandigarh and the University of Cambridge in Great Britain.

his jacket, and his checkbook were the only things 

still locked inside.

 on August 9, 1980, after which they planned to meet their friends. Only they never showed up.

 Watertown (east side)  Ixonia


language realms

language real reality realms / areas of thought


family, community and newspaper  bull-shit

The Celestial RailRoad on the 

EARTH ......

North Pole magnetic THOUGHT field 

... magnetic FLOW line  interaction

 with atomic iron metal of RailRoads (RR)

and Human blood iron atoms,...


thus  Nature's social /economonic systems of Euler's number e = 2.718 math/algebra constant.......  systems selection of 

2-legged human  bio-computer  blood of 

Cornelius Vanderbilt (V address constant)



1⁄2 in ( 1,435 mm) B&O's Columbian crossing the Potomac River from Maryland to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, 1949. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ( reporting mark BO) was the first common carrier railroad and the oldest railroad in the United States with its first section opening in 1830. Merchants from Baltimore, which had benefited to some
Vanderbilt was the richest manuscript in Europe or America, and the largest owner of railroads in the world. 
 culminated on IBM base 16 Oxygen atomic mass 16
oxygen atomic computer Base 16 uses the 
human LUNG interface bio-computer

Nature's approximate signals
 July 16, 1877 --> atmosphere number codes 1877
 July 16, 1877 --> atmosphere number codes 77...
July (7th month)--> 6th day or the  16th day 
The symbol for millimeters of mercury is mmHg
There are 760 mmHg in an atmosphere.
There are 760 
There are 760  in 
Phase Zero 0 --> year 0760
Phase ONE 1--> year  1760  + Base 16 
--> year 1776   Thomas Jeffort

101325 = normal temperature and pressure at sea level (Pa) p = air pressure 
(Pa)--> postal code of Pennsylvania
 h = altitude above sea level (m) Example

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (reporting mark BO) was the first common carrier railroad ... The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway took financial control of the B&O in 1963 .
July 16, 1877, in the strike on the

 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at 
Martinsburg, West Virginia ...
Earth language  
code Martin Luther 
.... 95 thesis 
--> work from 9 AM to 5 PM.
Ohio Railroad 
Ohio Railroad 
O Railroad .......OR logic path /route

 This spread into the greatest labor disturbance on record.
If you're having an uncomplicated pregnancy, you may spend most of your early labor at home until your contractions start to increase in frequency and .
This spread into the greatest labor disturbance on record.




Stages of words --> 

 This spread MAYO into the sandwich

Stages of words --

 spread MAYO CLINC into the

spread female legs MAYO CLINC into the


Mayo Clinic

For a fortnight there was an American Reign of Terror. We have forgotten it, — that is, it has taught us nothing; but if Freeman outlives us to finish his History of Federal Government from the Achaian League to the Disruption of the United States, he will give more than one chapter to the labor rising of 1877. The strike at Martinsburg was instantly felt at Chicago and Baltimore in the stoppage of shipments. In a few hours the Baltimore and Ohio, one of the chief commercial arteries of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, was shut up. The strike spread to the Pennsylvania, the Erie and the New York Central railroads, and to the Great Western lines, with their countless branches, as far west as Omaha and Topeka, and as far south as the Ohio River and the Texas Pacific. 
President Garrett, of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, wrote that his “great national highway could be restored to public use only by the interposition of the United States army.” President Scott, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, telegraphed the authorities at Washington, 
The governors of ten States
The governors of ten States

tensor states 

The governors of ten States

—West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Kentucky—issued dispersing proclamations which did not disperse. The governors of four of them—West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Illinois—appealed to the national government for help against domestic insurrection, 
Nobody knows how many millions Rockefeller is worth. Current gossip among his business acquaintances in Cleveland puts his income last year at a figure second only, if second at all, to that of Vanderbilt.
 desired to know “of this mysterious organization, whose business and transactions are of such a character that its members declined giving a history or description, lest their testimony be used to convict them of crime.”
Cornelius Vanderbilt
 In the 1840s, he launched a campaign to take over the most attractive of these lines, the New York, Providence and Boston Railroad, popularly known as the Stonington. By cutting fares on competing lines, Vanderbilt drove down the Stonington stock price, and took over the presidency of the company in 1847---> 47 electrons of Ag atomic silver  metal TUNING FORK frequency 47 
....AG link to Agriculture crops oats/corn

It was the first of the many railroads he would head.[15]: 119–46  

Railroad empire

New York and Harlem Railroad

He later explained that he wanted to show that he could take this railroad, which was generally considered worthless, and make it valuable. It had a key advantage: 

it was the only steam railroad to enter the center of Manhattan, running down 4th Avenue (later Park Avenue) 

One molecule of
hemoglobin contains 4Fe iron atoms of atomic mass average 55.85 each,


One molecule of
hemoglobin contains the  4  Fe iron atom isotopes

Iron-54 (for fe= female Marilyn Reese Sheppard
and her year 1954 blood information flow
VIA her murder

Iron-56 male EXTERNAL iron metal working

Iron-57 Heinz 57 varieties

Iron-58 Aunt Bertha Staerker 
58th Street Milwaukee year 1958 and owned a few shares of Santa Fe railroad common stock 
...thus the battle at

Santa Fe High School Shooting: 10 Confirmed Dead, 10 …
WebAuthorities said 10 people — eight students and two teachers, according to Santa Fe Independent School District Superintendent Leigh Wall --> weigh Wall Street factors — were killed in the shooting on 

On May 18, 2018, a school shooting occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, United States, in the Houston metropolitan area

Ten people – eight students and two teachers – were fatally shot, 

Ten people
Ten people
Tensore space  people
..sore/pain of bullet wounds in 
earth surface space/ time battle

and thirteen others were wounded.[1][2] 

The Sun-Earth government selection words ....
 of the word 
SUN of Solar System implies 

--> Lone Star --> assigned to TEXAS

The Sun-Earth government ......
military language of the 
Milky Way Galaxy located at 
Galapagos Islands ..Peru Ecuador region

The Sun-Earth government ......
military language of the 
Milky Way Galaxy located at 
Galapagos Islands ..Peru Ecuador region

thus the Charles Darwin selection of 
human proper noun /name

military language of the 
Milky Way Galaxy located at 
Galapagos Islands ...agent pago--> pago
..COMPUTER EARTH computer page --> order entry
to DuPage County/Chicago area

Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student at the school, was taken into custody.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis,
Dimitrios Pagourtzis,--> Data Processing

Dimitrios Pagourtzis,
Dimitrios Pagourtzis,

According to the theory, the strings are so small that they appear to be points—as particles had long been thought to be—but in reality they have length (about 10 −33 cm); the mass and charge of a particle is determined by how a string vibrates.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis,
Dimitrios Pagourtzis ---> 

rigged court  trial of oscillations agent 
TED Oswald --> oscillation waves

Wisconsin Waukesha --> sin waves

Wisconsin Waukesha --> sin waves
...Waukesha high school basketball
..........oscillations attack

Wisconsin Waukesha --> sin waves
...Waukesha high school basketball
..........oscillation frequency on a hardwood floor ..... attack inner EARTH math & physics language 

Godfrey Harold Hardy (code name),

\Godfrey Harold Hardy,
Godfrey Harold Hardy,

God   frey Harold Hard  y,

Ground frequency 

Hardware systems..

Botany hardwood trees & Lumber hardwood floors......Logical units

and atomic  iron computer hardware,
as bridges, railroad tracks that inject railroad train oscillations into the EARTH geological layers

G.H. Hardy, in full Godfrey Harold Hardy, (born February 7, 1877, Cranleigh, Surrey, England—died December 1, 1947, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire), leading English pure mathematician whose work was mainly in analysis 
and HOT number theory.

Hardy graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge, 

in 1899, became a fellow at Trinity in 1900, and lectured there in mathematics from 1906 to 1919. In 1912 Hardy published, with John E. Littlewood, the first of a series of papers that contributed fundamentally to many realms in mathematics, including the theory of 
divergent series summation (see infinite series), 
and the distribution of primes

(female meat ...... 
prime rib)

The collaboration between Hardy and Littlewood is one of the most celebrated in 20th-century mathematics.

The SUN-EARTH botany math agents 
....TREE of KNOWLEDGE collaboration between Hardy and Littlewood
between Hardy and Littlewood

between Hardwood and Softwood

ECHO of a Basketball attack

between Hardwood and Softwood

May 24, 2022The softest wood measured is balsa wood, a hardwood with a Janka rating of 70 pounds-force, or 310 Newtons. The hardest wood measured is the Australian Buloke, a species of the ironwood family, with a Janka rating of 5,060 pounds-force, or 22,500 Newtons. The following table gives the Janka Hardness rating of commonly used woods.
between Hardwood and Softwood

Wisconsin Waukesha --> sin waves
...Waukesha high school basketball
..........oscillation frequency on a hardwood floor 
..... attack

The SUN-EARTH botany math agents 
....TREE of KNOWLEDGE collaboration between Hardy and Littlewood
between Hardy and Littlewood

between Hardwood and Softwood

ECHO of a Basketball attack

between Hardwood and Softwood

ECHO of a Basketball attack
ECHO of a Basketball attack
ECHO of a Basketball attack
at Virginia Tech(O)

The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, comprising two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States.
University in Black
University in Black
Univers ........  Black
Universe   Black--> Black earth electrons 
atomic farm soil --> electron S-orbitals

 comprising two(Binary Base 2) intellectual attacks 

Supreme Court Justice code name  

comprising two concepts/ideas

Victor Hugo Black ink on white cellulose paper 

Hugo Black was a jurist and an American politician. 

