Saturday, April 22, 2023

Book 1645 Part 12 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... Sun Yat-sen and Galileo explain the Sun ...Solar System 360 computer and its Base 16 address space on EARTH VIA LEO TOLSTOY ...Y address constants --> Ya --> YaSnaYa Polyana

 Book  1645 Part  12   Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... translated by Herb Zinser

GALILEO explains  the Solar System 360 computer and its
Base 16 address space on EARTH 


LEO TOLSTOY ...Y address constants --> Ya --> YaSnaYa Polyana  with COMPUTER EARTH ...

IBM system 370 Systems Network Architecture (SNA)

Leo Tolstoy born at Computer EARTH 

BALTIC region ...Basic Assembler Language ....

 assembler space ...  Address constants—>Y and A --> YA --> Yasnaya Polyana

Sun Yat-sen

Sun Yat-sen .... solar system/SUN radiates energy, gravity thought fields, and

information .......

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses.

'Y' address constants can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage ....

using atomic stone/rock/limestone message systems and lumber logical unit buildings as data storage ....

or cellulose grains/ oats/ wheat/ corn /crops 


information storage that is

input to humanoids

We aim to organize a world-wide intellectual corporation to represent the multi-faceted universe of the Margaret Mead: SUPER HIGH Z Boson project and its many social engineering components:

 The traditional Universe of tricks and mirrors
- The Inverse Universe and the Perpendicular UNIVERSE
- The Margaret Mead UNIVERSE nuclear anthropology war

PROJECT PLAN Z - The INVERSE Universe Physicists have written about this using various descriptions such as:

  • -  Parallel processing universes (events on planet EARTH)
  • -  Mirrors and tricks
  • -  Alternate universes or alternative method/ route/ philosophy

Conceptually the INVERSE Universe is similar. Thus the INVERSE Universe runs like a parallel to the traditional Universe as perceived by most. An example of the TIME mirror or inverse would be the 24 hour clock -> 24 mirror 42 -> and this is the existence of TIMES SQUARE 42nd Street Manhattan astrophysics surface area of real time -> T 2 = Base 4 EXP 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal TIME.

- Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth

Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/ time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME

Year 16 16 -> The EARTH surface cities, land, and 

oxygen atomic mass 16  people  to be FORMATED 

into  BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.

The astronomy/ astrophysics galactic computer systems project started around year 1610. The war that begun continues in year 2009. The 400 year GALILEO ASTRONOMY WAR is a well-kept secret.

The project convergence completion date was computed using YEAR 16 16 -> 16 x 16 = Year 256 which is to link with the Hawking/Gibbons astrophysics parallel processing EVENT HORIZON Year 256 = the exponent TIME WORLD year 2008 = Base 2 EXP 008 = Year 256.

- Symbolic ORIGIN of the UNIVERSE

Before solids, gravity, and electromagnetic waves existed, before the BIG BANG -> we assume an axiom (Schopenhauer) -> that a symbolic universe of thought , will, and idea existed and wished to express itself in a new media -> thus the BIG BANG and new dimensions of visible, tangible expressions -> such as solid-state physics, interaction of gravity with mass, electromagnetic life in biological EMbassy format.

The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the Galileo Hexadecimal Base 16 construct. Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include the Federal Aviation Administration -> accident HEX ‘FAA' = F x 16E exp 2 + A x 16 Exp 1 + A x 16 Exp 0 (base 16).

  • -> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I O U gives access to the galactic computer -> Input/Output Universe.
  • The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers ->
  •  - Vowel A -> America geographic location
  •  - Vowel E -> E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL)
  •  - Data BUS to the universe system 370
  •  - Vowel I -> Input data
  •  - Vowel O -> Output data
  •  - Vowel U -> other sides of the multi-faceted Universe


- Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth

Year 1616 is a milestone in astronomy. The evolution of space/ time life components resulted in Base 16 hexadecimal SPACE and Base 16 hexadecimal TIME

Year 16 16 -> The EARTH surface cities and land to be FORMATED 

into  BASE 16 space and BASE 16 time.

Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth 

--> to the next
-->Mirror code Next --> oeL (order entry elements (project Noel) 

...... noel


  1. Same as nowel.
  2. Christmas
  3. period extending from 
  4. Dec. 24 to Jan. 6
  5. Dec. 24 to Jan. 6

Dec. 24 (base 2 exponent 4 = base 16) 

to Jan. 6 (1st month 6th day --> base 16)


Galileo the DEFENDER of Planet Earth

and its interNET system in year 16  16  

--> to the next generation of 

NATURE's   Computer Science

Leo Tolstoy born in Galileo base 16 space 

at Computer EARTH assembler space ...  Address constants—>

Y and A --> YA --> Yasnaya Polyana

with IBM system 370 SNA

Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is a data communication architecture established by IBM to specify common conventions for communication among the wide array of IBM hardware and software data communication products and other platforms such as platform shoes that the female humanoid bio-computer
exists upon. 

platform shoes --> order entry systems

Among the platforms that implement SNA in addition to mainframes

Among the older platforms that implement SNA in addition to mainframes is the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily circus platform key --> Snake(Y)  ..key pioneer in software RD configurations
and  copper wiring for IBM CICS on-line

CICS stands for Customer Information Control System. It is a general-purpose transaction processing subsystem for the z/OS operating system. CICS provides services for running an application online, by request, at the same time as many other users are submitting requests to run the same applications, using the same files and programs.

CICS flowchart

The original IBM SNA  CICS flowchart using 
Nature's bio-computer entities for their flexible design abilities

Among the platforms that implement SNA in addition to mainframes

.....Leo Tolstoy born at/in Computer EARTH ...IBM SNA geography regions .....BALTIC region ...Basic  assembler language space/earth land surface

 ...  Address constants—Y and A --> YA --> Yasnaya Polyana

with algebra polynomials f(x) = 0 such as the 

quadratic equation

Address constant .. IBM Russia code

Address constant

Address constant Y and A

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory.

 YA --> Yasnaya    Polyana

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

The Many Meanings of the

 Spanish ‘Ya’ --> 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage

Address constant

Address constant

Address constant of constant ... 

cotton thought molecules of 
cotton panties and cotton textile clothes

with cotangent math functions 

and female cotangent math curves  

..female curves as vector space   to
reward male  gentlemen

female bio-electron ... bio-computer body as molecular data storage

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...

Tom M Apostol ..all human activities and errors

Tom M Apostol --> post office on existence and expression

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy 

LINK to 

Tolstoy South Dakota --> Planet  earth Soil  Database 

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ...

Tom M Apostol ..all human activities and errors

Tom M Apostol --> post office on existence and expression

Tom M Apostol --> Leo Tolstoy nucleotides --> ideas & views

molecule language letters and letter permutations

Nucle  --> Nu --> un --> 
uncle --> unclear --> areas of social science and philosophy ERRORS ...... are studied  by Nature's agent ..... nucleotide Tolstoy

born August 28 [September 9, New Style], 
1828,B in the Earth atmosphere of Nitrogen gas molecule ..moleucle mass = nitrogen atom 14 + atom 14 = 28 nitrogen molecule mass

....... thus Charles Darwin/Charles Dickens processes of Nature systems and languages ...4 DNA molecules with nitrogen bases ...... selected his August 28, 1828 identifier dates as a good sign/ easy identification ....
for a nitrogen nucleotide social science analyst and messenger  ...

thus names LEO .... 

like other messenger agents  

..... Galileo  oxygen atomic mass 16 .... year 16 16 

information path TRAP 

The film stars Elizabeth Taylor for bio-math Taylor polynomials

 in the eponymous role. Richard Burton, Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall, and Martin Landau for Lev Landau 

Mar 28, 2023Lev Davidovich Landau, (born Jan. 9 [Jan. 22, New Style], 1908, Baku, Russian Empire (now Azerbaijan)—died April 1, 1968, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), Soviet theoretical physicist, 
one of the founders of the quantum theory of condensed matter from Conde South Dakota ....... 

condensed matter from Conde South Dakota ... example

Mar 24, 2023Jim grew up on a 500-head cow-calf operation in CondeSouth Dakota, cultivating 3,200 acres of row crops and small grains. Jim, who holds a degree in ag business from Southwest State University (Marshall, Minnesota), began his career at Harvest States and regionally owned locations of Land O'Lakes.

Lev Landau
 whose pioneering research in 
pioneer BRAND NAME corn & soybean seeds ... data sets  .... this field was recognized with the 1962 Nobel Prize for Physics.

you push 
you push 
you push  ...Pregnant women

you push  ...Pregnant  insect women

How to Practice Pushing Before Labor Blow up a balloon: Yes, really. When you blow up a balloon, it engages the same belly muscles that you rely on when pushing during labor. Inflate your balloon while focusing on what’s happening in your body. Notice which muscles

your farm's husband seed performance to new heights of new
seven / eight(8) pound baby 

your farm's performance to new heights of violations of the Laws of Nature

We're here with the human male sperm seed
atomic agronomic expertise in atomic social science and BOTANY violations, 
and local data to support your farms
family arms, legs, hips growth.

information path TRAP 

The film stars Elizabeth Taylor for bio-math Taylor polynomials

are featured in supporting EARTH 
hydro-carbon theater language

of the organic chemistry continuum .... 

molecular social chemistry  
---> code word  ...... 

 petroleum roles of human agents ,,,, in 
 Nature's Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND methods or 
Nature's universal mind(um)  systems ......
and the universal mind battles
at UM college

or the Utah Mine (UM)  disaster

The Crandall Canyon Mine, formerly Genwal Mine, was an underground bituminous coal mine in northwestern Emery County, Utah.

