Saturday, May 6, 2023

Book 1645 Part 02 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...SIM cards murder of Karen Simek ,,,, the Pan Am plane geometry 270 degree angle/ anger 270 dead.


Book  1645 Part  02   Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book .... translated by Herb Zinser


On December 23, 1888 Vincent van Gogh, 
minus .............  2
On December 21, 1888 

add 100 years of B100D software program

On December 21, 1988, 

On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded 31,000 feet over Lockerbie, Scotland, 38 minutes after takeoff from London. Two hundred and 
fifty-nine people on board the New York-bound...
fifty-nine people 
fifty subtract nine = 41 basic assembler instruction
for Computer Earth IBM Highway 41 thru Chicago

The Illinois 2 lane bi-directional highway
Route 38 ...
(existence code 238
for the assembler medicine RX instruction)

Federal intellectual communications  prison at FermiLAB and the Nigel Lockyer coverup of the attack feedback signal ....
of uranium 238 -->38 minutes

 ... the Scotland ...Lockerbie

..... math/ physics battle coverup

Pan Am codes (AM = Atomic mass)

plane geometry  270 degree angle/ anger  270 dead.

SIM cards  murder of Karen Simek 

,,,, in Milwaukee

ATOM math life form MAIN post office

One-variable --> One Bavaria Europe heritage person

that studies math base variables  and constants e and i

... anmd studies rope theory and 

cotton string theory.....applications in the format of 

cotton panty strings and Otto  Ludwig Preminger

molecule movies for the 

cotton THOUGHT molecules of 

cotton panties and their Agatha Christie 


age 18, age 19, age 20 females


cotton panty strings 

(college courses for male underwear undergrads )

Otto  Ludwig Preminger 

(Boston PBS TV EM field implants 

ming cooking show on coo the king /romance)

Simply Ming | Cooking Shows | 

PBS food --> Bull-shit  & fool 

Simply Ming Season 16 is all about cooking at home. Award-winning host chef Ming Tsai 

invites viewers into his loft (vertical building in the Z-axis)

DEATH systems ........ Award-winning host chef of TV EM field 

---> embalming agent --> Ming Tsai 

invites viewers into his loft (vertical building in the Z-axis geometry graph  relative to 0

..for Z0loft

electro-magnetic(EM) field DEATH software implants into the human brain STEM

Feb 24, 2023
Zoloft is used to treat some types of depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder (PD), and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Warnings Do not stop taking Zoloft without your doctor's advice.
SYMBOL LIFE of   Zoloft is used to treat some types of complex number /math / complex power series depression

Z0  --> complex math power series 
... bio-math Zoloft

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the bio-machines ....these athletic systems ran 26 miles in the Boston Marathon manipulation race to 
destroy the integrity of the 26 English alphabet letters
.... racers BRAIN had limited storage.

BOS/360 systems 
BOS/360 systems 
BOS/360 systems 

and loft kitchen in downtown Boston as he and guest chefs share their favorite recipes...

in other words

and Zoloft kitchen in downtown Boston as he and guest chefs share 

their arrogant EM death broadcasts...

 favorite voodoo rite recipes... recipes 

to set-up, manipulate the brain STEMS of innocent people ....... and to create nasty EVENTS recipes ...

Simply Ming Season 16 is all about 
Simply Ming Season 16 is all about 
Simply EmbalMing Season 16 
is all about 

EmbalMing Season 16 
EmbalMing Season 16 
EmbalMing  killing Season 16 

shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, comprising two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States.

Virginia TECH(O) ..... 
BOSTON murder techology   VIA ......  MING recipe for 32 dead... flowchart

1st --> the killing of  1  EMILY Hilsher

at EARTH ground/land ...

earth  electron .....amplifier circuit site 
using the 

atomic building stone/cement /concrete and atomic iron metal electronics
..... and the EARTH language alignment with proper noun

earth  electron .....amplifier circuit site 
NAMED ............ Ambler

Thus the mirror code letters
b rotate to --> p
Ambler  ---> Amplifier  building 

West AJ also has a limited number of suite-style rooms. Ambler Johnston is one of
Virginia Tech's more modern residence halls for 
Morenci Arizona copper metal wire and the city of electricity , 
with colorfully accented hallways, 
updated lounges and 
IBM COMPUTER EARTH ... CICS common areas

The Common System Area Class control statement reports about CSA data. The format is. CSA.

The common work area (CWA) is an area of storage in your CICS region that any user application can access. You determine the size of this work area by using the WRKAREA system initialization parameter; you can specify sizes up to 3584 bytes. The common work area (CWA) The common work area (CWA)

and several amenities you won't find elsewhere on campus.
and several amenities
and sever (kill software) 
amen (go to heaven upon DEATH)

Ambler Johnston shootings to
start the death Amplifier

At around 7:15 a.m.,
Cho entered the room
Cho entered the room
Chosen by the oscillations/quiver/ sin wave THOUGHT continuum

chosen people, the Jewish people, as expressed in the idea that they have been chosen by God as his special people

 they have been chosen by God
 they have been chosen by Godfrey freqency Hardy

that freshman Emily J. Hilscher shared with another student, and shot Hilscher, 
a 19-year-old from wood & forest codes

Lee de Forest (August 26, 1873 - June 30, 1961) was an American inventor and a fundamentally important early pioneer in electronics. 
He invented the first practical electronic amplifier

He invented the 1st to DIE practical 
electronic amplifier building 
parallel approximation WORDS & CONCEPTS

WEST   amplifier Johnston (Quantum) Hall

human bio-radio HEAD ... brain neuron-transmitters

Emily Hilsher 1st to die the DEATH amplifier 

earth  electron .....amplifier circuit site 
NAMED ............ Ambler

Thus the mirror code letters
b rotate to --> p
Ambler  ---> Amplifier  building 
Ambler  ---> Amplifier  building 
Ambler  ---> Amplify DEATH   building 
to 32 dead

In addition to television, 
Ming is also the author (HORROR) 
of three cookbooks, including Blue Ginger:

 East Meets West Cooking 
 East Meets West Cooking 
 East Meets West Cooking 
 East Europe (Ukraine burns 
..... as buildings cook ) Meets West Cooking 

PSB TV EM field COOKING SHOW attacks ..

Homemade Chicken Kiev Recipe - Food Network Kitchen

Tightly wrap the chicken roll in plastic wrap.
Repeat ...  Kiev Recipe -  

Fighting in Kiev .. Chicken Kiev parallel in year 2014

Feb 20, 2014 — Kiev turns into battleground as police and special forces 
are issued with combat weapons.

Ukraine violence: dozens killed as protesters clash with armed police

This article is more than 9 years old
Kiev turns into battleground
 as police and special forces are 
issued with
FERMILAB combat weapons.

Federal government NONSENSE 

create world battle EVENTS SYSTEM message feedback signals 

FERMILAB  atomic social sciences

Scores of people have been killed and many more injured in what has become the bloodiest day in modern Ukrainian history.

The violence started shortly before 9am

The violence started shortly before 9am

The 2014 

violence started shortly before 9am

...many years earlier in 2007

The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, comprising two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in BlacksburgVirginia, United States ......

At around 7:15 a.m., Cho entered the room that freshman Emily J. Hilscher shared with another student, and shot Hilscher, a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia

Emily ...EM field agent ........was majoring in

 animal and 

poultry sciences and EM poultry waves that


The violence started shortly before 9am when the POULTRY chicken proteins within humanoid protesters armed with axes (protein language ....Revenge of the Poultry Chicken ax killings), 


Nov 9, 2022What is a Pullet Chicken? A young
 hen, usually less than a year old, is called

 a pullet. In the beginning, pullets have fewer and less shiny feathers. 