Black ink --> represented think ............
Alabama Alphabet in the United States Senate as a Democratic Senator from 1927 to 1937 and was also a justice in the United States Supreme Court between 1937 and 1971.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis,
Dimitrios Pagourtzis,

 The Texas shooting is the third-deadliest high school shooting in the United States, after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018 and the Columbine High School massacre in 1999.[3][4]

Total mass of iron in one molecule of hemoglobin = 4 × 55.85 = 223.4 To calculate the percentage of iron: M amu of heamoglobin has iron = 223.4 100 amu of heamoglobin has iron = 223.4 M ×100 Equating to the given value, 223.4 M ×100 = 0.335 Solving for M,

to a station on 26th Street, where it connected with a horse-drawn streetcar line. From Manhattan it ran up to Chatham Four Corners, New York, where it had a connection to the railroads running east and west

to a station on 26th Street, 

Railroad empire

New York and Harlem Railroad

In 1863, Vanderbilt took control of the Harlem in a famous stockmarket corner, and was elected its president. He later explained that he wanted to show that he could take this railroad, which was generally considered worthless, and make it valuable

New York Central and Hudson River Railroad

Once in charge of the Harlem, Vanderbilt encountered conflicts with connecting lines. In each case, the strife ended in a battle that Vanderbilt won. He bought control of the Hudson River Railroad in 1864, the New York Central Railroad in 1867, and the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway in 1869. He later bought the Canada Southern as well. In 1870, he consolidated two of his key lines into the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, one of the first giant corporations in United States history.

Grand Central Depot  --> potassium K-channel

In 1869, Vanderbilt directed the Harlem to begin construction of the Grand Central Depot on 42nd Street in Manhattan. It was finished in 1871, and served as his lines' terminus in New York. He sank the tracks on 4th Avenue in a cut that later became a tunnel, and 4th Avenue became Park Avenue. 

Grand Central Depot  --> potassium K-channel


Grand Central Nervous system parallel MODEL

railroad tracks / rail switching  yards inside.....
 the human nerve routes 

Rivalry with Jay Gould and James Fisk

In 1868, Vanderbilt fell into a dispute with Daniel Drew, who had become treasurer of the Erie Railway. To get revenge, he tried to corner Erie stock, which led to the so-called Erie War.

in other words ... 
EARTH computer software 
PGM = Cornelius-Vanderbilt

Rivalry with Jay Gould and James Fisk

Rivalry with Jay Gould 

Rivalry with Jay Gould codes 

Rivalry with Jay Goul   d codes 

Rivalry with Jay Ghoul   death codes 

ugly and unpleasant, or frightening: ghoulish faces disapproving connected with death and unpleasant things: 
He takes a ghoulish delight in reading 
about horrific murders. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases

He takes a ghoulish delight in reading 
about horrific murders.

He takes a ghoulish delight in creating 
about horrific murders.

Hebrew takes a ghoulish delight in creating 
 horrific murders about Hebron Wisconsin.

Tim Hack of Hebron, and Kelly Drew of Fort Atkinson, were both 19 and graduates of Fort Atkinson High School. They were attending a wedding reception at the Concord House on August 9, 1980,

In 1868,
In 1868,
In 1868,
In 1980
The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a Jefferson, Wisconsin by a corn field. The two had attended a wedding reception  on August 8, 1980 before their disappearnce..

Tim Hack and Kelly Drew are buried... by two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on Oct. 19, 1980 at the edge of the woods near a cornfield off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia ...

In 1980 Cornelius   Vanderbilt software 

fell into a dispute with 

Drew (represented by Kelly Drew), 

who had become treasurer of 

thErie information Railway

weird, eerie, uncanny mean mysteriously strange or fantastic. weird may imply an unearthly or supernatural strangeness or it may stress peculiarity or oddness. weird creatures from another world eerie suggests an uneasy or fearful consciousness that mysterious and malign powers are at work. an eerie calm preceded the bombing raid


To get revenge, he tried to corner Erie stock, 

To get revenge, he tried to corner Erie stock, 

To get revenge, he tried to corn / wood murder 

E Erie stock --> program a human bio-computer 

with initials E E --->

double ee --> Edward Edwards

To get revenge, he tried to corner Erie stock, 

which led to the so-called Erie War.

Rivalry with Jay Gould and James Fisk

In 1868, Vanderbilt fell into a dispute with Daniel Drew, who had become treasurer of the Erie Railway. To get revenge, he tried to corner Erie stock, which led to the so-called Erie War. This brought him into direct conflict with Jay Gould and financier James Fisk Jr., who had just joined Drew on the Erie board

Cornelius Vanderbilt 
Cornelius Vanderbilt 

Cornelius Vanderbilt (May 27, 1794 – January 4, 1877), nicknamed "the Commodore", 
was an American business ...
EARTH sky magnetic field agent .......
Vand equation LINK to
Land geography surface

the rapidly growing atomic iron metal 
--> Fe = Ferrous oxide atom /iron/ 
steel/ stainless steel......
... atomic LiFe  expressed VIA 
    iron  metal FORMATS of LiFe 
 that travel --> iron atoms travel--> railroad industry, effectively transforming the geography of the United States.


V  --> sky ... magnetic field THOUGHTS 
and  magnetic  layers ..........

Group of thoughts


on the earth surface land...... magnate who built his wealth in railroads and shippingIP --> internet protocol PING


RailRoads (RR)

published in 1843 --> DNA code Base 4 exponent 3



Cells decode mRNAs by reading their nucleotides in groups of three
called codons.


published in 1843 



First telegraph line[edit]

In 1843, Congress appropriated $30,000 for construction of an experimental 38-mile (61 km) telegraph line between Washington, D.C., and  

COMPUTER EARTH ....... IBM Basic Assembler

Baltimore along the B&O's right-of-way.


published in 1843

published in 1843

 published in 1843 

At the journey’s end, Mr. Smooth-it-away leaves the other passengers and divulges his true identity by breathing fire and brimstone. The narrator awakens and realizes, with great relief, that it has all been a dream (or a year 1939

Walter Mitty ..neuro-transmitty) 

The boom years of the clipper era began in 1843 

in response to a growing demand for

faster delivery of tea from China.

faster delivery of tea from China. This continued under the stimulating influence of the discovery of gold in California and Australia in 1848 and 1851 and ended with the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869.[2]


ear  --> line ear corn on a farm  field

Linear  algebra --> 
Linear  algebra --> 
Linearealgebra --> 
real reality ground earth


Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.


Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the human bio-geo-computer machines these systems ran on had limited storage.

 Early (Earth language of the 3RD Earl of Russell
 ...Bertrand Russell of Great Britain)
DOS/360 circle rotation  (Oscillation continuum) 

and BOS/360 (BOSTON)  systems made more use of 
Y adcons -->

President John QuincY Adams --->
quiver/ sin wave/ alternating cycle/ oscillation continuum as a platform 

E090 by Herb Zinser 

President John Quiver Adams explains the 

--> President -->   Pre-sent by the pre-consciousness

--> President --> P = Processor ..system 370 

Resident load library of  

Computer earth data & instruction graphs   of the earth land surface .........
 a geography information highway 
the EARTH daily rotation and 
Geographwaves  -->  Geo Wa --> George Washington 

in more detailed words /codes/ clues

President John Quiver Adams explains 


Quiver ..oscillate ...vibrate up & down



to shake with a slight but rapid motion;
vibrate tremulously;
oscillate .....
signal processing .....
sine waves .....

Fourier engineering  sin + cosine functions and waves 

alternating cycles ......

code name ....
year 1600 English atomic theater / agent
william atomic mass 
 quiver/shake ....  shake a spear ... shakespear

the COMPUTER EARTH  code word

--> President -->   Pre-sent by the pre-consciousness

--> President --> P = Processor ..system 370 

Resident load library

What is a load library? - IBM › docs › zosbasics › zappldev_129
Temporary library. System library. Unless a job or step specifies a private library, the system searches for a program in the system libraries when you code ...
Missing: resident ‎| Must include: resident

Resident load library of  

Computer earth data & instruction graphs   of the earth land surface .........
 a geography information highway 

the EARTH daily rotation and
centrifugal force sideways ...... data stream  wind

Geographwaves  -->  Geo Wa --> George Washington 

EARTH geography land waves of plowed farm land

On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York,

took his
  grain crop oats ... food for thought ...

of Nature's oath of office as the

first crop oats of Croatia-serbia

..... old SUN-

 ... and IBM Balkan President 
.....Basic Assembler Language ....

EARTH GOVERNMENT Bal administrative region of
 Baltimore Maryland   .....
President of the United States of North America. 

“As the first of every thing, in our situation will serve to establish a Precedent,” he wrote James Madison, “it is devoutly wished on my part, that these precedents may be fixed on true principles.”

in modern words ....

