Monday, April 17, 2023

Book 1645 Part 23 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book .... United States and United Kingdom apartment building attack the older Ukraine apartment buildings


Book  1645 Part  23   translated by Herb Zinser

...Milwaukee .. United States and United Kingdom (UK) apartment  building attack and destroy
the older Ukraine  apartment buildings

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...

Tom M Apostol ..all human activities and errors

Tom M Apostol --> post office on existence and expression

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy 

LINK to 

Tolstoy South Dakota --> Planet  earth Soil  Database 

Tom M Apostol  human bio-interceptor of Nature's ancient Oscillation / vibration/ quiver language of President John Quiver Adams 
... the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and its human social. economic expression systems 

Mathematics ..... bl00d bio-math software language named hemat--> hematology

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ......

post office LINK 

to earth geo-math POST island office at

When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it: “Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” Don’t get me wrong. Wisconsin is full of beautiful sights, many of which have taken my breath away. But the Apostle Islands are truly a special case.

Just at the northern tip of Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, is one of the most beautiful scenes in America. There are 21 islands up here, comprising just under 69,000 acres. Beautiful colored rocks jutting out from the water, gorgeous landscape, and lighthouses, will make this a sight you will never forget.

When I found out that the Apostol calculus book was a knowledge Island at Florida State University 

taught by 

Dr. Robert L. Plunkett

During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University of Alabama. 

He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967 .....

and .... 

He also worked as a consultant for Nature's math curves ... thus the name / location selection 

of Phuket as a night club site ...... 
 female math curve information displays 

named after Robert L Plunkett  ...his code

Robes and lingerie .... and cotton panties 

Pl --> Pussy language 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL  lab region

to Florida State University
and University of Alabama  ...


The University of Alabama  .......the human mouth with lips 

LABAMA  nose, mouth, lips lAB  is often referred to as the lips existing 
within COMPUTER EARTH  IP address space ......


molecular bio-computer existence of 
internal Lungs (Lu= Logical unit + nitrogen gas) 
and the externalization of lungs gases
using pressure ...... 
to send air molecules messages OUT 

  the talking blabbers/bragging 
or the primordial singing mouth .......
words, nouns, verbs

THUS  chin mental region THEORY 
 ....harmonic sound pressure waves of words, nouns, verbs ....... can create harm, murder, violoence

 VIA  the verbal sounds  ......
molecular address

LUNG -->
Internal Particles (IP) address space

goes to

external ...... IP address space of human

Book  1645 Part  24   translated by Herb Zinser


1970 Vietnamese WAR creates  DEAD name servers 

and client-server ..... DEATH server program ....  successful DEATH TEST at Clifford Lane / West Road ....with the base 16 hex/curse  of the  HEX'FAA' used for the Short Brothers airplane crash


The Vietnam name servers LIST for the

COMPUTER EARTH underground atomic coffin DATABASEs  -->secret  financial data processing ..system paths and routes  

 Veterans Memorial is a U.S. national memorial in Washington, D.C., honoring service members of the U.S. armed forces who served the DEATH system and its needs ..... by providing atomic DEAD body DATABASES with proper noun / names......  the Vietnam War ....

to provide name  ..communication  LINKS 

between the underground atomic coffins and  their EARTH surface relatives, school class mates, co0mmunites they grew

up in ...

thus creating the living DEAD species (Brain Dead people who refuse to think seriously about philosophy, science, and the 

LIMIT Laws of Nature by John Locke and Thomas Robert Malthus) 

thus the history story .....

starts with the ancient Egyptian BOOK of DEAD with 

mummy atomic bandages (atomic communication bandwidths tool  that uses light reflection to carry photon data & instruction packages to the eyes of the viewer) 

such as the Chicago Field Museum basement mummy exhibit that programs human viewers with DEATH


embalment using IBM BAL computer code (Basic Assembler Language)

William Howard Taft project --> 

Taft --> create new Thought source code (VIA DEAD bodies)  for the afterlife dimension of


William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 – March 8, 1930) 

was the 27th president of the United States (1909–1913) --> year 1914 World War 1 starts  ...... purpose.... need DEAD bodies 

thus code name 

William Howard Taft project --> create war for the afterlife dimension of atomic coffin DATABASE 

and the coffin --> financial data processing cycle 

Taft --> create new Thought source code (VIA DEAD bodies) for the information  afterlife dimension of existence

 the coffin --> financial data processing cycle 

...coffin equation --> co + ff + in --> 

IBM code ...Base 16 HEX'FF' = 255 = High-values...... input to another FORMAT of software existence... 

