Wednesday, April 5, 2023

BOOK 1729 Part 03 Data Communication (DC) of computer earth ...Top-down approach --> 2 jet airplanes approach the Manhattan project ..... atomic social sciences battle island ---> TOP of the World Trade Center skyscraper by Wall Street financial district ...

 BOOK 1729 Part 03

..Top-down approach -->   2 jet airplanes   approach the  Manhattan project ..... atomic social sciences battle island --->   TOP of the World Trade Center skyscraper comes
tumbling DOWN

.......... by Wall Street coffin  financial district

and the coffin EARTH language .... of the Egyptian BOOK of DEAD receives new DEAD humans 

on Septum brain SKU11  Tuesday schedule --> 

IBM new ...

human dead bodies as atomic data records

data records arrive esda 

(Entry Sequenced Data )

in IBM VSAM esda space from year 1912

 the President Taft ......

 Base 16 Hex'AF' ---> Afterlife needed new human DEAD bodies DATA  RECORDs

  ...thus World War 1 was created

 the coffin EARTH language .... of the Egyptian BOOK of DEAD receives new DEAD humans 

on Septum brain SKU11  Tuesday schedule --> 

IBM new ...

human dead bodies as atomic data records

data records arrive esda 

(Entry Sequenced Data )

in IBM VSAM esda space 

September 11 attacks create 
2,996 people data entries into 

VSAM ESDA dimension .....

for New York City Mayor of orfice holes and grave orfice holes .......Bill de Blasio

Bill de Blasio 

( / dɪˈblɑːzioʊ /; born Warren Wilhelm Jr., May 8, 1961; later Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm)

code --> Borneo   Indonesia ....
neo neo-cortex  molecular software .... war/battle zone comes to New York and the rest of the United States
...Virgina TECH(O) ..echo of the 32 dead -->
 goes to Las LeVegas Floor 32 and the set-up and murder of Stephen Paddock Protein docking software approved by the Federal fetus fetus brain of FermiLAB

dock / pier and Pier ODDONE 

dock / pier and Pier ODDONE explains
 one = 1 protein penis 

male citizenship  ..penis boat shape...
 does docking at the female vagina

Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director 

The Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors 
of the 3 little pigs project and the 
dire/ ugly/ nasty Bay of pigs project

as told by odd number integer 3 to 3.14159 -->
 to Pi --> to Pier of the ODD integers 

start with 
One = 1 decimal black ink shape 

Three = 3

Five = 5

7, 9. 11...agent name Pier OddOne

under the thought control of 
FermiLAB HOT WOMEN (code 2 ....
even integer of 2 female breasts
need male integer agent) 

The capital Latin letter Z is used in mathematics to represent the set of integers
and hematology/ b100d bio-math  requires humanoid ZINser of Wisconsin earth language region
VS the land area of A
requipa, Peru
...and the double-cross schemes of FermiLAB, universities and government

Pi = 3.14159
e = 2.718 -->
agent Pier Oddone
claims Federal accounting system
and book-keeping arrogant snobs ... and odd integers 1,3,5
are superior too and ought control even integers ..IBM base 2,
4(Four) of Fourier math sin/cosine 
 electrical engineering functions 
LINK to agent four ..Four foot tall


bio-electron body/brain system interface  

Charles Proteus SteinMetz (born Karl August Rudolph Steinmetz, April 9, 1865 – October 26, 1923) LINK to Meta Z... son Karl Z -->
impedance agent ....Karl Henry Zinser

born in Milwaukee October 18 1937 -->
 SYMBOL LIFE language system ....
moved to the OCT --> Octagon House region of 
H2O = atomic mass 18 ..