Precedent,” he wrote
James Madison and Madison Wisconsin, 
“it is devoutly wished on

my part (myoglobin thought muscles and atomic thought particles) 

that these precedents may be fixed on true principles
as explained by project .....

Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński and
parallel code name .....
domestic affairs
National Security Advisor 
 on family, community. school, and television/radio  bull-shit and nonsense schemes and language manipulators
 ........ Karl Henry Zinser .......

ZbignieKazimierz Brzeziński with 

Thomas Robert Malthus -->
 Spoke Z and Nietzsche 

thus Spoke Z ..... group of software life

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams

John Qui n cy A dams

John Qui n cy A dams

John Quiver numeric cycles 

 dams (direct access methods)

John Quiver numeric cycles 

John Quiver /oscillations numeric cycles 

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams (/ˈkwɪnzi/ (listen);[a] July 11, 1767 – February 23, 1848) was an
  American (atomic mass numeric statesman, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist who served as the 6th president of the United States, from 1825 to 1829. 

He previously served as the 8th United States Secretary of State from 1817 to 1825. During his long diplomatic and political career, Adams also served as an ambassador, and as a member of the United States Senate and House of Representatives representing Massachusetts. He was the eldest son of John Adams, who served as the second U.S. president from 1797 to 1801, and First Lady Abigail Adams. Initially a Federalist like his father, he won election to the presidency as a member of the Democratic-Republican Party, and in the mid-1830s became affiliated with the Whig Party

George Washington's Mount Vernon

George Washington's Mount Vernon

George Wa shington's Mount (molecule unit

George Wave /quiver/ oscillation agent

 Mount Vernon

around 1734.[4] George Washington expanded the house twice, once in the late 1750s and again in the 1770s.[4] It remained Washington's home for the rest of his life. Following his death in 1799, under the ownership of several successive generations of the family, the estate progressively declined as revenues were insufficient to maintain it adequately.  

 Queen V --> Victoria

and Asia ..... Sun-Yat-Sen ..send Sun-Earth orbital data to Wisconsin earth....

Osh K Osh ..... Wisconsin city

Os.,,,,,,Oscillations .....sin 
Os cill Oscope... ........... sin waves

An OshkOsh oscilloscope (informally a scope) is a type of electronic test instrument that graphically displays varying electrical voltages as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time.

 The main purposes are to display repetitive or single waveforms on the screen that would otherwise occur too briefly to be perceived by the human eye.

The displayed waveform can then be analyzed for properties such as amplitudefrequencyrise time, time interval, distortion, and others.

An OshkOsh oscilloscope  ..... used at the 

Experimental Aircraft Association
of HAir people   that breath oxygen 
.....  Air at the Air Venture Oshkosh

and the V-shape of India geography

partitioned data set - IBM › docs › zos › topic=ispfpdf-creat...

The steps for creating a PDS are the same as creating a sequential data set, except you specify space for the directory. After selecting the DATASET option ( ...

Notes os V-sections .....

the V-section battles of V = Vietnam

and the

V-section on the
American ci
Vil War  .....

the ciVil war cannon bomb  vibrations....

creation of 

an under-ground sonar and reflected waves

V-section on the
American ci
Vil War  .....

the North American 
Vil war cannon bomb  vibrations....

creation of 

an under-ground sonar and reflected
waves to Europe .....

received Frencfrequency region in
1863 and published in 1864 .....

Jules V-section Verne
(the Journey of signal processing to the
Center of atomic iron/nickel  EARTH core
and reflected bomb explosion waves)  

 and in England by 

Lewis Carroll, Herbert Spencer,
 and Charles Dickens  using the

Geoffrey frequency Chaucer - Wikipedia › wiki › Geoffrey_Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer (/ˈtʃɔːsər/; c. 1340s – 25 October 1400) was an English poet, author, and civil servant best known for The Canterbury Tales.

the inner earth geological message network ....

At the height of Tesla's career,
he theorized that an underground atomic electron message city  of Nature exists ..... messages could be transmitted wirelessly through atomic rock/marble/limestone data pipelines .....
 at long distances inside the EARTH sphere

and the sky ionosphere could have a similar systems of
human bio-radio .. neuro transmitter  brain waves 
as explained by
Olson Electron  agent Olson / Orson Wells in 1938


hopping across a system of suspended balloons or via a series of strategically positioned towers.Mar 14, 2022
Founded: Tesla Electric Light and Manufacturing
Inventions: Induction motor

the inner earth geological message network 

 V path

North American to Europe ...

underground to the EARTH center
atomic iron core ..then reflected to 

northern Europe region of
French and English
human bio-electron bio-sensor
message  interceptors


The earth geology CLAY battles

..... and Euclidean plane geometry 

Earth language systems of the
3rd Earl of Russell (Bertrand Russell)

.... the Earth underground languages

.... name equation and letter codes
-->  Euclidean   

..... Earth geological underground clay layer of ideas & answers 

.... thus we see the year 2022 .....
the atomic clay sub-soil layer of earth BATTLEs
being played out in the Ukraine black earth so

Earth Ground wave ....   agent code  names / proper nouns 

Earth Ground wave (GW) code.... 

Gwilym M Jenkins (Author), 
Donald G Watts (Author)

George Washington | The White House › ... › Presidents
On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York,
took his oath of office as the first President.

The Schrödinger equation
(also known as Schrödinger's wave equation
or Schrodinger's quiver equation

is a partial differential equation that describes the dynamics of quantum mechanical systems via the wave function. The trajectory, the positioning, and the energy of these systems can be retrieved by solving the Schrödinger equation.
Oct 11, 2020

John vibrate/wave mechanics quiver  Quincy Adams | The White House › ... › Presidents
John Quincy Adams,
 son of John and Abigail Adams, served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. A member of multiple political ...

 son of bio-mathematical-physics life forms
and expression agents 

 son of John and Abigail Adams
 son of John and Abigail Adams

 son of John and Abigail Adams
 son of John and Abigail Adams

Spectral Analysis and Its Applications
(Holden-Day Series in Time Series Analysis)
 Hardcover – January 1, 1969 

Gwilym M Jenkins (Author), Donald G Watts (Author)

Gwilym M Jenkins

Gw --> Ground wave 

Gwilym M Jenkins

G w il ym M Jenkins

G wi il  --> earth ground / land  region of
Wisconsin and Illinois(e)  


Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

Tennessee Valley Authority

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a 
EARTH atomic federal  government of 

Fe = Ferrous/iron atom 
EARTH geography / land region of the  United States.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA

V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

Ten --> Tensor space/time on Earth surface

 TVA's service area covers all of 

Tennessee TVA (Tensor Vector Addresses), 

see/look/ aware/ consciousness

portions of AlabamaMississippi, and Kentucky, and small areas of GeorgiaNorth Carolina, and Virginia. While owned by the federal government, 

TVA receives no taxpayer funding and operates similarly to a private for-profit company. 

TVA receives (vector space)

no taxpayer funding and

operates similarly (simple harmonic oscillators)

TVA's service area covers all of Tennessee, portions of 

Alabama --> map, 


ippi (Simple), 



to a private for-profit company. 

TVA receives no taxpayer funding and operates similarly to a private for-profit company. 

TVA receives no taxpayer

TVA receives no t   ax   payer

TVA receives no t   ax   player

.....................sino t   ax   p layer (processing layer)

..sino  --> sin wave continuum with sino nodes

TVA receives no taxpayer funding and operates similarly to a private for-profit company. 

TVA receives no taxpayer

TVA receives no t   ax   payer

TVA receives no  ax   player

.....................sino t (graph)  

axis (x-axis horizontal  y-axis vertical)

   p layer (processing layer)

It is headquartered iKnoxville, Tennessee, and is the sixth largest power supplier and largest public utility in the country.[3][4]

It is headquartered in Knoxville, Tennessee

and is in the 

Euler math equation of

e = 2.718 earth continent algebra  constant

region thsixth 

region thsixth

region thsixth

region thstep up/exponent level ....ix


mathematical-physics engineering power 

supplier and largest public utility in the country.[3][4]

The TVA DAM systems was created by 

direct access method (DAM) indexed sequential access method (ISAM) virtual storage access method (VSAM) Physical IOCS (PIOCS) Execute channel program (EXCP) OS/360 and successors OS/360 through z/OS support datasets on DASD with the following access methods: Basic sequential access method (BSAM) Basic indexed sequential access method (BISAM)

Direct-access storage deviceDirect-access storage device atomic building

Direct-access storage deviceDirect-access storage device atomic building
President NiXoN explains in 1972 ....
COMPUTER EARTH atomic cement/concretedata storage devices

Basic Direct Access Method
BDAM arranges records in any sequence your program indicates, and retrieves records by actual or relative address. 

BDAM arranges records ..COMPUTER EARTH
BDAM arranges records
BDAM arranges records
BDAM arranges records
Beaver   DAM Wisconsin arranges records

IBM earth disk 3350  ......... 
Route 33 VIA  iron vehicle at 50 miles per hour
Shown here in design models, the IBM 3350 ("Madrid") Direct Access Storage was announced in 1975.