thus the coffin  information ROUTE to the EARTH land surface ...atomic granite gravestone grammar & MASS ... thus 
MASS interaction and grammar code alignment with the gravity thought and grammar fields ..... grammar alignment using SriniVasa RamanuJan math and boxer Cassius Clay / MuhammaD  Ali

thus the 
dead HUMAN  ....American Soldier name information enters the gravity thought field 
VIA the atomic gravestone to
EARTH government systems ..
math-engineering  vector  space  
and social science vector space
that  designer

The Vector Space ordered --> killing of Versace  using a programmable human
bio-computer Andrew Cunanan a puppet human action figure ....

The Murder and the Mansion 25 Years Later

Giovanni Maria "Gianni" Versace
was an atomic electron orbital Italian fashion designer
socialite and sine wave continuum 
and its quantum wave mechanics platform ......
   that objects, people, furniture exist upon /exit within and the associated economics &  money of the solid merchandise ... 

electron orbital Italian fashion designersocialite and sine wave continuum bus  businessman. 

He was the founder of Versace, an international luxury-fashion house that produces accessories, fragrances, make-up, home furnishings and clothes. He also designed costumes for theatre and films.

Though Versace was known globally for his fashion designs, he was also known locally for his iconic mansion on Ocean Drive — the very place he was murdered by a serial killer in 1997

First published in 1818, The World as Will and Representation contains Schopenhauer's entire philosophy, ranging through epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, aesthetics and philosophy of art, to ethics, the meaning of life and the philosophy of religion, in an attempt to account .

Giovanni Maria "GianniVersace was a representative for EARTH government systems ... an idea which he forgot about  (Italian: [dʒoˈvanni maˈriːa verˈsaːtʃe];[a] 2 December 1946 – 15 July 1997) was an Italian fashion designer, socialite and businessman

Versace was quickly transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital's Ryder Trauma Center in Miami, seven miles away. But by 9:15 am, he was pronounced dead at the age of 50. The shockwaves sent the...  shockwaves sent to start  the ukraine destruction

Ryder Trauma Center 
Ryder Trauma Center 
Ryder Trauma Center 
Ryder Trauma Center ..the trauma of the rigged information TRIAL and murder of McVeigh

Oklahoma City Bombing — FBI Oklahoma City Bombing On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the...

President Taft

Taft --> create new Thought source code (VIA DEAD bodies)  for the afterlife dimension of


The two-acre (8,100 m2) site is dominated by two black granite walls engraved with the names of those service members who died or remain missing as a result of their service in Vietnam and South East Asia during the war. The Wall, completed in 1982

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...

Tom M Apostol ..all human activities and errors

Tom M Apostol --> post office on existence and expression

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy 

LINK to 

Tolstoy South Dakota --> Planet  earth Soil  Database 

with with Nature's agent  Emma TreFz 

Emma --> Solar System 

....Electro-magnetic field ..langauge and emotions map

from her 1938 marriage to Roland Groth

...carried to the 

Milwaukee --> double e --> ee  -->earth electron land


Watertown Wisconsin sin wave continuum region

of the atoMic Michael Faraday dairy farm  of


assembler language agent for R0 --> RoLand 

and his brother Hilmer farm for David Hilbert (DH) 
earth Double-Helix symbol life  math/logic surface at nearby ixionia ..... with Euler's number e = 2.718

                        ixonia (exponent level)
that is e --> e (earth base land)

1)        .... house/tree sky exponent level

2) solid earth horizontal land 

3 ) the underground 
atomic clay and limestone rock

Euler, RamanuJan, and  Hilbert living math spaces  ..... real reality of math
and accounting numbers --> 

Euler, RamanuJan, and  Hilbert living math spaces  ..... real estate space that people live within 

.. the killing & cover-up of Tim hack and Kelly Drew  in the Zondervan-Strong Concordance battle by the 

Concord dance hall in Wisconsin 

above words --> partition P of (ab) 

..the real estate housing and stores  ...

human families and retail store merchandise  .. people  shopping for diseases to  attack and destroy 

the old and nartural EARTH systems 

--> and  to destroy a 

world math RD site by Milwaukee/  the small city Oconomowoc with 5 algebra roots  ......