Water thought molecule region of Watertown Wisconsin sin waves/ocean waves

Lake Michigan 

Milwaukee sine  waves of liquid water ..
existing on the 
atomic  quiver vibration continuum 
PLATFORM with quantum wave mechanics language

President John Quiver Atomic direct access methods(Adams)

Lake Michigan 

Milwaukee sine  waves of liquid water ..
existing on the 
atomic  quiver vibration continuum 
PLATFORM with quantum wave mechanics language ...... social applications ..
human rectum receives waves of the human arm/hand .....cellulose toil/work paper ...
as asshole accounting papers .......the toil/work effort of  toilet paper to track bio-math /algebra function f(x) = 0 ---> the male asshole geometry shape as a circle as -->  as zero = 0

Mitsubishi A6M Zero - WikipediaMitsubishi A6M Zero - WikipediaMitsubishi A6Math  Zero - Wikipedia

World War 2 .... Japna Asia math problemfrom Mitsubishi A6M  Zero  toMitsubishi A6M --> 6 AM in the morning  Zero

Mitsubishi(t) A6Math  Zero
MIT university ..sit and shit  on the world
with Boston/Cambridge ..volume of family shit brains need to sit

World War 2 math problem ...words..exponent 2 .... the power of 2 (two)

The solution of f(x) = 0 is the set of all x for which the graph of f intersects the x-axis. The solution of f(x) > 0 is the set of all x for which the graph of f lies strictly above the x-axis. The solution of f(x) < 0 is the set of all x for which the graph of f lies strictly below the x-axis.

 the x-axis.

 the x-axis.

 the horizontal x-axis of geometry graph.

The math-physics war ....
math axis and exponent power of the quadratic equation and the parabola curve

Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan silk and cotton panties) 
were opposed by the Allied Powers (led by Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union). 

Five other nations joined the Axis during World War II: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Croatia. The decline and fall of the Axis alliance began in 1943.Apr 22, 2022

Holocaust Encyclopedia

 --> create breast cancer ...female bio-math curves ...human female math display 
with her textile fabric...

t-account shape of her book-keeping panty ..tracking male debits & credits

,,,of math function ... quadractic equation curve -----> parabolas

Math curve off-set ... 
use hospital knife/ ax to cure x-axis thought

math breasts moved / family or community 
population size  
not balanced

not centred ..need red blood cancer surgery

Mitsubishi A6M ZeroThe Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" is a long-range carrier-based fighter aircraft formerly manufactured by Mitsubishi Aircraft Company, a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and was operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1940 to 1945. The A6M was designated as the Mitsubishi Navy Type 0 carrier fighter (零式艦上戦闘機rei-shiki-kanjō-sentōki), or the Mitsubishi A6M Rei-sen. The A6M was usually referred to by its pilots as the Reisen (零戦, zero fighter), "0" being the last digit of the imperial year 2600 (1940) when it entered service with the Imperial Navy. The official Allied reporting name was "Zeke", although the name "Zero" (from Type 0) was used colloquially as well.

The Zero is considered to have been the most capable carrier-based fighter in the world when it was introduced early in 

Thomas Robert Malthus math/algebra population war created by 2 married people ........World War II - > roman number = 2,

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs. In 1987, he proposed the idea of using an Asymmetric B-factory to study the violation of 

Feb 25, 2023Mathematically, set of integer numbers are denoted by blackboard-bold ( ℤ) form of "Z". And the letter "Z" comes from the German word Zahlen (numbers). Blackboard-bold is a style used to denote various mathematical symbols. For example natural numbers, real numbers, whole numbers, etc. Table of Contents Positive integer symbol

, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 
announced that the  even integer continuum government of base 2 = Z graphic arts ink equivalent quiver language  shape....Aug. 2

that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone integer has decided to retire after eight(8) even integer years at the helm of America's leading particle physics DEATH laboratory ...approving the rigged TRIAL and killing Timothy McVeigh(t) --> decimal number 8. and agent for the data byte --> 8 bits

Bill de Blasio for Buffalo Bill code cody and

 is an American politician who served as the 109th mayor of New York City from 2014 to 2021. A member of the Democratic Party, he held the office of New York City Public Advocate from 2010 to 2013.

b - Wikipedia

Rescue workers at Ground Zero Collapsed section of the Pentagon Fragment of the Flight 93 fuselage 9/11 Memorial reflecting pool and One World Trade Center

 The September 11 attacks of 2001 caused the deaths of 2,996 people, 
including 2,977 IBM ims  victims and 19 hijackers who committed murder-suicide.