IBM earth disk 3350  ......... 
Route 33 VIA  iron vehicle at 50 miles per hour

IBM  3350 access   arm 

from Lake atoMic Michigan 
quantum wave mechanics path on land 
as waves force image   westward to
Beaver Dam  .......
thru     .... I/O port of George Washington 
DATABASE site of Wisconsin waves

IBM  3350 access   arm 

from Lake atoMic Michigan 
quantum wave mechanics path on land 

from Lake atoMic Michigan 
from Lake ..........coMic  --> comic strip   path on land 

Shown here in design models, the IBM 3350 ("Madrid") Direct Access Storage was announced in 1975. Data recording media and mechanisms were built into the drive. The fixed media technology featured greater recording densities and could result in lower storage costs for 
IBM users 
of the stolen Zinser's property 
......with large storage or high performance requirements. It had a ...
Known during its development as "Madrid," the IBM 3350 was introduced in 1975 and first delivered the following year. 

It extended Winchester technology by using 2024 N. Winchester Street in Chicago ....... increasing the number of disks per drive and the recording density to provide a 4.5 times increase in capacity per spindle. In addition, the developers eliminated the customer-removable disk pack and circled back to fixed disks, as in the IBM RAMAC, to achieve higher recording densities and lower cost per bit of online storage. In addition, the elimination of operator handling -- and exposure to external contamination -- provided high reliability.

Average seek time (ms): 25


If you do not know the exact location of a record, you can specify a point in the data set where a search for the record is to begin. Data sets organized this way are called direct data sets.

Data sets organi
Data sets organi
Data sets organic  THOUGHT    molecule

The TVA DAM systems was created by the

Co = Computer  Earth government

and the math/ algebra set theory ...

algebra subset government of the 

United States....States of Nature

expression agents in Congress 

expression agents in Congress in 1933 as part of

the IBM system 370 OS/JCL SNA VTAM 

project  to take the 

TVA large scales DAM (Access methods)

and miniaturize it into ,,,

 physics/ engineering

copper/electric ..electronics device

parallel ... disk data storage

IBM 3330 , 3350, and 3380 data storage

The IBM 3330 was a high-performance, high-capacity direct access storage subsystem for use with all IBM System/370 models as well as the IBM System/360 Model 195. 

Each 3330 subsystem could have from two to 16 drives, 

giving users

Base 16 hexadecimal RD site

Processing abstract 
Chenequa equations 
assembler language EQUATE  *

Equates (EQU) LINK to the Equator (An Assembler "Nicety") Assemblers may have features (usually ones that are easy to implement) that are meant to improve the programming environment.

 An equate capability is one of these where <symbol> EQU <value> equates a reference to <symbol> to be the same as a reference to <value>.

Equates (EQU) LINK to the 
E = Earth --> area of thought
E = Equator --> quantum languages

E = Equator
E = Equator and Chenequa
and F(x) = 0 
and F(x) = O 
atlas location 
F(x) = O --> Oconomowo
(5 math zeroes/ math roots)

E = Equator
E = Equator

E = Equator
E = Equator
E = E  ua or
E = Ecuador ...
Quiver region --> Quito to Arequipa, Peru

 (An Assembler "Nicety") Assemblers may have features (usually ones that are easy to implement) that are meant to improve the programming environment.

 An equate capability is one of these where <symbol> EQU <value> equates a reference to <symbol> to be the same as a reference to <value>.

 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book 

... area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics from 

Arequipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book 

..... Computer Earth MAP of 

Symbol Machines and the real reality LAWS of Nature

land Y-address constant  --> your house and  back-yard

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

Address constant and modern social anthropology

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory ...

... Computer earth round sphere

... human bio-computers

... 4-legged animal bio-computers at Pabst farms

using 4-legged Holstein milk dairy cows and their 


the Protein Machine. 

...copper wire electricity / modern electronics 

coppers such as Hewlett Packard, etc

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one

An address constant can be one 

...humanoid named Pier one ..director of FermiLAB EARTH LAB specimen imported from the Galapagos Islands / Peru & Ecuador region/area ..... 

the geography/geology area of Nature's communication requirements and language formats, etc

area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics and their expression cities/ objects/ devices/dress clothes .....

quipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

Thus the EARTH geology region of signal waves/ small quakes that trave thru atomic soil/rock per Nikola Tesla

inner atomic earth sphere
...Nature's ancient message paths

Inner earth quiver RF waves ...surface and are BROADCAST
via the city code name .... 
Radio Quiver  to ----> another earth site

Aside from HCJB, Radio Quito was the first signals I ever received from Ecuador. The station would reach the midwestern USA in the evening hours. 

On a Saturday evening in May 1985, 
Radio Quito
Radio Quito
Radio MOS.Quito
Radio Quito was playing an enjoyable mix of cumbia and salsa music and I decided to roll tape.

HCJB, Quito, Ecuador Save perhaps for Vatican Radio, which was founded in February 1931, the earliest major religious shortwave station was 

Nature's systems HC =Hydro-Carbon molecular JOB processor --> HCJB --> 
JB, Quito, Ecuador.

The creation of American evangelists 

theory and applications people 

..... Clarence W. Jones and Reuben E. Larson, it too began broadcasting in 1931, on Christmas Day.

An address constant can be one, two, three or four bytes long, although an adcon of less than four bytes is conventionally used to hold an expression for a small integer such as a length, a relative address, or an index value, and does not represent an address at all. 

COMPUTER EARTH land ....Address constants are defined using an assembler language "DC" statement such as 


Other computer systems have similar facilities, although different names may be used.

human bio-computer names can be rented...

in the secret, hidden economy 

or the Joe Biden secret money system of buying and selling people and/or privileges

 the Joe Biden  ..... democrat spread system

Computer Earth  ..... existential data processing 

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant is created in the morning when a  nude female gets dressed ......

she adds  a cotton dress --> thus

she is an address constant

Neza Studio Black Modified Qipao Chinese Women Dress Qipao Slit Dress
 Hanfu Qipao Chinese Dress Shift Long Dress Chinese Toggles Shirt (3.5k) $35.00 FREE shipping Indigo Blue and White Cotton Chinese Oriental Cheongsam Qipao Dress Bust 38 fit for US Size M or Size 12 (874) $65.99

Women's Elegant Velvet 
Cheongsam Qipao Dress Chinese Mandarin Collar Side Slit Maxi Dress 4.2 (10) $3980 FREE delivery BooW Women's Velvet Bodycon Cheongsam Mandarin Collar Slim Fit Mini Dress Modern Chinese Qipao 4.2 (45) $2699 FREE delivery Wed, Jan 4 HangErFeng Cheongsam Dresses Silk Chinese Traditional Printed Evening Qipao 3420 $35700

qipao chinese dress

qipao chinese dress

qipao chinese sucess address

qipaoqipaoqipao --> quiver /vibrations earth wave continuum ... Asia China 
The prefix sino- comes from the Latin word Sinae, which is the Latin name for China
That word, like the English word China, is believed to ultimately derive from the Chinese Qin chao (the Qin dynasty) of Q address constant

Q address constants contain not actual addresses but a displacement in the External Dummy Section – similar to the Linux Global Offset Table (see Position-independent code). A J adcon is set by the linkage editor to hold the cumulative length of the External Dummy Section, and does not actually contain an address.

(the EARTH systems ....
Qin dynasty code evolution --> Quin --> Quintessentai quiver wave mechanics continuum 
on the solid atomic quantum platform ) 
...thus layers of vowels

i --> quiver platform at area,,,arequipa creates an 
quiver address space ..the IPA

e----> que ,,,queue
a --> quantum atomic platform and music quavers

Music Note Names Comparison. A whole note (semibreve) lasts 4 beats, or a whole measure of 4/4 time (the most commonly used time signature).; A half note (minim) is 2 beats or half of a measure.; A quarter note (crochet) is 1 beat or a quarter of a measure, meaning that four quarter notes are needed to complete a full 4/4 measure!; An eighth note (quaver) is 1/2 of a beat.

of Q address constant
which unified China in 221 BC (Binary Computer era of human and animal Bio-Computers)
 to create the first Chinese imperial dynasty) after passing through a few other languages. 142 14 Joseph Boyle

qipao chinese dress

qipao chinese dress

qipao chinese sucess address

qipaoqipaoqipao --> quiver /vibrations earth wave continuum ... Asia China 

Why does Sino (sin wave node)mean Chinese? 

Earth language link 

 ‘Sí’ spoken by Spanish language mouth

using a human Chin muscle molecular software from ancient 

 China molecules


whereas ‘sí’ is the direct translation of ‘yes’.

whereas ‘sí’ is the direct translation of ‘yes’.

whereas ‘sí’ is the direct translation of ‘yesterday ,,,ancient times .... si  came from the sino region 

of quivers/ sin waves 

whereas ‘sí’ is the direct translation of ‘yes’.

whereas ‘sí’  does not have a node 

qipao chinese dress

 IP address  link toto sister city/region /area of Arequipa ....
HOT WOMEN and the qipao route tomale agent  o --> Pier O 

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru [1]) is a Peruvian - American particle physicist . Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

Probably one of the most legendary Chinese style dresses in fashion history, the Chinese qipao, also known as the 'cheongsam', is particularly known for its classic beauty and tailored silhouette that accentuates the curves in all the right places. Read More View Options Search Filters Rose Print Short Qipao with Silk Lining

The word qipao ( keipo ), which literally means " Bannerman robe"
Bannerman robe"
Bannerman robe" ..communications bandwidth 
Bannerman robe"
Banner   man robe" --> parallel messenger

Dr. Bruce Banner lives a life caught between the soft-spoken scientist he's always been and the uncontrollable green monster powered by his rage. On Screen In Comics Overview On Screen Profile On Screen Full Report In Comics Profile In Comics Full Report Hulk (Bruce Banner)

Probably one of the most legendary Chinese style dresses in fashion history, the Chinese qipao, also known as the 'cheongsam', is particularly known for its classic beauty and tailored silhouette that accentuates the curves in all the right places.

 and originally referred to a loose-fitting, trapezoidal-cut garment worn by both Manchu men and women, became a more formal term for the female chèuhngsāam.