The mine made headline news when six (6) miners were trapped by a collapse in August 2007. 

Ten days later, three(3) rescue workers were killed by a subsequent collapse. 

The six miners were later declared dead and their bodies were never recovered.

Crandall Canyon Mine

Cran   dall Canyon Mine

Cranium  Dallas Texas explanation errors of the 1963 assassination of President Kenndy 

The Crandall Canyon Mine, formerly Genwal Mine, was an underground bituminous coal mine in northwestern Emery County, Utah.

The mine made headline news in year 1963

with the cranium of President Kenndy  when six (6) miners were trapped by a collapse in August 2007. Ten days later, three(3) r

Next message event of numbers 6 and 3 › 3-baton-rouge-police-officers-shot
6 Shot, 3 Dead, Baton Rouge Police Officers Under Fire
Original Story: 

On July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in an ambush attack,[8] in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling.

6 Baton Rouge Police Officers have been shot by what appears to have been a lone gunman dressed in black armed with a rifle. 3 officers are reportedly dead.A manhunt for the this piece of trash this is underway. It is feared that this brutal attack on police could be in retaliation for the justifiable shooting of Alton Sterling which occurred in Bat

Timbuktu Mali AFRICA 

Time is Friday
(seven days a week are Friday)

(every day of the year is Friday --> thus 
the perception --> 
every day of the year is
Friday night --> time to party. drink beer, 
play music, dance , make love )

and the N = Nitrogen microbiology city of 

Nairobi Kenya AFRICA
--> kill Kenndy of america for his
 double-cross on the DEAL  .....
city of time data record  buffers 

 Timbuktu Mali Africa  kill time schedule FRIDAY

Thus the kill project ....parameter  list
of nouns/concepts/information pointers

Deal, time. friday. kenya, etc// ...

with Nature's   ..... DNA thought molecules as
the 35th president of human life and 

human pregnancy 
LIMIT  directions of 3 --> 5

thus the DNA government

OVER subset humanoids 
and their family errors

John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. CST in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. Kennedy was in the vehicle with his wife, Jacqueline, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally's wife, Nellie, whe…

In the Leopold and Loeb trial of time...
the 24 hour clock of 1924 of Jacob Franks ..time watch manufacturer   

Jacob Franks was a businessman. 

In the 1910 Census he listed his occupation as "Manufacturer of Watches," and he was at that time the president of the Rockford Watch Company in Rockford, Illinois. The Rockford Watch Company went out of business in 1915, but in the 1920 Census, Jacob Franks still listed his occupation as "Owner Watch Company"


The revived Rockford Watch Company owner, Jacob Franks, a Chicago businessman issued 10,000 shares, at $100 a share and confessed to big intentions. "We expect to employ about 3,000 hands and turn out about 600 movements a day. We shall have branch offices in Chicago, New York, Paris and Switzerland", claimed Franks.

  at /with earth existence .... 

atomic limestone layer/levels .....
 and its message abilities

atomic limestone layer/levels of electrons .....
 and its printed circuit layers and message abilities

atomic rock/li
mestone messages of gestalt/ ergodic..large scale systems of Nature's social engineering projects .....

  at the EARTH  .....Chicago region .... 
 Rockford Illinois atomic/math  geological Time layers ,

In the Leopold and Loeb trial of time...
the 24 hour clock of 1924 of Jacob Franks ..time watch manufacturer   

 attorney Clarence Darrow (data vector arrow) achieved what many thought impossible. 

He saved the lives of two agents with the power of a speech. Nathan...

Cleopatra (1963 nucleotide film)

 It chronicles the struggles of Cleopatra, the young queen of Egypt, to resist the imperial ambitions of Rome . Walter Wanger had long contemplated producing a biographical film about Cleopatra.

Leo nucleotide Tolstoy

COMPUTER EARTH bio-computer and geo-computer with
IBM system 370 SNA VTAM with assembler language and
Cobol language for business 
..Batch processing and CICS online

year 1975 to 1995 Chicago area

Computer Earth year 1828 version

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya
Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya region of base 2
symbols codes ......Ya   and another Ya 

...2 language VIEWS / 2 symbols expression systems of Nature
as explained by

(spanish number 2 = two = binary)
math agent for ordinary and partial differental equations of F(y) = 0 

human bio-math... social math messenger 
Nature's systems  agent -->
Fyodor Dostoevsky, born on 11 November [ O.S. 30 October] 1821 in Moscow, was the second child of Dr. Mikhail Dostoevsky and Maria Dostoevskaya (born Nechayeva). 

He was raised in the family home in the grounds (earth ground/ thought minerals in garden vegetables INPUUT thoughts into his  body/brain) 

He was raised in the family home in the grounds
He was raised in the family home in the grounds
He was raised as a parallel potato head ..... in the family home in the grounds (vegetable garden grounds) 

28. Mr. Potato Head Face with eyes 

Potatoes that have grown eyes are sometimes 
called 'seed potatoes'  ... see dp--> see data processing   order entry systems because they can be used as seeds to form more potato plants. 

Jung Seed has been a leading supplier of organic, heirloom, fruit, vegetable, flower, herb, perennial, and annual plants and seeds since 1907. ... About JungJung Garden Centers; 

About JungJung Garden Centers; 
About Carl Jung and Karl Zinser 
Carl Jung .... 1st Kindergarten/Garden at Watertown ..... Centers ..

East Center Street School Block
(ECB --> Event Control Block)  in Milwaukee
in 1943  ..... 1948 for Karl Henry Zinser
 (born October 18, 1937) 
and the Zinser family COMPUTER EARTH base 16  and its  IBM property

By late February Kuwait had been liberated from Iraqi control. As hundreds of thousands of Kuwaitis returned from foreign refuges to their homes in May, the full extent of the damage created by the invasion, looting, and war became clear. Persian Gulf War: "Highway of Death" The invasion and occupation affected every aspect of Kuwaiti life.
Rest of completion codes
"Highway of Death"....

Restaurant DEATH completion codes

The Luby's shooting was a mass shooting that took place on October 16, 1991, at a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. 

The  October 16, 1991 earth electron circuit errors...

16, 19 ...numbers below
16, 19
16, 19 ..... military charge /attack of atomic nuclei THOUGHTS  
--> attack bull-shit and family nonsense

Coulomb  perpetrator ...
using programmable human bio-electron bio-computer , George Hennard, a human action figure 

drove his pickup truck through the front window of the restaurant. 
He shot and killed 23 exponent people of Avogadro ..communication problems and errors, 

and wounded 27 others.

This characteristic that potatoes have evolved
 into human toes and shoes of Rene Magritte 

René Magritte was born in Lessines, in the province of Hainaut, Belgium, in 1898. He was the oldest son of Léopold Magritte, a tailor and textile merchant, [3] and Régina ( née Bertinchamps), who was a milliner before she got married. Little is known about Magritte's early life. He began lessons in drawing in 1910. [3]

 has helped ensure their longevity and the survival of the species.

...input potato eyes --> Sunlight and earth soil molecule project plan / mission ->  mission food for the eyes / to see/awareness  of Fyodor

name equation F(y) = and message code links to Salvador DALI
and Val Dor region of Malartic Quebec 

Almost 56 years after he began prospecting in the Val d'Or, Que., region, John Kentish was recently awarded the 1991 PDAC (Paul Dirac quantum ) Distinguished Service Award for his many  Dirac accomplishments in the mining industry.

 Dostoevsky and the

simple harmonic oscillator math term ky
and vector space

of the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, which was in a lower class district
on the edges of Moscow.

MOS circuits are in MOSCOW  in year 1828  formed by three layers i.e. diffusion ( n or p diffusion layer), polysilicon and metal, which are isolated from one another by thick or thin (thinox) silicon dioxide insulating layers. thinox regions interact so that a transistor is formed where they cross one another.

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya region of base 2
symbols codes ......Ya   and another Ya 

...2(two)  language VIEWS / 2 symbol expression systems of Nature as explained by books

Tolstoy was born the greater Baltic region with
IBM Moscow Ballet ..

human body dance language as Basic Assembler Language(BAL)

Tolstoy was born the greater Baltic region with
 Basic Assembler Language(BAL)
.... with

Take care when using Y-type address constants and 2 byte A-type address constants for relocatable addresses, as they can only address a maximum of 65,536 bytes of storage. Using these types of address constants for relocatable addresses results in message ASMA066W being issued unless the assembler option RA2 is specified.