   f(X) = 0 

P (a,b) --> Pabst Farms protected RD site

Pabst Farms: 

The Computer Earth 

History of a Model Farm using 

 IBM base 4 (Four) ....
4-legged animal bio-computers with
2 exponent ears give base 16 ....

thus Pabst Farms  ...  Model Farm -->
processing abstract equations, engineering MODELS,  and symbol & concept language Engines and Machines 

Thus SOLID  4-legged STANDING 
......  bio-computer animals as
horizontal  and vertical structures with an animal social behavior, etc .....

and used as  format CONVERTERS 

of the oscillation/quiver/ vibrations .... 
wave mechanic continuum 

comprised of Nature's existence systems
........ earth electrons and energy .... 
 the Fourier engineering functions .... 
sin and co-sine wave continuum 


mathematical-physics geography site 



algebra /math zeroes of f(x) = O, 

Chenequa equations, 

Delafield .....
 IBM assembler language co
De and Differential equations(De)  


Differential equations(De)  

Versus Death system project plans ...


the INTERNAL blood arteries agents --> art and music people and their

art Deco output expression ..okay (architecture and female clothes fashions of 1925 thru 1932) 


penis blood  arteries errors .. create 

World War 2 blood information flow of Purple Heart Decorations › wiki › Purple_Heart
The Purple Heart (PH) is a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President of Pregnant insect women .... 
to those wounded or killed while serving the families and communities of traitors to the LIMIT Laws of Nature per 
John Locke, 
Thomas Robert Malthus,
Max Born and others


IBM base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16 ...Holstein Dairy cows and Horses

Although the Pabst name is world-famous for its ties to the brewing industry, 

COMPUTER EARTH region .... 

Wisconsin earth land  
...... plowed land as sine wave curves with associated symbol equations at Chenequa equation

--> the SOFTWARE created  .... accidental murder of Harry 
Quadractic equation agent --> Quadracci and the cover-up of his murder by the entire publishing and printing industry    

..... Frequency Fred Pabst Jr (data processing JOB region) 

. balanced his duty 

. balanced his duty 

. balanced his duty to Highway 16 hexadecimal 

to the family brewery with his love of land and livestock. In 1906, 
he began purchasing large math parcels 
math/algebra polynomial equation ...... 
algebra surface  land near 
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, to create one of the most important mathematical-physics ... algebra model farms in the United States. 

Oconomowoc ..... 5 zeroes/roots  of a algebra .... polynomial quintic  function f(x) = 0,  

In algebra, a quintic function is a function of the form

that use the

quiver carrier wave /vibration platform 

to carry math functions and other formats SYMBOL LIVES as explained by 

quintessential messenger of year 1826  President John Quiver Adams 

where abcde and f are members of 

field per Delafield Wisconsin, typically the rational numbers, the real numbers or the complex numbers, and a is nonzero. In other words, a quintic function is defined by polynomial of degree five --> of Botany green leaves ..math leaves ..pigment Chlorophyll of photosynthesis 

Employing the latest advances in American and European agricultural theory, he organized a sustainable farming operation that provided all that was necessary for his self-sufficient farm.

            From the construction of new farm buildings to the selection of diverse livestock, Pabst carefully considered every detail of his landmark farming operation.
 Hackney and Percheron horses were the mainstay of Pabst Farms until the popularity of the automobile quickly made horse breeding for carriages and wagons a thing of the past. 

Hackney horses and the 
Pabst farms .... battle of work, effort, and languages

The Hackney is a recognized breed of horse that was developed in Great Britain. In recent decades, the breeding of the Hackney has been directed toward producing horses that are ideal for carriage driving. They are an elegant high stepping breed of carriage horse that is popular for showing in harness events.

Hackney horses and the 
Pabst farms .... battle of work, effort, and languages ..... 

the murder/ killing of the 
Pabst Farms RD project .....

results in the parallel killing /murder EVENT ....
per Stephen Hawking
 theory/ Earth language predictions  
on the 
Eartrh systems ......
Event  Horizon space ---> 
and Horror sub-space of
HORROR/ terror EVENT region ......

Horicon Marsh is the largest freshwater cattail marsh in the United States. Located in southeast Wisconsin, Horicon Marsh has been formally recognized as a Wetland of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention of the United Nations. This renowned marsh is now home to the Horicon Marsh Education and Visitor Center. 