Earth quiver language travels

.....history, the Chinese qipao 
--> Area of Arequipa O --> Route  
Arequipa agent O to 
ChicagO region to give quips at Batavia/FermiLAB,

ˈkwip Synonyms of quip 1 a : a clever usually taunting remark : gibe b : a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment 2 : quibble, equivocation 3 : something strange, droll, curious, or eccentric : oddity quippy ˈkwi-pē adjective quip 2 of 2 verb quipped; quipping intransitive verb : to make quips 

Each experiment should plan to have equipment staged a day or two before the scheduled install day (Wednesdays by default). If it is a complicated set up, it helps to have the ORC committee review the setup before installing. The Test beam has several areas for staging equipment.

Probably one of the most legendary Chinese style dresses in fashion history, the Chinese qipao, also known as the 'cheongsam', is particularly known for its classic beauty and tailored silhouette that accentuates the curves in all the right places.

 and originally referred to a loose-fitting, trapezoidal-cut garment worn by both Manchu men and women, became a more formal term for the female chèuhngsāam.

Earth quiver language travels

.....history, the Chinese qipao 
--> Area of Arequipa O

 the 'cheongsam', is partic --> particle 
to South America

trapezoidal-cut (earth MATH garment) 
 garment worn by 

both Manchu  & Machu Picchu 
both Manchu men in China

both Manchu  & Machu Picchu 
both Manchu  & Manchu Picchu 

Piccadilly Square in London 
(Northern latitude)

both Manchu  & Machu Picchu 

Massachusetts (Northern latitude)

IBM explains 
HOT human female bio-computers

Cheongsam - WikipediaCheongsam - WikipediaCheongsam DATABASES- Wikipedia
GSAM databases are 
sequentially organized databases that are designed to be compatible with z/OS® data sets. 

GSAM databases have no hierarchy, database records, segments, or keys. 

GSAM databases have no hierarchy,
GSAM databases have no hierarchy and travel to Arequipa Peru to Pier O .... and FermiLAB ,,,,
and his spanish language word Si --> to establish a NEW quiver wave continuum ...

take over GSAM --> Government of Uncle Sam ,

Uncle Sam poster

GSAM databases can be in a data set previously created or in one later accessed by the z/OS access methods VSAM or QSAM/BSAM.

The qipao was the official formal dress during the Qing Dynasty era. Both "qipao" (Mandarin) and "cheongsam" (Cantonese) are used to describe the same Chinese dress worn by women

Computer Earth region
In Hong Kong, the cheongsam is used as formal school uniform (Uniform resource locator). 

A "cheongsam" worn by a male is called a changshan in Mandarin, which means 'long shirt' .

 which means 'long
 which means 'long
 which means 'long ...latitude/ longtitude / altitude
software subroutine battle in year 1935 in Baton Rouge

The FN Model 1910 which Carl Weiss allegedly used to shoot Huey Long

on display at the Old State (OS) Capitol of Oscillations

on display at the Old State (OS) Capitol 
of old .....Oscillations continuum ....old quantum wave mechanics  ....

on display at the New IBM version of 
the Old State (OS)  ..state of mind

data processing 

The EXEC --> Execute/ kill statement

The assassin Weiss ..sine oscillation wave on the 

EARTH.... West-east direction ....  
H = Horizontal line of earth geography coordinates

..the horror ...... horizontal latitude

The assassin Weiss ..sine oscillation wave on the horizontal  ....math x-axis (east and west directions)

was a well-respected 28 year-old ear, nose, and throat specialist from Baton Rouge. His father was president of the Louisiana Medical Society. [22]

On Sunday, September 8, 1935, United States senator and former Louisiana

 governor Huey Long was fatally shot at the 

Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge,


Long and his Longitudinal brain fissure was 

an extremely popular and  influential

 politician at the time, and

 his death eliminated a possible 1936 presidential bid against incumbent 

code name ......
Franklin (line)  Delano Row Roosevelt West

code name ......
Franklin (line)  Delano Row Roosevelt West

EARTH language .... codes/names .... link

The assassin Weiss ..sine oscillation wave West on the 

On Sunday, September 8, 1800 + 135 year time angle
--> code 1935

United States senator and former 

Louisiana agent
L --> x-axis and y-axis symbol

= origin of the plane geometry/algebra graph

Louisiana  governor .......
 messenger vehicle/ human display agent in year 1935 a computer display terminal in 
human biology format

Huey Long...... 

long --> Horizontal latitude (first name) and

Longitude (last name) 
...the Earth living English & math .... living language SYMBOL MACHINE links 

The assassin Weiss ..sine oscillation wave West on the 

About word/ dictionary horizontal tales / bull-shit schemes

Taliesin West

Taliesin West

Taliesin West was architect Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home and studio in the desert from 1937 until his death in 1959 at the age of 91. Today it is the headquarters of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.

Open to the public for tours, Taliesin West is located on Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard in Scottsdale, Arizona. The complex drew its name from Wright's home, Taliesin, in Spring Green, Wisconsin.


Wright (right angle .... 90 degrees plane geometry 

visits/goes to live with 

Frank ... Arizona 90 degrees temperature Family of

Fahrenheit and its

History of the LIFE and ACCOMPLISHMENTS of

thermodynamics systems .....

Nature's systems and social engineering systems

..... thermodynamics  expressions such as 


or using MALE human agents and their activities to generate data signs and feed-back signals, etc

Wright (right angle .... 90 degrees plane geometry 

visits/goes to live with code name -->

Frank ... rank Arizona 90 degrees temperature Family of

Fahrenheit and its

temperature e
quivalence quiver wave ... 

temperature measure relative ..... 

and 37 tempertaure scale of Celsius ...

in signaling year 1937 .....

Taliesin East was the Wisconsin 

summer home

Fahrenheit Farm land and home of 

architect  Frank Lloyd

Taliesin - Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Originally settled by his maternal family, Wright had spent several summers farming the land that he purchased for Taliesin. 

His love for the setting can be felt in the home he created, which would serve him for the rest of his life.

Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin | Wisconsin wave Attraction

Located in the Driftless Region of southwestern Wisconsin near Spring Green, Taliesin is the name of Frank Lloyd Wright's .... 

IBM system 370 right triangle computer 
...Nature's math & geometry computer main frame 
...temperature data processing code -->
IBM system 37.0 Computer Celsius

IBM system 370 right triangle computer 
...Nature's math & geometry computer main frame 
37,000-square-foot home, 

(2 by 4
 lu = wood cellulose Logical unit
lumber stud  i/o -> input/output cellulose

to the EARTH daily time cycle  of
 the 24 hour clock TIME CONTINUUM link 

VIA HG Wells year 1895
TIME MACHINE software  programs ....

the TIME city of TIMbuktu AFRICA ..FRIDAY

school of ArTHUR THURSDAY schopenhauer,

Calcutta INDIA
.... Satyendra  Nath Bose (SATURDAY) 

and the 8 data bits (1 byte) = 1 byte --> 800-acre estate 

that includes buildings from nearly every decade of Wright's career from the 1890s to the 1950s.

Wright (right angle .... 90 degrees plane geometry 

visits/goes to live with code name -->

Frank ... rank Arizona 90 degrees temperature Family of

Fahrenheit and its

temperature e
quivalence quiver wave ... 

temperature measure relative ..... 

and 37 tempertaure scale of Celsius ...

in signaling year 1937 .....

Taliesin East was the Wisconsin earth

...sine wave ...quantum wave mechanics accounting system/ 

money, dollars, and values ... total/ sum  ...summer home

Taliesin East .... 

Spring Green Wisconsin waves

with the 

Sandy Hook shooting of  HOOKS LAW

Taliesin East .... 

Spring Green Wisconsin waves

Fahrenheit Farm land and home of 

architect  Frank Lloyd

and EARTH language agent/ 

Governor Scott Walker

reach down to Scottsdale Arizona

Taliesin W = West 

VIA graphic arts.... letter code

Cott --> Cotangent math arm/ curve / functions

S --> stretch alphabet letter S into 

the math curve below per author

 Saul Below  Bellow

Taliesin West was Celsius Home

(winter home of thermodynamics SYMBOL  life ...using a

Fahrenheit & Celsius information carrier in 

humanoid  format)

Frank Lloyd  Wright's winter home and studio in the desert from 1937

 and the Taliesin Fellowship began to "migrate" to Arizona each winter in 1935 to escape the harsh Wisconsin winters for Wright's health on his doctor's advice. 