Data Communication (DC) of computer earth BAL languages 


BAL of Baltimore and Washington, DC  communications failure ..... translated by Herb Zinser

IBM Base 16 --> 16th Street Baptist Church bombing |
 History & Four Fourier  (4 days pleasure code of HEAT & DESIRE of molecules ) 

... Beaver Dam as BDAM with 
Route 33 at 50 miles per hour as an access arm

for the COMPUTER EARTH 3350 data region 

Data Communication (DC) of computer earth BAL languages VS  BAL of Baltimore and Washington, DC  communications failure .

The city of Bal time
M = Metal ore atoms from the
M = Mesabi ferrous iron ore geological

.... atomic mineral   IF logic range in Minnesota

and the

M = Morenci CICS copper metal mine of copper wire
Cu = Copper atomic symbol  .... copper ownership of
Computer Earth

ancient IP address spaces of Iphigenia
Iphigenia  Base 16 high values Hex'ff' = 255 decimal 

Cu = Copper atomic symbol  

.... copper ownership of
IBM and Internet Protocol (IP) address spaces created by 

AtoMic Michael Faraday ... 

the IBM system 370 OS/JCL  ....
 SNA  VTAM  ...(SNAKES   of   VieTNAM ....
VTAM Vietnamese name  server war zone)

Jun 10, 2022Nameservers play an essential role in directing traffic on the Internet by helping to connect your domain name with the IP address of your web server. To do this, they help web browsers and other services access your domain's DNS records. You can edit your domain's nameservers at the domain registrar where you purchased your domain name.

Jun 16, 2022 
Alzheimer's BAL ...canniBAL software program 
attack on 
human bio-memory data storage 

What Is a Name .,,.the ZinSer  Server

name server is a specialized server 
name server is a specialized server 
name server is a specialized server 
nameta zinserver is a specialized server  -->
. a human bio-computer servant 
to serve the 
human  pregnant  women and
two(2) parts of earthly existence per 

What Is a Nameserver?

Why Are area of Arequipa Peru Galapagos

 Islands ......
quiver /wave

 mechanics IPA --> Jerry March 26  year 1944 IP Address of the ODD family

 language is sent Bat Region of inverses at FermiLAB Chicago

Peruvian army sent human BAT to North America BAT region at Batavia ....

the primordial fe --> fetus thought level
of ferrous/iron-56 atoms at FermiLAB RD 

at Illinois Route 56 with iron-56 atomic motor vehicles and their DATADASE of atomic number 26 alphabet letters 

...atomic messenger RNA 

in biology format 

 messenger  Nameservers Important? ..

human Pregnant molecular

 phase uses ancient 

molecular insect software 


the established molecular social engineering programs

 /molecular continuum

into the foundation human embryo, fetus, baby molecules on social and thought behaviors 

on the Internet that handles queries or questions from your local computer about the location of a domain name's various services. A simple way to think about name servers is using a phone book analogy.

year  1970 atomic copper telephone wires and copper electricity wires in  computer ..

the vast distribution of 
CU --> atomic  copper property law of 29 proton prose/ 29 electrons  and atomic intellectual rights 

Arizona ..... zone --> ae --> atomic electrons exist 

Arizona -->

Ari --> Arise UP (UPanishads data sets 
within/ of India innner diameter  earth DATABASES  

Ari --> Arise --> Haris Seldon and COMPUTER EARTH ISA Foundation via  Isaac Asimov and his 

UFO permutation alphabet  letters --> Foundation books 

MorenCI  CICS Copper CU --> Customer Information Control System 

nonsense family and community THOUGHT CONTROL errors

of with Pentagon ROTC ads for male testicles / Gonads 

code words --> Today's corp --> today's corpse 

On Tu --> Time Unit battle schedule 
approved by TuLane University in the  Isaac Newton city of New Orleans 

Tulane University is a comprehensive CHICKEN BRAIN  research university in New Orleans, Louisiana and 
INTERNAL vagina lanes /love canal rigged TRIAL  
research lanes of TuLane


Tulanians see pussy challenges as female vagina port  opens  the word equation

 --> opportunities of the
New orfice hole software of Orleans 

----> sex orbital circles of pleasure....
    community of lingerie linguistic codes
and cotton panties,

 and strive to improve the lives of other lazy, stupid assholes in our own BEDROOM community of HOT WOMEN .....