Male chicks under the age of one year are called cockerel. Pullets are young female chickens which start laying eggs after 8 to 12 weeks

revenge of the Poultry chicken

Pullet chicken molecule letters VS Pulitzer Prize line of bull-shit scheme

to pull my leg .........with  their self-appointed ... arrogant nonsense  .......

levels of intellectual superiority 

- Wikipedia

The Pulitzer Prize ( / ˈpʊlɪtsər / [1]) is an award

 administered by Columbia University food service for

Dining plans are convenient and a great value 

Roasted Chicken protein THOUGHT molecules


The Pullet Pulitzer Prize ( / ˈpʊlɪtsər / [1]) is an award

 administered by Columbia University food service for

manipulation and lie   achievements 

in newspaper incomplete explanations of tragic

 signaling EVENTS, 

magazine creates gun bullet magazine shootings,

 online journalism, 

literature of litters of over-population  babies, 

and female pussy muscle .......

the pleasure  Music BOX --> mus --> musical

 composition of BEDROOM music 

within the United States.

Choose your weapon : Axe,

Choose your weapon : Axe,

The ax method for butchering chickens is still in use 

Chic Definition & Meaning - 

Merriam-Webster evolution of chicken

 protein language

1 : smart elegance and sophistication especially of
 dress or manner : style wears her clothes with
 superb chic 

2 : a distinctive mode of dress 

2 : a distinctive mode of dressing/stuffing 


2 : a distinctive mode of dress 

2 : a distinctive mode of dress 

Baked Chicken & Plain Dressing

Baked Chicken & Plain Dressing

Baked Chicken & ExPlain Dressing

How To Make baked chicken & plain dressing ·

 1. Bake cornbread- Mix according to directions with eggs and milk. · 

2. Allow baked cornbread to cool. · 3. Place ..

"Stuffed" Chicken with Mushroom Dressing

2 : a distinctive mode of dress 

or manner associated with a fashionable lifestyle,

 ideology, or pursuit wearing the latest in
 urban chic

 New Age chic ---> New age  chicken (kennedy

 family lays eggs that become children)

3 : a faddishly p

opular quality or appeal

The ax method for butchering chickens is still in use 

The ax method for butchering chickens is still in use 

. If this process to butcher a chicken works for
 you, go ahead and proceed. 

You'll need a chopping block, but you may still use a huge round stump and an axe. Make sure your axe is sharp enough before using this method.

with Ming Tsai (now in its 8th edition and selected by Food and Wine.

DEATH systems ........ Award-winning host chef of TV EM field 

---> embalming agent --> Ming Tsai 

invites viewers into his loft set-up and program VIA remote TV broadcast  ......... thus the 

Boston TV Ming Tsakitchen and 

Boston Bruins ice hockey attack 

on the  human SYMBOL BRAIN PROCSSOR  names/identifier proper nouns ........


Boston Bruins ice hockey attack on the 

brain  Ice-berg MODEL ..

to convert the 

brains brutually into Bruins  (brain ruins)

.. the Boston families and their children wish to destroy economies and to destroy the legal systems of society

DEATH systems ........ Award-winning host chef of TV EM field 

---> embalming agent --> Ming Tsai 

invites viewers into his loft 



kitchen loft of Ming Tsai....... EM PBS television

in TV  programming the human bio-electron

MOSCOW Wisconsin 
— Russian TV reported Friday that two ethnic Chechen brothers are suspects in terrorist bombings. But, for Russians, there was a new twist: the bombings were in Boston.

Simply Ming Season 16 is all about cooking 
at home his hometown city of BOSTON using a pressure cooker. 

at home his hometown city of BOSTON using a pressure cooker 
to create a parallel 
Boston pressure bomb  EVENT database. 

Simply Ming Season 16 is all about cooking 
human people at home city of Boston 
on Boylston Street using 
television EM and NASA attacks on on Boyle's law of pressure

Award-winning host chef 
Ming Tsai invites viewers
with human proper noun
 name ... TsaRNAev ....

to be programmed by PBS  TV program implants from  Tsai .... routed  into the 
human bio-computer brains  of 
parallel TSA code name ..... 

.TsaRNAev ....

Award-winning host chef 
Ming Tsai invites viewers
with human proper noun
 name ... TsaRNAev ....

to be programmed by PBS  TV program implants to the human body/brain 
 from  Tsai ....
 his loft kitchen ...word selection
Chechen Kyrgyzstani-Americans

 in downtown Boston as he and guest chefs share their favorite... radio frequency voodoo rites

Award-winning host chef 
Ming Tsai invites viewers
with human proper noun
 name ... TsaRNAev ....

to be programmed by PBS  TV program implants from Ming Tsai .... routed to the 
of    MING TSAI ..Boston EM
of    MING TSA
of    MING TSA   Interface EMployee

 MING TSA  project goal

 EmbalMING TSA Interface agent
The TSA agent killed in today's attack at LAX was identified by authorities as Gerardo I. Hernandez, a 39-year-old who lived in Porter Ranch. See also: Shooting at LAX Closes Terminal...

LOS ANGELES - An airport security officer lay helplessly bleeding after a gunman opened fire at Los Angeles International Airport as paramedics waited 150 yards away because police had not...

Paul Ciancia, 26, told the court he had become sick of life, decided to kill himself and to take up arms against the government before opening fire at an LAX security checkpoint. Ciancia has...

Boston PBS television EM field ...
card software  implants into the
human bio-electron body and brain

Network television WORD schemes

Bart SIMpson cartoons +
Captain Pi
Card ....

SIM card  implants broadcasts

in the BODY /BRAIN 

Bart SIMpson cartoons in newspapers and TV

Bart SIMpson cartoons 
Bart SIMpson cartoons 
B  art  --> Blood arteries receive 
SIMpson SIM cards cartoons
 ... blood instructions on SIMPLE penis 
to get a hard erection and produce more babies

SIM cards are the very visible 
EARTH North Pole 
....Alfred NORTH Whitehead property

EARTH magnetic field flow line
---> magnetic  magic 

the bull-shit and usage of stolen property
......unseen magicians of today's CIA versus humans using smartphones. 

They make connecting to networks
They make connecting to networks
They make connecting to Galileo networks

They make connecting to networks
They make connecting to networks
They make connecting to Charles Dickens networks

They make connecting to networks and switching phones as easy as
removing a small metal tray.

removing a small metal tray.
removing a small metal tray.
removing a small mental tray.
removing a small mental betray.

SIM cards are the unseen magicians of today's

 Milwaukee legal system HUMAN puppet 

SIM cards 

SIM cards 

SIM cards  murder instructions ...the killing of Oconomowoc Karen Simek
by Milwaukee electron engineering electron & molecule SCHEMES

"Why?" Husband bandwidth of bio-chip Karen Simek (Sim card and the Sim scared )
speaks out for 1st time ... -
 Fox6 Milwaukee

Electrical Engineering » Electrical and Computer Engineering

EE requires two courses (6 hrs) selected from any ONE of the following areas. 
Communication & Signal Processing 
Systems Control 
Systems Circuits & Electromagnetic Systems
Nano Systems 
Power Systems 

Total Credits 122 credit hrs minimum required 
to graduate Dual Degree (Double Major)

MILWAUKEE -- An Oconomowoc woman was murdered while headed into work in Milwaukee, and five months later, no one has been arrested for the seemingly random crime. 
On June 29th,  Milwaukee ......atomic electron DOUBLE E 
police made a code pattern of how cities and towns FEED secret / hidden  information from the greater Milwaukee region
into the Milwaukee central core -->CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Oconomowoc MILWAUKEE 
--> OEE --> order Entry into the Electron continuum

Feb 16, 2023
SIM card is a small chip that you insert into your phone and allows you to connect to your carrier's network. You can then make phone calls, send messages, and use mobile data through your...