August 10 ... year 1980 

of Tim Hack
and girlfriend/ mate   Kelly Drew

converts his 1980  present life
to a 
Pabst verb tense ..atomic life in a coffin DATABASE .....
Pabst farms destroyed  results in parallel 
Fort Atkinson farm boy age 19 destroyed

According to the criminal complaint, Hack's father 

said TIm had a   mate / HOT  girlfriend that created a climate of LOVE for TIM  ,,,thus they went to friend's wedding reception by 

Concord/ Ixonia Wisconsin

female agent code --> 

S + JOB + erg --> System job ... ergodic 

 large scale system BATTLE ZONE 

Concord/ Ixonia Wisconsin
..... a 
Fort Dix New Jersey
.....  EARTH government military ...
parallel code site 

that needed a FORT code word
--> thus the 

SYMBOL & CONCEPT language MACHINE selection of

year 1980 Fort Atkinson humanoid specimens with a proper noun/name  LABELS ....  and the

SYMBOL & CONCEPT language MACHINE  .....LINK backward to year 1926 Atkinson Minnesota 

the ethics, values  ....
and awareness & perceptions on domestic and foreign affairs of farmer George Franz and farm worker Henry Zinser 


the nonsense education and 

church song & dance systems of 1980 thru year 2022 

According to the criminal complaint, Hack's father reported the couple missing on Aug. 10, 1980. The couple was last seen leaving the reception at the Concord House, a dance hall in Sullivan, a town about 40 miles west of Milwaukee, around 11 p.m. the night before.

reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 1980.

reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 1980. › wiki › Fine-structure_constant
In quantum electrodynamics, the more thorough quantum field theory underlying the electromagnetic coupling, the renormalization group dictates how the strength ... › science › the-mysterious-137
This number is the value of the fine-structure constant (the actual value is one ... of physics: electromagnetism in the form of the charge of the electron, ... › ~barra › teaching › feynman
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
137 . is dimensionless. 
It is convenient to choose gEM

(atomic diamond wedding GEMstone as a
 data & instruction container for EM waves ..... with Snell's Law optics

their  internal reflection within the diamond  .....

 the SOLAR SYSTEM  ...
natural sunlight elect
ro-magnetic field ROLE 
in bringing sunshine into one's emotional LIFE  
..... VIA  love and romantic relationships / affairs 

    such that. αEM = g2. EM. 4π . In other words the coupling constant gEM --> Em ----> Emotions of atomic humans  ..... is a dimensionless measure of ...

reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 1980 ......



report to the Language universe vowels

a, e, i, o, u --> input/output port of


,Language universe vowels

a, e, i, o, u --> input/output port of


various universes .....


cotton clothes universe 

According to the criminal complaint, Hack's father 

said TIm had a   mate / HOT  girlfriend that

 created a climate of LOVE for TIM  ,,,

thus they went to friend's wedding

 reception by Concord Wisconsin

then  Hack's father 

 received his FEEDBACK 

report on climate FORMATS ...

television climate/weather  news 

and farm  newspapers 

reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 1980 

...disturbance to the 

continuum of existence...... consequently .

on Aug. 10, 1980 

...disturbance to the 

continuum of existence......

 consequently .


reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 2020 ......

IBM MIS --> Management Information Systems (MIS) of the Wisconsin ground

 earth ...sin wave of plowed land  


Computer earth assembler

 language instruction 


 CLIMATE of waether  VS

 CLIMATE --> Clitoris data processing site of 

female mate bio-computer

and her male husbands breeding projects 

The vagina SHAPED entrance to

Wilson Hall ......

 Federal gonads government 

 vagina RD labs at FermiLAB by

go ads of newspapers 

for gonads GESTALT completion 



RD langauge  labs at 

FermiLAB ..Wilson Hall project codes

 vagina RD --> Va-interaction by

Enrico Fermi .