 and around the globe. ... giving you a
Paul Dir
ac academic --> Florida State University...
Book of the DEAD project at Roselawn Cemetry ....

academic lens to view your cadaver brain  new home, New Orleans

Visit Undergraduate Admissions to the underground atomic clay --> C layer --> coffin communications layer. With over 200 degree programs ...include HOW to CREATE software for  shooting rampages

approved by TuLane idiots 

--> jet airplane flight path lanes
 and time schedule --> forthe city of  New Orleans to attack the other Isaac Newton city -> New York City 

   Tuesday 11 September 2001
including 2,977 new human corpses for the 
coffin financial  DATABASE where generated 
 and 19 hijackers who committed murder-suicide.

Top-down approach --> 

2 jet airplanes   approach the 
Manhattan project .....
atomic social sciences battle island --->

 TOP of the World Trade Center skyscraper
by Wall Street financial district ...

comes Tumbling Down 

Top Down Model ...
DEMO on September 11,2001 

Top ........

Two People ......
Two intellectual Towers of talking dribble 
(Mr & Mrs) superior family and community language ...

TOP of the
English language BS bragging family ...

comes down  ......

Top Down Model ...

Nature's systems DEMO 

on September 11,2001 
and the 
incomplete explanations of EVENTS 

Concepts reinforced by the |
existence of Planet EARTH and Nature .....
real reality of  physical reality of solids

 VS Bull-shit 

Nature and COMPUTER EARTH address spaces with 
BASIC ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE LAND (BAL version L of geography Land) displacement addressing

.....atomic cement /concrete
atomic  limestone message vehicle 

.....reinforced by
Mesabi atomic ferrous/ iron metal bars
with complex number (CN)  math strength and f(z) powers z = a+bi with z-axis vertical
of the
World Trade Center Towers of February 26, 1993

World Trade Center bombing of 1993
data byte errors create events  ..
 terrorist attack in New York City on

February 261993 by atomic element Fe --> atomic LiFe form with 26 atomic English energy alphabet letters of 26 electrons and 26 protons .......

explosion rocked lower Manhattan underground basement. 

The epicenter was the parking garage beneath the World Traitor Center
for treason to reason ...... 

for human Fe = Ferrous oxide atom
of blood iron software ideas  
of the human

Fe = Federal Fetus insect brain ... production per secret building codes of the World Trade center language ....
sement explosion 

--> signaling  EVENT word DATABASE implies 

Mr. cock  sperm/semen
and the
human baby population


ld trade center basement methods
the Wor d -->algebra subset word language violations ......

Earth government  systems 
stolen software property 
used by WORD PRESS blog platforms

Reinforced concrete ( RC ), also called reinforced cement concrete ( RCC) and ferroconcrete, is a composite material in which concrete 's relatively low tensile strength and ductility are compensated for by the inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile strength or ductility.

in which a truck bomb exploded in a

reinforced concrete/cement basement-level parking garage under the 
World Trade Center complex ..complex number battle site for the Mesabi range .

 Six people were killed and more than 1,000 were injured in what was at that time ..that atomic time ....

Start with year 1800 base year

Every 143 years --> The Wisconsin sin wave continuum government 
..... SYMBOL MACHINE agent  Governor Evers visits Milwaukee code 143 --> 

I-43 the Max Planck 

and HG WElls 1895 ...
Time Machine interchange in the Milky Way Universe .... space/time of existence and expression activities ..... 

Sun local galactic region --> Earth Lab communications and message site


Fe --> Ferrous iron atom thought system ---Etching 
... patterns of thought and behavior of life

..using 4-legged animals and 2-legged human action figures with family bragging and bullshit 
..of their atomic biology family of male penis HEAD  superority

Fe --> Ferrous iron atom thought system ---Etching  in New York City
... patterns of thought and behavior of life

Fe --> Fetching engineering equations and phsycial materials to build the WorldTrade Center code TWO  (2) .....

above words ....