A SIM card is a small chip that you insert 
A SIM card is a small chip that you insert 
Attack  Karen  SIMEK card is a small chip that you insert 

 is a small chip
 is a small chip
 is a small chip/   a small tote bag of 
cotton / canvas FABRIC .... molecule electronic DEATH circuits in the format of a Duluth handbag / purse  
Handbag Accessories (1 - 40 of 5,000+ results) Price ($) Shipping All Sellers Grim Reaper, Killing It, Handbag (398) $59.95

in other words

Handbag Accessories (1 - 40 of 5,000+ results) Price ($) Shipping All Sellers 

Grim Reaper ...BRAND NAME orders to attack human
biology DNA  

Killing It --> attack language words and 
linguistics of the quiver message carrier platform, 

Level 2  ...... g small letter of G pointing west
..................g bottom tail direction <------
                        linguistics SOFTWARE level
Level 1 --- q small letter of Q ..
quiver / quantum wave mechanics 
HARDWARE platform per
Godfrey frequency Harold Hardy.

Handbag (398) $59.95

A SIM card is a small chip
A SIM card is a small molecular potato chip 
that you insert into your MOUTH

A SIM card is a small chip
A SIM card is a small chocolate electron chip ..
atomic molecular device 

that you insert into your


 If you buy a new phone, 
you can simply insert the WORD SIM card 

into another level of SIM existence -->
your existing SIM and keep on using your existing service as long as the new phone 

isn't locked to a different carrier.
isn't locked to a different carrier.
isn't locked to a different carrier.

...your new phone .....HOWEVER ....
 is locked into ISAAC NEWTON existing carrier


you can simply insert the WORD SIM card 

into another level of SIM existence -->
your existing SIM and keep on using your existing service as long as the new phone 

isn't locked to a different carrier.
isn't locked to a different carrier.
isn't locked to a different carrier.

...your new phone .....HOWEVER ....

 is locked into an existing carrier

Sister Carrie(r) ..... 
(1900) is a novel by Theodore Dreiser
Apr 9, 2022
CSMA/CA stands for 
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance. 

Both methods are used in a single collision domain. A single collision domain is a group of devices that share a collision. Since all devices share a collision, they use a method to avoid and remove the collision.

Wisconsin sin wave platform

Wisconsin sin wave platform of expression

Carrier Sense Multiple Access
BOOK Sister Carrie(r) 
and Congressman SENSE 

In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia CityWisconsin, 18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie" to her family, takes the train to Chicago, to live with 

her older sister  ...math agent Minnie and Minnie's husband. 

On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman who is attracted to her because of 

her simple beauty and unspoiled manner. They exchange contact informa tion, but upon discovering the "steady round of toil" and somber atmosphere at her sister's flat, she writes to Drouet and discourages him from calling on her there.

Carrie soon finds a job running a machine in a

shoe factory (order entry facts) and gives most of her meager salary to the Hansons for room and board.

One-variable --> One Bavaria Europe heritage person

that studies math base variables  and constants e and i

... anmd studies rope theory and 

cotton string theory.....applications in the format of 

cotton panty strings and Otto  Ludwig Preminger

molecule movies for the 

cotton THOUGHT molecules of 

cotton panties and their Agatha Christie 


age 18, age 19, age 20 females

mystery equation letterss

my ster   y 

myoglobin BEEF proteins of a steer --> input to human male mouth 

mystery of

age 18, age 19, age 20 females

mystery --> her Boyfriend is ONLY a piece of MEAT 

with a penis BONE ....... a T-BONE steak

for the female pussy mouth ...that needs to be fed 

with emotional food / pleasure 

molecule movies for the 

cotton THOUGHT molecules of 

cotton panties and their Agatha Christie 


age 18, age 19, age 20 females

in North America (NA) --> Nano-second processor speed platform of Nature and its limit laws ...... Second Edition



LAWS of ........URE

LAWS of ManURE (intellectual) 

and school teaching tenure ERRORS

Locke --> Lockerbie and Dunfermline Scotland 

with Andrew Carnegie magnetic field lines

of the EARTH algebra site theory ..geography region 

of the UK .... Union of K algebra/English 

.......empirical REAL REALITY data sets

Pan Am flight 103, also called Lockerbie bombing, flight of a passenger airliner operated by Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, on December 21, 1988, after a bomb was detonated. 
All 259 people on board were killed, and 11 individuals on the ground also died   .......
 with a total of 270 math plane fatalities 
the air plane (a mathematical-physics plane  ....
military expression TOOL)  

... thus 270 math war casualties


................... Locke on the State of DEAD ALIVE

................... Locke on the State of DEAD ALIVE

................... Locke on the State of DEAD ALIVE

................... Locke on the State of DEAD ALIVE

................... Lock

................... Lock

................... Lockyer on the State of DEAD  needs 

DEAD atomic human bodies from the city of Kyiv

The Ugly American 
The Ugly American 
The Ugly Am   eric  can --> Atomic mass 

numeric (murder of Eric Harris at the periodic 
atomic columns high  school at Columbine)

  canada and cannibal software

Prior to becoming Fermilab's nasty Director
for the nasty algorithms Federal Government
and the Federal ....

 Department of Justice 
DEATH SENTENCE policy of their cybernetics 
arrogance department ....

thus their  Janet Reno Nevada 

Sparks convention center played out in Waco Texas 

VIA  her  MENTAL STATE (state of Nevada)

and the continuance of that STATE of MIND
by the Justice Department   .....
by the Justice Department   ..... ERRORS
by the Justice Depart    ment   .....
by the Justice Depart    mental abilities    .....

thus  their WACO --> Continuance  

 STATE OF MIND approval of the attack on the 

using SYMBOL MACHINE    ..
code names of 
 Vice-president AL GORE (algorithms
create gore/blood & guts EVENTS)

and Tipper Gore to 
Tip over the TWO Towers in Manhattan

for attacking the 
EARTH centre Core --> Gore

and the MUSIC  MACHINE  ........

"Great Balls of Fire" is a 1957 popular song recorded by American rock and roll musician Jerry Lee Lewis on Sun Records[2] and featured in the 1957 movie Jamboree. It was written by Otis Blackwell and Jack Hammer. The Jerry Lee Lewis 1957 recording was ranked as the 96th greatest song ever by Rolling Stone

The song is in AABA form.[3] The song sold one million copies in its first 10 days of release in the United States making it one of the best-selling singles in the United States at that time.

Great Balls of Fire

Lockyer served as Director of TRIUMF,
Canada's national laboratory for
human biology particles and toilet seat covers in 
and nuclear unclear BEDROOM 
human bio-physics nuclear breeding reactors
with male penis nuclear control RODS     

physics and biology physics and 
human FAMILY BS attacks on the

THOMAS Robert Mathus year 1800
and the  
18 vertical columns .... 
of the 18 periodic atomic table  families ......

TRIUMF is Canada's national particle accelerator centre
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

. It is considered Canada's premier physics laboratory,[1] and consistently regarded by bragging idiots ,,,,,

as one of the world's leading ding/dong  

sub-conscious MIND   

physics research centres on the EARTH geography surface

to the Jules V-section Verne ...... 
the French language frequency '
Journey to The Centre core

leading subatomic sperm/semen physics 
male and female bragging BULL-SHIT 

research centres on the EARTH geography surface

inner EARTH  --> THOUGHTS of 
Vincent Van Gogh's ear on  December 23 year 1888)  

VS the

inner EARTH atomic iron centre core .