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana
with 3 pairs of address constants for
2 dimensions of Earth activity space and 
1 time dimension , 

Take care when using Y-type address constants and 2 byte A-type address constants for relocatable addresses,

Address constants—A and Y

HLASM Language Reference

The following sections describe how the different types of address constants are assembled from expressions that normally represent storage addresses, and how the constants are used for addressing within and between source modules.

In the A-type and Y-type address constants, you can specify any of the three following types of assembly-time expressions whose values the assembler then computes and assembles into object code. Use this expression computation as follows:
  • Relocatable expressions for addressing
  • Absolute expressions for addressing and value computation
  • Complex relocatable expressions to relate addresses in different source modules

Literals, which are relocatable forms, are not allowed as operands, but length, scale, and integer attribute references to literals are allowed.

Tolstoy was born at atlas COMPUTER EARTH location with IBM SNA  region

 Yasnaya Polyana

,,,earth mathematical-physics geography region surface land and its hills and valleys an algebra polynomial surface that 
bio-math people live within /upon

Female with math parabola ....
breast display of the quadratic equation

Sarah Marie --> lives in Riemann spaces

Tolstoy was born at atlas COMPUTER EARTH location with IBM SNA  region

 Yasnaya Polyana

,,,earth mathematical-physics geography region surface land and its hills and valleys an algebra polynomial surface

with y and a address constants .....
relative the Baltic region ..... BAL Program and Copenhagen Denmark (CODE) as explained by the Niels Bohr cover-up Institute
and its Copenhagen 
open data sets ..... awareness failure 
of Europe fetus brain levels 

Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana, 
Polynomial family estate with humanoid representatives

Families of Polynomial Functions Part 1 This lesson demonstrates relationships between equations and graphical representations of families of polynomials. Second, third and fourth degree polynomials are discussed. This is the first part of a two part lesson. Show Video Families of Polynomial Functions Part 2

12 kilo
metres (7.5 mi) southwest of Tula, and 200 kilometres (120 mi) south of 
Moscow ... Molecule..oscillations continuum of quantum wave mechanics and its 
social applications. 

He was the fourth of five children of Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy (1794-1837), a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, and Princess Mariya Tolstaya (née Volkonskaya; 1790-1830).

.....Leo Tolstoy born at/in Computer EARTH ...IBM SNA geography regions .....BALTIC region ...Basic  assembler language space/earth land surface

 ...  Address constants—Y and A --> YA --> Yasnaya Polyana

Address constant .. IBM Russia code

Address constant

Address constant Y and A

In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory.

 YA --> Yasnaya    Polyana

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.



smallest address which can be created is 0 and the maximum address is 231 - 1 which is 2,147,483,647 or 2 gigabytes. Address fields are created by using the A,Y, or V indicators in a DS or a DC. (Q-constants and S-constants are discussed elsewhere.) If a length indicator is not coded, A and V indicate fullword fields, while Y indicates a ...

Each byte of internal memory 
Each byte of inner EARTH atomic stone/rock as data storage

Each byte of inner EARTH internal memory 
Each byte of EARTH system internals with Nikola Tesla

Each byte of internal memory  
Each byte of internal memory  
Each byte of internal memory and 
internal EARTH atomic data pipelines thru 
limestone message systems

Each byte of internal memory
Each byte of internal memory
Each byte of internal memory of the EARTH geology sphere
and its geological layers 
 data storage regions and their names 
(names created by authors to give a name label different existences and expression formats)

Each byte of internal memory  is numbered sequentially beginning with 0 for the first byte, 1 for the second byte, and continuing in this way until the end of memory is reached. 

We will call the number associated with each byte the address of the byte. There is a limit to the amount of memory that is supported, since addresses are expressed as binary integers using 31 bits. The smallest address which can be created is 0 and the maximum address is 231 - 1 which is 2,147,483,647 or 2 gigabytes. 

Address fields are created by using the A,Y, or V indicators in a DS or a DC. (Q-constants and S-constants are discussed elsewhere.) 

Thus we have year 1900 / 1910 and agent code name
for the SUN ... sunlight  in day-time....... creating an address space
per James Clerk Maxwell MODEL of the Solar System 360 
natural electro-magnetic(EM)  field of sun-light a carrier wave

,,,,,,, carrying photon data and instruction packages

Mar 28, 2023
Sun Yat-sen 
.... Solar systems name equation

Sun-Light Address fields are created by using the A,Y, or V indicators in a DS or a DC. (Q-constants and S-constants are discussed elsewhere.) 
Sun-Light Address fields  are created and are invisible EM waves....... their structure and configurations are made visible using people names, city and street names, accident DATABASES, political names and processes, etc .......
that are pieces ot a puzzle  ...... thus 8, 10 or 15  clues/hints LINK together to give an accurate  explanation/ a MODEL of what happened in real reality

Sun Yat-sen (2 or 3 possible interpretations)
Sun address constant  ---->
 Y address ---> Yat-sen with tse sent message 

Database 001 analysis of the TSE CHI LOP (CHICAGO LOOP) code and sin wave continuum / platform .... COMPUTER EARTH human management PROGRAM = Sinaloa


Database 001 by Herb Zinser

Analysis of the  the
TSE CHI     LOP (Teacher SEretary school ....


and Wisconsin sin wave continuum / platform ....

 COMPUTER EARTH  human management 
PROGRAM =  Sinaloa

PROGRAM =  Sinaloa

PROGRAM =  Sin  

PROGRAM =  Sin wave continuum /platform

that carries data and instructions 

The Noah's ARK (data boat) on 
 water waves (quantum wave mechanics)   ....

thus Nature's signal processing/
message technology methods .....

the difficultly for most humans  ....  to see, understand, and interface with the atoms 

and the
atomic language SIZES 

and WORD ?SYMBOL formulas   

...... in their body/brain ( ... successful INTELLECTUAL  interface agents and translators  of
Nature's REALITY structure and syntax/ graphic arts shapes/etc.....,,

Ludwig Boltzman, 
Erwin Schrodinger,
Max Born,
Linus Pauling, Paul Dirac, etc)

Analysis of EARTH LAB existence and
social engineering bio-computer programs 
by Herb Zinser

Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel

Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel    Sin  ......  Cart  el ......

sin  --> sin waves.......
alternating cycle waves 

Metal ......  copper .......
sin wave oscillations /alternating cycles .....

cartesian coordinates  ....
of electrons and their thought  & social activity elements

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, has claimed personal responsibility for up to 3,000 murders in a drug war that took some 300,000 lives.
That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s information data highway 

T. S. Eliot and the evolution of his thoughts and ideas ... into existential computer sub-routine programs that exist in various language WORLD ..... on the surface of EARTH and its human love & emotion ....
social/ economic activity continuum  

The SECRET magazine on data fields  and 
information streams of the various levels ....

1) unconscious (to most people)
2) sub-conscious (most people lack awareness)
3) pre-consciousness
4) the conscious level ..such as going to
work, grocery shopping, going to a movie
with your girlfriend/ wife  

of data streams, thought control, 
and the various 
Carl Jung collective  GROUP MINDs

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way 

Stearns (Steering the thought streams)
steering/directing.....  word definitions
/proper nouns/ names/
perception Elements --> Eliot

(26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965) 

Eliot OM (Oxygen Molecule ...
and the (x,y) algebra / plane geometry coordinates of the male languages .....

the special males and their 
SECRET  permission and privilege  codes
.....  BED ROOM pussy access languages)  

(26 September 1888 
--> 18 = H2O water thought molecule
for wet cotton panties .....

8 & 8 --> oxygen atom codes 

8 oxygen proton and
8 oxygen neutrons 

EXTERNAL  female breasts (two = 2)

as oxygen information display devices 

..... Nature's atomic & molecular education & social psychology TOOL
.... a physical bio-geometry TOOL to attract  males to the study of data containers,
3-dimesnional objects, math curves, 
and other science structures

and the
EXTERNAL  female breasts (two = 2)

oxygen information display devices

for the 

oxygen molecules in her LUNGS

T. S. Eliot

was a poet (po + o + et --> podiatry/walking order entry into computer EARTH land ......
atomic land/concrete ....
as a data  entry keyboard ), 

playwright (play Nature's architecture system with expression agents ...
code name Wright ..... Wave mechanics and right angles of plane geometry and 

right triangles

code name Wright ... FRANK

code name Wright ... BROTHERS

  , literary critic of 
human family litters of children 

that violate the John Locke
(Laws of Nature) and the
Thomas Robert Malthus

.... human population limit laws

editor of orfice pussy hole systems .[2] 

Considered one of the 20th century's
major poets,
he is a central figure in English-language Modernist poetry.

he is a central figure in 

poetry (order entry).