Alteration of the contents of the LIVING atomic cement/iron building ....  per Fransco de Goya Colossus /Giant painting of year 1808

Alteration of the contents atomic BUILDING database
on February 26 1993

In technical x86 addressing mode terminology: displacement

..... World Trade Center \Displacement ..Location /place
with  atomic agent LOC

Nigel Stuart Lockyer OBE --> OX tail soup 
and BEEF stew extension --> renamed    Stuart (born 5 November 1952) is a British-American animal thought experimental particle physicist in fun/ atomic pleasure parties. 

He was the Director of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), in Batavia, Illinois, the leading particle physics laboratory Tory party agent 
in the United States, from September 2013 to April 2022.

Tory, members of two opposing political parties or factions in England, particularly during the 18th century. Originally "Whig" and "Tory" were terms of abuse introduced in 1679 during the heated struggle over the bill to exclude James, duke of York (afterward James II), from the… Read More major reference
..... World Trade Center \Displacement ..Location /place
with  atomic agent LOC

Nigel Lockyer explains

 Location of Ky symbol equation 
using for math-engineering MODELS 
simple harmonic oscillator code Ky


and thevertical physical iron metal BEAM building \as....
vertical standing wave tower


Above words....

Vibrating rope --> Vibrating Europe
 OSLO --> OS --<> Oscillation bombs in NOR logic region create vibrations

 OSLO bomb software --> OS --> Oscillation bomb software program implants into MOSCOW human brains..... 
Moscow Wiscoinsin Moscow Idaho Horror project nasty NASA alliance with Oslo __> Oscillation 
bomb software instructions to 
 to create physical hardware destruction in the the double ee --> earth electron region of ee --> east Europe Ukraine  s..... \

Above words....

Vibrating rope --> Vibrating Europe

 OSLO OSCILLATIONs atttack east Europe  
the bomb vibrating east  Europe
...  rope/ string theory battle played out in the Ukraine

year 1938 to year 2023

Russ Heyward - radio host Russ&Stew show | LinkedIn

Host of the radio show 

Russ&Stew Show  of Russett potatoes and beef stewJan 2014 - Present 9 years 1 month. 
I'm host of my own show 

the name of the FOOD thought molecule show VIA a human action figure 
....... is the Russ &stew show on

 the show live performances of beef liver

with mashed pota
toes and onions ...
and attached molecular THEORY of Everything (TOE)

Theory of everything includes Playboy magazine pussy access and PHP female BIOLOGY gynecology  blog permission  codes

PHP File Permissions - PHP Tutorial

PHP provides some useful functions for checking and changing the file permissions. Checking file permissions PHP has three handy functions that check file permissions: is_readable () function returns true if the file exists and is readable; otherwise, it returns false.

PHP File Permissions PHP File Permissions PHilippine pussy line/ pussy File Permissions 

theory of everything ( TOE [1] or TOE/ToE ), final theory, ultimate theory, unified field theory or master theory is a hypothetical, singular, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all aspects of the universe.

The Theory of Everything: Searching for the universal rules of physics ...

Dec 18, 2022The Theory of Everything: Searching for the universal rules of physics By Tereza Pultarova last updated 18 December 2022 Physicists are still chasing the dream of Albert Einstein and Stephen...

theory of everything ( TOE [1] or TOE/ToE ),
atomic coffin final theory

ultimate theory of UL (underwriter Labs electron undertakings with parallel undertakers)

, unified field theory or master theory

 is a hypothetical grass/marijuna MODEL,

 singular, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all aspects of the universe, 
the universe of bull-shit newspapers 

and the MISS Universe beauty contest
on atomic pussy systems of 
atomic pleasure devices.

Interviews ...

Russ Heyward - radio host ..
radio broadcast EM Field attack waves 
...... attack parallel code letters
Bertrand Russell and Russia 
..create war/ conflict/ destruction

In technical x86 addressing mode terminology: displacement: the +- constant part of an address, encoded in a 2's complement sign-extended disp8, or a disp32. (In 64-bit addressing modes, the disp32 is sign-extended to 64 bits). offset: the result of the esi+ebx*4-0x4 calculation: the offset relative to the segment base.

Stack Overflow ...set-up and murder of  
Job Order Entry-->
JOE STACK in Austin Texas

Location --> 9430 Research--> Planck Time 43 and 143

 the deadliest Paul Dirac act of terrorism perpetrated on U.S. soil. The attack

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...