,,,as a IRON-54  atomic factory creating 
copper 63 & 65  atoms that are sent 

UP by the India...PGM = UPanishads

 to the EARTH land surface in
Morenci and Bisbee  Arizona 

and nickel 58 atoms

and inner EARTH atomic iron centre core ,

convergences of gravity thought field and the 
EARTH North Pole 

Magnetic thought fields and magnetic data/instruction fields

Owned and operated by the EARTH government ....
of William Ewart Gladstone and others......

and their successor HUMAN representatives
that study history, world affairs, and real reality
...such as Karl Henry Zinser of 
Milwaukee (October 18,1937) & Watertown

Wisconsin consortium of 

AtoMic Michael Faraday farm land as an 
earth electron platforms
and the Faraday Far Horizons 
white sand electron circuits routes ...... silicon dioxide atoms
at the Sartre  existence  RD site

resort (sort/merge/collate) human social & romance activity  data records

universities, it is on the south campus of one of its founding members, the University of British Columbia in 

is a Iron-58 isotope .... 1958 political novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer that depicts the failures of the
Margaret Mead atomic social  science ...
Human atomic bio-physics body with legs and arms ,,,,,
LEGS ...... 

cell nucleus ARMS CONTROL 

treaty violations

of the fetus Federal government

United States 

Federal government DEATH SENTENCE 

on Russian people ....

Boston Carmen Ortiz and the Justice Department 

ordered DEATH SENTENCE on Russian people 


 the creation of the Ukraine WAR

..... Moscow Wisconsin and Moscow Idaho  

attack Moscow Russia THOUGHT systems

Gruber Law Offices has approximately 
130 team members ..... in the continuing BATTLE of Approximation of 1865 ....

Gruber Law Offices
Gruber Law Offices secret codes
By JIM HEINTZ September 6, 2018.
MOSCOW  & Milwaukee Wisconsin

parallel systems(AP Grocery store language) — 

GRU isn't as well-known a baleful acronym as GRUBER  ....
 Milwaukee secret language police

KGB (King George Great Britain)

or FSB (Florida State Bachelor of Science). 

But Russia's military
But Russia's military
Butter +  Russett potatoes of Wisconsin's military

But Russia's military intelligence service is attracting increasing attention as allegations mount of devious and deadly operations on and off the field of battle. 

The latest charge came Wednesday, 
when Britain identified 
two(2) suspects --> super-symmetry

All 259 people on board were killed, and 11 individuals on the ground also died   .......
 with a total of 270 math plane fatalities 
the air plane (a mathematical-physics plane  ....
military expression TOOL)  

... thus 270 math war casualties
... thus 270 math war casualties
... thus 270 plane geometry angle ..... war casualties

Pan AM  ....Flight path 
from South to NORTH 

Pan AM  ....Flight path 
from South to NORTH  enter the 
Lockerbie and Dunfermline 
earth magnetic field ZONE 
of 100 miles ...B100D atomic iron 
software language 
of Fe = Ferrous/ iron atoms codes

Lockerbie and Dunfermline 
earth magnetic field ZONE ..
EASRTH magnetic field ....
magnetic  military ZONE
Dunfermline /Andrew Carnegie
Ferrous/iron metal 
..magetic field line/vertical Lines 
from the Fermat SKY  

to the Earth surface ... atomic iron metal  tractors ....  iron metal cars ..iron buildings and storage tanks  

as a vertical magnetic  WALL

The Dunfermline 

of 100 miles ...B100D atomic iron 
software language 

the vertical magnetic  WALL 
Fermat .... and the Boston RED SOX 
Fe --> schemes at
Fe = Fenway baseball Park and
the Boston Marathon run ..runway 
for 26 miles Attack on April 15,2013 ... 

bragging of the runway 26 ...49 dead  in Lexicon Kentucky airport  On the morning oof August 27, 2006 --> 20 + 06 --> 
Boston 26 miles RACE .... cause of the
tragic signaling EVENT
Ferrous oxide atom and
26 proton atomic prose  / iron & magnetic field 
military alliance  
Andrew Carnegie/ Dunfermline .......
vertical WALL ...defense LINE 

2 days ago
Magnetic locks are designed to be placed 
and installed at the 
door top (38,000 feet)  and the 
door frame (EARTH magnetic field 
 main frame computer & structure )

frame for a better magnetic bond. 
The location is ....Nice DEATH with 

as the France   Air space  DOVE
per National Science Foundation snobs

France Anne-Dominic Córdova 
(born August 5, 1947 --> the 1947 partition of India/ Pakistan(IP) into IP address spaces 

with Frequency of Ag silver metal tuning fork 47 electrons 

 is an American astrophysicist and administrator who was the fourteenth nasty/ director of the National Science Foundation of the BOOK of the DEAD

France Anne-Dominic Córdova 

Fragrance /perfume particles ....... air plane particles


Computer Earth 

...questions of human female existence
using the proper real reality language ....

caused  by the failure of female women and their 
political fantasy world of Donald Duck (DD) 
 plays the Trumpet

,,,,vote for cartoon President  Donald Trump
and IBM system 370  OS/JCL 
human bio-computer spokesperson for the oscillations/ sin wave/ wave mechanics continuum
thta we live upon/within

VIA protein flowchart .....

 the BEEF protein THOUGHT molecules ---> 

input to 2-legged humanoid with 2-arms ,,,,
and access to
cellulose paper, black ink, and  
writing instruments (ink pen or pencil) 

--> help create the ideas and  perceptions of 
Albert proteins  Einstein

In 1907, two years after the roast beef sandwich and beer pub ---> publication of his theory of special relativity, Albert Einstein came to a key realization: special relativity could not be applied to gravity or to an 
object (blow job) 
undergoing acceleration.

Imagine someone inside a closed room sitting on Earth. That person can feel Earth's gravitational field.

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant regarding the existence of human the female woman 

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type.

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

Computer Earth 

...questions of human female existence
using the proper real reality language ....

caused  by the failure of female women and their 
political fantasy world of Donald Duck (DD) code

and  their denial of June  6th 1944
and  their denial of June  6th 1944
and  their denial of June  6th 1944

and  their denial of June  6th 1944 
(June wedding schedule) day with DEATH 
for male soldiers on both sides of the 
romance /marriage 
.... baby problems /conflict
..2 people/2 lovers 
 .... create World War 2

Computer Earth 

...questions of human female existence
using the proper real reality language of 
English, math, and science concepts....

Does she exist from the point of view of the 
eye/optical nerve and 
living language MACHINE ..
with various algebra, geometry, and 
English nouns / proper noun ENGINES

Address constant ...process codes

Address constant

Ad  dress constant

Add   dress constant --> add a cotton dress

to acquire existence in


... quiver  ADDRESS space

per President John Quiver Adams

and the We
dding dress connects to

with the Data Definition(DD)

IBM system 37.0 Celsius human male body temperature of the

Galapagos Islands 
ancient reptile  molecular software
ancient ocean quiver wave mechanics 
programs of Nature 


the nearby Peru ........

EARTH LAB human male specimen 
and his GALAPAGOS reptile brain
is sent to Chicago area  ,,,,,,

The Reptilian or Primal Brain In MacLean's triune brain model, the basal ganglia are referred to as the reptilian or primal brain, as this structure is in control of our innate and automatic self-preserving behavior patterns, which ensure our survival and that of our species.

the Wedding dress connects to

with the Data Definition(DD)

IBM system 37.0 Celsius human male body temperature of the

Galapagos Islands 
ancient reptile  molecular software
ancient ocean quiver wave mechanics 
programs of Nature 
and the continent land ,....