Born in St. Louis, Missouri, to a prominent Boston Brahmin family, he moved to England in 1914 at the
age of 25 (his right triangle...  bio-math life  .....expression)

and went on to settle, work, and marry

(the purpose of marriage --> to study
the female body/brain 
....  as a 
math & language &
LOVE emotion ...
map array)

He became a British citizen 

in 1927 (math code ....1...  9 .. 27 

1 = 3 exponent 0
9 = 3 squared 
27 = Picasso's cubism math

at the age of 39

The Role of Potassium K .. ThinK 39 Channels in the Regulation of pussy systems ... › chapter

/link.springer  to bed springs and
sex /fucking 

by LO Trussell2008Cited by 6 — Neurotransmitter release is critically dependent on the duration of the presynaptic action potential. A variety of K+ channels play key roles in 

The Role of Potassium K .. ThinK 39 Channels in the Regulation of 

at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently renouncing his American citizenship.[4]


Herbert Spencer : " Life is conceived only when we think of it as the definite ... changes,...correspondence with external
co-existences and sequence

at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently announcing on
radio and television VIA

the EARTH language .....

geography region of
Wave mechanics ... human messages
( Wa = Waukegan Illinois
LINK to the atomic land/soil of the

and output via ( OutBoard
Marine company)  and
Marine Drive subroutine drivers /

rigged information PCB trial and the
lawyers of existential layers ....
layers PCB and 
legal scheme 

IBM IMS region ....

Program Control Block  

and output via ( OutBoard
Marine company and
Marine Drive subroutine drivers /

Lake Shore Drive Chicago
parallel communications software
Nikola Tesla Shore
ham Long Island NYC 
parallel to ....
earth atomic wireless (without using 

SOLID copper metal wires ......
but using atomic rock and stone ...
with Nature's their
ancient  quantum  information tunnels  ..... Nature's communication systems interaction with human bio-electron structures) 


at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently announcing on
radio and television VIA

the EARTH language .....

geography region of
Wave mechanics (Waukegan Illinois)

and output via ( OutBoard

Marine company)

and output via Jack Benny 

at the age of 39
at the age of 39
at the age of 39

subsequently announcing 

Jack Benny Annual 39th Birthday Collection
- Old Time Radio ... › Comedy

Jack Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky; on Valentine's Day February 14, 1894.
However, for every year after 1933
he was forever age 39.

Benjamin Kubelsky (February 14, 1894 – December 26, 1974), known professionally as Jack Benny, was an American entertainer, who evolved from a modest success playing violin on the vaudeville circuit to one of the leading entertainers of the twentieth century with a highly popular comedic career in radio, television, and film. He was known for his comic timing and the ability to cause laughter with a pregnant pause or a single expression, such as his signature exasperated "Well! "

His radio and television programs, popular from 1932 until his death in 1974, were a major influence on the sitcom genre. Benny often portrayed his character as a miser who obliviously played his violin badly and ridiculously ..

and the TS Eliot code 

claimed to be 39 years of age, regardless of his actual age. 

Eliot first attracted widespread attention for his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" in 1915, which was received as a modernist masterpiece. It was followed by some of the best-known poems in the English language, including "The Waste Land" (1922), "The Hollow Men" (1925), "Ash Wednesday" (1930), and Four Quartets (1943).[5] He was also known for his seven plays, particularly Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1949). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1948, "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way

That is not Tse’s way 

Tse Chi Lop doesn’t look like the biggest drug lord in history.
He looks like a bedraggled, exhausted, late-middle-aged trader in commodities, which is exactly what he is. Tse’s commodities just happen to be high-margin, addictive, illegal drugs—heroin, ketamine and methamphetamine.

 Tse runs a drug syndicate known to law enforcement as “Sam Gor,” Cantonese for “Third Brother,” and to its members simply as the Company. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimates that Sam Gor’s annual revenue could be as high as $21 billion, the same as Citibank’s.


Tse (TS Eliot students and professors)

runs a drug syndicate (syntax/words/sentences and dictionary language .... for brain manipulation)  known to

law(n) enforcement (real estate BEDROOM and pregnancy .... housing industry .. secret code word) as

 “Sam Gor (Uncle Sam government
 and vice-president AL Gore and his system algorithms code name,”

Cantonese for “Third Brother,”
and to its (penis) members

simply as the
Company (cotton molecule panty)

.... secret molecule social engineering

...  thought language attachments (to control males)  to cotton panties sold .....

that is female secretary students at
Robert F White company .....
(ChicaGo Dolton project)

and the cotton panties SOLD to them .....

to become   cotton panty military soldiers

in the greater Chicago area of
Soldier Field football stadium). 

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and extended DNA .....

estimates that Sam Gor’s annual revenue could be as high as $21 billion, the same as Citibank’s.

Practically every newspaper in the
West has described
Tse Chi Lop as Asia’s El Chapo. 

in other words 

Tse Chi Lop

Tse Chi Lop

Tse Chicago loop (downtown) 

T   se Chi Lop

T   se Chi Lop

Teacher .....    secretary school 

 Chicago Loop

Fortan DO Loop from Chicago Circle campus  ..... math student Mr. Z  

teaching basic accounting at
Robert F White Company  

DP school and
secretary school .....

Basic accounting class for 
a class of female secretary students 


math student Mr. Z .....
with computer language
Fortan DO Loop  and Joan of Dolton 

..create the

Fortran DO Loop become double...
Fortran DOLTON DO  Loop

as she travels back and forth to the
Chicago Loop

..becoming the EARTH systems.....
Joan of  ARC 

Joan of Arc (French: Jeanne d’Arc[4][5] pronounced [ʒan daʁk]c. 1412 – 30 May 1431),[6] nicknamed "The Maid of Orléans" (French: La Pucelle d'Orléans), is considered a heroine of France for her role during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years' War, and was canonized as a saint.

 She was born to Jacques d'Arc and
Isabelle Romée

Isabelle Romée

Isa  ..... love & romance exceptional female 

peasant family,
at Domrémy  (Do = Dolton)

in the Vosges 
(Vector OS/JCL gestalt region)
northeast France

northeast Illinois ..... the fragrance of a teenage goddess and her presence) 

What is OLTP? | IBM

What is OLTP?

What is OLTP?

What is DOLTON People .... OLTP? › Cloud › Cloud Learn

Jul 15, 2020 — OLTP (online transactional processing) enables the rapid, accurate data processing
behind ATMOSphere /sky  
behind ATMs
behind ATMs
behind ATMs
behind ATMs on the
earth geography /land surface 

and online banking, 

cash registers with the
COMPUTER  EARTH systems ....
OLD fashioned  ......
assembler language machine using

Mark Twain explains 
Hand Basic Assembler language 
Hannibal Missouri 

Antique NCR National Cash Register
double  word
Model 1064 G 

64 = 32 + 32 at the year
1964 World's Fair/ethics
for the British failure .... 
Queen Elizabeth people ERRORS in
Queens NYC



and ...

What is OLTP? | IBM

What is OLTP?

What is OLTP?

What is DOLTON People .... OLTP?

The comparison could hardly be less accurate. Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, has claimed personal responsibility for up to 3,000 murders in a drug war that took some 300,000 lives.
That is not Tse’s way. He achieved the size of Sam Gor not by murder and torture,
 but by industrializing his business,

the brain sin wave business ......

of using neuroscience brain waves, 

football and basketball
LEGS -->
leg body language --> legal system
manipulation ....

to manipulate brain thoughts and decisions 
 ..... rigged judges and jury trials 

reducing the cost per unit, providing an excellent product at a fair price, and establishing well-maintained networks of key partnerships. There’s also the question of scale. El Chapo’s cartel was worth, at its peak, $3 billion—a fraction of Sam Gor’s value.

Toronto taught Tse his business.



To  ron  to  --> Topology .....
electron/neutron data packages  --> to -->
toward the next  information carrier in thre system

(human person or an atomic iron metal automobile or a piece of lumber furniture)

Toronto taught Tse his business.


Toronto .... start with 

To --> Topology secret
earth language/ blood language / sunlight language RELATIONSHIPS that developed in the blood and brain .... software regions of  Georgia O'keeffe  ...

double ee (electrical engineering ...
and earth electron ... farm platform) 

Georgia O'Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887,[2][7] in a farmhouse located at 2405 Hwy T in the town of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.[8][9]

Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida (Totto) O'Keeffe, were dairy farmers.

in other words 

Her parents, Francis Calyxtus O'Keeffe and Ida (Totto --> code word Toronto ....

Totto --> Topology of cotton thought molecule

... thus the topology application .....

the mathematical-physics topology .....

earth romance and social activity .....

information surface .....

of female topology cotton
(Sun Prairie .... code name Totto


female topology cotton expression TOOLS

.... topology (top ... cotton bra top)

female topology cotton expression TOOLS

topology cotton .... Georgia  O'Keeffe, 

topology cotton 

topology --> gynecology  cotton  

.........  cotton panties 

Georgia Totto O'Keeffe 
Georgia Totto O'Keeffe 

Topology cotton panties ....
pussy hole --> O'Keeffe

Georgia Totto O'Keeffe 

Georgia  .......  O

Gorgeous  Hole 

da --> differential amplifier
da --> data ---> dairy farmers.

da --> differential amplifier
BEDROOM circuit  .......

female spread legs .... differential ......

the female body language ..... DEMO

spread legs ....
she reads (read out)  ......

he sees
he pulls his music instrument
 ..reed out of his pants 

Reed (mouthpiece  ....
penis reed wants female mouth
& piece of ass 
- Wikipedia › wiki › Reed_(mouthpiece)
reed is a thin strip of material that vibrates to produce a sound on a musical instrument. Most woodwind love instrument reeds are made from Arundo donax .

amplifies the
male bio-electron penis 

Her father was of Irish descent. 