.....Enrico --> enter Puerto Rico 

pussy system software 

with male penis  hardware

as explained by agent

Laura uranium 235 Fermi  

and her bedroom VA-interaction

with her atomic orb
ital italian husband 

and his 

atomic bio-physics communication


FermiLAB ..Wilson Hall project codes

Majora Labia
with Wilson Hall male meat


reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 2020 ...... › dvn › summary_081020
Aug 10, 2020 ... A powerful line of severe thunderstorms known as a "Derecho" tracked across eastern Iowa and northwest Illinois on the afternoon of Monday, ...

a "Derecho"
a "Derecho"
a "Derecho" --> echo of farm boy Death process

a "Derecho"

a "Derecho--> Nature's systems. ... Death records of Tim Hack and  Kelly Drew   
......Kelly Drew atomic body DATABASE is buried have her
Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD identity & SOFTWARE
..... resurface in Ixonia /Concord / ...Milwaukee earth electron rf region as   --->

Chief ..KELLY DREW database ..... Drew buried gone to Argonne Nationals Labs atomic coffin DATABASE systems


KELLY DREW database ..... Drew buried
--> next in sequence    Meteorologist Drew Bur -->

The August 10, 2020 Midwest derecho was a powerful derecho affecting the Midwestern United States on August 10–11, 2020, primarily eastern NebraskaIowaIllinoisWisconsin, and Indiana. It caused high winds and spawned an outbreak of weak tornadoes. Some areas reported torrential rain and large hail.[2][7][1]

Damage was moderate to severe across much of the affected area, as sustained wind speeds of 70 miles per hour (110 kilometers per hour; 31 meters per second) were prevalent. The greatest damage occurred in eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois, where multiple tornadoes touched down. The highest winds occurred in Iowa, measured at 126 mph (203 km/h; 56.3 m/s)[II] and highest estimated from post-event damage surveys at 140 mph (225 km/h; 62.6 m/s).[III][2][7]

Millions across the Midwest were affected by wide-scale utility disruptions,[12] residential and commercial property damage, and severe damage to corn and soybean crops.[1][7][2] Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was the most severely damaged,[11][13] suffering a near-complete blackout that lasted for weeks in some areas,[10][14] widespread and severe property damage,[15] and an estimated loss of at least half of the city's tree canopy.[16][17] The derecho caused over $11 billion (2020 USD) in damages[4] and spawned a years-long cleanup effort.[18]

NOAH's ARK 40 days software

 or ..... 1980 + 40 years = 2020

Computer earth I/O region

..battle at IOWA 

...  parallel corn field death 

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a 
Jefferson County, Wisconsin corn field by Ixonia 
on August 8, 1980. The two had attended a wedding reception before their...

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack .....

The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, 

The bodies of Knowledge Drew/Draw by Nature WORD & LANGUAGE systems 

past tense of draw is drew. Draw verb forms. Infinitive Present Participle Past Tense

The bodies of Kelly Drew and 

Tim Hack ...Tim earth farm boy --> Time agent, 

The bodies of Knowledge .... Drew/Draw and Tim(e)

earthly space time  .....
existence and activities and 

Tim Hack--> Time H --> Time /Hours code from 

Tim --> Timbuktu Africa ...friday code

Tim Hack--> Time H --> 

Tim Hack--> Time H --> 

Tim Hack--> Time H 

--> TIM Hor -->Tim Horror experience 

by Hubbleton /Watertown/ Ixonia zoro


reported the couple missing

on Aug. 10, 2020 ......

The couple was last seen leaving the reception at the Concord House, a dance hall in Sullivan, a town about 40 miles west of Milwaukee, around 11 p.m. the night before.

David Hack found his son's car in the hall's parking lot, still locked with his son's wallet inside. Five days later, investigators found Drew's shredded pants, panties and bra in the road about three miles from Concord House.

In October, hunters found Drew's body in the woods about eight miles from Concord House. The next day searchers found Tim Hack's body in the same area. A medical examiner found signs that Drew had been tied up and strangled,
 her boyfriend had been stab
bed in the
 EARTH atomic li
mestone BEDROCK geological  battles

with the earth surface...atomic limestone building and the

nonsense and news 

 of the Clifford Publishing(CPU)  Company 

as a IBM atomic limestone CPU site /  agent

with EARTH atomic rock (and water of Rock River ....

H2O water flow as a SYMBOL of data stream with information ROC at the Limestone message processing building with atom Schultz  ..... his mission was to explain geological levels and LINKS to layers of human bio-computer society 


Investigators learned Edwards was a handyman at the Concord House and campgrounds next to the hall. Witnesses remembered Edwards had a bloody nose during the weekend the couple disappeared. He said he had hurt it deer hunting.