REGION of QUIVER language

from Quito     to the Area of Arequipa 

the nearby Peru ........ Quito Ecuador
 TALE of 2 cities/2 concepts  region

periodic atomic table of solid atoms 
and the 
sine wave frequency/ 
wavelength period ...

REGION of QUIVER language

from Quito     to the Area of Arequipa 

from Quito     to the Area of Arequipa 
..the quiver IP  address space

of the ODD ONE human specimen
and his
DD = Data Definition of year 1944

alphabet  A   B  C   D
location   1    2   3    4

travels from the Southern Hemisphere
to its inverse Hemisphere .......
the Northern Hemsphere become upright 

at the St. Charles (DARWIN) 

RD site at nearby FermiLAB

and to align his birth date DATABASE
with the Chicago region EARTH language

Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Pier Oddone 

born March 26 align to Illinois route 56 
and atomic iron automobile language .....
with iron/ FermiLAB ferrous ....26 proton 26 atomic IRON alphabet letters per the 
IRON LADY Margaret Thatcher

Born in 1944 in Area of quivers .... ArequipaPerU --> Periodic atomic table ..element U and its 
male atomic quiver ... of man
 --> in format --> the South American
 quiver man ... mannequins.needs social life  
....... thus the he is sent to North America

...quiver man meets other quiver species 

.... alternating cycle .........electricity and electric motor people

..sin wave people from Wisconsin

... x-ray equipment wave people

..electron microscopes

.. quantum wave mechanics people

.... the OshKosh  Wisconsin air show
     the Os     os................ sin 
.... the Oscilloscope  ......sin wave show

large scale 
EARTH city/state  oscilloscope

the FAA airport oscilloscopes

is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

is a Peruvian-American ODD theater  particle physicist 
and a
particle physicist.

LINKS ..connecting  various continuums

Pier Odd Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa ..........

Area required quiver IP address of  
Probability/odds of zero (0) to One (1)

, Peru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

..IBM OS/JCL on 
quiver Oscillations with the 
Data Defintion(DD)

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant regarding the existence of human the female woman 

Human female  existence flowchart  ...

start with a nude female  ...
as she wakes up in the morning and takes a shower

thus ..for a few minutes  .....  her phase as a
Shop Wayfair for the best female nude mannequins. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff.

atomic/molecular language needs 

atomic plastic / fabric 
female nude mannequins continuum .......static display MODELS in a retail store window
with atomic/molecular emotions

THAT want quivers to be actualized 
in the human physical biology continuum
the letter equation --->translated 

female   nude   mannequin

female   nude   mannequin

female   nude   mannequin

--> female needs ,,....  nude   man

...who needs 
an excited vagina  quiver interface


FEMALE iron-54 represENtatives .......

needs quiver emotions

of IRON-56 atomic mass per Tallahasee
Florida State University

Paul Dirac 
quantum quiver langauges of 
BEDROOM atomic pleasure SYSTEM

the cotton clothes flowchart 

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant


Address constant

Address constant

Address constant

In COMPUTER EARTH existential data processing 
.....IBM System/360 & IBM system 370 
through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a 

John Quincy Adams, 
Sixth President of the United States in year 1826 

human bio-computer HEAD at geography location in 
.... atomic memory storage abilities
gravity THOUGHT field address .....

gravity field FLOWCHART

Sky level / stratosphere gravity thoughts

travel in a vertical tunnel./channel
to the EARTH surface land at Ecenter core.


Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage a 'Y' data type.

'Y' adcons
'Y' adcons
'Y' adcons

John Quincy Adams and his COMPUTER EARTH identity 

...... his alphabet, algebra 


living language MACHINE

concept code name- 

Biography, Presidency & Facts - History

John Quincy Adams ..... Cybernetics Address
 in year 1826  of Fe = Ferrous/atomic iron metal 
 26 proton alphabet-->Federal Government in the 
United STATES algebra  subset of Nature's EARTH
 social engineering systems

Sixth President of the United States address space
at IBM BASE 16 geography land space .......
at address space at 1600 Pen ink Pen location
at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC

relative to the year 1600

IBM BASE 16 TIME address of year 1600
TIME address space at 1600 Pen ..
black ink Pen location of William Shakespeare
in atomic solid ISLAND rock (Information Systems)
(Great Britain (GB site)........

A gigabyte is a specific unit of data that's equal to about 1 billion bytes of data. The term gigabyte is typically used to describe the amount of stored data or 
the capacity of a storage device. 

For example, an HDD might offer 500 GB of raw capacity but is currently storing only 200 GB of data.

 might offer 500 GB 
 might offer 500 GB 
 might offer 500 GB ......
500 years project of  Great Britain 

year 1492 / 1500    to year 2000

Apr 7, 2023With her husband, Ferdinand, Isabella is best known for starting the Spanish Empire in 1492 when they sponsored Columbus on his journey west. 

Queen Isabella of Computer Systems- 
The Voyage of Christopher Columbus Gaining trust from queen Isabella In 1485,

COMPUTER EARTH existence and 
human activity data processing

Queen Isabella of the 
Iberian Peninsula (IP) address 

........ Internet Protocol (IP) of 
Spannish language and 
Portugal (I/O port region) 
 ..... algebra union of sets ...... named Gal)

Queen Isabella of the 
Iberian Peninsula (IP) address 

........ Internet Protocol (IP) of 
Spannish language and 
Portugal (I/O port region) 
 ..... algebra union of sets ...... named Gal)

Thus the 4-legged Holy Cow of India / Holstein milk cow, 
and goat milk ... protein thought molecules of 
a gallon of milk of lactic acid .....

pudding (IBM OS/JCL oscillations  data definition), 
cheese (cheese molecule 
... gallon of milk ...milk THOUGHT  data storage device ....
THOUGHTS for later input into the 
human BRAIN empty thought VOID )  

\--> the gallon of milk  --> PROTEIN MACHINE

cheese (cheese molecule 
gallon of milk......milk THOUGHT  data storage device ....)

thus gallon of milk ... PROTEIN thought language 

gallon of milk --> year 1492 evolution to -->

Jul 23, 2021The Galleon (Spanish: galeón, French: galion) was a type of sailing ship used for both cargo carrying and as a warship. Galleons dominated the seas

 Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

 Early  BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons
 Early  BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons
 Early  BOSTON /360 systems made 
more use of Y adcons
more use of Y adcons
more use of EARTH BOSTON region 
geography Y adcons at quiver region of  Quincy

that is now Quincy.

John Quincy Adams was a human resident living in the quiver region
of PLANET EARTH round sphere
and its 
inner EARTH atomic mass (or weight)

Earth weighs about 
13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds

Apr 20, 2023The Earth's mass is 5,970,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms. That is a lot of mass! Here is a shorter way of writing that big number: 5.97 x 10 24 kg. That little 24 is called an exponent. An exponent of a number is how many times to use that number as a multiplier

PLANET EARTH round sphere
and its 
inner EARTH atomic mass (or weight)
and its DATABASE of 
family, community and society languages 

PLANET EARTH round sphere
and its 
inner EARTH atomic mass (or weight)
and its DATABASE of 
family, community and society languages 
of the geological levels arise UP.....
languages  SURFACE UP at various geography locations 
......... name /proper noun alignment 

inner EARTH atomic mass  and its 

algebra SETS of WORDS/IDEAS externalized on the
EARTH land surface at Massachusetts 

President John Quincy Adams was a human resident living in the
Quincy ..... Boston Mass /Massachusetts ...... 