In 1937 Wright purchased the plot of desert land that would soon become Taliesin West. He paid "$3.50 an acre on a southern slope of the McDowell Range overlooking Paradise Valley outside Scottsdale."[3]

Wright believed this to be the perfect spot for such a building: a place of residence, a place of business and a place to learn.

 Wright described (the underground 

atomic limestone geology level ....
message bedrock layer/ bedrock DATABASE

 Wright described 

 like this, "Finally I learned of 

a site twenty-six miles (26) from Phoenix,

a site twenty six miles from Phoenix,

a site twenty subtract six (14) miles from Phoenix,

a site twenty-six miles from Phoenix,

a site twenty tyrosine-six ixonia Wisconsin miles from Phoenix ........order entry region

Watertown Ixonia,

and P = Phoenix parallel to the 

BOSTON Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013

....26 mile race ....

a site twenty-six miles (26) from

COMPUTER EARTH ... Parallel processing 


a site twenty-six miles (26) from Fenway baseball park ...blood  ..Ferrous oxide atom ....atomic  iron 26 alphabet letters  software language ....

atomic blood heme  schemes in Boston

and  across the desert of the 

vast Paradise Valley

 (para  + dise--> parallel software disease).

 On up to a great mesa in the mountains. On the mesa just below McDowell Peak we stopped, turned, and looked around. The top of the world 

(words written by Insect People -->create Twin Peaks."


Taliesin West was architect Frank Lloyd Wright's winter home and studio in the desert from 1937 until his death in 1959 at the 

right angle age of

 90 + 1 = graphic arts signal 91  shown below  

The assassin Weiss ..sine oscillation wave West on the 

Taliesin West - Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation

Taliesin West is a UNESCO World Heritage site and National Historic Landmark nestled in the desert foothills of the McDowell Mountains in Scottsdale, Arizona. Wright's beloved winter home and desert laboratory was established in 1937 by the thermodynamics continuum 37 Celsius and the  C.P SNow...Second law of thermodynamic .... Vietnam Indo-china (ic)  battle /war systems

Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:

A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare's?[5] I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question – such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? – not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]

Wright's beloved winter home and desert laboratory was established in 1937  and diligently handcrafted over many

 years ears by EAR PEOPLE who attack and destroy
Nature's BOTANY  corn ear systems 

Nature's corn/oats. grain systems ..
inner .EARTH center core....
outer EARTH geography surface representative ......
Cornelius Vanderbilt  for the
COMPUTER EARTH geology V-section ...

the Vanderbilt  V address constant.....

V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

Cornelius Vanderbilt  type 
adcons store SUNLIGHT created corn kernels
 in an external reference on the 
EARTH geography surface / land ...
on a atomic cement foundation /concrete platform .....for a vertical storage bin  of atomic  iron/steel ... sheet metal 

....his systems and the Cornelius Vanderbilt...
 CORN mansion.

It started with Billy building a giant brownstone double house between 51st and 52nd streets. Then,  William K. built a French chateau a few blocks further north on 57th Street, and Cornelius II began a...

The Cornelius Vanderbilt II House was a large mansion built in 1883 at 1 West 57th Street in ManhattanNew York City

It occupied the frontage along the west side of Fifth Avenue from West 57th Street up to West 58th Street at Grand Army Plaza

The home was sold in 1926 and demolished to make way for the Bergdorf Goodman department store.

Design and history

The Châteauesque mansion, occupying the northwest corner of Fifth Avenue and West 57th Street, was constructed in 1883 for Cornelius Vanderbilt II, the eldest grandson of Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, founder of the family fortune. The ground level contained a drawing room, a dining room (which doubled as the art gallery), and a reception room. The second floor housed a salon, a music room, and a conservatory; the family bedrooms were on the remaining floors.

Cornelius, feeling that others were trying to outdo his house, bought all of the property on the Fifth Avenue block. He then hired George B. Post and Richard Morris Hunt to construct a much larger mansion, filling the entire block front. 

The EARTH surface building interiors 

were done by the

French frequency language & MODEL

on the 

parallel inner earth ...

EARTH geology interior as explained by


Jules V-section  Verne 

 Jules V-section of inner EARTH 

and its COMPUTER EARTH address space 

V-address constant Verne  BOOK

Feb 28, 2023A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, French Voyage au centre de la Terre, novel by prolific French author Jules Verne, published in 1864 -->double word. 

It is the second book in his popular series Voyages extraordinaires (1863-1910), which contains novels that combine scientific facts with adventure fiction and laid the groundwork for science fiction. Summary

Thus the Jules Verne V-address constant

for the inner earth DATABASE --->

extended to the next generation of Joules Verne

the Joules design firm of Jules Allard and Sons, with many pieces in the house being imported from Europe.

The house was six stories tall, not including the basement, and also had a stable and a private garden next door. The first floor featured a five-story Caen stone entrance hall leading to the library, a small salon, a grand salon, a watercolor room, a two-story ballroom, and a two-story dining room that doubled as an art gallery. Also on the first floor were a two-story Moorish-inspired smoking room, a den, an office, a breakfast room, and a pantry. On the second floor were Mrs. Vanderbilt's bedroom, boudoir, bath, closet, and dressing room. Mr. Vanderbilt's bedroom was also on the second floor, as well as his bathroom, dressing room, closet, and private study.

The mansion was, and remains, the largest private residence ever built in New York City. Thirteen years after moving into his new home (he also lived at The Breakers, a 125,000 sq. ft. summer "cottage" in Newport, Rhode Island), Cornelius suffered a stroke that left him confined to a wheelchair for the remaining three years of his life. In his will, he left his wife Alice Claypoole Vanderbilt a $7,000,000 trust fund and the use of 1 West 57th Street and The Breakers.

After Cornelius died, Alice never remarried and continued to live in the mansion and in Newport. However, the house was never opened again to friends, and the only functions that are known to have happened there were the funerals of her two sons. 

Subsequently, it was just Alice and the 37 servants needed to run the mansion. 

37 servants

37 servants

1937  Karl Henry Zinservants

As with the rest of the residences on Fifth Avenue, the mansion at 1 West 57th Street began to be encroached on by commercial skyscrapers, but Alice  remained.

his wife ...COMPUTER EARTH agent 
for underground atomic clay idea layers
clidean plane geometry

Book 1636 Part 3 

Earth underground atomic clay government ...Euclidean geometry .... high school military textbooks translated


Earth clay government ...Euclidean geometry ....

high school military textbooks translated by Herb Zinser

Pages  169 to 268

... Euclidean plane geometry language battles

... Euclidean code letters

... E u cl  idea  n

... Earth underground atomic   
clay  ideas

Earth language ....

black human communication agent for 

black soil and clay


human communication agent for 

processes ..

atomic clay, pottery. kiln fires/heat/.

coffee cups, dinner plates, ceramics

 Clay --> C layers--->atomic  
Coffin database Communications layer

data record ......buffer pool with

IBM V-address  and A-address constants using

Death and the base 16 Hex'A' = 10 --> Afterlife Address-

in the Afterlife....A-type and Y-type address constants, you can specify any of the three following types of assembly-time expressions whose values the assembler then computes and assembles into object code. Use this expression computation as follows:

Relocatable expressions for addressing

Absolute expressions for addressing and value computation

Complex relocatable expressions to relate addresses in different source modules

Modern existential computer science

Relocatable expressions for addressing
Relocatable expressions for addressing

IBM Basic assembler language (BAL)
sequential access method (SAM)
amic --> atomic salad dressing to establish a relationship

Relocatable molecules  expressions for Salad  dressing

IBM Basic assembler language (BAL)
sequential access method (SAM)
amic --> atomic salad dressing to establish a relationship

to........  atom atom  from atomic vegetable garden

to........  atom atom
to........    tom ato

 Nor logic  .....Norse Mythology for Smart People Death and the Afterlife Runestones and a burial mound from the Viking Age in Jelling, Denmark (photo by Casiopeia)

 The IBM V-adcons Vikings' religion never contained any formal doctrines concerning what happens to someone when he or she dies.

his wife .....Lewis Carroll parallel Alice-

his wife Alice Claypoole Vanderbilt LINK to

Wisconsin killed CLAY PEOPLE sons

Samuel Hengel murdered at 15 - 
Mothers maiden  name ..Ann Clayton 

MARINETTE, WIS (LALATE) - Samuel Hengel aka Sam Hengel (photo below) is dead. Samuel Hengel, the Marinette High School hostage-taker, had died. Samuel Hengel's death was confirmed by 
law enforcementHengel had shot himself Monday evening following resolution of the hostage situation. As reported earlier on LALATE, Samuel Hengel had released five of the 23 […]

Wisconsin killed CLAY PEOPLE sons farm boy... Matt Anderson
Matthew Douglas Anderson, 21, an area native who was a leader in
Base 16 Hex'FF" = 255 collegiate FFA in Wisconsin, 

was murdered unexpectedly by a computer DOWN-LOAD program implant into his bio-computer BRAIN August 19. 
His obituary follows:

Cheongsam (Qipao evolution): All Things You Want to Know about 
Chinese Qipao in greater Margaret  Mead  .....atomic/molecular 