Her father was of Iris

Her father was of Iris

Her father was of Iris .....

Her maternal grandfather George Victor Totto, for whom O'Keeffe was named, was a Hungarian count who came to the United States in 1848.[2][10]

O'Keeffe was the second of seven children.[2] She attended Town Hall School in Sun Prairie.[11] By age 10, she had decided to become an artist,[12] and with her sisters, Ida and Anita,[13] she received art instruction from local watercolorist Sara Mann. O'Keeffe attended high school at Sacred Heart Academy in Madison, Wisconsin, as a boarder between 1901 and 1902.

Toronto taught Tse his business.




Toronto taught Tse his business.




The seeds for what would become the world’s largest drug empire were planted during his days surviving what police still remember as the “wild wild west” of the heroin glut in the late ’80s and early ’90s. 

Insofar (Faraday codes) 

as a man as cosmopolitan and as mobile as Tse Chi Lop has a home, Toronto is his.

Tse’s career reflects the changing nature of crime, and of the methods of synthetic drug manufacture that are rendering traditional police practices null, but it also reflects the changing nature of business in general. Traditional organized crime was a 20th-century affair. Sam Gor is pure 21st-century innovation. Its success comes down to technological innovation, relentless focus on customer experience, and mastery of globalized logistics. Tse Chi Lop is much more effective—and dangerous—than El Chapo. He is the Jeff Bezos of the drug trade.

From early in his career, Tse Chi Lop was an innovator. He was born in 1963 and grew up in Guangzhou in Guangdong province, the mainland neighbour to
Hong Kong (the sky /Atmosphere
nitrogen gas(NG)    ...

and the EARTH geography land city of

Hong Kong (/ˈhɒŋkɒŋ/Chinese香港Cantonese: [hœ́ːŋ.kɔ̌ːŋ] (About this soundlisten)), officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR),[d] is a city and special administrative region of China on the eastern Pearl River Delta in South China.

 With over 7.5 million residents of various nationalities[e] in a 1,104-square-kilometre (426 sq mi) territory, Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Hong Kong is also one of the most developed cities in the world, with the most expensive housing.

Hong Kong was established as a colony of the British Empire after the Qing Empire ceded Hong Kong Island from Xin'an County at the end of the First Opium War in 1841 then again in 1842.[17] The colony expanded to the Kowloon Peninsula in 1860 after the Second Opium War and was further extended when Britain obtained a 99-year lease of the New Territories in 1898.[18][19] British Hong Kong was occupied by Imperial Japan from 1941 to 1945; British administration resumed after the surrender of Japan.[20] The whole territory was transferred to China in 1997.[21] As one of China's two special administrative regions (the other being Macau), Hong Kong maintains separate governing and economic systems from that of mainland China under the principle of
"one country, two systems".[22][f]

the LUNG software configuration 

 the principle of
"one country, two systems".[22][f]

..... 2 lung processing programs

(nitrogen bio-computer  base 14
IBM oxygen base 16 hexadecimal) 

Lung software codes. 

 the principle of
"one country, two systems".

 the principle quantum levels of

"one country, two systems".[22][f]

 the principle quantum levels of

"one atomic bio-physics country,
 two systems

KLM --> King Kong movie code


KLM --> Kong  of Hong Kong 

As the 1997 handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China approached, commentary in the English-language press about the future of the colony was written in the elegiac style of obituaries, extolling the past and lamenting the future.

As the 1997 handover ...
..............100 years SOFTWARE

......year 1897 ..EARTH GOVERNMENT

 --> the B100D Bull-shit problems

of arts, music, and food people 

...Henry Zinser
October 13 1897
Europe Bavaria  code -->

base variables sent to
Milwaukee and Watertown

In June 1995 “The Death of Hong Kong” was the cover story of the international edition of Fortune magazine.

In June
1995 --> 95 thesis of Martin Luther 

When he was 25, he moved to Canada, part of the wave of emigration before Hong Kong’s transfer of sovereignty. T

se brought his fiancée with him, and his parents soon followed.

He and his wife had children in Toronto,

first a Lev Landau daughter,
then a son.
He also got decent centrifugal force  JOBS 

within the human existential
dimension of the EARTH daily rotation  ...., 

working for

Dr. FU Manchu company ......

 Fu  --> Fujifilm 

and the Telly Savalas ... 

Telly Savalas - Wikipedia › wiki › Telly_Savalas

Kojak (1973–1978; 1985–1990) — Noted for his bald head and deep, resonant voice, he is perhaps best known for portraying Lt. Theo Kojak on the crime drama ...

 Kojak company extension --> Kodak.

portraying Lt. Theo Kojak on the crime drama ...

portraits / photograph industry 
 of Lt. Theory .....
 Eastman Kodak company of
Rochester New York

Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen (2 or 3 possible interpretations)
Sun address constant  ---->  adcon

Sun YAT-sen as  a Y adcon  and A adcon

Y is used for two byte (halfword) addresses. 'Y' adcons can directly address up to 32K bytes of storage, and are not widely used since early System/360 assemblers did not support a 'Y' data type. Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems made more use of Y adcons, since the machines these systems ran on had limited storage. The notation 'AL2(value)' is now usually used in preference to 'Y(value)' to define a 16 bit value.

A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address, however it is possible to specify the length of the constant. For example, AL1(stuff) defines a one-byte adcon, useful mainly for small constants with relocatable values. Other adcon types can similarly have length specification.

A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address,
The relocatable address life 
of Sun YAT sen

Sun Te-ming was born on 12 November 1866 to Sun Dacheng and Madame Yang.[4] His birthplace was the village of CuihengXiangshan County (now Zhongshan City), Canton Province (now Guangdong)
 relocatable address life 

 he moved to Honolulu in the Kingdom of Hawaii, where he lived a comfortable life of modest wealth supported by his elder brother Sun Mei.[16][17][18][19]

Education years[edit]

At the age of 10, in Hawaii, Sun began seeking schooling.[3] He obtained secondary schooling in Hawaii.[20] and met his childhood friend Lu Haodong.[3] By age 13 in 1878, after receiving a few years of local schooling, Sun went to live with his elder brother, Sun Mei (孫眉) in Honolulu.[3] Sun Mei financed Sun Yat-sen's education

 relocatable address life 

As Hawaii was being annexed by the United States at the time, Sun obtained American citizenship.[23]

When he returned to China in 1883 at age 17, Sun met up with his childhood friend Lu Haodong again at Beijidian (北極殿), a temple in Cuiheng Village.[3] They saw many villagers worshipping the Beiji (literally North Pole) Emperor-God in the temple

 relocatable address life 
and escaped to Hong Kong.[3][24][25] After arriving in Hong Kong in November 1883, he studied at the Diocesan Home and Orphanage on Eastern Street (now the Diocesan Boys' School),[26][27] and from 15 April 1884 to his graduation in 1886, he was at The Government Central School on Gough Street (now Queen's College).[28][29]
 relocatable BRAIN WAVES /THOUGHT address life 

transformation into a revolutionary[edit]

The Four Bandits of bandwidths of the 

Fourier sin and cosine BRAIN wave ..math engineering functions and math curves

[edit]cine for Chinese, circa 1888

During the Qing-dynasty rebellion around 1888, Sun was in Hong Kong with a group of revolutionary thinkers who were nicknamed the Four Bandits Bandwidths used by
 male bio-electron  hus
band bandwidths of thought control

relocatable BRAIN content address life 

relocatable address life 

He left China for Hawaii and founded the Revive China Society, which was committed to revolutionizing China's prosperity. 

First Sino-Japanese War[edit]

In 1895, China suffered a serious defeat during the

 First Sino-Japanese War.