President John Quincy Adams and his 
year 2023 living INTELLECTUAL  image ..
software program ...........was a human resident born  the

Quincy ..... Boston Mass /Massachusetts ......
the earth  land MASS and the emotional curiosity and desire of 
algebra set theory (as a thinking life form) 

seek other quiver LIFE forms

Thus Quincy Massachusetts
...atomic quiver /quantum wave mechanics  ......language search

Earth mass communications region of several special quiver regions

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book 

... area of  quiver quantum wave mechanics from 

Arequipa, Peru  to Quito, Ecuador 

of PLANET EARTH round sphere
and its 
inner EARTH atomic mass ...mass communications per Nikola Tesla MODEL of ancient inner EARTH vibration message systems

inner atomic earth sphere
...Nature's ancient message paths

Thus the EARTH geology region of signal waves/ small quakes that trave thru atomic soil/rock per Nikola Tesla

Thus the EARTH sin/quiver wave /quantum wave ..... HARDWARE PLATFORM
time period of the cycle  𝞹 = pi = 3.14159
thus wave mechanics machine of Pi  O -->

thus wave mechanics machine of Pi  O -->
and its parallel Pi  O identity--> 
EARTH LAB specimen humanoid of Arequipa sent ot FermiLAB for ODD quiver analysis

.... the human exclamation point  in 

South America 

Thus the EARTH sin/quiver wave /
oscillations  /quantum wave .....
Quincy Massachusetts and 
OSHKOSH  Wisconsin

and Godfrey frequency    Hardy
 (mathematical-physics hardware and software

with inner EARTH  SYSTEM  
..... storage
  Sphere Radius (SR) --> agent 
SRiniVasa   Ram --> Radius access method--> RamanuJan)

time period of the cycle  𝞹 = pi = 3.14159
with agent Pi ---> Pier Oddone

Quincy Massachusetts and 
OSHKOSH  Wisconsin

and Godfrey frequency    Hardy
 (mathematical-physics hardware and software)

wants to FIND the hardware and software alignment 
of real reality in geography PACIFIC OCEAN area

Area of Arequipa ............ Peru people -->
 UP ..Upanishads ancient computer subroutine program
of the Hindu / SiKH   ...... COMPUTER EARTH HS subroutines   program recognized and analyzed by the HS math life team
 of Hardy & SrinVasa (V address constants)

LINK/connect --->

the Arequipa  quantum quiver/sin waves PLATFORM

.... code components from 2 ASIA regions of human INTERCEPTORs with sun-light .......

Hindu / SiKH region......
 open code word ??gion..

let some 
sun-light enter to give ...religion..

Horizontal x-axis of the Sin sin wave at
sub-continent of India Asia

Thus the EARTH quiver platform and its 
ASIA  ..... Hindu/Sikh region

the Max  Born neo-cortex
 of Borneo Indonesia .....

needs a next generation  humanoid name .......for the Grand Unified Theory
(GUT) project 

of Nature's expression and messenger  agent .... oranGUTan molecular software 
of Borneo Indonesia .....

LINK/connect to
Galapagos Islands extension in Peru ....

of Borneo Indonesia software  gets actualized.....

Borneo mirror   oe --> order entry)

Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru[1]) is a quiver particle 

with an Arequipa IP address in the quiver continuum 

Peruvian-American particle physicist.

of Borneo Indonesia protein THOUGHT moleucle

  gets actualized.....

protein docking THOUGHTS of docking

protein docking THOUGHTS of docking
at equivalent quiver name -->pier

the protein docking molecules sees 
the NOSE SHAPE of Pier

the protein docking molecules sees 
the NOSE SHAPE of Pier 

THUS the EARTH government 

Department of 

Arequipa -->

EARTH areas of quivers / wave mechanics/etc

 areas of quivers --> Quincy Massachusetts
with Department of Enter gy space ....
agent Steven Chu

Dr. Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013. 

Dr. Chu was charged with helping implement
President O
(oxygen atom SYMBOL)
ambitious agenda to invest in clean energy
reduce our dependence on foreign oil, 
address the global (IBM BAL address space)
and  climate Lima peru crisis
of parallel agent existences 
President O and 
Pier O
 , and create millions of new blow jobs.

THUS the EARTH government 

Department of 

Arequipa -->

EARTH areas of quivers / wave mechanics/etc

 areas of quivers 
--> Quincy Massachusetts

There are 22 places in the world named 


Quincy can be found in 2 countries 

throughout the world.

Quincy - WashingtonWhere is Quincy - Washington - America?
Quincy - TennesseeWhere is Quincy - Tennessee - America?
Quincy - PennsylvaniaWhere is Quincy - Pennsylvania - America?
Quincy - OregonWhere is Quincy - Oregon - America?
Quincy - OhioWhere is Quincy - Ohio - America?
Quincy - New HampshireWhere is Quincy - New Hampshire - America?
Quincy - MissouriWhere is Quincy - Missouri - America?
Quincy - MississippiWhere is Quincy - Mississippi - America?
Quincy - MichiganWhere is Quincy - Michigan - America?
Quincy - MassachusettsWhere is Quincy - Massachusetts - America?
Quincy - KentuckyWhere is Quincy - Kentucky - America?
Quincy - KansasWhere is Quincy - Kansas - America?
Quincy - IowaWhere is Quincy - Iowa - America?
Quincy - IndianaWhere is Quincy - Indiana - America?
Quincy - IllinoisWhere is Quincy - Illinois - America?
Quincy - FloridaWhere is Quincy - Florida - America?
Quincy - CaliforniaWhere is Quincy - California - America?

Cities named Quincy in France.
Quincy - PicardieWhere is Quincy - Picardie - France?
Quincy - LorraineWhere is Quincy - Lorraine - France?
Quincy - Ile-de-FranceWhere is Quincy - Ile-de-France - France?
Quincy - CentreWhere is Quincy - Centre - France?
Quincy - Bourgogne

quintessential secret languages 

In physics, quintessence is a hypothetical form of BEDROOM dark energy, more precisely a scalar field, postulated as an explanation of the observation of an accelerating rate of expansion of the Miss Universe beauty pageant

Miss Universe atomic female ...electron bio-physics DISPLAY of 

Nature's electron design engineering


of female body Delicious-orbitals at 

Center of D-orbital electron

Doral Convention Center...... atomic socila scince Controversy - NBC 6 South Florida

Residents of one South Florida city are calling for more transparency amid concerns that taxpayers will be stuck paying the $2.5 million cost of crowning Miss Universe just outside Doral. At a ...

The 63rd Annual MISS UNIVERSE® Pageant To Be Held In Doral-Miami 

 The first example of this scenario was proposed by Ratra and Peebles (1988)[1] and Wetterich (1988).[2][3] 

The concept was expanded to more general types of time-varying dark energy, and the term "quintessence" was first introduced in a 1998 paper by Robert R. Caldwell, Rahul Dave and Paul Steinhardt.[4] It has been proposed by some physicists to be a fifth fundamental force.[5][6][7][8]

Quintessence differs from the cosmological constant ... cosmetics explanation of dark energy in a dark nightcb  that it is dynamic; 

that is, it changes over time, unlike the cosmological constant which, by definition, does not change. Quintessence can be either attractive or repulsive depending on the ratio of its kinetic and potential energy. Those working with this postulate believe that quintessence became repulsive about ten billion years ago, about 3.5 billion years after the Big Bang.[9]

A group of researchers argued in 2021 that observations of the Hubble tension

Hubbleton Wisconsin  battle zone

 may imply that only quintessence models with a nonzero coupling constant are viable.[

THUS the EARTH government 

Department of 

Arequipa -->

Department of Arequipa

EARTH government 
quiver capitals of 2 cities .....