QipaO (Quiver mechanics IPA address of 

agent O ....from the area of quivers of

Arequipa --> qipao interface)

social expression region ......greaterChicago region 

male Arequipa --> qipao interface 

at Fe= Ferrous iron atom RD site 

-->Fe --> Females of FermiLAB)

Pier Oddone explains the 
atomic message continuum and its expressions ...... female body standing ...
vertical wave configuration
to lure male scientist away fromusinghorizontal wave mechanic equations 

The MALE BRAIN .....Axiom of Choice  - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The principle of set theory known as the Axiom of Choice has been hailed as "probably the most interesting and, in spite of its late appearance, the most discussed axiom of mathematics, s

The qipao was the official formal dress during the Qing Dynasty era

The qipao was the official formal address space during the 
Qing Dynasty era

The qipao was the official formal address space during the 
Qing Dynasty era of 

ordinary and partial differential equations of society
F(y) and Dy

The qipao was the official formal address space during the 
Qing Dynasty era of 

ordinary and partial differential equations of society
F(y) and Dy

Qing Dynasty era of  Charleston South Carolina

with Dy agent --> Dylann empirical PROOF

A timeline of the

Emanuel AME 

Alfonzo Church shooting

over complex number
 Z and its 
complex power series  ... z - z0 

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department intellectuals. and rocket-scientists  LUNGS  announced 

a oxygen atomic number  8  computer ......

 rigged pay-off of  $88 million dollars  ........

 settlement of the ArThur Schlesinger scheme/scam 

on the Thursday Schedule of  with
 victims' families / false statements/ lies and inaccurate people /    survivors
 of a 2015 Alfonzo Chuch math battle shooting in 

which an  avowed white nationalist

agent for Avogadro's number   

killed nine people during an evening (even integer 2,4,6 8 math service ) service at the iconic Black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

The 14 plaintiffs filed civil cases against the 

FBI (Frequency Bandwidth Interface) of bio-radio maninpulation

over MR. PENIS HEAD accusations that the BEDROOM 

pregnancy agency was negligent in failing

Lingerie Negligee - Etsy Lingerie Negligee (1 - 40 of 3,000+ results) Price ($) Shipping Vintage 70s embroidered floral lace nighty nightgown lingerie slip dress negligee M thekissingtree (2,376) $57.00 FREE shipping Soft Black & White Lingerie Negligee Dress LacyTemptation (26) $28.00

Female biology channels

Erase all people

The settlements range from $6 million to $7.5 million for people who were killed, and $5 million for survivors, according to the

 Justice Department.

 Justice Department division of  pussy systems.

 Justice Depart  --> depart legs -->leg -->Legal systems 

Advanced  leg gal -->Leggal --> legal thoughts

by biased puppet male --> 

intoxicated by words/superior brain wave ..ERRORS ,,bragging

E = Equator
E = Equator
E = E  ua or
E = Ecuador ...
Quiver/sin waves/alternating cycles/ 
up & down quarks / 
oscillations ..EARTH signal processing region --> Quito to Arequipa, Peru

 (An Assembler "Nicety") Assemblers may have features (usually ones that are easy to implement) that are meant to improve the programming environment.

 An equate capability is one of these where <symbol> EQU <value> equates a reference to <symbol> to be the same as a reference to <value>.

in other words
E = Equator
E = Equator
E = E  ua or
E = Ecuador ...Quito ...quivers of mechanical iron (ferrous atom)
 metal  equipment.....
moving automobiles, semi-trucks, etc.

BOSTON Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013

....26 mile race ....

a site twenty-six miles (26) from

COMPUTER EARTH ... Parallel processing 

 site twenty-six miles (26) from

Phoenix ,,,,,,,,,Taliesin West sin waves Scottsdale, Arizona... ,

a site twenty-six miles (26) from Fenway baseball park ...blood  ..Ferrous oxide atom ....atomic  iron 26 alphabet letters  software language ....

atomic blood heme  schemes in Boston

BOSTON Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013

....26 mile race ....

Taliesin West - Wikipedia

Wright described it like this, "Finally I learned of a site twenty-six miles from Phoenix, across the desert of the vast Paradise Valley

49 Dead in Runway 26Comair Plane Crash; NTSB Says Plane on Short Runway - WAVE

Runway 26Runway 22 (LEXINGTON, Ky.) ... perimeter fence and crashed in a field less than mile from the end of that runway about 6:07 a.m. Aerial images of the crash site in the rolling hills of Kentucky's horse country showed trees damaged at the end of the short runway and the nose of the plane almost parallel to the small strip.

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people with defective blood IRON language.
 Twenty of the victims were children between six and seven years old, 
and the other six were adult staff members with math defects

The Equator line is located just 26 km (16 miles) north of Ecuador's capital city, Quito

Z = Atomic number 26 of iron metal
..26 protons and its 26 alphabet letters

Oxygen atomic mass 16 ,,,,,,
IBM human lungs BASE 16 (16 miles)

With a little planning it's easy to get to, and makes for a fun ½ day out and about. Keep reading to learn how to get to Mitad del Mundo, plus what to see & do when you're there. How to get to Mitad del Mundo?

 (An Assembler "Nicety") 
Assemblers may have features 
(ferrous/iron atom metals)

The Equator line is located just 26 km (16 miles) north of Ecuador's capital city, Quito

Z = Atomic number 26 of iron metal
..26 protons and its 26 alphabet letters LINK

(usually ones that are easy to implement)

Farm Machinery & Implements Agri Supply has the farm machinery and tractor implements, attachments, and accessories you need to equip your tractor. You will notice significant gains in productivity when using farm implements, equipment and accessories.

equipment and accessories.
equipment and accessories.
equipment and accessories to murder.

 that are meant to improve the programming environment.

The Jules V-section Verne ....

Journey to the EARTH center core
............. core-->

atomic iron & nickel

iron/ferrous oxide atomic computer
the core as a data center -->

atomic iron & nickel --> nickel atomic number 28 ---> messages sent 
Thru geological layers of atomic/rock stone..... inner earth geology 
.....tensor space/time--> inner core OUPUT  to the earth  surface land -->

Great Britain(GB) as a
 COMPUTER EARTH master computer console & display terminal in year 1838
---> nickel atomic number 28 ---> messages sent thru inner earth geology 
.....tensor space/time ---> 28 + ten = 38

nickel atomic social sciences
---> messages -->

Nicholas Nickleby

Nicholas Nickleby, or The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, is the third novel by Charles Dickens, originally published as a serial from 1838 to 1839.

Edited by Boz --> Botany language
and  Frank Baum ...Land of OZ

Nicholas Nickleby

Nicholas Nickleby battles

Cho, 23, a senior English major at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, killed 32 people in two attacks before taking his own life Monday. ... a Virginia Tech student ...

Nicholas Nickleby

Nicholas Nickleby battles

On Feb. 14, 2008 (20 +08 = 28 neutrons battle of Fe (ferrous / iron--54 atom)
Fe = Female 
Fe = Federal female women ... thought and perception ERRORS,

The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. However, a cycle can range in length from 21 days to about 35 days and still be normal. How many days between periods is normal? The days between periods is your menstrual cycle length. 

The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days.

The average length of a 
female blood IRON-54 atomic mass 54 with 
28 neutrons ........the bio-computer menstrual information cycle of 
female name servers(NS) is 28 days.

May 19, 2022

A COMPUTER EARTH name server refers to the server component of the Domain Name System 
( DNS --> Death Name Severs)

one of the two principal namespaces of the Internet.

 Princip creates  some 8,500,000 
human death name servers for 
retail products and merchandise  
World  War  1-

Gavrilo Princip ( Serbian Cyrillic: Гаврило Принцип, pronounced [ɡǎʋrilo prǐntsip]; 25 July 1894 - 28 April 1918) was a Bosnian Serb student who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. Princip was born in western Bosnia to a poor Serb family.

Gavrilo (april) Princip (computer IP agent)   25 July 1894 - 28 April 1918) was a

COMPUTER EARTH atomic life  
living stone/ rock / mineral ...geology platform ..... Living    stone at Ujiji, in present-day Tanzania (atomic number Z), on November 10, 1871...... agent from Scotland

"Dr. Livingstone, I Presume?"
"Dr. Livingstone, I P
"Dr. Livingstone,
I P    job resume/ atomic proton profile?"

 Bosnian Serb
 Bosnian Ser  b
 Bosnian Servant boy

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, 
use of Y adcons,
use of Y adcons --> Yugoslavia address space,

and BOS/360 systems 
since the human bio-computer machines these systems ran on had limited BRAIN storage

and BOS/360 systems 
and BOSTON/360 systems ran  26 miles

in the Boston Marathon blood heme software schemes of the
Boston Athletic letters of the Association

to attack

Fe = Ferrous/iron atom representatives
of the Alps Mountains alphabet 26 letters


Bosnian Serb student who assassinated
received commands from

 students    whose source codes assassinated

 Bosnian Serb student who assassinated 
Fe = atom agent ....
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. Princip was born in western Bosnia to a poor Serb family.