First Sino-Japanese War

First Si no-Japanese War

First Sin wave ...node Japanese War

the horizontal bed and the stationary  female body node and the sin wave male /oscillator male ........ Nature's social system BATTLES

relocatable address life 
While in exile in London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) in 1896, Sun raised money for his revolutionary party and to support uprisings in China. While the events leading up to it are unclear, Sun Yat-sen was detained at the Chinese Legation in London, where the Chinese Imperial secret service planned to smuggle him back to China to execute him for his revolutionary actions.

relocatable address life 

Exile in Japan

Sun traveled by way of Canada to Japan to begin his exile there, he arrived in Yokohama on 16 August 1897 and met with the Japanese politician Tōten Miyazaki. Most Japanese who actively worked with Sun were motivated by a pan-Asian opposition to Western imperialism.[57] While in Japan, Sun also met and befriended Mariano Ponce, then a diplomat of the First Philippine Republic.[58]

relocatable address life 
In 1903, Sun made a secret Bandwidth  trip to Bangkok in which he sought funds for his cause in Southeast Asia. His loyal followers published newspapers, providing invaluable support to the dissemination of his revolutionary principles and ideals among Siamese Chinese in Siam. In Bangkok, Sun visited Yaowarat Road, in Bangkok's Chinatown.

relocatable address life 

On 6 April 1904, on his first attempt to enter the United States, Sun Yat-sen landed in San Francisco. He was detained and faced with possible deportation.[66] Sun, represented by the law firm of Ralston & Siddons based in Washington D.C., filed an appeal with the Commissioner-General of Immigration on 26 April 1904. On 28 April 1904, the acting secretary of the Department of Commerce and Labor, in a four-page decision contained in the case file, set aside the order of deportation and ordered the Commissioner of Immigration in San Francisco to "permit the said Sun Yat-sen to land." Sun was then freed to embark on his fundraising tour in the United States

relocatable address life 

. While in Singapore, he met local Chinese merchants Teo Eng Hock (張永福), Tan Chor Nam (陳楚楠) and Lim Nee Soon (林義順), which mark the commencement of direct support from the Nanyang Chinese. The Singapore chapter of the Tongmenghui was established on 6 April 1906,[73] though some records claim the founding date to be end of 1905.[73] The villa used by Sun was known as Wan Qing Yuan.[73][74] At this point Singapore was the headquarters of the Tongmenghui.[73]

relocatable address life 

Uprisings year 1800 + 107 atomic mass of silver metal AG = year 1907[edit]

On 1 December 1907, Sun led the Zhennanguan uprising against the Qing at Friendship Pass, which is the border between Guangxi and Vietnam.[76] The uprising failed after seven days of fighting.[76][77] 

In 1907 (1800 and number 107)  and code 47 electrons

 there were a total of four uprisings that failed including Huanggang uprisingHuizhou seven women lake uprising and Qinzhou uprising.[7

relocatable address life 

relocatable address life 

relocatable address life 

See all media Born: November 12, 1866 Zhongshan China Died: March 12, 1925 (aged 58) Beijing China Title / Office: head of state (1923-1925), China president (1911-1912), China Political Affiliation: Nationalist Party Notable Family Members: spouse Song Qingling See all related content → Recent News Mar. 28, 2023, 9:06 PM ET (AP)

If a length indicator is not coded, A and V indicate fullword fields, while Y indicates a halfword address.

in other words

If a length indicator is not coded, 
Asia and Vietnam war indicate fullword rice data fields, while Y indicates a halfword address.

 A length indicator can be used to create A-constants with 1 to 4 bytes, V-constants with 3 or 4 bytes, and Y-constants with 1 or 2 bytes. 

 Viet-cong    ......... ants ..
the Viet-cong   ant tunnels message 
--> constants

underground atomic a clay
underground Euclidean plane geometry
address space

 V - address constants 

underground  ....inner EARTH  

..Joules --> Jules V-section Verne
Journey to the center of the Earth core

inner EARTH address space

> Jules V-section Verne 
and the Verne ....... V address constants 
in his  (author BALZAC)  computer book
 V - address constants 

The following are formats for creating address constants, name DC T( address, ... ) name DC TLn( address, ...) where “name” is a field name, 

Washington DC

 creating address constants
 creating address constants
 creating address con --> congress

“T” is the address type A,Y, or V, “address, ...” represents 1 or more addresses separated by commas. 

Each address is either a relocatable,

 a complex relocatable, (apartment complex ownership)

or an absolute expression (facial expression). 

It is difficult to give the technical definition of the terms relocatable and complex relocatable, but generally, an expression is relocatable if it refers to labels in a program and the value of the expression changes if the program is moved from its original location. 

Thus the Chicago example  1985  to 2005
with DP = Data Processing of DP = Daley Plaza and z-axis 
vertical office buildings ...
atomic living buildings of atomic iron metal beams, cement and concrete, atomic glass windows, etc .. with vertical building 
interaction with gravity and magnetic thought and feeling fields

as Francisco de Goya year address
(Y- adcon of the TIME continuum) 
Year   1808  GIANT  .... Colossus life forms such as office buildings,  retail department stores,  companies, government agencies, Carl Jung collective sub-conscious  of
2,000 people ...20,000 people ,,,, 200,000 people

such as the 1985 Illinois Central buildings by 200/ 220
North AtoMic Michigan Avenue Chicago
and Illinois Central building 2 with BC/BS  program
the Chicago franchisse...
of Blue Cross/Blue Sheild Health Insurance company

EARTH central core and its atomic mass
IRON-56 data processing abilities

and the Parallel EARTH geography surface location at 
Chicago Illinois Central core building 2 = two

with atomic ferrous/ iron-56 metal I-beams
LINK to the inner EARTH iron minerals ....

IRON-56 data processing abilities
with BC/BS  program
the Chicago franchisee (of earth electronics)...
of Blue Cross/Blue Sheild Health Insurance company
with  the number code .... vertical layers of a skyscraper 
and its
simple harmonic oscillator ky equation

5th floor with the
IBM System 370 ......
computer hardware platforms 

...and above the 5th floor

6th floor with the systems and application programmers
IBM System 370 SNA  VTAM OS/JCL with JES

and applications with Batch Cobol programs 
and a few assembler language programs ......
Customer Information Control System (CICS)
online .....

thus floors  5 and 6 --> LINK to IRON-56  isotope atomic computer and its Is= information systems
which include the human female bio-computer  and the clitoris

of First Lady of data processing Hillary Cli

the 1985 Illinois Central buildings by 200/ 220
North AtoMic Michigan Avenue Chicago
and Illinois Central building 2 with BC/BS  program
the Chicago franchisee..
of Blue Cross/Blue Shield (BC/BS) 
Health Insurance company

It is difficult to give the technical definition of the terms relocatable and complex relocatable, but generally, an expression is relocatable if it refers to labels in a program and the value of the expression changes if the program is moved from its original location. 

if the program is moved from its original location....

if the program is moved from its original location. 

protected THOUGHT program site
and its address space

is moved from its original location...
 the 200 BLOCK  .....
 then major bull-shit business ERRORS occur in the sin wave/oscillation continuum. 

 the 1985 Illinois Central buildings by 200/ 220
North AtoMic Michigan Avenue Chicago
and Illinois Central building 2 with BC/BS  program
the Chicago franchise...

of Blue Cross/Blue Sheild Health Insurance company --->

 AtoMic Michigan Avenue building

----> atomic iron-56 /
cement & concrete limestone calcium with
Calcutta India calculus math messages site
with displacement addressing / 
with Lewis Carroll glass windows .....

the BC/BS office building  DATABASE and programs

 if the program is moved from its original location. 

if the program is moved from its original location....

if the program is moved from its original location. 

from the North /South street vector direction / 
math geography --> y-axis  below

 ... like a  sheet of paper map is 
(atomic Michigan Avenue)

From NORTH / SOUTH direction

to  the perpendicular street  .....and the Persian Gulf perpendicular math wars played out by
Iraq, Kuwait and Iran

the 1985 Illinois Central buildings in the  200 BLOCK

North AtoMic Michigan Avenue Chicago
and Illinois Central building 2 DATABASE

moved from NORTH / SOUTH direction

to  the perpendicular street  ....
Randolph Street (East and West directions)

Thus the 90 degree plane geometry angle

the 1985 Illinois Central buildings in the  

y-axis    200 BLOCK

North AtoMic Michigan Avenue Chicago
and Illinois Central building 2 DATABASE

the EARTH protected DATABASE FRS 
(Frame of Reference System)

is moved and the DATABASE is rotated 90 degrees  from 

NORTH / SOUTH y-axis 
and its Y-address constant

the EAST/ WEST x-axis 
Randolph Street (East and West directions)

That is  

200 N. BLOCK   ...200 N. Michigan BLOCK and its BC/BS DATABASE

is rotated  and goes to the

at 200 E. BLOCK   ...on Randolph St., 
and the atomic living building ...
standard model of electron orbitals
standard .............................. orbitals
standard      oil  building --> ding/dong 

Thus the atomic DATABASE move by
author James Joyce extension Joyce Brothers
of Melrose Park Illinois earth

and their moving of 
atomic micro-second processor speed
programs, software, and the
 iron-56 building DATABASE ......

from 1 location to another location

--> the STD building ....