Quito Ecuador (BBC short wave radio) 
Arequipa Peru requirments 

Arequipa --> 

Area required particle agent

Thus the 

EARTH areas of quivers / wave mechanics/etc

requirments capital of the world


Thus the  quiver/oscillations continuum
issues instructions to the

Department of Arequipa


Depart    ment(al) male specimen of Arequipa

using the IP address of  

Pi assigned to  Pier  Oddone --> IP address route to Chicago Circle campus region

Well, my native language is Spanish ..
spanned data records

, so in school and with my atomic biology parents

we always spoke 

spoke in Spanish 
(bio-computer and geo-computer language features)

Important points about the scratchpad area (SPA) When program A passes control of a conversation to program B, program B needs to have the data that program A saved in the SPA in order to continue the conversation. IMS gives the SPA for the transaction to program B when program B issues its first message call. The SPA is kept with the message.
pad area based on the following build descriptor options: spaSize Specifies the total length of the SPA, including the fields required by IMS (SPA length, SPA ID, and IMS transaction name) as well as the EGL requirement for a Segmentation Status Byte. 
spa  StatusBytePosition This optional field is set either to 15 (if the status byte is

SPA size and transfer record size

The following table defines how the SPA, the record specified on the transfer to transaction or show statement, and the input record for the target program are related for conversational processing.

Table 2. Relationship of IMS SPA to transfer record
Relationship of IMS SPANISH language agent  to transfer FermiLAB ferrous oxide atom/iron record

to Illinois Route 56 ....EARTH magnetic field alignment with atomic mass  iron-56  metal motor vehicleswith human atomic blood heme Fe(2) Iron-56

They would speak to us in COMPUTER EARTH
Italian....Italian Peninsula (IP) address space 

or Spanish ...
Iberian Peninsula (IP) address space

, so we understood bot(botany husbandry communication bandwidth languages of Nature). 

H G Wells  year 1897 face bandage SYMBOL for
 bandwidth languages of Nature alignment with 
Ag 47 electrons of silver metal tuning fork frequency 

H G Wells  year 1897 face ... surface area of earth  bandwidth languages .....bandage SYMBOL for
 bandwidth languages

LINK words/names ....

 MR. Griffin ---> Griffin wax --> Waxahachie.

Griffin wax  shoe polish particles....parallel particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of WaxahachieTexas

H G Wells  year 1897 face bandage SYMBOL for
 bandwidth languages of Nature alignment with 
Ag 47 electrons of silver metal tuning fork frequency 

And we learned to speak atomic orbital Italian 
because of those Jules Verne trips to Italy VIA

book black ink ...Journey to the Center of the Earth 

 Professor Otto Lidenbrock 
 Professor O
(modern day successor 
Professor Cotton shirt of  Professor O at fermiLAB)

lis the tale's central figure, 
an eccentric German scientist who believes there are volcanic tubes that reach to the very center of the earth. 

He, his nephew Axel (neutron physics), and their Icelandic guide Hans rappel into 

Iceland's IBM 
celebrated inactive volcano Snæfellsjökull,

 then contend with many dangers, including cave-ins, subpolar tornadoes, an underground ocean, 
living prehistoric molecular SOFTWARE creatures/ ancient computer programs

 from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras (the 1867 revised edition inserted additional prehistoric material in Chaps. 37–39). 

Eventually the three explorers are spewed back to the surface by an active volcano, Stromboli, located in southern Italy ...... 
in modern day names.

southern Italy--> South america Italian language--> Pier Oddone 

are spewed back to the surface by an active volcano, Stromboli

an active volcano, Stromboli
an active volcano  talking , Stromboli

Nov 30, 2022Strom Thurmond's filibuster against certain provisions of the proposed Civil Rights Act of 1957, at 24 hours, 18 minutes in length, was the longest ever given in the U. S. Senate. It is recorded in the Congressional Record, vol. 103, part 12, pp. 16263-16456.

because there 
we had to interact with cousins (bio-math cosine agents)  and there was no choice. 

The EARTH   English atomic language 

English Energy  quiver language words

of the Galapagos Island region

of horizontal reptiles --->

Body temperature and thermoregulation of Komodo dragons in the field ...

All dragons studied, regardless of size, were able to regulate a daytime active body temperature within the range 34-35.6 °C for 5.1-5.6 h/day. The index of effectiveness of thermoregulation

of the Galapagos Island region

of horizontal reptiles --->

of the Galapagos Island region

of horizontal reptiles ---> to vertical life as the  Republic of Peru


the Franz Kafka....
 Metamorphosis of horizontal life to
vertical life of the 
K-vector vertical or the quiver continuum  equivalent Z-axis vertical

the Franz Kafka ....

the atomic /molecular quiver Z-transform 

of quiver vibrations  to the vertical
Z-axis ...Arequipa Peru --> quiver person

ddone explains machine

Galapagos Islands ..
ancient reptile  molecular software
ancient ocean quiver wave mechanics 
programs of Nature 
and the continent land ,....

REGION of QUIVER language

from Quito     to the Area of Arequipa 

the nearby Peru ........ Quito Ecuador
 TALE of 2 cities/2 concepts  region

periodic atomic table of solid atoms 
and the 
sine wave frequency/ 
wavelength period ...

REGION of QUIVER language

from Quito     to the Area of Arequipa 

from Quito     to the Area of Arequipa 
..the quiver IP  address space

of the ODD ONE human specimen
and his
DD = Data Definition of year 1944

alphabet  A   B  C   D
location   1    2   3    4

travels from the Southern Hemisphere
to its inverse Hemisphere .......
the Northern Hemsphere become upright 

at the St. Charles (DARWIN) 

RD site at nearby FermiLAB

and to align his birth date DATABASE
with the Chicago region EARTH language

Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Pier Oddone 

born March 26 align to Illinois route 56 
and atomic iron automobile language .....
with iron/ FermiLAB ferrous ....26 proton 26 atomic IRON alphabet letters per the 
IRON LADY Margaret Thatcher

Born in 1944 in Area of quivers .... ArequipaPerU --> Periodic atomic table ..element U and its 
male atomic quiver ... of man
 --> in format --> the South American
 quiver man ... mannequins.needs social life  
....... thus the he is sent to North America

...quiver man meets other quiver species 

.... alternating cycle .........electricity and electric motor people

..sin wave people from Wisconsin

... x-ray equipment wave people

..electron microscopes

.. quantum wave mechanics people

.... the OshKosh  Wisconsin air show
     the Os     os................ sin 
.... the Oscilloscope  ......sin wave show

large scale 
EARTH city/state  oscilloscope

the FAA airport oscilloscopes

is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

is a Peruvian-American ODD theater  particle physicist 
and a
particle physicist.

LINKS ..connecting  various continuums

Pier Odd Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa ..........