Investigators of History learned agent
 Edwards code name (education war data sets)
 was a handyman (Henry David Thoreau) 
at the Concord House*

(Return to Concord, Massachusetts  1837–1844)

 and campgrounds 

 (Walden Pond years, 1845–1850)

Thoreau’s Cabin – There has been a lot said about the simplicity of Henry David Thoreau’s cabin on Walden Pond in a specific named RD site .... Concord, MASS ..... 

within the larger, more general CONCEPT of springs and Hooke's Law  and simple harmonic oscillators per Monica Lewinsky .... ky math codes

 EARTH region of springs with spring capitol at   Springfield Mass and its  data fields 

It is simple! 
It is simple --> simple harmonic oscillator site  per Monica Lewinsky .... ky math codes

Thoreau’s Cabin – There has been a lot said about the simplicity of Henry David Thoreau’s cabin on Walden Pond in a specific named RD site .... Concord, MASS ..... 
and the 
Zondervan- Strong Concorddance of 2 separate systems
at Concord Mass  ,,,and Tim Hack & Kelly Drew at
Concord Wisconsin 

The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. Feature for feature, this Gold Medallion award-winning volume is by far the finest, most thorough NIV-based concordance available. About the Author

Strong's Concordance An exhaustive concordance of the King James Bible with Hebrew and Greek lexicons Concordance Search Lexicon entries will be linked from results. You may search the lexicon directly by using the entry number.

But if you take the time ... via Tim(e) Hack at Concord Wisconsin ...... 
to walk the area

(with Wisconsin math Governor Scott cotangent Walker)......where he built it

Investigators learned Edwards was a handyman at the Concord House and campgrounds next to the hall. 

Witnesses remembered communication code words
Witness --> Wi + tn + ne =-->
 wisconsin + 
tennessee + nebraska

 ...Geography states and 

remembered --> Rembrandt and 
Belshazzars Feast  display of
year 1635 ,,COMPUTER EARTH ..... google/ internet steaming of codes .. images and codes that his 
Eastman Kodak ... CAMERA like eyes ....
captured and remembered by his optical nerve 
and BRAIN optical data  storage

next to the hall (message system).

Undaunted, Pabst transformed his year 1400 --> year 1900 time period   ......
1,400-acre farm operation to focus solely on the development and breeding of award-winning, high-production Holstein dairy cattle. This is the story of how one family made their mark on Wisconsin's dairy industry, but also of the Pabst family's life on the farm and their efforts to bring the Pabst Brewing Company through the dark days of Prohibition with the development of a revolutionary cheese product, Pabst-ett. Pabst Farms: The History of a Model Farm showcases Wisconsin's dairy history at its best and is illustrated with hundreds of photographs from the Pabst family's private archives.

math code --> Cn  -->  complex number civilian representative agent 

--> Czar Nicholas 

--> the world math representative for complex number located in northeast EUROPE region 

..Russia and Czechoslovakia  

,,,CZ  earth language ... geography math echo region

Nikola Tesla's Earth  vibration/quake/message  Machine - The Excluded Middle In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same . " echo signature " " echo signature " " echo signature "

complex numbers of real estate  ..... atomic cement/concrete. atomic iron metal beams and glass window and doors .....

atomic building materials are used to create atomic apartment and atomic office buildings ...that become  LIFE forms

... the atomic walls and furniture absorb data from

 100 ....200.....300 apartment residents or office employees / human information carriers 

that bring their COLLECTIVE education, 

their friendships with others, their work experience, and their romances to the atomic building 

...walls and floors and door knobs .....that collects the data to construct a building GROUP MIND 

z = apartment building interface equation 

Milwaukee, Waukesha, Pewaukee 

and Moscow Wisconsin  and United Kingdom(UK)  

...the newer constructed  ....

living apartment buildings insect


(insect people thoughts)

set-up the attack on Ukraine older apartment buildings  ....
to destroy the old country


ee --> east europe 

Federal Government .... atomic social sciences 

and FermiLAB atomic kitchen recipes,
 atomic food services and D
EATH software recipes... Computer Earth IP address space war with rockets and misseles 

Fed --> feed --> feederal representative

Nigel Lockyer approves  EAT attack on
location of chicken  Kyiv

thus the ugly American (BOOK) explains

Milwaukee, Waukesha, Pewaukee 

and Moscow Wisconsin --> attack east europe 

and manipulate d Moscow Russia sin brain waves 

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...