 Standard &SYMBOL LIFE

Venereal Disease ...real reality..Venerate /worship ....sports players,
muscians, and TV disease

 - VD STD Prevention |

May 5, 2022The term venereal disease is also referred to as sexually transmitted disease 
(STD VERSUS  Symbol Tables & Dictionaries) o

r sexually transmitted infection (STI) 
that are spread from one person to another through sexual activities. Each VD STD can come with a myriad of symptoms: Abdominal pain Anal itching, swelling, bleeding, soreness Painful or frequent urination Strong vaginal odor

Thus the Rotated Database Base upsets the 
EARTH quantum wave mechanics /
Wisconsin sin wave interface continuum...
creating the

The Schofield/Rothschild shooting was a spree killing that occurred in Marathon County, Wisconsin on March 22, 2017. The perpetrator, Nengmy Vang, upset following a dispute with his wife, fatally shot two employees at the bank where she worked, his wife's lawyer, and a police officer.

By: CBS58 Staff. ROTHSCHILD, Wisc. ( WSAW) -- 7 Investigates has confirmed the wife of Weston-area mass shooting suspect,
Nengmy Vang , is an v-address constant
employee(earth electrons) at the

V type address constant 
of Wisconsin ..Continent of North America
entrance to the geology inner earth DATABASES and atomic iron center core and DATABASES 

V type address constant 
.....  store an external reference to be resolved by the link-editor.

Boston Marathon 26 mile race and the 
Fe = atomic FENWAY baseball park ..
APRIL 15, 2013
attack on
Fe = ferrous/iron 26 protons and the 26 atomic alphabet letters

..consequently the eventual parallel attack Marathon Savings Bank ......Rothschild branch BATTLE LINK  to 
Chicago...ROTATION  of fixed, absolute protected FRAME of REFERENCE databases

The Chicago .....Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance and HMO industry ...set-up and murder of HMONG agent.
...Vector angles ..... anger of EARTH ...
and existence of arrogant BS systems

Nengmy Vang ,
Nengmy Vang ...Vector axis 
Nengmy Vang  ..y-axis and x-axis ,

Nengmy --> North /South MIchigan AVE

Nengmy --> east /west Randolph street

Nengmy Vang --> Ne = North East quadrant

The Aon Center (200 East Randolph Street, formerly Amoco Building/ Standard OIL building) [3] is a modern supertall skyscraper in the Chicago Loop, Chicago, Illinois, United States, designed by architect firms Edward Durell Stone and The Perkins and Will partnership, and completed in 1974 [4] as the Standard Oil Building. [5]

Vang (V adcons of Wisconsin sin wave 

LINK to architect FRANK L right angle Wrightn and Taliesin East sine waves 
of the Taliban bandwidth-

Jules Verne ......Nengmy 
Vang (V adcons 

V type adcons store an external reference 

and transmits data per AVON building .....
Nikola Tesla equivalence to the 

AON building address space from COMPUTER EARH location O --> to N

ChcaGO-DOLTON --> CICS on-line
OLTP, or online transactional processing, 

enables the real-time execution of large numbers of database transactions by large numbers of people, typically over the internet. 

A database transaction is a change, insertion, deletion, or query of data in a database. OLTP systems (and the database transactions they enable) drive many of the financial ...

in other words
enables the real-time execution/killing/murder
 of large numbers of database transactions by large numbers of people, typically over the 
human salvia / spit  system
hospital intern  internet. 

television /newspaper schemes and cover-ups by idiots
enables COVID-19 the 
real-time execution/killing/murder

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Last updated: April 04, 2023, 01:21 GMT Weekly Trends - Graphs - Countries - News Coronavirus Cases: 684,121,375 view by country Deaths: 6,832,538

The  transfer of building / company DATABASES  
such as then 
1985 Illinois Central buildings by 200/ 220
North AtoMic Michigan Avenue Chicago
and Illinois Central building 2 with BC/BS  program
of Blue Cross/Blue Sheild Health Insurance company ---> AtoMic Michigan Avenue building
DATABASE goes to east Randolph Street

,,,,,, the process and flowchart of DATABASE movements
is very similar to the CNA insurance company on S. Wabash Avenue ...move to another location in Chicago


Iberian Peninsula (IP) address space

Year 1492 Queen Isabella Nature’s existential systems engineering Software

 for IBM

atomic pussy system people

Instruction set architecture (ISA)

ISA human agents
proper nouns

Queen Isabella

Isaac Newton of gravity thought fields 

Isaac Asimov  equation letters 

Asm interface move ….

Assembler language .. MVC

move instruction

...move data and memory around …..Alzheimer’s bio-computer memory loss ) with

Atomic vertical office building in CHICAGO that absorb data to become a BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate) location

(vertical data tower)

the living iron/glass/atomic cement CNA building as a

Carl Jung collection of personal life experiences, love and emotions, work experiences, 

Fun and vacation experiences, education, etc  …..

Thus 1,000 people in 1 large building over 10 years  ….. 

Become a GROUP MIND …..

thus the Charles Darwin

…. new existential species

atomic and SYMBOL & CONCEPT  MACHINE life  

The atomic cement & concrete, atomic iron
26 English alphabet letters ferrous oxide atom iron,

The Lewis Carroll
silicon dioxide
GLASS WINDOW version  of thru …….

Thru the Looking Glass 

Thru the Looking Glass


Thru the atomic plate glass windows and their software abilities to SEE /LOOK
at the human EARTH LAB species 

And also 

The James Joyce
DATABASE data transfer between tall vertical buildings

as business or legal/accounting  company moves from 

Chicago …..
1 COMPUTER EARTH  geography ….. Land location to a  2nd land site (local area network data  upon the
earth platform) …..

Joyce Brothers movers of Melrose Park / Chicago area 

.... atomic micro-second

processor elements are to be moved

To move the James Joyce 

building DATABASE …..

The building codes/languages and conversations
between the atomic life BUILDINGS 
for tall vertical column structure like the 

Sears Tower in Chicago 

Newspaper column parallel 

Joyce Brothers - Wikipedia › wiki › Joyce_Brothers

Joyce Diane (Dia + ne + e --> Diameter of the Planet  EARTH sphere with a  neuron earth news service)  

Brothers (October 20, 1927 – May 13, 2013) was an American  equation ---->
AM + eric + can …. codes 

atomic mass site…. 

+ numeric size of the building population of 1000 workers

As a Francisco de Goya
and Goethe …

The Giant

The Colossus (painting)

and Carl jung GROUP MIND  

The large body of the giant occupies the centre of the composition. It appears to be adopting a fighting pose due to the position of its one visible arm and its clenched fist. The picture was painted during the Peninsular War so it could be a symbolic representation of that war

The Colossus (painting)

The poem represents the Spanish people as a giant arising from the Pyrenees in order to oppose the 

Napoleonic invasion. 

Napoleonic invasion. 

Napoleonic invasion. 

Napoleonic invasion in Chicago. 

GREAT CHICAGO FLOOD In the early morning of April 13, 1992 

→ uranium Margaret Mead atomic social science WAR  ... › uploads › 2014/09

Manhattan Project: Piles and Plutonium,
1939-2021  - OSTI.GOV › opennet › Events › piles_plutoni...

Building upon the Fission chain reaction ... A pile containing a large amount of natural uranium could then produce enough secondary neutrons to keep a ...

Chicago Pile-1 - Wikipedia › wiki › Chicago_Pile-1

They discovered significant neutron multiplication in natural uranium, proving that a chain reaction might be possible. Fermi and Szilard still believed that ...

Origins · ‎Development · ‎Choice of site · ‎First nuclear chain reaction


The model replicated the performance of the Kinzie Street bridge dolphin clusters​. Namely, tunnel failure was predicted after driving these pile clusters closer to the …

Chicago Pile-2 

On April 13th, 1992, Chicago was struck by a man-made natural disaster. 

The Great Chicago Flood of 1992 occurred completely underground and, fortunately, nobody was hurt. There were no dramatic rescues from office buildings and there were no canoes paddling Michigan Avenue. Still, the flood was a big deal. It made national news and shut down the Mercantile Exchange, The Sears Tower, and the Art Institute. It damaged records in City Hall, closed businesses in the Loop (some for weeks), and ultimately caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to Chicago buildings.

Napoleonic invasion. 

Napoleonic invasion. 

The giant's posture has been the object of a number of interpretations. It is unknown if it is walking or firmly planted with legs spread apart. The giant's position is also ambiguous, it could be behind the mountains or buried up to above its knees. 

Chicago Pile-3

The E2 stampede and pile:

Chicago Tribune › opinion › editorials

Nov 27, 2015 — People are shown trying to exit the E2 nightclub as emergency rescue workers look ... When they stumbled, that's when
the pile got bigger. ... He appeared to be screaming, his body wedged so tightly in the desperate crowd ...

2003 E2 nightclub stampede and nuclear pile - Wikipedia › wiki › 2003_E2_nightclub_st...

The E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the E2 nightclub located above the Epitome Chicago restaurant at 2347 South Michigan Avenue ...




psychologist, television personality, advice columnist, and writer. She first became ...

JOYCE BROS - Movers - 1915 Janice Ave, Melrose Park, IL ... › Home Services › Movers

1 review of Joyce Bros "This is a bad company do not use them. They moved and stored about 10000 square feet of office space for us. 

 - Wikipedia › wiki › Instruction_set_archite...