Area required quiver IP address of  
Probability/odds of zero (0) to One (1)

, Peru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

..IBM OS/JCL on 
quiver Oscillations with the 
Data Defintion(DD)

Thus the  quiver/oscillations continuum
issues instructions to the

Department of Arequipa


Depart    ment(al) male specimen of Arequipa

using the IP address of  

Pi assigned to  Pier  Oddone --> IP address route to Chicago Circle campus region

Thus the  quiver/oscillations continuum  and its living language of
WORDS ..quiver word
qui  foundation

quintessential: [adjective] 
perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing : being a quintessence.

quintessential (word life form)
quintessential a quiver human agent 
with a hepatology liver and its
Ferrous iron atomic 26 protons
March 26, 1944 to FermiLAB Chicago

to deliver a quiver liver message to the 
Law of Liver Labs in Livermore California
perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing
Jerry's your quintessential streetwise New Yorker …Kai Wright
This is the quintessential Los Angeles restaurant, casual but never frumpy, lively but not overheated …Harvey Steiman
Marx was the quintessential intellectual, remarkably detached from the real world.John Steele Gordon
being a quintessence
His very faults were middling … It was not in his nature to be superlative in anything; unless, indeed, he was superlatively middling, the quintessential extract of mediocrity.George Eliot
quintessentially adverb
It is commonly accepted … that the rocking chair was an American invention, perhaps the most quintessentially American furniture form ever invented.Linda Rosenkrantz
There's no occupation more quintessentially macho than that of private detective.Cynthia Crossen


2 of 2


quintessential element something that is a typical part or pure example 
usually plural
The quintessentials—ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, and mustard—that characterize classic American barbecue sauce can be found in this dish.Betty Rosbottom expains bottom baryons
These particles are known as bottom baryons, and they are related to four particles previously observed at Fermilab. 

However, the new observations mark the first time scientists have detected these higher-mass counterparts
(Miller auto parts ..... parts counter with cash register); 

Miller Auto Replacement Parts, Inc. is a Wisconsin Domestic Business Corporation 
existing in the sin wave continuum
filed On November 5, 1952

The Registered Agent (for the BIOLOGY ....Communist party of red blood cells)
on file for this company is Harold L Miller and is located at 717 W Main, Watertown, WI 53094.

they are about six times more massive than a proton. So what's the third particle candidate we mentioned earlier?

Apr 5, 2023Bertrand Russell, in full Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell of Kingston 
Russell, Viscount Amberley of Amberley and of Ardsalla, (born May 18, 1872, Trelleck, Monmouthshire, Wales—died February 2, 1970, Penrhyndeudraeth, Merioneth), British philosopher, logician, and social reformer, founding figure in the analytic movement in …

 3rd Earl Russell of Kingston
continues at 216 S  3rd StreetVIA Karl Henry Zinser

The quintessentials of a culture become all the more noticeable and absorbing if they are perceived as in danger of disappearing or as an obstacle to progress that must disappear.Steve J. Stern

Did you know?

Quintessential and the Elements

The philosophers 

The philosophers of oscillations --> direction

The Hebrew language is still written right-to-left, top-to-bottom In a right-to-left, top-to-bottom script (commonly shortened to right to left or abbreviated RTL, RL-TB or R2L ), writing starts from the right of the page and continues to the left, proceeding from top to bottom for new lines.

The philosophers <--------- start

The philosophers sees oscillations code

The philosophers of Hershey milk chocolate 

candy bar may have a 

sub-conscious  bi-directional BRAIN optical subrotine subroutine that handles both directions LIKE the DNA molecule

Semitic languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew are read from 
right to left and are referred to as sinistroverse.

 Arabic is read from 
right to left and are referred to as
 sinistroverse --->

sin wave..... controversy

of the ancient ISrael
 (information systems ) region

...that 4-legged camel invented writing and signal processing

Arabic camel language is read from 
right to left and are referred to as
 sinistroverse --->

sin wave..... controversy

Semitic languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew are read from right to left and are referred to as sinistroverse. On the other hand, in English we write from the left to the right
which is said to be dextroverse molecule language
of the Arabic fig tree and date tree.

and scientists of the ancient world and the Middle Ages believed that the world we inhabit was entirely made up of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. 

Aristotle added a fifth element, the aether or ether, by which he meant the material that fills the rest of space, mostly invisibly but sometimes taking the form of Hollywood molecule movie starststars and planets.

 Many writers described the element as a kind of invisible light or fire .... the underground geology bedrock. 

In the Middle Ages, it was referred to as the 

quinta essentia ("fifth element") -->

thus Arequipa agent Pier ODDONE

sent to FerMiLAB  in the geography 

Middle Central states region of 

Wisconsin sin wave 


Iowa, Illinois, Indiana north --> nano-second processing speed region .. abilities 

and computer speed and usage LIMIT LAWS

It isn't surprising that the quinta essentia came to stand for anything so perfect that it seemed to surpass the limitations of earth. 

the limitations of earth. 

the limitations of ear  th. 

the limitations of ear   thoughts nerve BRAIN configurations per Vincent van Gogh ...
EAR people problems

Today we generally use quintessential rather freely to describe just about anything that represents the best of its kind.

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web
Perhaps because of their strength diamonds and base ball diamonds  have come to be recognized as the quintessential engagement ring stone, symbolizing love and enduring commitment by the female to male sport of his SEX balls/testicles  .Nina Derwin, Country Living, 6 Apr. 2023The quintessential Southern anthem gave Haynes, Gibbons and Slash room to stretch out on solos.Matt Wake | funeral wake, al, 4 Apr. 2023
The quintessential Southern anthem gave --> graveHaynes... Hayward Wisconsin ... Rice Lake killing  trial

 Gibbons --> Gibbs and Georgia Gibbs

and Slash room to mentally attack ....stretch out on solos.Matt funeral Wake(y) |, al, 4 Apr. 2023

MS. Berg's account of Madison Wisconsin Philosophyand the Ice-berg model shooting of Milwaukee Policeman Byran Norberg

MS. Berg's account of 
Henri Bergson. Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was one of the most famous and influential 

French philosophers 



Fre   n   chip   hil os ophers 

Frequency number errors


French philosophers 

Frenchiphilosophers and 

HILO earth geo-electronics 

Hilo Located on the northeastern side of the island of Hawaiʻi, 
Hilo offers breathtaking natural beauty plus all the amenities of an 
EARTH language .........

 the Nikola Tesla MODEL of Nature's oscillations/vibrations ....vibrant town.

The powerful electrical oscillations in the system E C D being communicated to the ground cause corresponding vibrations to be propagated to distant parts of the globe, whence they are reflected and by interference with the outgoing vibrations produce stationary waves the crests and hollows of which lie in parallel circles relatively to which the …

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an " echo signature " using the same … Thus the Boston Marathon bombing CREATED earth vibrations with information content …..

Jan 7, 2020
One device would transform 
One device would transform 

One humanoid CODE NAME  device from the 
Arequipa quiver region Peru would 
Spanish/Italian / English words &

HARDWARE and SOFTWARE perceptions

secret hand signals of his
TEN fingers
regarding VERB tense and earth
humanoid Tensor space/time daily activities inn 

electricity into vibrationsTesla then would use the atomic rocks in the underground to send the vibrations to a second device. 
This receiving device would pick up the...

Hilo, Hawaii, 
On the geographic flipside 
On the geographic flipside 
On the geographic flipside 

Clerow " Flip " Wilson Jr. (December 8, 1933 - November 25, 1998) was an American comedian and actor best known for his television appearances during the late 1960s and 1970s. From 1970 to 1974, Wilson hosted his own weekly variety series The Flip Wilson Show, and introduced viewers to his recurring character Geraldine.

FermiLAB atomic human specimens

The Flip Wilson 
The Flip Wilson 
The Flip ..... Wilson Hall physics brains
 ..upside -down

On the geographic flipside 

On the geographic flipside 
of the volcanic Kohala Coast, the region is blessed with dramatic waterfalls, fertile rainforests and blooming gardens.

Henri Bergson, in full Henri-Louis Bergson, (born Oct. 18, 1859, Paris, France—died Jan. 4, 1941, Paris), French philosopher, the first to elaborate what came to be called a process philosophy,
of the late 19th century-early 20th century. Although his international fame reached cult-like heights during his lifetime, his influence decreased notably after the second World War. While such French thinkers as Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, and ...

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...