2006 Silver Mitsubishi Lancer Evo Review of 2006 --> 20 + 06 --> 26 iron /fetus language& Ratings | Edmunds

Performance & mpg. 
All   Sarajevo Evo models come with a turbocharged 1.0-liter 
turbocharged 1.0-liter --> litter/stretcher
turbocharged World War 1.0 --> bullet hole

litter/stretcher carries 
wounded merchandise sold --> male soldier 

Performance & mpg. 
All Lancer Evo models come with a 
turbocharged 2.0-liter 
turbocharged 2.0-liter 
turbocharged World War 2.0-liter

turbocharged 2.0-liter  inline four rated at an impressive 286 horsepower and 289 pound-feet of torque. Power is delivered via a five-speed ...

 What are nameservers used for? Nameservers are part of a large database called the Domain Name System (DNS), which acts like a directory for devices and the
IP addresses attached to them.

IP addresses attached to them.
IP addresses attached to the strange world of  them.

 five Northern Illinois University students were shot and killed by gunman Steven Kazmierczak before he took his own life at Cole Hall on the NIU campus in DeKalb. Police...

Steven Kazmierczak
Steven Kazmierczak
Steven Kazmierczak

Why Symbol table
even integer = 2 decimal curved shape ........Kazmierczak ...
return code in Euclidean plane geometry ..straight line segments 


Y2K is the shorthand term for "the year 2000." Y2K was commonly used to refer to a widespread computer programming shortcut that was expected to cause extensive havoc as the year changed...

in other words

Y2K is the Chicago ... 1972 
Robert F White secretary school ........., secretary shorthand term for "thyear 2000." Y2K was commonly used to refer to a 
widespread computer program
widespread computer program
wide    spread female legs  ......
bio-computer program

widespread computer programming shortcut

computer programming shortcut
computer programming shortcut

 that was expected to cause 
extensive havoc as the year changed...

extensive havoc 
extensive havoc 
extensive havoc 
... Vegetable tree Height

Avocados are not the only fruit you may think of as a vegetable. Some fruits can be considered both. They're fruits from a botanical perspective but usually categorized as vegetables in...

Avocados are not the only fruit you may think of as a vegetable.

Earth molecule expression language Guacamole is an avocado-based dip

Guacamole Recipe Guacamole Recipe Guacamole Recipe 
Guacamole Recipe 

Aldrich Chemical Company, 230 S Emmber Ln, Milwaukee, WI, Chemicals

Aldrich Ames molecule agent — 
Aldrich special  molecule agent — 
FBI - Federal Bureau of InvestigationFBI - Federal Bureau of InvestigationFBI - Fed/Feed  Burrito Investigation

 of Mexican Guacamole

The first of those moles to be caught was Aldrich Ames 
as a human piece of meat wrapped in ...

as a parallel

Tasty FBI Burritos Recipe: 

How to Make It - Taste Of Home

Jan 11, 2023
Ingredients 1 pound ground beef 
1 envelope taco seasoning 
1 can (16 ounces) refried beans  
white flour tortillas (carbon 12 inches)

The first of those moles to be caught was Aldrich Ames 
as a human piece of meat wrapped in ....

parallel music, art, food languages .


 by the Earth thought language government 
...3RD Earl of Russell OM FRS
(Frame of Refernce System)

Bertrand Arthur Thursday William Russell, 
3rd Earl RussellOMFRS[66] (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

 year 1940 St. Paul (Dirac) 
quantum FRS property ownership

Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS (/ d ɪ ˈ r æ k /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is considered to be one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.
Historic Name:The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company
Other Name:Aldrich Chemical Company

NAMES ->  
Other Name:Aldrich Chemical Company  
April 14, 2003
Parallel music and arteries language Universes
Not just a staple of science fiction, other universes are a direct implication of cosmological observations
By Max Tegmark
Is there a copy of you reading this article? 
 A person who is not you but who lives on a planet called Earth, with misty mountains, fertile fields and sprawling cities, in a solar system with eight other planets? The life of this person has been identical to yours in every respect. But perhaps he or she now decides to put down this article without finishing it, while you read on.

The idea of such an alter ego seems strange and implausible, but it looks as if we will just have to live with it, because it is supported by astronomical observations. The simplest and most popular cosmological model today predicts that you have a twin in a galaxy about 10 to the 1028 meters from here. This distance is so large that it is beyond astronomical, but that does not make your doppelgänger any less real. The estimate is derived from elementary probability and does not even assume speculative modern physics, merely that space is infinite (or at least sufficiently large) in size and almost uniformly filled with matter, as observations indicate. In infinite space, even the most unlikely events must take place somewhere. There are infinitely many other inhabited planets, including not just one but infinitely many that have people with the same appearance, name and memories as you, who play out every possible permutation of your life choices.

Historic Name:The Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company
Other Name:Aldrich Chemical Company

Location (Address):940 W ST PAUL AVE

The atomic clay brick building 
.......... Vertical clay layers  existence
upon the EARTH horizontal land surface
existing upon the 
EARTH atomic underground ....

Euclidean plane geometry   PLATFORM

1001 W. St. Paul Ave.

Building address commonly used is 1001 W. St. Paul Ave., but the parcel is 1027 W. St. Paul Ave.

Originally built for Falk, 

later owned by Aldrich Chemical Company.

Book 1636 Part 2 Earth underground atomic clay government ...Euclidean geometry .... high school military textbooks translated


Book 1636 Part 2 

Earth underground atomic clay government ...Euclidean geometry .... high school military textbooks translated


Earth clay government ...Euclidean geometry ....

high school military textbooks translated by Herb Zinser

Pages  069 to 168

... Euclidean plane geometry language battles

... Euclidean code letters

... E u cl  idea  n

... Earth underground atomic   
clay  ideas

Earth language ....

human communication agent for 

black soil and clay

Larger property acquired by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation in 2002 for $32.5 million, with a smaller section sold to the 

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2018 for $3 million. 

WisconsinoDepartment of Natural Resources in 2018 for $3 million. 

Wisconsin wave noDe   --> creates 

solid atomic  partment --> mental particles

of Nature VS  university tenure & manure

sin wave noDe   --> creates 

solid atomic particles & thoughts

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in 2018 for $3 million. 

Wisconsin Depart        of Natural Resources 

in 2018 for $3 million

. Waupun prison cell ...cement block

The DNR redeveloped it as a new regional office.

The DNR redeveloped 

The DNR redeveloped 

The DNR red/pink   eveloped 

The DNR red/pink ...... flap envelope 

is our most popular atomic biology

... Vagina Envelop for the male 


Redeveloped in 2020 

as worthless DATABASE site on COMPUTER EARTH.


Aldrich Hazen Ames was arrested by the 
FBI (Fetus Baby INSECT brain per Franz Kafka),

Virginia on 

FBI (1929 problem)

.....(Salvador Dali explains)

espionage charges on 
Fetus February 21, 1994. 
At the time of his Tennis COURT .....
Bobby Riggs 
rigged arrest,...

Guacamole Recipe (with Video)

Dec 7, 2022
Guacamole is an avocado-based dip or spread that originated in Mexico. It's typically made with mashed avocado and lime juice, then seasoned with salt and cilantro. Guacamole often contains tomatoes and onions.

Avocados are not the only fruit you may think of as a vegetable.

 An equate capability is one of these where <symbol> EQU <value> equates a reference to <symbol> to be the same as a reference to <value>.

Tennessee Valley Authority

Tennessee Valley Authority

Tennessee  real reality in 

Wisconsin and Quito / Arequipa 

South America...

sin and quiver vibration wave 

..... world atomic quantum wave 

mechanics continuum ....

PLATFORMS of existence

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a 

EARTH atomic federal  government of 

Fe = Ferrous/iron atom 
EARTH geography / land region of the  United States.

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA

V type adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

Tennessee  software language connections

Base 16 hexadecimal RD site
Processing abstract 

 Pabst Farms using 
4-legged animal bio-computers 
...Holstein milk dairy cows PROTEIN MACHINES

fast access up to 1.6 billion bytes of online storage.

 IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device - APHELIS

When the IBM 3380 Direct Access Storage Device (DASD) was rolled out in June 1980, it gave customers the ability to store up to 2.52 billion characters of information, almost four times the amount of previous IBM storage devices. For users that needed rapid access to large amounts of stored information, the 3380 transferred data at three ...

The 3380 used "count-key-data" architecture to facilitate migration from IBM 3350 and 3340 DASDs. 

 President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. Its initial purpose was to provide navigationflood controlelectricity generationfertilizer manufacturing, regional planning, and economic development to the Tennessee Valley, a region that had suffered from lack of infrastructure and poverty during the Great Depression, relative to the rest of the nation

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA

V adcons store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

store an external reference
store an external reference

store H2O water molecules in a TVA dam 
an external reference (clouds of rain water in the sky)
with the extended
 external reference ....moisture from the GULF of MEXICO

Valley Rainfall - TVA.comDid you know that the Tennessee Valley region averages 51 inches of rain a year? The Gulf of Mexico is a source of this moisture, as are the dissipating hurricanes and tropical storms moving across the Southeast. December through early May is the major flooding season in the Tennessee Valley.

Tennessee Climatology

Precipitation - Since the principal source of moist air for this area is the Gulf of Mexico ---> exit code
there exists a gradual decrease of average precipitation from south to north. This effect is largely obscured, however, by the overruling influence of topography. Air forced to ascend, cools and condenses out a portion of its moisture.


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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...