In computer science, an instruction set architecture (ISA) is an abstract model of a computer. It is also referred to as architecture or computer architecture.

Comparison · ‎Processor register · ‎Addressing mode · ‎IBM Power

Martin Luther software 

Compare Logical Immediate, CLI, 95, D1(B1),I2.

Copper metabolism simulated
(Copper ...word for a  British male policeman)

A bio-electron female 

Nipples as battery terminals ……

Needed to start the male brain SYMBOL & CONCEPT language engine 

Thus the male fingers /touch the nipples …..
his arms are like battery cables 


Below, female battery terminals ,,,,,

Waco Texas …… blood bath ….

Nature’s data generating EVENT ...a tragic signaling EVENT

...Kotex ass  and a
male asshole brains → ins →

Immigration and Naturalization Service - Wikipedia › wiki › Immigration_and_Nat...

Immigration and Naturalization Service ... The United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor from 1933 …

 U.S. Department of Labor 

 U.S. Department of Labor 

U.S. Depart female legs 

for men 

 U.S. Depart female legs for men ...and 9 months later …. 

Labor per 

Nancy pregnancy Pelosi
and her pussy system  


On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, United States, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where more than 200 persons, including members from motorcycle clubs that included the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a meeting about political rights for motorcyclists.[1] Law enforcement, which included 18 members of the Waco police and four state troopers, had gathered to monitor the restaurant and meeting from outside, and, according to police, "returned fire after being shot at".[2] Nine bikers were killed, 18 others wounded or injured,[2] and 177 individuals were ultimately arrested and initially detained in connection with the shootout, most for alleged participation in organized crime.[3][4] According to The New York Times, "the response by prosecutors was widely criticized as brazen overreach".[5] According to the Waco Tribune-Herald, the shootout led to a "four-year prosecutorial fiasco that resulted in zero convictions."[6]

- Planned Parenthood --Hoodlums of
Fort (LAB) HOOD Texas › teens › ask-experts

Jun 25, 2013 — Your menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of one period according to the periodic atomic table of PERU ……

And the atomic dick of
Pier ODD ONE dick /penis language 

Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia › wiki › Piermaria_Oddone

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in the COMPUTER EARTH ….. Galapagos Islands extension region of Peru of  Arequipa…. Thus his Original
human bio-computer
IPA → IP address)
of his O = holes ...ear hole, mouths holes, 

And his atomic number (an)  Z region… = anus  hole 

And his z-axis vertical..

vector penis that that seeks GESTALT COMPLETION  ...for vector space 

VERSUS communication failure by

agents ...versace design
(ver + scae → vector  space..)

penis vector…
math-physics MODEL

(Versace designers  of INTERIOR
pussy cell words/ codes
and vagina INTERNAL skin languages
…….ver + sace → vector  space..)

Using Versace instructions (in cotton clothes and jewelry …
patterns and colors as commands )

..optical input/fabric texture  touch input the human processor …. Input to the 

acetylcholine and memory lines
BRAIN neurons and the
EXTERNAL fashion lines 

and their commands …. 

 Versace ace orders routed to
Acetylcholine  … central nervous systems …. data pipeline … line LINK 

to the sugar molecule thoughts

Inside a female ….. 

  feelings and female orifice holes

Below  the HUMAN female space  ..needed for vector space RD   ….

And parallel RD in geology …..

especially the MOTHER EARTH 
Underground …..

atomic iron core /
Fe = Ferrous oxide atom/iron metal 


To EARTH surface Fe = Female bio-sensors / interceptor agents the data Ferry
( data ship ……
fe = atomic information ferry)

that transports using the EARTH North Pole  magnetic field flow lines ...that can carry data packages 

Per the well-known …..
SANTA CLAUS magnetic field …..
package delivery system …

 Versace ace orders routed to
Acetylcholine  … central nervous systems …. data pipeline … line LINK 

to the sugar molecule thoughts

Inside a female ….. 

Types of address constants

An expression is absolute if it refers to labels in a program, and the value of the expression is constant regardless of the location of the program. 

An example will help with these ideas, 

Notice that “ADR1” is relocatable since its value (address) would change if the program were moved. 

“ADR2” is absolute since PIG and DOG are 12 bytes apart regardless of where the program is loaded. 

“ADR3” is complex relocatable since it involves multiple “unpaired” relocatable expressions and its value would change depending on the program’s location. 

Notice that “ADR1” is relocatable
Notice that “ADR1” is relocatable
Notice that “ADR1” is relocatable from ALIVE to DEAD the atomic coffin DATABASE at the 
atomic micro-second processor speed site
Roselawn Cemetry FSU  Tallahassee Florida

P.A.M. Dirac
in full Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, (born August 8, 1902, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England—died October 20, 1984, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.), English theoretical physicist who was one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics.

Relocatable expressions are initially created at assembly time and then modified by the linkage editior at link time to contain the correct address for the expression you have created. Absolute expressions are not modified by the linkage editor. The main difference between A-constants and V-constants is that a V-constant can refer to a label in a different control section. A-constants can only reference labels within the same control section. For V-constants, at assembly time, the assembler creates a fullword containing 0’s and leaves an indicator for the linkage editior to supply the correct address in the constant at link time. The primary reason for using a V-constant is for program linkage - we want to branch to a separately assembled control section. This can be accomplished with the code below, LA R1,=A(X,Y,Z) POINT TO THE PARAMETERS L R15,=V(SUBPROG1) VIRTUAL ADDRESS SUBPROG1 BASR R14,R15 BRANCH TO THE SUBPROGRAM Notice that the above example also uses A-constants to create 3 consecutive fullword addresses for parameter passing. Examples Some Typical DS’s and DC’s: TABSTART EQU * GOAT DS CL8 TABRECLN EQU *-TABSTART HORSE DS CL8 CAT DS CL8 TABEND EQU * TABLEN DC A(TABEND - TABSTART) Assemble table length TABLEN2 DC AL2(TABEND - TABSTART) Halfword table length NORECS DC A((TABEND - TABSTART)/TABRECLN) Number of entries P DS A A fullword field, properly aligned Q DS AL4 A fullword field, no slack bytes R DC V(SUBPROG1) The virtual address of SUBPROG1 S DC A(CAT) A relocatable address T DC A(CAT,HORSE,GOAT) Three consecutive address constants U DC Y(HORSE) A halfword address TRANTAB1 DC 256AL1(0) A skeleton for a TRT table TRANTAB2 DC 256AL1(*-TRANTAB2) A skeleton for a TR table x’000102030405060708090A...’ Tips 1. Read the technical definitions of Relocatable, Complex Relocatable, and Absolute expressions

Tom M Apostol  human bio-interceptor of Nature's ancient Oscillation / vibration/ quiver language of President John Quiver Adams 
... the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and its human social. economic expression systems 

Mathematics ..... bl00d bio-math software language named hemat--> hematology

Tom M Apostol - Mathematical analysis CODE book ... the aTOMic TOM ......

post office LINK 

to earth geo-math POST island office at

When I found out that the Apostle Islands were a thing, I thought what many other Wisconsinites do when learning about it: “Wait, that’s in Wisconsin?” Don’t get me wrong. Wisconsin is full of beautiful sights, many of which have taken my breath away. But the Apostle Islands are truly a special case.

Just at the northern tip of Wisconsin, on the shores of Lake Superior, is one of the most beautiful scenes in America. There are 21 islands up here, comprising just under 69,000 acres. Beautiful colored rocks jutting out from the water, gorgeous landscape, and lighthouses, will make this a sight you will never forget.

When I found out that the Apostol calculus book was a knowledge Island at Florida State University 

taught by 

Dr. Robert L. Plunkett

During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University of Alabama. 

He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967 .....

and .... 

He also worked as a consultant for Nature's math curves ... thus the name / location selection 

of Phuket as a night club site ...... 
 female math curve information displays 

named after Robert L Plunkett  ...his code

Robes and lingerie .... and cotton panties 

Pl --> Pussy language 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL 

Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL  lab region

to Florida State University
and University of Alabama  ...


The University of Alabama  .......the human mouth with lips 

LABAMA  nose, mouth, lips lAB  is often referred to as the lips existing 
within COMPUTER EARTH  IP address space ......


molecular bio-computer existence of 
internal Lungs (Lu= Logical unit + nitrogen gas) 
and the externalization of lungs gases
using pressure ...... 
to send air molecules messages OUT 

  the talking blabbers/bragging 
or the primordial singing mouth .......
words, nouns, verbs

THUS  chin mental region THEORY 
 ....harmonic sound pressure waves of words, nouns, verbs ....... can create harm, murder, violoence

 VIA  the verbal sounds  ......
molecular address

LUNG -->
Internal Particles (IP) address space

goes to

external ...... IP address space of human

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Book1645-016 Tom M Apostol - Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vibraion/oscillations continumm of Pier ODDONE and the math series battles

  Book1645-016  Tom  M Ap ostol - Mathematical EVENTS & MESSAGES .. translated   by Herb Zinser Mathematical EVENTS of the ODD quiver/vi...